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* [[Arc Words]]: "Make us whole again."
* [[Artifact of Doom]]: The Marker.
* [[Artificial Gravity]]: It's an actual gameplay feature; moresomore so when it's not available.
* [[Artificial Limbs]]: Of a decidedly morally gray variety. You visit a body part cloning farm at one point.
* [[Artificial Stupidity]]: Due to some rather loose scripting, it's possible to make Necromorphs jump in and out of vents endlessly, force The Hunter to kill itself, and make Brutes totally ignore you, among other things.
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* [[Colony Drop]]: Though not exactly a colony, {{spoiler|a massive portion of Aegis VII comes crashing down after Isaac [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|accidentally shuts down the only thing holding it in position]]}}!
** He then has to not only {{spoiler|race Kendra Daniels to the only still-functioning space ship on the planet}}, but also defeat the [[Hive Mind]], start up the shuttle, and after all that, get far enough away before the {{spoiler|[[Earthshattering Kaboom|Aegis VII Shattering Kaboom]]}}!
* [[Combat Tentacles]]: A bunch of necromorphsNecromorphs have these, most notably the recurring ones that grab you and drag you towards your doom.
* [[Cosmic Horror]]: When the game isn't freaking you out with body horror, it's freaking you out with H.P. Lovecraft's old standby.
* [[Critical Existence Failure]]: Averted. Isaac doesn't die until that last sliver of blue is gone, but he does increase his heart rate, breathing rate, and slump over while moving if badly injured. Also, while having no lasting side-effects, Isaac starts panting and gasping heavily with increasing intensity as his air reserves run out.
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* [[Deadly Rotary Fan]]: The ventilation fans.
* [[Decontamination Chamber]]: Which takes exactly as long as it takes for Isaac to kill several Necromorphs. However, the ship's AI considers Necromorphs to be Bio-hazards (which they are), so it isn't much of a stretch for the AI to wait until the bio-hazards have been dealt with before finishing.
* [[Dead Character Walking]]: A glitch that sometimes causes necromorphsNecromorphs to [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhXarjJPBMg endlessly run around in circles], making them invincible until you block their path.
* [[Death by Irony]]: {{spoiler|Hammond. When you first fight a brute, he warns you that the only way to harm it is to shoot it in the back. Much later in the game, a brute corners him, and he panics and fires right into the creature's front, doing nothing and getting him torn apart. To be fair to poor Hammond, though, he was cornered and up against a vastly tougher version.}}
* [[Destruction Equals Off Switch]]: Or on switch in the case of certain doors with exposed fuses.
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* [[Faster-Than-Light Travel]]: Shockpoint drive. How does it work? In this game you can ''[[Rule of Cool|dismember alien zombies]],'' so who cares?
* [[Fetch Quest]]: Pretty much any level will be about finding arbitrary object A and taking it to place B, which is often right near where you start.
* [[Finishing Stomp]]: A good idea when you're not quite sure whether that Necromorph in front of you is dead yet. Also a good idea when you're not quite sure whether there's an infectorInfector nearby who might make a new Necromorph out of that human corpse in front of you. And finally, a good idea if there's a crate you want opened in front of you. ''Not'' a good idea when it comes to certain enemies who happen to be explosive, but in 95% of all cases, stomping the crap out of something will make your situation better - even if it's just by relieving stress.
** Isaac believes it's cathartic as well: he puts a ''lot'' of emotion into his voice when he stomps on something.
* [[Flatline]]: This sound is emitted by a RIG if its wearer (e.g. Isaac) dies. Also, {{spoiler|when Hammond, and later Kendra, gets killed, Isaac can hear flatlines.}}
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** And did we mention that the writing is usually in ''blood''?
* [[Rule of Cool]]: Some of the game's developers have specifically stated that they did not want Isaac to look like a [[Space Marine]]. Be that as it may, what's the best suit in the entire game, in terms of both protection and aesthetics? The Military Suit. [[Idiot Ball|Not that it did the ''Valor'' any good...]]
** The primary reason why you would find a remotely operated circular saw blade weapon. It even sounds like a real circular saw. If there's a more ''satisfying'' way to dismember necromorphsNecromorphs, we haven't found it yet.
* [[Scare Chord]]: The game features a dynamic music system implemented so that no music, or very little, plays when there's nothing around, but when Isaac sees, hears, or feels something that seriously raises his stress levels, some scary violin chords kick in.
** Listening to the soundtrack on its own has moments of this, since those chords are built into almost every track.
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* [[Spring Loaded Corpse]]: Necromorphs ''adore'' playing dead, and since the ship is overflowing with corpses, this can make for ''many'' a [[Jump Scare]]. Proceeding with your throat getting torn out.
** Made even worse by the fact that many creatures love to play dead ''in the middle of a fight'', and will happily stalk you while your back is turned. Nothing quite as pleasant as turning around and seeing the creature you supposedly just killed escape into a nearby vent.
** This turns into a bit of unintentional hilarity when players have wised up to this trick. The best of them simply know to (a) watch for the drop when you kill a necromorphNecromorph (since items tend to be shiny and holographically highlighted,) (b) automatically blow any "predeceased" necromorphNecromorph you see laying around away by shooting its legs out with a plasma gun or line gun (this works since only one "predeceased" necromorphNecromorph ''on the whole ship'' actually '''is''' dead and not playing dead, though it can still be overlooked if a play-dead necromorphNecromorph is hiding in a pile of human corpses,) and (c) preemptively dismember all the corpses in areas they know an Infecter will be about.) The rest of us simply dismember everything and some of us rationalize it as Isaac Clarke being [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|properly paranoid]]. Or we like the psychological morale boost to hear Isaac's cave-man roar and the wet squelch sound of corpses popping under the Mighty Boot.
* [[Stock Scream]]: Isaac releases a few of these at times, particularly during the battle with the Hive Mind if you fail to free yourself from the tentacles.
* [[Subspace Ansible]]: Implied via Nicole's message getting out at all.
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* [[Tractor Beam]]: It's called "kinesis," thank you very much. Also, the gravity tethers.
* [[Tuckerization]]: See [[Shout-Out]] above.
* [[Unusable Enemy Equipment]]: The ''Valor's'' armouryarmory is full of weaponry Isaac can't take, and he has to buy all his own gear save the Plasma Cutter; no other weapons appear in the game as pickups, even though they're supposed to be industrial tools used in the standard operations of the ship he's on. You can't even take the rifle off a guy who was just killed two feet in front of you. That said, he finds a metric assload of ammunition free for the taking.
* [[Unwinnable]]: See [[Game Breaking Bug]], above.
* [[Variable Mix]]: The music rises and falls depending on how you move through the level, but it also remains silent unless the ''player'' sees a monster, whether or not the monster is actually in the room with you. If one hits you from behind or jumps into view, you get a very appropriate musical sting that adds to the surprise.
* [[Vendor Trash]]: The superconductors.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: Admittedly, the only creatures you interact with are undead aliens, but Isaac can maim and mangle them just as badly as they can brutalisebrutalize him. Cutting limbs off, punting babies like footballs, ripping heads off in chokeholds, tearing tentacles out... and this is actually ''encouraged'' by the game; it's more ammo-efficient to dismember your opponents.
** True. And it is also true for human corpses. You never know when an Infector is about to pop up and infect all the corpses in the room. Just dismember them all for good measure.
* [[Video Game Flamethrowers Suck]]: Poor damage. Short (and even weaker) damage over time. Very fast ammo consumption. Short range. Virtually no stopping power or dismemberment ability. You can't even use it in a vacuum. Is there any reason to get this thing? ...Well, when you fully upgrade its damage, ''blue fire''.
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** Also, the cackling mad woman who commits suicide as you enter the room {{spoiler|in the Unitology 'coven'}}. Too bad you can't pick up her pistol, since {{spoiler|this is just moments prior to the Hunter's second appearance}} (though all things considered, a pistol would probably be useless).
** A Necromorph also does this to Isaac if you don't fight it off in time.
* [[Zombie Gait]]: Averted for the most part. Most Necromorphs can keep running pace with Isaac, the exceptions being the ones whose bulk or frailty wouldn't logically allow them to match his speed. Special mention has to go to the Twitchers, former soldiers whose stasis units have been repurposedre-purposed to make them inhumanely quick, allowing them to cross a room in seconds.
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