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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* The Tyranid Hive Fleets of ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' have been encroaching on the 40k galaxy for centuries. If they take a world, they kill and devour every living thing (taking useful traits from the creatures to improve their hordes of bio-engineered monsters), eat the soil, drink the oceans and suck up the atmosphere. They also use [[The Virus]] in the form of the [[Alien|Xenomorph]]-esque Genestealers to destabilize potential opposition. It is implied that they have already stripped at least one galaxy of all available biomass, and their current campaign of destruction is merely the next course, and then confirmed (5th edition rulebook, page 166) that they have consumed ''a dozen galaxies'' prior to coming to the one we know and love. LargelyPartially inspired by the Xenomorphs from Alien.
** And it's implied that the Tyranids are running from something--but what could scare a Horde of Alien Locusts? If it is something that can scare the Tyranids, a race literally built around the concept of [[Determinator]]|with anddetermination [[Implacableof Man|Thean Implacableant Mancolony]], with some of the bigger beasts reaching all the way up to [[The Juggernaut|Juggernaut]] status, I shudder to think of what kind of potentially [[Eldritch Abomination|unholy creatures]] they are, and if/when they will arrive.
*** Universe's biggest flyswatter?
*** It might have something to do with the [[Our Zombies Are Different|Necrons]], as it's implied that Tyranids make a point of staying far away from Necron tomb-worlds. It would make sense when you consider that Tyranids and Necrons are polar opposites. Think about it: the Tyranids exist to continually grow and expand until they're the only living things left, while the Necrons exist only to exterminate every single living thing for their [[Eldritch Abomination|C'tan]] masters.
** Forget implied. The 5th edition rulebook (page 166) directly says that they have consumed ''a dozen galaxies'' prior to coming to the one we know and love.
** It might have something to do with the [[Our Zombies Are Different|Necrons]], as it's implied that Tyranids make a point of staying far away from Necron tomb-worlds. It would make sense when you consider that Tyranids and Necrons are polar opposites. Think about it: the Tyranids exist to continually grow and expand until they're the only living things left, while the Necrons exist only to exterminate every single living thing for their [[Eldritch Abomination|C'tan]] masters.
** ''[[Rogue Trader]]'' also has the Rak'Gol, eight-limbed alien monsters who can take on Space Marines in melee, and come in huge hordes. They are among the most dangerous creatures found in the game.
* The Planet Eaters from ''[[Monsterpocalypse]]'', as their name implies. The Savage Swarm aren't aliens, but they are [[Big Creepy-Crawlies]] with insatiable appeties.
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* 2nd Edition [[Dungeons and Dragons]] contains a good number of these such as:
** The Horde, which are an elemental (and Lawful Evil, ironically) race of insects which vary in size and shape from horde to horde, with all members of a particular horde being identical (i.e., sometimes they will appear as 20 ft. tall golden mantids other times they may appear as foot-long black beetles). They attack and consume anything that is not from their particular horde, even ''other'' hordes.
** The''[[Spelljammer]]'' introduced the Witchlight Marauders. A- a multi-staged sequential bioweapon made by the Orcs during the Unhuman Wars with the intention offor [[Kill'Em All|completely devastaingdevastating entire Elven worlds]] via consumption and ultraviolence. After they kill every living thing on the planet they then turn on themselves. <ref>For those interested, the cycles unfolds as such: The space marauders (are 1000' crocodilian heads with [[Space_Sailing|sails]] and tentacles), wouldzapping everything that didn't run away with [[Solar-Powered_Magnifying_Glass|focused reflected light]] and explosive projectiles. They launch primary marauders (200' ravenous slugs) at enemy worlds. The primaries would proceed to devour ''everything'' in their path, up to mineral deposits, belch poisonous gas and periodically eject 2-20 secondary marauders (- 20' tall vaguely humanoid monsters with metal teeth and claws(poisoned) whichclaws were- capable of climbing sheer walls and [[Berserk Button|obsessed with killing anything elventhat smells like an elf]]. The secondaries, once full of hot fey meat, would then (you guessed it) birth 1-4 tertiary marauders (5- 4' tall humanoid berserkers with swords for hands), justvery fast and as hungry as their progenitors. Once the primaries got their fill of sylvan carnage they'd burrow deep into the ground and split into two new primaries to start the grisly cycle all over again.</ref>
*** The [[AIClockwork IsHorrors, a Crapshoot|Clockwork[[Mechanical HorrorsLifeform]] whichgone are[[AI likeIs the Witchlighta Marauders except that they'reCrapshoot|wrong]] tiny- metal spiders with death rays and buzz saws.
** There was some fungus from Abyss that gradually eats everything. An attempt to get rid a world of the infestation destroying it by banishing all fungus to the plane of Vacuum only made it mutate further into Egarus - which is said to devour the existence as such: anything and anyone that was left close to it for too long simply vanishes.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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