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{{quote|''"[[Trope Namer|I cannot self-terminate.]] '''You''' must lower me into the steel."''|'''The T-800 cyborg''', ''[[Terminator]] 2: Judgment Day''}}
|'''The T-800 cyborg'''|''[[Terminator]] 2: Judgment Day''}}
Perhaps the [[Body Horror]] has almost completely taken over a person and with their last ounce of humanity, they beg to be killed. Perhaps they've just been wounded in a vital area and know they are going to die slowly and in agony, and just want to die with dignity/end the pain quickly. Perhaps they're losing the battle with an [[Enemy Within]] and they need the hero or sidekick to [[Thrown Out the Airlock|throw the airlock switch]]/fire the [[Forgotten Superweapon]] at them/lower them into the steel. Perhaps they are prisoners and being [[Cold-Blooded Torture|tortured]], and the hero cannot break them free but could shoot them. In any case, while they're ready or even eager to die, they cannot do it on their own. This can also count as a [[Heroic Sacrifice]], sometimes.
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If, like the page quote, the character is robotic, this may occur due to influence from [[Three Laws of Robotics|Asimov's Laws]]. Specifically, a robot may not harm itself, or through inaction allow itself to be harmed, unless it is in direct opposition with the first two laws. Even when not following the hierarchical laws of robotics, it could still occur if a robot is simply programmed for self-preservation.
In a series set in [[Jidai Geki]], this trope may appear when a [[Samurai]] character commits ''[[Seppuku]]''—ritual -- ritual suicide -- tosuicide—to redeem himself. Traditionally, a person committing seppuku, after disemboweling himself, was allowed to have a "second" (kaishakunin) behead him before the pain would destroy his composure. (Itto Oogami's original position in ''[[Lone Wolf and Cub]]'' was as an official "second" for the Shogunate.) Sometimes, the "second" will volunteer for the job, as a token of respect for a friend or [[Worthy Opponent]].
[[Instant Death Bullet]] is likely. Then, usually the killer has no difficulty getting to a position and attacking in a manner that would cause quick death. When the character is [[Fighting From the Inside]], but not very effectively, the death can be long and gruesome. (See page quote.)
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Compare to [[Mercy Kill]], when the target cannot even request death; [[Death Seeker]], where the target can't even find anyone willing (or capable, if the [[Death Seeker]] still wants to fight to the best of their ability); and [[Driven to Suicide]], when they ''can'' self terminate. Also compare [[Trial by Friendly Fire]].
== Anime and Manga ==
* {{spoiler|The Original Reinforce}} in the second season of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' has Nanoha and Fate <s>kill</s> seal her program because if they didn't, her Self-Defense Program that killed would regenerate itself.
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* In ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'', doctor Marcoh is being held prisoner by the homunculi and made to work for them under threat that if he doesn't cooperate or dares to run away or kill himself they will obliterate the village where he spent the last years in hiding. {{spoiler|When Scar sneaks into his cell, he begs him to kill him, thinking the homunculi wouldn't take revenge on the village if he was killed by another, apparently against his will}}.
* Kaworu Nagisa of ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' is a blatant example of this.
* In ''[[Baccano!]]'', this is the ostensible reason immortals were given the ability to "devour" others. It took at least a few <s> minutes</s> seconds before they realized they could use it to murder each other, though at least two immortals ({{spoiler|Maiza and Sylvie}}) have considered asking Firo to end their lives this way.
* In ''[[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure]]'', when Jupiter is about to blow up the Galactic base and tells Mitsumi to get out with everyone else, {{spoiler|Mitsumi says she can no longer live with the memory of what she did as a Team Galactic agent and asks Jupiter to blow her up too. Jupiter is taken aback but is ultimately convinced to do so.}} Of course, this being Pokemon at heart, {{spoiler|[[Disney Death|it's revealed in the next chapter that]] [[The Rival|Jun]] saved her. }}
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'': Done in a weird way in the series finale. {{spoiler|Atem, in order to finally [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]], MUST be defeated in a duel by Yugi. He cannot just forfeit the duel; he must be defeated honorably by the person who he shares a body with. What results is [[Moment of Awesome|the most epic duel in the show's history]]}}.
* {{spoiler|Zeref}} from ''[[Fairy Tail]]'' seems to be counting on Natsu to come and kill him.
== Comic Books ==
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* A similar example to the above occurs in ''[[Lucifer (comics)|Lucifer]]''. Due to a promise she broke as a temple maiden, a Babylonian woman is punished with immortality; as a particular condition of the immortality, every day for the last four thousand years has featured her miscarrying her fetus. She ends up seeking out a bargaining chip for Lucifer, who revokes the immortality and watches as she blows away to dust.
* In ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]]'', Professor X had been mostly transformed into an alien Brood (the Brood life cycle: an implanted embryo takes over the host's mind and eventually transforms their body) but when the X-Men managed to take him down he had enough control to beg Cyclops to kill him. Cyclops' response was essentially "Screw that, I'm [[Take a Third Option|Taking A Third Option]]."
* ''[[2000 AD|2000 AD's]]''{{'}}s ''[[Rogue Trooper]]'' encounters a subverted version of this trope. Having thought that he was the last remaining super-soldier, he is amazed to find a much older prototype living as a hermit on the poison-choked planet Rogue roams. The old man says he is waiting to die and that he feels like nature is going to take its course very soon. When enemy troops approach, Rogue's friends - personality-chips of fallen comrades embedded in his helmet and gun -- votegun—vote to leave the old man to his fate. Rogue declines -- thedeclines—the old man wants to die with ''dignity'' -- and—and his already impressive abilities are ramped up to eleven in order to massacre the enemy patrol and give the old man something Rogue hopes to have himself one day.
* ''[[A History of Violence]]''.
* A story arc of ''[[Fantastic Four (Comic Book)|Fantastic Four]]'' has the Thing, being possessed by Dr. Doom, put the Torch in a death hold. Doom is laughing that the only way to stop him is to kill him--thathim—that is to say, kill Ben. Ben manages to wrest just enough control to tearfully tell Reed to do it. For once, Reed gets stuck in a situation where he can't [[Take a Third Option]].
* In ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|Uncanny X-Men]]'' Annual #6, Rachel Van Helsing (from ''[[The Tomb of Dracula]]'') is turned into a vampire by [[Dracula]]. Throwing off Dracula's mind control long enough to (temporarily) kill him with a spear, she then asks [[Wolverine]] to kill her with a wooden stake. He does so.
* In X-23 #11, [[X-23]] asks [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampire|Jubilee]] to kill her if she succumbs to the "trigger scent" to prevent her from killing innocent people. Predictably, Jubilee doesn't follow through and it leads to an [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]].
* Inverted in French comic ''[[Les Légendaires]]''. The [[Big Bad]] points out that he's a god. In this verse, only gods can kill gods, and other gods have deserted this planet. So, he states that the only hope for the heroes is that he would suicide. {{spoiler|The loophole was to kill him with a sword forged with his own blood (actually the blood of the guy he possess the body).}}
== Fan FictionWorks ==
* This occurs twice in ''[[Stray (Fanfic)|Stray]]''. {{spoiler|Adamska does it at Shadow Moses for his older alternate-future self, who had [[And I Must Scream|spent three years after his supposed "death" being used in the Patriots' Cyborg Ninja project]]. Esau later requests this of Otacon after he's gravely wounded.}}
== Fan Fiction ==
* This occurs twice in ''[[Stray (Fanfic)|Stray]]''. {{spoiler|Adamska does it at Shadow Moses for his older alternate-future self, who had [[And I Must Scream|spent three years after his supposed "death" being used in the Patriots' Cyborg Ninja project]]. Esau later requests this of Otacon after he's gravely wounded.}}
* ''[[Kyon: Big Damn Hero]]'' has {{spoiler|Ryouko Asakura}} asking Kyon to kill her, mentioning the trope name word by word, because [[First Time Feeling|she can't stand feeling guilty]] due to putting Kyon's sister in peril.
* ''[http://fav.me/ddaajka After Case Report]'' has {{spoiler|Melanie C}} being showed what was done to her. Since she was the first person at the scene, the narrator is asked by her to [[Mercy Kill|end her suffering]]. {{Spoiler|The narrator doesn't go with it because of the backlash that would be waiting, even if she can reason.}}
* '''Played for Laugh'''... ''[http://fav.me/dd5rggt Spice Fortress: Is There a Medic in the House]'', [[Spice Girls|Geri]] asks Victoria to just to kill her after getting [[Losing Your Head| decapitated]] yet surviving a run-in. Victoria just denied this offer as she works on Melanie.
== Film ==
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* ''[[Starship Troopers (film)|Starship Troopers]]'', Rasczak, the leader of the Roughnecks, informs all of his new recruits "I've only got one rule: everybody fights, no one quits. You don't do your job, I'll shoot you myself." Later, during a battle he is being consumed from the waist down in a pit he's been sucked into. He tosses his rifle to Rico and screams for him to "Do it!" which prompts Rico to empty the magazine into Rasczak.
** Not that bad as a rule, considering the alternative to being shot in the head by the teammate is getting slowly devoured and/or brain-sucked by aliens...
* ''[[Dawn of the Dead (2004 film)|Dawn of the Dead]]'' remake has {{spoiler|Tucker}}, being devoured alive by zombies, pleading CJ to shoot him.
* In the most tragic scene of John Woo's ''[[The Killer]]'' (besides [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog|the ending]]), the title character's best friend Sidney, after delivering the money he needs to have Jenny's eyes fixed and being shot by the main bad guy's men, asks for a last bullet from his friend so that he doesn't die like a dog, because he didn't save his own last bullet for himself. The Killer tearfully complies.
* ''[[The Descent (film)|The Descent]]''. After being {{spoiler|accidentally stabbed by Juno, Beth gets Sarah to kill her, rather than die slowly and painfully or be ripped apart by the Crawlers.}}
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* Subverted for the ending in ''[[End of Days]]'', wherein [[Arnold Schwarzenegger|Arnold's character]] is possessed by [[Eldritch Abomination|Satan himself]], but before he's forced to rape the girl he tried to protect during the movie, regains control long enough to [[Heroic Sacrifice|jump straight on a sword held by a statue]], killing himself and banishing Satan just as the year 2000 rolls along.
* In ''[[Serenity]]'', [[The Woobie|River]] is in the middle of an emotional breakdown while handcuffed to the floor, and begs for Simon to kill her, interspersed with images of her ''with a gun to her head''. However, he immediately rejects that.
{{quote| '''River Tam''': Put a bullet to me. Bullet in the brain pan. Squish.}}
* Inadvertently applied to David from ''[[An American Werewolf in London]]'', because the restless spirits of his victims waste so much time ''dreaming up ways for him to kill himself'' that he runs out of time to act on their advice and succumbs to another transformation.
* ''[[The Great Waldo Pepper]]'' has the title character's friend trapped in a burning airplane after a crash. When Pepper is unable to free him, he begs, "Don't let me burn!" Pepper then euthanizes him with a blow to the head.
* The 1990 comedy ''[[Short Time]]'' stars Dabney Coleman as a police officer who erroneously finds out he has a terminal illness. The problem is, his wife ([[Hey, It's That Guy!|Marge]] in [[Mom and Dad Save The World]]) only gets his pension pre-retirement if he is killed in the line of duty. Since suicide is also out of the question, he starts taking massive risks on the job in an effort to get a perp to kill him.
* Debatable in the case of ''[[The Hitcher]]'', in which serial killer Ryder keeps asking protagonist Jim to "stop me", and gives him several opportunities to kill him. Questionable as to whether Ryder is simply [[Death Seeker|looking to die]], as per this trope, or if he's specifically trying to [[My Death Is Just the Beginning|make Jim into a killer like himself]].
* The protagonist in the 1986 horror/comedy ''House'' is troubled by memories of Vietnam, and especially his own failure to carry out a [[Mercy Kill]] when a trap-snared friend invoked this trope. Sure enough, {{spoiler|the source of the haunting is the ex-friend's ghost, out to for revenge because he'd been captured by the enemy and tortured for weeks.}}
* An outtake from the first ''[[Alien]]'', cut because it broke the pace of the finale, shows that {{spoiler|some of the crew are still alive after being implanted, and they beg Ripley to kill them. She obliges.}}
* In ''[[Kamen Rider OOO]]: [[The Movie|Nobunaga's Desire]]'', {{spoiler|Nobunaga is given three black Core Medals and sent out of control. He manages to hang onto himself long enough to beg Eiji to kill him before he goes out of control. Eiji ultimately defeats him, allowing him to die peacefully.}}
* In the 2011 film adaptation of ''The Whisperer In Darkness'' by [[H.P. Lovecraft]], Henry Akeley, who has been reduced to a [[Brain In a Jar]] by the Mi-Go, begs Professor Wilmarth to kill him after learning that his son has been killed by them. {{spoiler|In a subversion, Wilmarth cannot bring himself to do it.}}
== Literature ==
* In ''[[Callahan's Crosstime Saloon|Callahans Crosstime Saloon]]'', Michael Finn was sent by an alien force to determine whether Earth is so dangerous that it needs to be destroyed; however, he's decided (after an evening at Callahan's) that he likes us [[Puny Earthlings]]. Should he fail to report in, they will assume we destroyed him and stay well clear of us -- butus—but it's impossible for him to ''intentionally'' fail to report, as long as he's properly functioning. When he gives his name as Michael Finn, Callahan the bartender takes the hint and [[Slipping a Mickey|slips him a "mickey"]], which renders him unconscious during the assigned reporting period. (Also of note here is that Michael himself refers to his mission as a "geas.")
* At the end of [[Terry Pratchett]]'s [[Discworld]] novel ''[[Discworld/The Fifth Elephant|The Fifth Elephant]]'', Angua's (a werewolf) {{spoiler|brother (the main villain of the novel) goes batshit insane after his plans are foiled and goes on a rampage. When he is dead she makes Captain Carrot promise to kill her if she ended up in a similar state.}}
** Also, in another Discworld novel ''[[Discworld/A Hat Full of Sky|A Hat Full of Sky]]'', {{spoiler|The Hiver}} cannot die {{spoiler|because it literally does not know how. However, it does know that it wants it, and Tiffany helps it find the gate to Death and the next world.}}
** One of the creepier parts of ''[[Discworld/Guards Guards|Guards! Guards!]]'' is a brief passage from the perspective of the Master of Assassins. He reflects on how {{spoiler|[[This Is Your Brain on Evil|Wonse]]}} mouthed "Help me" to him, and that as far as he can see, there's only one kind of "help" he's qualified to give...
* In the short story ''[[I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream]]'', the survivors of the apocalypse caused by [[Master Computer]] AM eventually realize that while they cannot kill themselves, they can kill each other. Unfortunately, this leaves one of them alive to suffer a [[Fate Worse Than Death]] at the hands of AM by being turned into [[And I Must Scream|a 'soft jelly thing']] that can't harm itself.
* In [[Dan Abnett]]'s ''[[Gaunt's Ghosts]]'' novels, {{spoiler|Soric}} is [[Fate Worse Than Death|handed over to the Black Ships]]. Several books later, he communicates with Hark, who finds him, [[Manly Tears|cries]] (which all the deaths in all the books have not drawn from him), and at his request, kills him. (He makes it look like an execution at {{spoiler|Soric's}} request, to save himself.)
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* Self-preservation is [[Isaac Asimov]]'s [["Three Laws"-Compliant|third law of robotics]], making it the third-most-important moral imperative for a robot. Unfortunately for the robot, it's overridden by one and two, so a robot can kill itself if ''ordered'' to do so.
** In Asimov's short story "All the Troubles of the World," the computer Multivac, which manages all of humanity, tries to use a [[Thanatos Gambit]] to arrange for itself to be destroyed.
* In William King's [[Warhammer 4000040,000]] [[Space Wolf]] novel ''Ragnar's Claw'', when they go through the plague-stricken city, they walk through the dead, and the half-dead, many of whom plead for death. Gul kills one, but looks at the number of them and goes on with the rest.
** In ''Wolfblade'', when they find a mortally wounded but not yet dead Eldar, she asks them to kill her, and they do.
* A nice spin on this in Gerald Morris' ''[[The Squire's Tales]]''. After Sir Gawain accidentally kills a man's wife, the man falls to his knees and begs Gawain to kill him. Gawain doesn't, instead forcing him to go to Arthur's court.
* In [[Graham McNeill]]'s [[Warhammer 4000040,000]] [[Ultramarines (novel)|Ultramarines]] novel ''Nightbringer'', when Uriel finds a victim of [[Cold-Blooded Torture|torture]] still alive, he is capable of mouthing ''Kill me. . . .''
** In ''Dead Sky Black Sun'', Uriel {{spoiler|breaks into the [[Evil Tower of Ominousness]] and finds that at least one of the daemonculaba is still aware. He assures her that he will end her sufferings, and though she is incapable of speech, she indicates that she is grateful.}}
* In Lee Lightner's [[Warhammer 4000040,000]] [[Space Wolf]] novel ''Wolf's Honour'', on the [[Shadowland|shadow planet]], they find [[Garden of Evil|crops that have human faces]] and beg for release. What is worse, the Space Wolves can not burn them, though they wish to. The Inquisitor explains that they stem from the [[Blood Magic|sacrifices]] used to make this duplicate planet.
* In [[Lois McMaster Bujold]]'s [[Chalion]] novel ''The Hallowed Hunt'', {{spoiler|Wencel kin Horseriver}} is perfectly capable of killing his current body -- toobody—too bad his soul and consciousness will simply jump to the body of his next living heir, devouring that individual's mind in the process. Actually ''dying'' requires two other people and a lot of magical oomph. His plan to arrange just that is, it turns out, his primary goal.
* In ''New Moon'', second in the ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]'' series, Edward wants to kill himself because he thinks Bella is dead, but because [[Our Vampires Are Different|he's nearly impossible to kill]], he has to go to the [[Badass Family|Volturi]] to ask them to kill him.
** Specifically, he was going to reveal his [[Bishie Sparkle|Bishie Sparkles]]s to the city, somehow revealing the existence of vampires and forcing the Volturi to kill him.
** Which is [[Fridge Logic|a bit confusing]], since the vampires of that series are described as basically stone statues with lighter fluid for all bodily fluids and immolation as the only surefire way to kill one of them. He should have been able to just set himself on fire to kill himself.
* Horace McCoy's ''They Shoot Horses, Don't They?'' ends with Gloria asking Robert to shoot her because she can't bring herself to commit suicide. He complies, and later when the cops ask him why he did it as they're taking him away, he [[Title Drop|offers the title phrase]] in reply.
* An interesting example occurs in the young adult novel ''The Crossroads'' where Billy O' Claire is possessed by an evil spirit who is trying to force him to murder his own son. This leads to a half-tragic, half-comical three-way exchange between Billy, ''the spirit inside of him,'' and the cop trying to stop them both.
{{quote| '''Hargrove:''' Mr. O'Claire, put down the knife.<br />
'''Billy:''' Shoot me! Please? Stop me!<br />
'''Hargrove:''' Drop the knife and no one needs to shoot anybody.<br />
'''Billy:''' You don't understand. It's the only way.<br />
'''Clint:''' (through Billy) Don't listen to this coward!<br />
'''Billy:''' I can't take this anymore!<br />
'''Clint:''' Shut up!<br />
'''Billy:''' ''Shoot me!'' Shut up, shut up, shut up! }}
* [[Deltora Quest|Doran the Dragonlover]] can't die since he's {{spoiler|the Guardian of a Sister, the very thing he goes out to destroy many years ago}}, therefore asked to be killed to end his suffering. Fortunately, [[Let Them Die Happy|he dies with great relief]] once he saw that {{spoiler|the Diamond Dragon's egg hatch, therefore will continue to live in its mother's place}}.
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* In Andy Hoare's [[White Scars]] novel ''Hunt for Voldorius'', the Bloodtide tells the Raven Guard and White Scar scouts that it can not kill itself, but they can [[Kill It with Fire]].
* In [[Robert E. Howard]]'s [[Conan the Barbarian]] story "The Devil In Iron" Octavia beg to escape an unspecified [[Fate Worse Than Death]].
{{quote| ''"He told me what he was going to do to me!" she panted. "Kill me! Kill me with your sword before he bursts the door!"''}}
* The fate of Mishra, brother of the planeswalker [[Magic: The Gathering|Urza]], for irritating Yawgmoth. Mishra, along with dozens of other beings who have earned that ire, lie strapped to tables in one layer of Phyrexia with dozens of whirring circular blades suspended above them. Every few seconds, the blades descend and slice up the skin of the victims, but never kill them. When Urza is brought to his brother, Mishra pleads for him to end his life. Instead, [[Moral Event Horizon|Urza turns his back on him and walks away]], succeeding in his test of devotion to Yawgmoth.
* Played for extreme horror in the novella ''With Folded Hands...'' when the reader realizes that not only have human lives been reduced to complete irrelevance by their robotic "servants", but there's no way to end the despair because ''they are always right there with you.'' And the robot guardians have become very good at preventing humans from taking their own lives....
* In [[Robert E. Howard]]'s [[Conan the Barbarian]] story "The People of the Black Circle", the king demands this of his sister before his soul is trapped.
{{quote| ''Ali! I feel their pull upon me now! Your cry and the grip of your fingers brought me back, but I am going fast. My soul clings to my body, but its hold weakens. Quick--kill me, before they can trap my soul for ever!''}}
* In ''[[Gone (novel)]]'', {{spoiler|Hunter, who is being slowly eaten by parasitic wasps, begs Sam to kill him.}}
* {{spoiler|Denna}} in [[The Sword of Truth|Wizard's First Rule]] states that {{spoiler|she tortured the protagonist worse than she did anyone else, suspecting he's the one a prophecy says will kill her, and thus trying to push him to do so. In the end, he kills her ''out of love''.}}
** Also applies to the victims of a Mord-Sith. They're held so that they magically cannot kill themselves, even though the Mord-Sith let them keep their weapons.
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* At the end of [[The Draka|Under The Yoke]], the heroine is trapped in a nuclear bunker with her ally and a member of the Domination's secret police. As a member of [[La Résistance]], her duty is to detonate the bomb she is carrying, thus destroying the experimental nuclear device and setting [[The Empire|the Domination's]] nuclear arms race back several years. Regrettably, that will kill everyone in the bunker, and as a devout Catholic nun she cannot commit the mortal sin of suicide, nor can she allow her ally to commit it for her. [[Noble Demon|The secret policeman]] {{spoiler|solves the problem for her by remarking that there's no way he's getting out of there alive, and though he has contempt for her religion he respects her faith in it... so he kills her, thus detonating the explosive and in so doing, saving both her and her ally from the sin of suicide.}}
== Live -Action TV ==
== Live Action TV ==
* The Dalek in the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "Dalek" was developing more emotions than just hatred - a situation its species could not stand. It had to be ordered to die by someone else, as its training would not let it commit suicide under other circumstances. Rose finally (and reluctantly) gave the order.
* Beth, in the ''[[Torchwood]]'' episode "Sleeper" couldn't actually kill herself because of her position as a sleeper, but because of the grief she'd caused herself, she {{spoiler|took Gwen hostage}} to force the team to kill her.
* The humanoid Cylons on ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]'' are forbidden from committing suicide by their religion (although at least two have successfully self-terminated by putting themselves in close proximity to explosives); given the overall tone of the series, it is perhaps not surprising that this has led to ''multiple'' instances of Cylons begging someone else to pull the trigger on them. This appears to be purely a psychological effect rather than something hardwired into them - Brother Cavil, the one Cylon who doesn't believe in the Cylon god, is shot by the underground resistance on New Caprica in the third season, and, upon coming back sometime later, casually mentions that he had to cut his jugular vein open with a shell casing to kill himself. And he does it again in the final episode as well, {{spoiler|shooting himself in the head after Tyrol makes resurrection impossible by killing another one of the Final Five.}} "Frak!" * bang*
** Keep in mind that "real death" is clearly regarded differently from being killed and resurrected. Once the resurrection ship is destroyed, Gina hands Baltar a pistol and tells him to shoot her, as suicide is a sin. On the other hand, Doral has no problem carrying out a [[Suicide Attack]] as he'll simply be downloaded into another body.
* One episode of ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' sees Worf paralyzed from the waist down after an accident, Worf is so depressed by his inability to be a [[The Worf Barrage|warrior]] that he asks Riker to kill him using a ritual knife, as dictated by Klingon custom. Riker refuses to kill his friend, and Worf tries to browbeat Riker by calling him a coward, Riker counters with knowledge of the tradition by pointing out that it's the eldest son's duty. Considering that his son is a young child raised by humans, this convinces Worf to try the experimental surgery to fix his back.
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** Only to [[Subverted Trope|subvert]] this trope when he explains that he just wanted to try whether he really was indestructable and goes [[Ax Crazy]] for good after the confirmation.
* The insurgent prisoner from ''[[Over There]]'':
{{quote| '''Prisoner''': Kill me you savages, you heathens cover are you devils, kill me! '''''NOW!!!''''' Ashadu an l? il?ha illall?h! (beat) Kill me please. I beg of you.}}
* In ''[[Babylon 5]]'', Londo, under the long-term control of an alien mind-controlling parasite, gets it drunk and asks his old foe to kill him, preventing the alien from forcing him to thwart the heroes' daring escape. "I am as tired of my life as you are."
* In ''[[Kamen Rider Kuuga]]'', Yuusuke requests that if he cannot control the power of Ultimate Kuuga and becomes the '[[Ultimate Evil|Ultimate Darkness]]', his friend Ichijo to shoot him through the [[Transformation Trinket|Arcle]] and kill him. Thankfully he doesn't become evil, just [[Badass]].
* In ''[[Maddigans Quest|Maddigan's Quest]]'', Timon begs Garland to shoot him after narrowly avoiding a trip over the [[Moral Event Horizon]], explaining that next time he's asked to kill someone, he won't be able to stop himself. Boomer approves of the idea, but the answer's ultimately a no.
* Mitchell, in ''[[Being Human (UK)]]'', ''begs'' his best friend George to stake his heart before his [[Horror Hunger]] makes him kill anyone else. After they introduce the next season's [[Big Bad]] by way of him threatening to kill George if Mitchell doesn't leave with him (and help him commit further horrible crimes), George does it. Of course, [[Contractual Immortality|he'll probably be back]]...
* An episode of the ''Outer Limits'' remake featured a scientist who tinkered with nanotechnology, and made himself nearly invincible. Unfortunately, the techniques his body used to protect him gave him a monstrous appearance, and proved potentially harmful to those around him.
* In ''[[Community]]'', Abed is incapable of stopping himself from humiliating others, he has too give out "destruct codes" for himself.
* In the ''[[Criminal Minds]]'' episode "Reckoner," a judge suffering from terminal cancer hires a [[Career Killers|hitman]] to carry out a series of [[Vigilante Execution|Vigilante Executions]]s on people he considered [[Karma Houdini|Karma Houdinis]]s (mostly for crimes against children), culminating in the man who killed the judge's wife while driving drunk. After the last criminal is killed, he admits to the BAU that there is still one more name on his hit list...and is promptly shot dead by the hitman.
== Music ==
* [[Franz Ferdinand]]'s "Take Me Out" at least ''sounds'' like it's describing such a situation.
{{quote| ''If I wait, this could die''<br />
''[If] I wane, this could die''<br />
''I want you... to take me out!'' }}
* Ice Age's "Dead But Wide Awake" very clearly describes this
== Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends ==
== Mythology ==
* In Roman mythology, a famous Sybil (please note, that's the title of a seer/oracle, and is not yet used as a name in Rome) from the nearby city of Cumae was turned into a cicada by Apollo when she refused to sleep with him. Cicada!Sybil was ostensibly kept in a cage in the temple of Apollo at Cumae, where people would continue to ask her questions; one day a young child asked what she wanted, and she replied that she wanted to die.
== Radio ==
* The Dalek in the [[Big Finish Doctor Who]] audio ''Jubilee'' had had its self-destruct system disabled and, more than just ordering it to self-destruct, the Dalek demanded that Evelyn actually shoot it with its own gun.
** The Eighth Doctor himself in the audio play ''Zagreus'', echoing Charley's request in the previous story.
{{quote| "Kill me."<br />
"I can't!"<br />
"Kill me."<br />
"I love you!"<br />
"Kill me." }}
*** {{spoiler|She does.}}
== Tabletop Games ==
* Dwarfs in ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' are an interesting example, in that their culture allows for death to atone for a terrible shame or failure, but is strictly opposed to killing oneself- according to some sources, dwarfs are mentally incapable of suicide. Instead, a suicidal Dwarf becomes a ''Troll Slayer'', which mostly entails dyeing their hair and beard, cutting it into a mohawk, and going out to [[Death Seeker|find something really nasty to kill them in battle]]. And since Dwarfs are similarly opposed to throwing a fight, the more successful (or ''un''successful, depending on how you look at it) Slayers are fearsome warriors indeed.
** Amusingly enough, the normally-branching "career paths" detailed in the Warhammer RPG handbooks break down slightly for Trollslayers. A Trollslayer's only "exit career" is "Giantslayer," and a Giantslayer's only possible exit career is "Daemonslayer," each one describing a correspondingly higher level of Awesome. And under the listing for "exit careers" for Daemonslayers...? "A glorious death."
* The Sisters Repentia from ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' are similar to the Trollslayers. They are made up of Sororitas who have somehow shamed themselves and seek redemption through death in battle. They are essentially naked women toting [[BFS|gigantic]] [[Chainsaw Good|chainsaw swords]] whose only purpose is to charge the nearest enemy and cut it to pieces.
** Then there's "the Emperor's Peace," which is simply a mercy killing, used In-game by [[Super Soldiers|Space Marine]] medics on other members of their squad; the rest of the squad just forgets about them.
* Young Erasmus van Richten of ''[[Ravenloft]]'' invoked this trope, begging his father Rudolph to drive a stake through his heart before vampirism could extinguish his compassion and make him a killer. Justified in that, while Erasmus could theoretically have committed suicide by sunlight, he was only a kid and probably couldn't have endured the 10 rounds of agony then required under D&D rules.
== TheaterTheatre ==
== Theater ==
* In [[Shakespeare]]'s ''[[Julius Caesar]]'', Brutus asks for one of men to hold his sword so he can run himself on it, as his Stoic philosophy forbids him from directly committing suicide.
** Either a case of [[Did Not Do the Research]] or [[Science Marches On]] however, since Stoic philosophy actually ''prescribes'' suicide as an honorable death (second only to death in battle) and that allowing someone to commit suicide rather than execute him was oft reserved for the [[Worthy Opponent]] as a way of letting him go out on his own terms. The offer was more often taken than rejected.
** Brutus does a similar thing after the Battle of Phillipi in the series ''[[Rome]]''. He dismisses his guards, takes off his armor and marches straight at the advancing enemy soldiers, sword in hand. At first the soldiers just block or dodge his attacks, but when he wounds one, they stab him to death.
== Video Games ==
Line 220 ⟶ 212:
** They're actually whimpering, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhD-vd7PXY4 "GOD HELP, HELP ME!"] backwards, and damn if it isn't [[Nightmare Fuel|creepy as hell]].
* Shadow's flashback dreams in ''[[Final Fantasy VI]]'' shows him being asked by his partner Baram to kill him, as he was mortally wounded and couldn't do the deed himself. Shadow freaks out and runs away, leaving Baram to die slowly and painfully.
* General Pepper in ''[[Star Fox (series)|Star FoxFOX]] Assault''. The Aparoids have taken over his ship and threaten to take over himself as well. During the fight, he keeps asking to be killed before that happens. Subverted in that Peppy dives in to soften the ships fall and Pepper survives in the end. Also later in the game, {{spoiler|Peppy sacrifices the infested Great Fox to break through a defensive shield}}.
* In an astonishing example of loyalty, {{spoiler|Asgard [[Suicide by Cop|battles your party]] after he saves them from [[The Man Behind the Man|Beatrice]], just so he can get around his self-preservation programming and follow his masters to hell}} in ''[[Wild ArmsARMs 3]]''.
* In the 3D shooter game ''[[Duke Nukem]]'', Duke comes across various attractive young women with [[Body Horror]] problems who beg you to kill them.
** Given the nature of Duke to "borrow" lines from other sources this is very likely a "shout out" (cough) to Aliens.
* In ''[[Breath of Fire]] 2'', the main character will discover his long-lost father attached to a machine in the bowels of a dungeon. He asks you to kill him which you can do during the boss fight immediately after his request but the game also subverts this trope by allowing you to solely attack the machine during the battle instead. This will result in the machine destroyed, the father saved, and you on the path towards the best ending.
* In ''[[Killer 7Killer7]]'', {{spoiler|Ulmeyda publically challenges the titular assassins to kill him. When they reach him, he reveals that he's terrified at the thought of becoming a Heaven's Smile and called on them to kill him in case he becomes one. He promptly does when the Army intervenes, and his Heaven's Smile form is the [[Boss Battle]] of the chapter.}}
* Happens in ''[[Castlevania]]: Harmony of Dissonance'' in one of the bad endings. Juste finds Maxim barely holding on to himself, and Maxim begs Juste to kill him before his [[Enemy Within]] takes over. Juste refuses, and (predictably) Maxim's evil side ''does'' take over, and you have to fight him.
** In another ''[[Castlevania]]'' example, Soma made Julius promise to kill him if he ever loses out to his [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]. It's unusual in that it's the protagonist that makes the request.
** Yet another ''[[Castlevania]]'' example: In Lament of Innocence, the origins of the Belmont family whip are revealed, as Leon {{spoiler|finds himself being asked by his fiancée, who has already begun the irreversible process of turning into a vampire, to kill her. He does.}}
* In ''[[System Shock]] 2'', the annelid hybrids (humans who have been assimilated by The Many) will often beg you to kill them, even as they attack you.
* In ''[[BioshockBioShock (series)]]'', {{spoiler|Andrew Ryan uses the compulsive phrase "Would you kindly..." to force the main character to kill him with a golf club, ending his life on his own terms.}}
* In ''[[BioshockBioShock (series)]] 2'',{{spoiler|Gilbert Alexander, a scientist who worked for Andrew Ryan, knowing what he will become, leaves behind pre-mutation audio logs, asking whoever finds them to kill him. When the player finds him, however, "Alex the Great," now mutated and trapped in in a containment tube, begs the player to spare his life. This troper is still not sure which choice is the right one.}}
** Nobody is mentioning {{spoiler|Agustus Sinclair? Changed into a Delta Big Daddy, and forced to obey her every command. He begs for you to stop him, and apologizes for not being able to help you anymore. This troper shed [[Manly Tears]] when he put him down.}}
* In [[Oni]], {{spoiler|Shinatama}}, after being {{spoiler|put back together as a Deadly Brain after having her Xiox destruct mechanism}} activated, she repeatedly says things like "I'm so sorry!" and "Konoko, kill me, please!" while trying to shoot you. After breaking free, {{spoiler|she walks towards Griffin. He tells her to stop, but, of course, she doesn't due to the fact that Griffin sent the security department way over budget after ordering a lift to be made on his office, so they disabled a few low-level overrides, such as "Griffin Alpha Zero", and Shinatama ''wants'' to die. He shoots her, Konoko disarms Griffin, and the player has a choice of whether or not to shoot him.}}
Line 251 ⟶ 243:
* In ''[[Soul Nomad and The World Eaters]]'', {{spoiler|Feinne}} ends up asking the main characters to do this, as the alternative is {{spoiler|to be consumed by Drazil, which would not only strengthen your enemies but also deny her the ability to return to the cycle of death and rebirth}}.
* Fortune from ''[[Metal Gear Solid]] 2'' is unwilling to kill herself, and [[Death Seeker|wants to die]] in a blaze of glory in a battle against Solid Snake, whom she blames for her father's death. Unfortunately, Fortune has <s>luck</s> {{spoiler|an electro-magnetic device on her body without her knowledge}} that prevents her from ever dying in combat, and every grenade thrown at her is a dud. This is a major motivator behind her constant Wangst. The [[Boss Battle]] against Fortune plays on this trope heavily; you spend it dodging her shots and taking cover until the timer runs out.
** A variation on this trope appears in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]]'', in which {{spoiler|The Boss is under orders to sacrifice herself for the sake of a cover-up, allowing herself to be taken out by Naked Snake so that the US and USSR will not engage in nuclear war. She is not allowed to kill herself, and she cannot tell Snake the truth about her mission. It speaks volumes about her strength of character that she does not angst about this in the slightest; in fact, she seems ''glad'' that Snake is the one to finally finish her.}}
** Vamp starts displaying signs of this trope in the fourth game, but it's not due to any sort of moral dilemma; he is ''literally'' unable to kill himself, since he instantly recovers from any wounds, {{spoiler|due to nanomachines that enhance his natural [[Healing Factor]]. He eventually dies when he injects himself with nanomachine suppressants before the wounds he received from his battle with Raiden can heal.}}
* In ''[[Star Ocean]]: The Second Story'', Philia's programming makes it impossible for her to commit suicide.
* Prometheus repeatedly begs Kratos to kill him to end his cycle of torment in ''[[God of War (series)|God of War]] II''.
* One [http://www.game-ism.com/2008/04/04/still-alive-shes-free/ theory] states that [[Portal (series)|GLaDOS]] puts Chell though hell because of this trope, in order to give Chell motivation to kill [[G La DOSGLaDOS]].
* Miang, the quasi-[[Big Bad]] of ''[[Xenogears]]'' is unable to kill herself (it's never really explained, but it is probably some form of in-bred psychological programming by Deus that leaves her unable to take her own life), despite being virtually immortal thanks to her ability to [[Body Surf]]. Instead, she manipulates her former superior and lover, Ramsus, [[Thanatos Gambit|into killing her so she can]] {{spoiler|[[Body Surf]] into Elly and complete Deus's 10,000 year old [[Gambit Roulette]]}}.
* Rita from ''[[Galerians]]'' is unable to kill herself and begs Rion to do it for her, likely for reasons similar to what a robot's would be, though she's not one.
* This trope is built into the gameplay mechanics of the 2008 ''[[Prince of Persia]]'' reboot. The Prince cannot die either in combat or during the [[Le Parkour|acrobatic sections of the game]]. Even if you intentionally throw yourself of a cliff, Elika will save you and take you back to the last flat ground you stood on. Even when facing off with the dark god [[Big Bad|Ahriman]] he cannot die because Elika will save him. It's even used as a story element at one point: in order to beat the Concubine's illusion, he tosses himself off the top of a tower because he knows Elika is compelled to save him.
* In ''[[Deadly Premonition]]'', the shadows will sometimes shout "Please kill me!" or "Make me die!" when attacking.
* In ''[[Planescape: Torment]]'' you come across a woman who is dying of a painful illness but whose race has a taboo against suicide, and who requests that Dak'kon (a priestpriest—sort -- sort of -- ofof—of that same race) end her suffering. You can use this as an opportunity to [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|psychologically torture him]].
* In ''[[The Suffering]]'', Torque finds a prison guard- or more accurately, the torso and head of a prison guard who has had his limbs and tongue chewed off by rats, locked in a padded room. You can either leave the blood-gurgling man there to suffer, or kill him, whereupon your dead wife will applaud your decision and grant some karma points towards your ending.
* A variation occurs as part of a minor quest in [[The Elder Scrolls Four|the Shivering Isles expansion]], where an Imperial named Hirrus Clutumnus in Crucible asks you to kill him. He's perfectly capable of doing it himself and would be happy to, but doesn't want to end up on the Hill of Suicides like the others before him. Fortunately, he happens to spend time on the rail-less staircase to the New Sheoth palace grounds...
Line 272 ⟶ 264:
* In ''[[Final Fantasy XIII]]'', this trope is the driving force behind {{spoiler|Barthandelus and Orphan's plan to use Pulse l'Cie to destroy Cocoon. Since fal'Cie in general lack the free will to perform actions outside those predefined for them (hence the reason why l'Cie exist in the first place) and Cocoon fal'Cie cannot assign a Focus that would endanger Cocoon, they needed a Pulse fal'Cie, who could assign such a Focus without issue, to create l'Cie of its own to do the deed.}}
=== Visual Novels ===
== Visual Novels ==
* ''[[Saya no Uta]]'', with {{spoiler|your former girlfriend}} whom Saya has... modified.
* ''[[Fate/stay night|Fate Stay Night]]'' has {{spoiler|Saber Alter, corrupted and controlled by Dark Sakura,}} lose in a fight to Shirou. She calmly asks to be finished off, warning that she will likely heal in time to stop him should he not. If you choose to spare her, she does just that.
** {{spoiler|Sakura herself}} realizes that she needs to be stopped, but will only allow Shirou to do it.
== Web Comics ==
== Webcomics ==
* The [[Fan Nickname|so-called]] Suicide Fairies from ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]''. Upon meeting Antimony, they almost immediately ask her squish them flat with a rock. As it turns out, dying is a test they must pass to [[Voluntary Shapeshifting|gain new bodies]] and enter the Court. Outright killing themselves (or each other, apparently) constitutes cheating.
* [http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/07/21 This] [http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/07/28 series] of ''[[Penny Arcade (Webcomic)|Penny Arcade]]'' [http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/07/30 comics] utilizes the trope in a very efficient fashion. The Cardboard Tube Samurai must kill one of his oldest friends when he becomes possessed by an evil sword.
* ''[[Vexxarr]]'': [http://www.vexxarr.com/archive.php?seldate=013111 ...and now] they cannot.
* This is why Pices of the webcomic ''[[Zodiac (webcomic)|Zodiac]]'' joined the team of superheroes. Having been gene-spliced with an alien [[Eldritch Abomination]], he wants to ensure that, should he lose control, there is a team of superheroes ready to take him down.
== Web Original ==
* In ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'' Version Three, this happens with {{spoiler|Will Sigurbjornsson and Christian Rydell.}} {{spoiler|Christian}} is severely wounded by {{spoiler|Bobby Jacks}}, and pleads for death after the wound worsens when another creature rips it apart. {{spoiler|Will kills him.}}
* In ''[[Ruby Quest]]'', {{spoiler|Bella}} requests that Ruby detach her from the life support equipment which has kept her alive in an [[And I Must Scream]] situation for over a year, and refuses to allow Ruby to proceed any further until she complies.
* In the [[SCP Foundation]] SCP-735 is unable to move. It torments people, using words, possibly in an attempt to get destroyed. Unfortunately for it, if this is its goal, it probably isn't going to happen. the Foundation likes to horde SCPs that it doesn't consider to dangerous, and it is robust enough to withstand any personal that attempt to destroy it long enough for that personal to be stopped.
* Micro-fiction [//twitter.com/ctrlcreep/status/738833026176684032 from @ctrlcreep]:
{{quote|As of patch 7.822, androids can no longer shut themselves down. Reason: they just kept doing it at the slightest inconvenience }}
== Western Animation ==
Line 302 ⟶ 293:
== Real Life ==
* Interestingly, while Seppuku is frowned upon now, there is still a large cultural mindset in Japan towards self-punishment for dishonor. Although it doesn't usually reach [[I Cannot Self-Terminate]] levels, it can result in an odd (for Westerners) predeliction towards redemption.
** The ''kaishakunin'' or "second" in a seppuku ritual has a role somewhere between this and [[Mercy Kill]]. He decapitates the person committing seppuku after the cut is made, to kill the seppuku performer before the pain becomes so great that he cannot help but dishonor himself by showing pain.
** [[Japanese Christian|There were quite a few Roman Catholic samurais during]] [[Jidai Geki|the Sengoku period]]. As a result, they cannot commit seppuku due to religious reasons even it would be culturally appropriate to do so. The alternative is [[Suicide by Cop|suicide by opponent soldier]].
Line 314 ⟶ 305:
*** Perhaps for sword duels in some countries. Pistol duels were rather more dangerous, though.
* Serial killer James French was sentenced to life in prison. He wanted to die, but was afraid to commit suicide - so he murdered his cellmate, and subsequently, was executed. He also had some hilarious [[Famous Last Words]]:
{{quote| "How's this for tomorrow's headline? [[Incredibly Lame Pun|French Fries]]!"}}
* Filling out a living will may invoke this trope, depending on what criteria are incorporated into it.
* The purpose of the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland.
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[[Category:Death Tropes]]
[[Category:Choosing Death]]
[[Category:Friendly Fire Index]]
[[Category:I Cannot Self-Terminate]]
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