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{{quote| ''They were warned...not to mistake grace for weakness.''}}
'''Aion''' is a Korean [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]] from NCSoft, the publisher of ''[[Lineage 2|Lineage II]]'', ''[[City of Heroes]]'', and ''[[Guild Wars]]'', published in English in late 2009.
The game is based on the conflict between two factions of humans which live on opposite halves of a shattered world; the [[Light Is Not Good|noble but arrogant]] Elyos and the [[Dark Is Not Evil|brave but bitter Asmodians]]. As well as an ongoing war with each other, the two factions must contend with evil [[Our Dragons Are Different|Balaur]], a race created to protect and watch over the world, but now...[[Gone Horribly Wrong|not so much]]. This makes up the games unique PvPvE system, as the designers call it. Other than this, it's also notable for the fact that all characters possess the ability to fly, amongst other things.
Not to be confused with [[Aion (manga)|the manga of the same name published in the same year]], or the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Chrono Crusade]]''.
This game provides examples of:
* [[After the End]]: Although so far afterward that almost no one remembers it.
* [[A God Am I]]: {{spoiler|You, in the main storyline. Or so it seems.}} Daevas are considered demigods in the game's mythology, with Empyrean Lords considered to be full gods (with a small G). The overgod, Aion, is absent and the two major pantheons (the Elyos and Asmodians) are at war.
* [[Alien Sky]]: Besides the fact the Tower of Eternity is visible from anywhere in the world, the sky has a shattered moon, three total moons, and the other half of the world floating ominously overhead.
** Except you can never see the other half of the world, even in the Abyss.
* [[Always Chaotic Evil]]: The Balaur.
* [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]]: You ''start'' your character's life by doing this. (Well, to get out of the newbie area.) The game also features several other types of ascended beings, such as ascended lizardmen (Balaur) and even ascended trees (Elim).
* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]]: The stronger Balaur, based on the gigantic discarded weapons littering the abyss. Also the Guardian Deities who guard fortresses. The 1,000 highest ranked [[PV Pers]] on any given server can even transform themselves into a Guardian Deity.
* [[Bag of Holding]]: Cubes(Inventories), this is an MMORPG after all. However, cubes are directly stated as being [[Hammerspace]] related.
* [[Baleful Polymorph]]: A common punishment among both Elyos and Asmodians, especially for insubordination.
* [[Battle Butler]] and [[Ninja Maid]]: In Kromede's Trial.
* [[Beast Man]]: The Mau, a race of humanoid cat people.
* [[The Beast Master]]: Spiritmasters, who summon elemental spirits to do their bidding.
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* [[Breast Plate]]: Hell yes, but at least more modest than most, considering some of the female armor model have [[Zettai Ryouiki|skirts and metal/leather stockings]] instead of pants. While [[Magic Skirt]] is present to some extent, it doesn't prevent you from *those*, since you can adjust the camera angle in such a way in the first place, EVEN TO YOUR OWN CHARACTER! By the way, the chain armor series is probably the most modest looking of the lot, so don't roll a priest if you want those kind of armor.
* [[Bribing Your Way to Victory]]: To a limited extent. Most of the purchasable items are cosmetic, but a few grant tangible bonuses.
* [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]]: Siel and Israphel drained their bodies of aether and used it to [[Heroic Sacrifice|keep the Cataclysm from completely destroying the world.]]
** A few spells in game consume health instead of mana as well, such as the Cleric's Thorny Skin and the Sorcerer's Soul Absorption.
* [[Chainsaw Good]]: The purchasable "Cataclysm's Jaws Weapon Skin" cosmetic item reskins a sword to look like a chainsaw.
* [[Character Customization]]: The character creator allows for incredible diversity. You can make your character look like an Elf, a Dwarf, or even an Orc just by messing with the sliders, to the point where not having any separate and distinct playable races doesn't matter one bit. People have even made their characters into clones of [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-2BzE4fqsU Obama], [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9STbPLjzkI Micheal Jackson], [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CCHLyqcY18 Cloud Strife], [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj8gpcxnICw Rambo], and [https://web.archive.org/web/20100218183000/http://www.aionsource.com/forum/images-art-video-sound/34704-rl-character-creation.html Many Others] including [[Harry Potter (film)|Dobby the house-elf]] and [[Warcraft|Arthas]]. Some ''other'' people, however, use the character creator's powers [https://web.archive.org/web/20100217022703/http://www.aionsource.com/forum/images-art-video-sound/29476-1-2-allows-even-more-ugly.html for evil]...
* [[Cool Airship]] / [[Cool Starship]]: It's hard to classify exactly what they are, but the Dredgion Battleships the Balaur use in the Abyss are undoubtedly cool. Scary as hell, too, as they can blast Daevas right out of the sky and carry thousands of troops to be deployed throughout the Abyss as the Balaur see fit. They also serve as instanced dungeons, with the ultimate goal to kill the captain.
* [[Council of Angels]]: The Empyrean Lords, even though they started out as ordinary humans, and have never lived in any kind of heaven or any other higher plane of existence.
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* [[Earthshattering Kaboom]]: What happened when Aion broke.
* [[Easy Amnesia]]: The driving point of the Elyos side of the plot {{spoiler|and possibly part of the Asmodian one, too...}}
* [[Elites Are More Glamorous]]: Daevas are higher in the pecking order than humans, but between Daevas and the Empyrean Lords are those Daevas who serve in the elite miltary units: Guardians (among the Elyos) and Archons (among the Asmodians).
* [[Elemental Embodiment]]: Spiritmasters summon them.
* [[Elites Are More Glamorous]]: Daevas are higher in the pecking order than humans, but between Daevas and the Empyrean Lords are those Daevas who serve in the elite miltary units: Guardians (among the Elyos) and Archons (among the Asmodians).
* [[The Empire]]: Both sides.
* [[The End of the World as We Know It]]: If one side doesn't destroy the other side's stump of Aion, the world will [[The Magic Goes Away|run out of Aether]] and the atmosphere will disperse.
* [[Escort Mission]]: Surprisingly few for an MMORPG.
* [[Evil Tower of Ominousness]]: Oh, come on. It's in the title!
* [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]: The Balaur.
* [[The Faceless]]: The Empyrean Lords are depicted as glowing humanoid figures, or when the light isn't drawn as brightly, they're shown from an angle in which their faces are obscured.
* [[Fantastic Slurs]]: A handful have evolved out of the player community. Do you play as an Elyos? Congratulations, You're a sun-sucker. Do you play Asmodian? You're a furback.
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* [[Fighter, Mage, Thief]]: And Priest.
* [[Flash Step]]: Blind Leap, Dash Attack
* [[PowerFreudian Trio]]: The Seraphim Lords, Shedim Lords, and even the Dragon Lords all have two sets of Power Trios.
* [[Giant Flyer]]: Unexplained giant flying whales/fish/dragon/whatthefuckevers seem to serve more as scenery than anything else in the game. There's at least 4 flying around the Verteron zone alone.
** Seraphim Lords:
*** Ariel: Thoughtful and amiable. Is dissappointed that Azphel's recklessness ruined the peace talks with the Balaur. Leader of the Seraphim Lords. (Ego)
*** Nezekan: Contemplative, but decisive. Nezekan is reserved and tolerant, but adamant once he reaches a conclusion. (Superego)
*** Vaizel: [[Brilliant but Lazy|Playful, selfish, and cunning]]. Often goes off on his own in disguise to hang out with ordinary humans, and sometimes neglects his duties. (Id)
* [[Giant Flyer]]: Unexplained giant flying whales/fish/dragon/whatthefuckevers seem to serve more as scenery than anything else in the game. There's at least 4 flying around the Verteron zone alone.
** If you ever see a chat message about a "betafish" its usually in relation to these things.
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: The Asmodians aren't evil per-se, but their eyes glow red when they're killing.
* [[A God Am I]]: {{spoiler|You, in the main storyline. Or so it seems.}} Daevas are considered demigods in the game's mythology, with Empyrean Lords considered to be full gods (with a small G). The overgod, Aion, is absent and the two major pantheons (the Elyos and Asmodians) are at war.
* [[God Is Dead]]: The shattered tower stumps are the remains of what used to be god, though there are hints in-game that Aion (God) is watching from the sidelines.
* [[Good Thing You Can Heal]]: Ascended? Congratulations, you get to spend your life dying pointlessly for things like finding peoples cats, because hey, you can recover from it, right?
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Averted with the Elyos and Asmodians - they have angel wings and black angel wings respectively and are about the same in terms of good and evil. Played straight with the Balaur, who have the bat "Devil" type of wings. Note, however, that the Asmodians did have bat-like devil wings in pre-release demonstration versions of the game which can still be found on a few Asmodian enemies.
** Looks like the Elyos will have glowing neon blue bat/dragon wings in next releases, as seen in the Vision Trailer.
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: According to the Aion website's [https://web.archive.org/web/20110414234659/http://powerwiki.na.aiononline.com/aion/ official wiki], {{spoiler|the Empyrean Lord Israphel's jealousy of Siel, plus a desire for greater power, led to his eventual corruption. It seems to be implied that this is what led him to call for peace with the Balaur, which in turn led to the destruction of the Tower of Eternity.}}
* [[Grey and Gray Morality]]: Neither side is traditionally good or evil, but things are [[Shades of Conflict|much more complicated]] than it might seem at first.
* [[Hard Work Hardly Works]]: You'd think the Elyos, living lives of comparative ease and comfort to those of the Asmodians, would be naturally more fragile, right? [[Muscles Are Meaningless|Wrong.]]
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** And if you're playing with the Japanese voice pack, you've got [[Takehito Koyasu]] as the 'callous' male voice and one of the system voices, as well as Souichirou Houshi, [[Jurota Kosugi]] and [[Kana Ueda]].
* [[Hollow World]]: It used to be, but the Cataclysm blew up most of the equator making it look more like an apple core.
* [[I Know Karate]]: Wield a quarterstaff and you use it like a [[Wuxia]] protagonist. And look ''awesome'' doing it.
* [[Idiot Ball]]: Yeah, sure Zikel, please attack the Balaur diplomats ''your friends summoned for peace talks''. Cue Tower exploding in the resulting conflict and the [[After the End]] situation at present.
* [[I Know Karate]]: Wield a quarterstaff and you use it like a [[Wuxia]] protagonist. And look ''awesome'' doing it.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: The moral consequences of this are completely ignored. The sapient (but evil) Balaur are considered a delicacy, and all the top-level, most useful cooking recipes specialize in cooking Balaur meat.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Spellbooks. Their standard attack is the user ''tearing out pages from the book'' to fling at the enemy. Admittedly, they're magically charged and the [[Violation of Common Sense]] is averted as the pages simply regenerate with all the writing intact, but they still fit this trope.
* [[Immortality Begins At Twenty]]: Averted, you're stuck at whatever age you ascend at for eternity. One of the first Daeva Elyos meet is a child who's several hundred years old, and an Asmodian Daeva talks about the seeming sadism of being ascended when he was on his death bed and now has to watch his family grow old and die when he can't even take up his blade.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Spellbooks. Their standard attack is the user ''tearing out pages from the book'' to fling at the enemy. Admittedly, they're magically charged and the [[Violation of Common Sense]] is averted as the pages simply regenerate with all the writing intact, but they still fit this trope.
* [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]]: Lady Siel, one of the Empyrean Lords that died to keep the world from falling apart.
* [[The Lifestream]]: Aether, and consequently the Aion tower.
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* [[The Magic Goes Away]]: Well, it hasn't yet, but it's going to pretty soon if someone doesn't do something about it.
* [[Mix-and-Match Critters]]: All of the natural fauna in the setting.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Daeva stop aging when they ascend, so ancient daeva can have the bodies of small children.
* [[One-Hit Kill]]:
** There are weapon enchantments that give you a 1% chance of dealing 3,750 damage whenever you use any attack. For reference, the average max level player has about 5,000  hp. On top of that, the damage from the enchantment is subject to spell damage bonuses, which means it'll probably deal about twice that amount if used by one of the caster classes.
** Clerics have Voice of Destruction, a skill with a one hour long cooldown that literally allows you to kill up to 13 enemy players at once.
* [[Our Angels Are Different]]: Daevas are exceptional Elyos and Asmodians, capable of manipulating aether to a degree previously only seen by the Empyrean Lords. In return for dedicating their existence to their people, they become immortal.
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* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: The Balaur were originally created as the rulers of Atreia, but quickly got drunk on their power and turned evil.
* [[Path of Inspiration]]: The Lepharist movement... maybe.
* [[Power Gives You Wings]]: What happens when someone becomes a Daeva.
* [[Power Trio]]: The Seraphim Lords, Shedim Lords, and even the Dragon Lords all have two sets of Power Trios.
** Seraphim Lords:
*** Ariel: Thoughtful and amiable. Is dissappointed that Azphel's recklessness ruined the peace talks with the Balaur. Leader of the Seraphim Lords. (Ego)
*** Nezekan: Contemplative, but decisive. Nezekan is reserved and tolerant, but adamant once he reaches a conclusion. (Superego)
*** Vaizel: [[Brilliant but Lazy|Playful, selfish, and cunning]]. Often goes off on his own in disguise to hang out with ordinary humans, and sometimes neglects his duties. (Id)
*** Ariel: (Ego)
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** Note that the Seraphim Lords and Shedim Lords each have one member whose personality traits best fit those of the other group as a way to show that [[Light Is Not Good]] and [[Dark Is Not Evil]].
* [[Private Military Contractors]]: The players start in one of these.
* [[Rage Against the Heavens]]: The Balaur turned against Aion (God) when he refused to grant them more power over the world, ordering them to serve humans. They ''succeeded.''
** Except that they were banished from Atreya into a different dimension, and the humans are now heavily empowered and ABLE to fight back. Plus, see the above entry for "God Is Dead."
* [[Rainbow Pimp Gear]]: Completely averted...unless you're into that thing. Players can change the appearance of their gear to that of any other piece of gear in their inventory. You can also dye your gear whichever color you want. That means you could conceivably make yourself look like a level 1 character, or you could keep the looks of that super-cool armor set you ditched a long time ago without having to worry about losing any stats.
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* [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent]]: The Balaur.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: {{spoiler|Kromede in the Trial Of Kromede.}}
* [[Samus Is a Girl]]: Shaga, a gladiator who fought in the Impetusium wooed many women who gazed into his eyes, and became the greatest champion who ever participated in the colosseum... until it was eventually discovered that he was a she.
* [[Scenery Porn]]: Even at launch the game was considered one of the prettiest [[MMORPGMassively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPGsMMORPG]]s on the market, but from the looks of what's shown in the [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PAM0wr7cZ8 Aion Vision trailer] this looks like it's going to be ramped up to eleven.
* [[Shattered World]]: Atreia was split into two chunks, Elysea and Asmodae.
* [[So Beautiful It's a Curse]]: Kromede was considered so beautiful that people thought Aion itself sculpted her face. She was constantly showered with marriage proposals, politely turning them all down. She later became a Shadow Judge, but was eventually investigated for corruption. Her downfall was caused by the people hurt by her not returning their love giving the court evidence against her. {{spoiler|However, the Kromede's Trial dungeon seemed to show that most of the latter part was inaccurate at best.}}
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[[Category:Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game]]
[[Category:AionVideo Games of the 2000s]]
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