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Survivor (TV series)/Characters/South Pacific: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ice Queen]]: Though she [[Defrosting Ice Queen|gets better]] in the finale.
* [[Law of Chromatic Superiority]]: Subverted, she was on the blue Upolu tribe instead of red Savaii.
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: [[Aint No Rule]] stating you can't look over at another player's puzzle board during a challenge. She also attempts to pull this off in the final five Immunity Challenge by [[Crowning Moment of Funny|demanding Albert drop his attempt at winning the challenge and help her win because she was doing better, or she would beat the crap out of him.]] Probst shuts her down.
* [[Meganekko]]
* [[Not So Stoic]]: Breaks down ''hard'' at the Final Five Tribal Council.
* [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome]]: Apparently her ''entire'' game.
* [[Out of Focus]]: See [[The Quiet One]]
* [[The Quiet One]]: Fans have suspected that she's [[Genre Savvy]] enough to know not to put a target on her back in the early game. She's spent most of the season as the narrator of the goings-on at camp.
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* [[The Chessmaster]]: Who would've thought Coach of all people would be this?
* [[Digging Yourself Deeper]]: After Ozzy proceeded to give a very small [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]...
* [[Do Not Call Me "Paul"|Do Not Call Me Benjamin]]
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Converses briefly with Sophie in the first episode in Russian.
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: See [[Honor Before Reason]]
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Voted out two ideal goats in Cochran and Edna, solely because they weren't part of his original [[Five-Man Band]]. He proceeded to vote out Brandon - another great goat - simply because he saw his core Final Three as himself, Albert, and Sophie. This ended up backfiring on him ''hard'' when Sophie beat him, and the jurors confirmed at the Reunion that if he'd brought Rick, Edna, or Cochran instead of Sophie, he'd have won. On the other hand, if Sophie hadn't been there to defeat Ozzy in the final immunity challenge, Ozzy would ''unquestionably'' have won the game.
* [[Hypocrite]]: Even in this much tamer incarnation, it wouldn't be Coach if he didn't show these tendencies on a couple occasions. Most notably, after going completely over-the-top with the prayer/religious angle, he complained in the season finale about people who are "[[Holier Than Thou]]."
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Coach can be considered this, due to how he managed to convince Cochran to flip. Then again though, given how they treated him... picked a ''very'' good target.
* [[My Greatest Second Chance|My Greatest Third Chance]]: Subverted, although this is certainly where his game is the strongest.
* [[Name's the Same]]: With the Senator from Ohio and a major league baseball player.
* [[No Damage Run]]: Except for being runner-up to Sophie.
* [[Oh Crap]]: You could almost pinpoint the moment Coach realized he probably is going to finish second when Ozzy says that ''nobody'' wants to vote for ''either'' of them.
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: Coach. He outright gets mad when Stacey and Christine start calling him "Benjamin" just to spite him.
* [[Red Baron]]: The Dragon Slayer, though he passes that off to Sophie after she beat Ozzy. In the [[Recap Episode]], he considered changing his moniker to "Zeus."
* [[Religious Bruiser]]
* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]
* [[Ungrateful Bastard]]: To Cochran and Edna. Edna stands out, however, for being the only one that would talk to him on the first day.
* [[Zen Survivor]]
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* [[Black Best Friend]]: Subverted the longer the season went on and his relationships with everyone else (but especially Sophie) got more strained.
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: He tried to get Sophie out at least once, fearing that she would have a good jury performance. As it turned out, he had reason to be afraid.
* [[Digging Yourself Deeper]]: Had already shot himself in the foot several times ''before'' the Final Tribal Council.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Is smart enough to realize that it's important to ''get'' to the merge in a majority before worrying about loyalty. However, this falls on deaf ears with Coach.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]
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* [[Jerk Jock]]: Subverted.
* [[The Lancer]]
* [[Lazy Bum]]: Was nicknamed "Prince Albert".
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: [[Aint No Rule]] stating you can't shout puzzle help out to someone during a challenge.
* [[Number Two]]: To Coach, though he sees himself as Coach's [[Beleaguered Assistant]].
* [[Out of Focus]]: Until Episode 5, where he finds the hidden immunity idol with Coach and Sophie.
* [[Poor Communication Kills]]: Receives no votes after he tries pandering to the jury, even after Jim calls him out on it. Utterly mangling a couple of his answers to the jurors' questions (especially Brandon's) certainly doesn't help him either.
* [[Running Gag]]: A running theme was him creating some kind of plan to take control of the game, only for it to fail ''every time'' (usually because Sophie [[Genre Savvy|thought the idea was stupid]] and [[Spanner in the Works|refused to go along with it]]). Hilariously, the one time one of his plans ''did'' pay off it was almost by accident. He was aiming to convince Brandon to vote with him at Tribal Council, and not only did Brandon do that but he also gave Albert his necklace of ''his own volition.''
* [[The Starscream]]: Tried to be this all season long, but ultimately failed.
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'''Oscar Lusth'''
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: And unlike Matt and Andrea, he actually managed to last past his first Tribal Council. He would later return in the finale, only to be voted out at the final four
* [[Batman Gambit]]: As described below under [[My Death Is Just the Beginning]]: pulled off a very risky plan to get himself voted off, eliminate Christine at Redemption Island, and rejoin the game at the merge. In doing so, he successfully calculated that (a) he could beat Christine at whatever duel was presented, and (b) the merge was going to be immediately after the next duel (as his tribe would have been thoroughly screwed if he'd ended up stuck at Redemption Island).
* [[Badass]]
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* [[Genius Bruiser]]: See [[My Death Is Just the Beginning]].
* [[Go Out with a Smile]]
* [[The Hero]]: To Savaii, before Elyse's blindside.
* [[Ineffectual Loner]]: Following Elyse's blindside.
* [[Jerk Jock]]: Towards Cochran, at least for the first few episodes. This was largely based on strategy, however; once he no longer saw Cochran as a target for elimination, Ozzy seems to have been quite pleasant to him.
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* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Stands up for Cochran after he flips and Jim calls him a coward.
* [[Former Teen Rebel]]
* [[Genre Blind]]: Is unpredictable in the Upolu dynamics, very bad at reading people, and makes moves and statements and has an attitude and stability that in any other season of Survivor would have had him gone within the first few episodes... even [[Too Dumb to Live|giving up immunity]].
* [[Hero with an F In Good]]:
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: To the point where he makes [[Survivor (TV series)/Characters/The Australian Outback|Colby]] and [[Survivor (TV series)/Characters/Palau|Ian]] look sensible by comparison. It probably didn't help that he was living with someone like Coach all season long.
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* [[Asian and Nerdy]]: Anaesthesiologist, and also a friend of Mick from ''Samoa''.
* [[Distaff Counterpart]]: To Cochran.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: When Brandon tells her that she's the sixth person in a five-person alliance, she ''tries'' to get in good graces with the majority rather than get mad and further alienate herself. It worked, and she managed to survive over the stronger, but less trustworthy Mikayla.
* [[Informed Ability]]: When it's either her or Mikayla to be booted, Sophie and Albert mention her sneakiness and distrust of the tribe as reason to get rid of her. The camera never shows any of that.
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* [[Butt Monkey]]: Which eventually leads to him biting back.
* [[The Dog Bites Back]]: He flips on Savaii at the merge because he felt he was treated poorly and helps Upolu get rid of Keith.
* [[Fish Out of Water]]: His impressive theoretical knowledge of the game didn't help him much once he was actually out there. He was largely useless in challenges, precious little help around camp, and had very limited social skills beyond a certain self-effacing charm.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: As pointed out in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGHywnFJ22E this video], the editing had quite a bit of buildup to him flipping at the merge.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: He claimed to be, in one of his first confessionals, one of the most game-savvy contestants to ever play. Sure, he was savvy, but it didn't help when he wasn't very good with people.
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* [[One of Us]]
* [[The Quisling]]
* [[Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves]]: Flips to Upolu at Merge. When it's reduced to him and the six Upolu's...three guesses who gets sent out. First two don't count.
* [[Sadly Mythtaken]]: When Coach calls himself Zeus, Cochran says, "Didn't Zeus eat his children?" It was actually Kronos he did that. [[Lampshade Hanging|He lampshaded this after the show; when he tweeted that he got them confused when they aired that episode.]]
* [[Sixth Ranger]]: To Upolu after he flips at the merge. Yes, that's three people listed as Sixth Rangers to Upolu.
* [[Spear Counterpart]]: To Edna.
* [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad]]
* [[TMI]]
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* [[Action Mom]]: Easily the strongest woman on Savaii.
* [[Cool Old Lady]]: You wouldn't expect a middle-age old lady to be a valuable member of any tribe, but Dawn almost single-handedly won the fourth immunity challenge for Savaii, did better than ''Ozzy'' on the third, and won the first individual immunity challenge.
* [[Character Development]]: Similar to Cochran, she proves herself to the tribe and is one of their best competitors in the challenges. This is why Upolu voted ''her'' out.
* [[Determinator]]: She even trained ''for ten months'' to be ready for the show.
* [[Expy]]: She seems suspiciously like Holly from ''Nicaragua''. Old(er) female castaway who wants to quit early on... but gets over it, as well as being one of the stronger members of her tribe. [[Fridge Brilliance]] sets in when you realize that she was originally cast for ''Nicaragua'', but was replaced by Holly at the last minute.
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* [[Handicapped Badass]]: First contestant with a pacemaker, and also happens to be one of Savaii's strongest members. Surprisingly for the show, the fact that he has a pacemaker is barely mentioned at all.
* [[Jerk Jock]]: Again, to Cochran
* [[Karmic Death]]: It is Cochran's vote that sends him out.
* [[The Lancer]]: To Ozzy
* [[Romance on the Set]]: With Whitney.
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'''Christine Shields Markoski'''
* [[Badass Teacher]]: The first woman to win an individual Redemption Island duel, and to win two or more. The second woman to win a Redemption Island duel overall.
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]: At least to Coach, seeing as how she's the only one to make it openly clear to him that he's a "temporary player".
* [[The Complainer Is Always Wrong]]
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* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Is one of the nicest people to play the game; and despite being the second person eliminated, was actually nice about it.
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: Papa Bear
* [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar]]: Is gay, but other than a few hints in his speech patterns you wouldn't tell.
'''Semhar Tadesse'''
* [[Black Dude Dies First|Black Girl Gets Eliminated First]].
* [[Religious Bruiser]]
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