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{{quote|''There are forces in [[The Multiverse]] far beyond anything you've ever dealt with. [[Eldritch Abomination|Ancient, mindless evils that fill in the cracks and eat dimensions just for a snack]]. Monstrous [[God of Evil|deities]] and [[The Empire|empires]] spanning [[Dimension Lord|Universe after Universe]] have risen and fallen in the span of forever! But there is still one individual, one being that they are all horrified of! When I saw him coming near my universe, I fled. [[Evil Laugh|Muhahahhahahha]]. Weep for your Universe, [[Atop the Fourth Wall|Linkara]]! Weep for all Universes! For [[Big Bad|Lord Vyce]] is coming! [[Evil Laugh|Hihihi]]. [[Arc Words|And all that he sees, he conquers!]] [[Laughing Mad|HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!]]''|'''Doctor Linksano''', ''[[Atop the Fourth Wall]]'', Tandy Computer Whiz Kids: Fit To Win Review}}
|'''Doctor Linksano''', ''[[Atop the Fourth Wall]]'', Tandy Computer Whiz Kids: Fit To Win Review}}
Sometimes an [[Evil Overlord]], [[Galactic Conqueror]], [[Dimension Lord]], [[Demon Lords and Archdevils|demon lord, archdevil]], [[Physical God|Physical]] [[God of Evil]] or [[Eldritch Abomination]] decides there's only one evil goal big enough to suits him - bring [[The Multiverse]] to its knees. Not only our Earth, but every dimension, every alternate reality, every single planet and life form in the whole multiverse. He may want to conquer it. Or he might want to destroy it. In both cases [[Authority Equals Asskicking|he's the]] [[Sliding Scale of Villain Threat|ultimate threat]], more powerful than anyone else our heroes has ever met. He can destroy planets, blow up entire cities with one finger, erase whole dimensions. To [[The Worf Effect|show how strong he is]] he can even kill the [[Guardian of the Multiverse]], very first person that will oppose him. And when he says [[A God Am I]], he's being modest. Fighting with him is usually our hero's greatest task ever. To defeat him there's usually a gathering of the greatest army of heroes that multiverse has ever seen. If he comes back after being defeated he will most likely be a [[Villain Decay|shadow of his old self]].
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** In ''[[Digimon Adventure]]'', Vamdemon decided that conquering the Digital World wasn't enough, he also wanted to conquer the Real World.
** ''[[Digimon Tamers]]'': The D-Reaper attempted to delete Earth in accordance with its purpose once it was accidentally brought over into it.
** The real king of this trope is Millenniumon who, as revealed [[Digimon Adventure: Anode Cathode Tamer|in]] [[Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers|the]] [[Digimon Adventure 02: D-1 Tamers|WonderSwan]] [[Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer|games]], eventually aspired to conquer all alternate-reality Digital Worlds (that is to say, effectively the alternate worlds of every ''Digimon'' canon ever). He comes dangerously close to succeeding, being particularly successful in being [[The Man Behind the Man]] as far as almost every bad thing in the ''[[Digimon Adventure]]'' canon is concerned.
** ''[[Digimon Xros Wars]]'': Baguramon is probably the closest in the franchise to rival Millenimumon in this aspect, and is probably second in power to Milleniumon as well.
* Yubel in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! GX]]''.
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== ComicbooksComic Books ==
* The Anti-Monitor from [[DC Comics]] ''[[Crisis on Infinite Earths]]''. [[Superman]]'s [[Evil Counterpart]] Superboy Prime from its sequel, ''[[Infinite Crisis]]''. And Mandrakk the Dark Monitor from ''[[Final Crisis]]''. Yes, DC loves this trope.
** Infamous ''[[Countdown to Final Crisis]]'' gave us Monarch, who gathered an army of supervillains from the whole multiverse to fight its protectors, the Monitors. At the same time one of the Monitors, Solomon, plotted with Darkseid to conquer the multiverse. It's hard to say which one was worse.
** Monarch was actually introduced much earlier in the (not very well-received) [[Crisis Crossover]] ''Armageddon 2001'', but he had nothing to do with the Multiverse (or the current Monarch, either).
** [[Darkseid]], while normally a [[Galactic Conqueror]], ascends to a [[Multiversal Conqueror]] in ''[[Final Crisis]]''.
* In a [[Fantastic Four]] storyline, the Marquis of Death traveled through Alternate Earths, destroying them, killing everything, or any sort of villainy he felt like. All [[For the Evulz|for fun]].
* Another Marvel villain, Abraxas, wants to conquer the whole multiverse, but is kept in check by Galactus - as long as Galactus lives, Abraxas can't even exist. Also yet another Marvel villain, the Beyonder. Marvel loves this trope too.
* ''[[Exiles]]'' enemy Hyperion was a member of another team sent to repair alternate realities who killed everything in his world and become both a [[Dimension Lord]] and completely alone. However, instead of helping alternate realities he tried to conquer them.
* The ''[[Marvel Zombies]]'', after their [[Zombie Apocalypse]] conquered their own universe, started looking for a way to spread it across the whole multiverse, and tried to attack both the [[Marvel Universe]] and the [[Ultimate Universe]]. It's hard to say if they are Multiversal Conquerors, or if it's [[The Virus]] that controls them.
** {{spoiler|The "Marvel Zombies Return" mini subverted that: the zombies are struck between two Earths - when they conquer one, they end up being sent to the second's past in an endless circle.}}
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* And another Marvel villain, or rather bunch of those - [[Eldritch Abomination|Many-Angeled Ones]] of Cancerverse, beings that killed Death and conquered their Universe, and wanted to do the same to other Universes, starting with main [[Marvel Universe]]. [[Doctor Strange|Shuma Gorath]] is probably the most well known, and is the ruler of over a hundred universes.
* Another one - [[Doctor Strange]]'s [[Arch Enemy]] Dormammu, [[Eldritch Abomination]] and [[God-Emperor]] of the [[Eldritch Location|Dark Dimension.]]
== Literature ==
* Possibly [[H.P. Lovecraft]]'s Mi-Go. In ''The Whisperer in Darkness'' it's mentioned that the ones present on Yuggoth are but a small outpost of an impossibly ancient and powerful civilization that originates from outside our universe. It's implied that they conquered their own universe and possibly others, and are now invading ours.
** They don't seem ''that'' ambitious, at least on Earth, possibly because it's the reserved playground of Cthulhu et al. They're universally widespread, but don't seem interested in outright conquest unless it brings them extremely good payoff.
* The "Black Hats" from [[Robert A. Heinlein]]'s ''[[The Number of the Beast]]''. They don't openly rule, but they have agents on many worlds who assassinate anyone else trying to develop interdimensional travel.
** Also a bit of a subversion. [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall|They exist because otherwise]] [[Anthropic Principle|interdimensional travel would be less dramatic.]]
* Arguably the ''[[HitchThe HikersHitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy]]'''s [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|Mark II]].
* Appears in ''[[Skulduggery Pleasant]]'' as an unintended consequence {{spoiler|of banishing the Faceless Ones. Although thousands of years ago they were thrown out of the main universe, it taught them the secret of dimensional travel, and for the past few millienia they have been jumping from universe to universe, devouring them entirely as they go...}}
* In the Tramorea saga, this is what the Dark God {{spoiler|actually a Sufficiently Advanced human}} Tubilok aims to do.
* In the ''[[Magic Kingdom of Landover]]'' book, ''Witches' Brew,'' Rydall of Marnhull claims to be one of these, planning to make Landover his next conquest. {{spoiler|Turns out he's actually a local nobleman, working with the titular witch to overthrow Ben}}.
== Live-Action TV ==
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== Tabletop Games ==
* [[God-Emperor|Josh]] from ''[[Chaos]]'' is an extremely rare ''heroic'' [[Multiversal Conqueror]], and kind of an odd example of this trope, despite being perhaps the most extreme one ever created, bar none. See, [[It's a Long Story|it's kind of a long story]]. Josh used to be [[Adonai|God]] (of the “[[God Is Good]]” variety), until He got into a bit of a [[Gotterdammerung]] with seven [[God of Evil|gods of evil]] and achieved a [[Pyrrhic Victory]] that resulted in ''all'' of them having to [[God in Human Form|trap themselves as mere humans just to keep their divine essences from being annihilated forever]]. This war in heaven also [[Crisis Crossover|destroyed the original multiverse]], leading to a new ''omni''verse having to be created—one that's under ''no one's'' control, not the forces of good or evil. So now Josh has to lead a [[Warhammer 4000040,000|Great Crusade]] to retake all multiverses before [[Satan|Marcy]] can [[Ret-Gone|destroy them all]]. Because the ''[[T Co F|Chaos]]'' omniverse [[Massively Multiplayer Crossover|canonically contains every other possible reality, fictional and otherwise]], Josh will eventually defeat every other [[Multiversal Conqueror]] listed on this page and countless more and absorb their empires into His [[The Alliance|Union]] (at least from the point of view of ''[[T Co F|Chaos]]'' canon).
** No, the Omni-bunny is an multiversal-omniversal which can not be beaten no matter what. You can't affect other fiction.
* The ''[[Champions]]'' verse had Tyrannon, an immensely powerful dimensional lord who seeks to conquer all dimensions. His being manifests in 888 bodies at once, of varying levels of power; his primary or "true" form, which resembles a gigantic tree and cannot move, lives at the heart of Thulkos, his native dimension. When he conquers one dimension completely, he merges it with his home dimension and forces its inhabitants to worship him and commit sacrifice. Doing so increases his power and his hunger.
* In ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'', there's Elesh Norn, the Grand Cenobite. She has seen that Mirrodin will merely be the first plane to fall to the new Phyrexia.
** She inherited this from Yawgmoth, who built the ''old'' Phyrexia and set off to conquer every plane he didn't destroy. [[Dystopia Justifies the Means|For]] [[Body Horror|their]] [[Assimilation Plot|own]] [[Complete Monster|good]], of course.
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* Several of the ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' villains.
** This is actually what Xemnas becomes when he absorbs the titular [[MacGuffin]] in [[Kingdom Hearts]] II, given the multiversal nature of the Disney worlds in the series mythos.
* ''[[Dissidia Final Fantasy]]'': Most [[Final Fantasy]] [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s have nothing to do with this. [[Final Fantasy II|Emperor Paramekia/Palamecia]] wants to rule the world. [[Final Fantasy III|Cloud of Darkness]] and [[Final Fantasy V|Exdeath]] want to make everything fall into [[Cessation of Existence|the Void]]. [[Final Fantasy VI|Kefka]] wants to destroy everything [[For the Evulz]]. [[Final Fantasy VIII|Ultimecia]] wants to conquer the structure of time and create a world where past, present and future are one. But thanks to [[Final Fantasy I|Chaos]] who gathered them all, revealing that there's more than one Universe, they started to think at a completely new level. [[Oh Crap]] indeed.
* Count Bleck from ''[[Super Paper Mario]]''. He's only going to conquer part of it, and then use the power gained from that portion to destroy the entire multiverse so he can {{spoiler|not}} make a new one. {{spoiler|Dimentio also counts.}}
* Tyrant Overlord Baal from the ''[[Nippon Ichi]]''-verse. Most high-level [[Dimension Lord|Overlords]] can and will conquer any netherworlds they'll get their hands on, but Baal is the most well-known, showing up as a [[Bonus Boss]] is almost all of the [[Nippon Ichi]] games.
** Overlord Zenon from ''[[Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories]]'' used to act this way in his youth, but seems to have settled down by the beginning of the game and is content with ruling only Veldime -- {{spoiler|or so everyone thinks up until it's revealed he's a fake and the real Overlord Zenon tries to go right back to destroying everything once released.}}
* The Combine of ''[[Half Life]] 2'' and its episodes fit the bill as parallel-universe conquerors, having already taken over an unknown number of realities and adopting their lifeforms for use as highly-specialized weapons or slave labor, and stripping the realities of their resources until it's nothing more than a lethal rock. They're also capable of quick travel between these universes, but it's rather limited. The Xen and Race-X aliens (and arguably even humanity) of the original Half-Life games may be parallel-universe warmongers on a smaller scale.
* [[Original Generation|99]], the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Namco X Capcom]]''. When player finally faces it, 99 is still missing half of [[Soul Edge|its essence]] and instead use [[The Dragon|Saya]] for replacement. Yet it still has enough power to merge four dimensions together and resurrect groups of [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s to [[Boss Rush|aid it]] upon its awakening. And this is just the beginning of its process to rule new - single - world.
* YHVH is implied to be this in [[Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne|Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne]]. Untold billions of Earths rise and fall at his command only to rise again, all to create a perfect society that will never question his rule.
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== Web Originals ==
* In ''[[The Spoony Experiment]]'' and ''[[Atop the Fourth Wall]]'', Alternate Doctor Insano was once trying to destroy entire Multiverse with [https://web.archive.org/web/20100414002104/http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/bt/spoonyone/reviews/7238-warrior1 Warrior #1] comics.
** It was recently revealed that {{spoiler|[[Atop the Fourth Wall|Mechakara]] was attempting this as well}}.
** Ano now, as seen at page quote, Lord Vyce. {{spoiler|Of course, it's revealed by none other than Vyce himself that he only does this to protect the multiverse from something [[Eldritch Abomination|worse.]] And he takes out ''[[Silent Hill|Pyramid Head]]'' with a single stab from his weapon, in between beating Linkara [[Curb Stomp Battle|senseless]] with his bare hands.}}
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== Western Animation ==
* ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003]]'': While the Shredder isn't nearly as powerful as the average [[Multiversal Conqueror]], he still decides to give it a go after discovering the multiverse in ''[[Turtles Forever]]''. Unfortunately for the multiverse, all he needs to do in order to destroy it is to {{spoiler|kill the turtles in "[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mirage|Turtle Prime]]", the universe of the first issue of the original TMNT comic book.}}
* Towards the end of ''[[Spider-Man: The Animated Series]]'', a different universe Carnage-Spiderman goes psycho (more than usually Carnage goes) and tries to destroy all the Universes. It's up to a group of alternate-Peter-Parkers to stop him.
* In ''[[Transformers]]'', Unicron is a [[Planet Eater]] who wants to eat ''everything''. One planet at a time, one timeline at a time, one universal stream of branching timelines at a time, in sequence. When he says he wants to be completely alone, ''he damn well isn't beating around the bush''. Even if he's destroyed in any one universe, he just gets shunted to another to start over again thanks to mucking about with different flows of time across the multiverse. Oh, sure, there are a ''few'' permanent methods of dealing with him, like trapping him in a physical form to slow him down, [[Transformers Cybertron|but if they go horribly wrong, well...]]
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