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[[File:SulanDurstsFace_8843.jpg|link=Star Trek: Voyager|rightframe|[[Organ Theft|A face freshly pilfered off your shipmate]] is a [http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Vidiian Vidiian's] idea of [[A Form You Are Comfortable With]].]]
Generally speaking, where British kids had ''[[Doctor Who]]'', American kids had ''[[Star Trek]]''.
Generally speaking, where British kids had ''[[Doctor Who]]'', American kids had ''[[Star Trek]]''.
'''Note:''' please avoid [[Conversation On the Main Page|personal examples, anecdotes and natter]]. Feel free to tell us about how scary the Borg are, but we don't need to know how they made you hide under the bed.
Let's take it by series:
== Original ==
== [[Star Trek: The Original Series|The Original Series]] ==
* There's the classic "The Doomsday Machine", where a giant, bluish-green horn of plenty like machine is consuming everything in its path and the mighty USS Enterprise can't seem to stop it. Not to mention its massacre of the crew of another ship, identical to the Enterprise, whose captain the experience had driven completely mad.
** Ah yes, the Cornucopia of Doom?
*** No, the [[The ShipsShip's Closet|Angry Icicle Condom Of Fire.]]
*** A more [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|sanity-rending]] [[Eldritch Abomination|horn]] has yet to be found.
* Don't forget the very first episode, "The Man Trap", with the shapeshifting alien that sucked the salt out of the victim's body.
* And the Horta: imagine a giant ''pizza'' out to kill you.
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** And the part where the [[Red Shirt]] of the week beamed up to the ship, and then dropped dead? And then a SCARY VOICE came out of his DEAD mouth? Yeek.
* The Kelvans, who reduced a young yeoman to a polyehdral cube and then crushed her to dust! ("By Any Other Name")
* And who could forget the Zetarians in "The Lights of Zetar?" Non-corporeal energy beings who zoom around the galaxy so fast the ''Enterprise'' can't outrun them, searching for someone to possess so they can live out their lives. And if they can't possess you, they'll just kill you horrifically while trying. The woman who dies on the station spends several seconds with her face writhing uncontrolablyuncontrollably and glowing several different colors, possibly in a very great deal of pain, before she dies. Even with the long-out-of-date and obvious special effects, the shot is still unnerving.
* Charlie X. He can age you, turn you into an iguana or leave your face quite blank, among other disturbing things. But that doesn't really do him justice. [[Enfant Terrible]] [[Reality Warper]] [[Stalker with a Crush]] [[Mind Rape|Mind Rapist]], anyone?
** What about the aliens who [[Touched by Vorlons|gave him his powers]] and apparently raised him? They're apparently so creepy that Charlie ''himself'' is frightened of them. You know, the same reality warper who just spent the whole episode swaggering about invincibly, smugly confident in his own superiority, and now he's begging the same people he was just bullying not to let them take him away. Then the way his last plea of "I wanna stay" echoes when they teleport him off the ship...
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* This may sound a little weird, but Chekov under the effects of the [[Hate Plague]] in "Day of the Dove." It wasn't...''nightmare-inducing'', per se, but seeing the goofy [[Comic Relief]] character with a bad accent suddenly start attacking everyone and attempt to RAPE some poor lady while whispering creepy things to her was really... disturbing.
* Balok in ''The Corbomite Maneuver''. Both as young Clint Howard with that adult voice and the alien dummy he pretended to be were scary. The latter even more so because they put that image at the end of every closing credits: you had to see it if you watched every episode from the second season on!
* Three words: Khan Noonien Singh. Granted, he would get much worse in the second Star Trek film, but even in his introductory episode, "Space Seed", the man was frightening. During his attempt to take over the Enterprise, he makes it clear to Kirk that he isn't screwing around by locking Kirk, Spock, and Uhura in the bridge and shutting off Life Support there in order to get them and the crew to surrender. When ''that'' doesn't work, he forces them to watch each other die, one by one, via suffocation in Sick Bay's decompression chamber.
* Almost everything about NOMAD from "The Changeling", from its genocidal mission to "sterilize imperfect beings" to sending Spock into a mind meld induced [[Madness Mantra]] to wiping Uhura's brain.
* The ''Constitution''-class ship is kind of bright and cheery with the red doors and uniforms and such, right? Well, when [[Ghost Ship|everyone on it is dead or almost dead]], the emptiness is kind of creepy, creepy like an [[Abandoned Hospital]]. Specifically, the ''Defiant'' from TOS: "The Tholian Web" and ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly" and the ''Republic'' from [[Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (video game)]] were messed up real bad. It didn't help that Kirk and his landing party on either ship were stuck there without the ability to transport to the ''Enterprise'' -- that's right, no escape route despite being on ships falling apart at the seams. And in the former case, on a ship that is phasing in and out of reality as you know it.
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{{quote|'''Kirk''': {{spoiler|Can you imagine a mind....''emptied'' by that thing?}}}}
* "The Alternative Factor," where the two Lazaruses are doomed to [[Fate Worse Than Death|forever fight each other in between the two universes]].
* McCoy's injuries during "The Empath". What's worse is that we don't see exactly ''what'' happened to him during that time.
* Gary Mitchell from "Where No Man Has Gone Before", especially the part where Kirk and Spock are monitoring him reading through the ship's library in minutes flat and he turns and stares at them with his creepy, silver eyes. Then there's his powers, being able to make an oasis in a barren wasteland, and wanting to use said powers [[A God Am I|to make himself a god]].
* A lot of people consider the scene in "Plato's Step-Children" to be [[Crowning Moment of Funny|hilarious, what with the Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum song, tap dancing, self-slapping, and Kirk giving a pony-ride to a very small man in a toga.]] While it's understandable to see it as funny on the surface, consider for a moment a race of people who can [[Mind Rape|force you to do ANYTHING. ANYTHING. On a whim. And not only that, but they can force you to FEEL anything, too -- they have Spock laughing and crying.]] Spock himself says it best: they could seriously injure or even ''kill'' you just because they wanted to or you made them angry. Without even breaking a sweat, with the power of their minds alone. And these people seem to have no moral compass. At all. Imagine the sheer horror of being forced to humiliate yourself and be caused pain just because someone else was selfish, bored, and ''could''.
** This means a [[You Bastard]] moment for people who did laugh at that episode.
** Not helped that those assholes (the psychics) more or less [[Forced to Watch|make Dr. McCoy watch the whole thing]] in an attempt to make him stay on the planet as their physician, not long after he saved their leader from dying.
* "Wolf In The Fold": The idea that a seemingly immortal being had been possessing and killing people for thousands of years just to feed on their fear.
== [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|The Next Generation]] ==
* While we're on the subject of anthropomorphic drowning hazards, Armus from the episode "Skin of Evil", though some people consider it to be [[Narm]].
* The Doomsday Machine mentioned for TOS? Another one shows up in the novel ''Vendetta''. It's bigger, it's faster, it's angry, it's ''haunted'' by [[Yandere]] ghosts!
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** Nagilum's creepiest line is worth mentioning:
{{quote|"Is it also true that you have a limited existence?... you exist, then you cease to exist. You call it... death."}}
** ...Which immediately leads to a redshirt being killed by a forced heart attack.
** And let us not forget Picard and Riker calmly and matter -of -factly deciding to self-destruct the ship with all hands aboard rather then have them be killed one by one by Nagilum. The conversation Picard and his [[Number 1One]] have over how long to set the count down to the ship's destruction is chilling. [[It Got Worse|It gets worse]] when [[Fridge Horror]] sets in and we remember that besides the crew, the Enterprise is populated by a couple hundred civilians, many of them children. One can't fault Picard and Riker for wanting to spare their crew from the horrible screaming death we saw the red shirt subjected to, but the way they just give up without really exploring any other options is unnerving.
** They go to a ship that is the ''exact'' double of the ''Enterprise'', only there's nobody aboard at all, and there are strange inhuman screams echoing throughout the ship. Then Riker finds Worf, who is freaking out a little, and they ask each other if they were making the screams. They weren't. Then they find the bridge, and every door leads to one of the other doors on the bridge, so they're stuck and are visibly shaken when they return to Enterprise.
*** Worf pretty much lost his shit on the bridge of the doppelganger ship. "THERE IS ONE BRIDGE. ONE RIKER, ONE BRIDGE GRAAHHH." It might be narmful if it wasn't so scary.
* The episode "Phantasms", specifically the [[I'm a Humanitarian|cellular peptide cake]] (with mint frosting).
** The cake was freaky, but ''much worse'' is watching Data, aka the Nicest of Nice Guys, [[Dissonant Serenity|calmly]] ''stabbing Troi in the shoulder'' over... and over... and ''over...''
* The first revealing of [[Losing Your Head|Data's head]], in a cavern in San Fransisco.
** Later on, time starts to go screwy and we get a glimpse of the energy-draining ghost things.
*** The Devidians, the race of aliens in question, were picked up for use in one of the "Weekly Episode" story arcs for [[Star Trek Online]] recently, in the spirit of Halloween. The Devidians in the actual TV episode are nothing compared to the ones in game - they are in absolutely massive numbers, as opposed to the handful seen on TV, and their base of operations is the poorly-maintained innards of a space station that, until recently, was uninhabited since the days of TOS. It was probably the single creepiest quest ever seen in an MMORPG. Worse still, from that point on, you'll occasionally see the lights flicker in the populated regions of the station, and a ghostly Devidian will run by, apparently unseen by everyone else but you...
* The [[The Virus|Borg]]. 'Nuff said.
** The Borg Queen is introduced as a talking, disembodied head and shoulders being lowered down into the rest of her body (''shown being assembled'' in later appearances; apparently, her body's stored ''in pieces'' when not needed.) Part of the spine hangs from the head and wiggles around in the air until it's all put into place. The aroused look on her face in the moments after being put back together doesn't help.
** ''The Return'' managed to make the Borg even creepier than we saw in the movies. Vicious assimilated dogs, a giant construction/weapon drone (with a spiderlike "scuttler" that emerged from it), pumping organic parts inside the cube, and a multi-bodied engineered drone (only the first body has a head; when Spock asks what it does, he's told "It feeds the tubes."). If it were actually filmed....Yipes!
** You think the Borg are bad in their current form? [http://www.ottens.co.uk/forgottentrek/tng_4.php Here] is some lovely concept art that shows what they were ''considering'' making the Borg look like, with such lovely little details as ''[httphttps://wwwweb.archive.org/web/20110628031652/http://ottens.co.uk/forgottentrek/images/TNG/borg_concept-1.png visible intestines behind transparent plating,] mobile, sea anenome-style hair made out of pipes, and'' '''[httphttps://wwwweb.archive.org/web/20110628031529/http://ottens.co.uk/forgottentrek/images/TNG/borg_concept-2.png razor-sharp sickles attacthed to the Borg Queen's frigging wrists.]''' Creepy does not even ''begin'' to cover it.
** In their introductory episode, a drone beams into main engineering and scans the ship's computer. It takes two phaser blasts to kill it, but is immediately replaced by another drone, and when Worf fires again it's blocked by the Borg shields. The drone then starts seriously messing with the ''Enterprise'' systems while staring very creepily at Picard and crew.
** In Parallels you see a [http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/File:Riker_gone_mad.jpg desperate and half-mad Riker] begging for help from the alt-uni Enterprise. In his universe, the entire Federation has been overrun by Borg, and he is the only man shown on the bridge. He is so desperate to prevent himself from returning to his own dimension that he tries to ''kill Worf and by doing so endanger all of the multiverses in the process''. Thinking about what the ''rest'' of that universe must be like gives me the heebly-jeeblies.
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** After {{spoiler|they PHASER THE SKIN OFF HIS HEAD WHICH SUBSEQUENTLY EXPLODES.}} In one version of it, at least.
*** And then after that {{spoiler|his whole upper torso explodes and an alien parasite jumps out, so they blast that with their phasers, and then it explodes too.}}
*** I feel it's worth noting that said parasite was the [[Special Effects Failure|saddest sock-puppet alien]] I'd ever seen. The ''concept art'' on the other hand: [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/File:Conspiracy_(Andrew_Probert).jpg Looky man looky!]{{Dead link}}
* Don't forget the time everyone on the ship but Data is slowly transformed into prehistoric animals.
* And the episode where the ship gets cleaned by an energy field slowly sweeping through it that will kill ''any living being it touches''. Of course, Picard and some thieves get caught on the ship when the field is activated. (One [[Gory Discretion Shot|isn't seen dying]], but is certainly ''heard'' dying, screaming horribly.)
* One episode had a [[Red Shirt|Red (Gold) Shirt]] die by getting ''[http://images.wikia.com/memoryalpha/en/images/b/b7/Vanmayterdeath.jpg phased halfway through the floor.]''{{Dead link}}
* The episode where Dr. Crusher gets trapped on a deserted Enterprise in the collapsing universe may be far scarier than was intended. There's a particular kind of hopeless terror when the ''borders of reality itself are closing in on all sides''. The recent ''New Scientist'' article predicting that this might be what it would ''actually'' look like when the universe ends ''does not help''.
** People start vanishing and no one [[Through the Eyes of Madness|except Dr. Crusher]] believes they were ever there, not even the ship's computer. At least when the pocket universe started collapsing you knew what was going on.
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** COMPUTER: "The universe is a spheroid region 705 meters in diameter." CREEPY.
* How about that "Out of Phase" episode, where Geordi and Ro, who were trapped in the alternate phase of reality, dealt with a guy by ''kicking him out into space through a solid wall''? Or the creepy incarnate when they appeared at their own funeral as ghosts writhing in pain as the [[Applied Phlebotinum]] of the episode revealed them to the rest of the crew?
** Applying [[Fridge Logic]] to this episode makes it even worse. It's established that the people who are out of phase aran't able to interact with matter. This means that the out of phase people don't need air, or else it would have been a very short episode. Given that they don't need air, we can surmise they probably aran't affected by changes in temperature or pressure. Now apply all this to the Romulan who got shoved through the hull of the ship, last seen drifting off into space unable to counter the momentum of the push that sent him through the hull. Instead of dying a relatively quick death from exposure to space, the poor bastard will instead drift through space until he finally dies of dehydration.
*** You're being too generous. He might die if he's ''lucky''. It could be possible that you can't die out of phase, and that [[And I Must Scream|he'll just fly through space forever, unable to touch anything or communicate with anyone.]] And all he really wanted to do was ''avoid'' such a fate.
*** It can be even worse than that. Apparently people out of phase are still affected by gravity and can feel pain. Add into this potential immortality and, well, he's going to have to drift by a sun or a star eventually...
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** That whole episode is made of nightmare fuel. Also noteworthy are Counselor Troi's psychadelic visions: ''Eyes in the dark''
** One of the more subtly creepy moments is when Picard is sitting in his office, and the door chime starts sounding... over and over and over... and you don't know or see what's causing it. Keep in mind, this is before you really start to realize what's going on in the episode, so the fact that ''no one'' is activating the door chime is [[Nothing Is Scarier|freaky as hell.]]
* The entirety of the episode "Schisms," where Enterprise crew are abducted and experimented on while they sleep by creatures from deep subspace. Particularly the scene where the abductees try to reconstruct their nightmares on the holodeck, ending with them standing around a creepy operating table in the dark with strange clicking and buzzing noises in the background. You can even see an abductee's hands climbing toward her face in horror as they get more and more accurate. Or perhaps the scene in sick bay where Riker learns that his arm has been severed and then reattached while he was asleep.
*** Apparently, the aliens from ''Schisms'' were never brought back because Brannon Braga [http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Schisms#Background_Information didn't find them "terrifying" enough] (!) to be worthwhile. I still would have been creeped out had they been giant pink bunnies.
* What about that serious [[Mind Screw]] in ''Frame of Mind''?
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* Those... ''creatures''... from "Realm of Fear", those... worm-things, slowly coming into view in the middle of the transporter haze.
* "The Most Toys" features what's basically a phaser on steroids that boils its victims from the inside out, giving them a few seconds of unimaginable pain before they die. And we actually see a ''full body shot'' of someone being killed by it!
* ''[[Evil Twin|Lore.]]'' When he first appears in "Datalore," he's vaguely creepy. Then you find out that he's a ruthless sociopath, and that's creepier. But it's during the scene when he kicks his deactivated brother in the head, twice, for no practical reason, that he becomes truly terrifying. He isn't merely pragmatically self-centered; [[Complete Monster|he ENJOYS hurting people.]] And he's strong and fast enough to tear out your femur and stab you with it before you could scream.
* "Conundrum" presented the ''incredibly'' unsettling notion that the crew's mind could be wiped and the entire crew be turned against a technologically inferior civilization without even realizing it. Just the notion itself is [[Paranoia Fuel]].
* The episode ''Violations'' is terrifying enough to watch as a child, but understanding the literal [[Mind Rape]] implications of the telepathic attacks pulls it squarely into [[Adult Fear]] territory.
* "The Game", especially when Wesley goes to talk to Picard about starting an investigation. You see him putting something down as Wesley enters, and then after he leaves, Picard turns around and picks up a copy of the game without a word.
* ''Dark Page''. I first saw it when I was around ten or so, and it scared the hell out of me. If you never thought ''Lwaxana Troi'' could be scary... yikes. To make matters worse, it was aired back-to-back with ''Phantasms'' which is ANOTHER deeply unsettling episode.
* TNG never got a [[Mirror Universe]] episode, but the book ''Dark Mirror'' gives it a go, and it's ''nasty''. [[The Empath|Troi]] as [[Mind Rape|Mind Rapist]] and [[The Captain|Picard]] as a murderous psychopath were bad enough, but then Good!Picard discovers that this universe perverted [[William Shakespeare]] into a twisted parody of the literature we know. He can't even bring himself to ''look'' at his antique copy of [[The Bible]] (presumably he wants to sleep sometime).
== [[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|Deep Space Nine]] ==
* The Death of [[Mirror Universe]] Odo in "Crossover."
* Odo's physical decay in "The Die is Cast."
** Any time Odo is strung out and needs to turn back into his true form to rest, but he can't. The makeup effects are impressively [[Squick]].
* In an episode in which someone is killing Kira's resistance cellmates, they send her messages saying "That's one", etc. as each person is killed, in a deeply creepy Saw-type distorted voice. Even creepier? {{spoiler|They use Kira's voice.}}
* In "Field of Fire", when the {{spoiler|insane Vulcan}} murderer is revealed, he says he committed his crimes {{spoiler|because it was ''logical''}}.
** Another creepy moment happens {{spoiler|when Ezri and the villain, both using guns which can see through walls, '' find themselves aiming at each other, at the exact same time, from all the way across the freaking station''}}.''
* [[The Reveal]] that the [[Shape Shifter|Changelings]] had infiltrated the Federation. "It's too late; [[We Are Everywhere|we're everywhere]]."
** While Sisko is dealing with dissension within Starfleet that's led to martial law, a Changeling (in the form of nice, fun O'Brien no less) stops by just to taunt him. "What if I told you that at this moment there are only four Changelings on this planet? And look at the havoc we have wrought."
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== [[Star Trek: Voyager|Voyager]] ==
* [[Show Within a Show]] version: There's a sequence in a child's holodeck program in which a massive fire monster hops out of nowhere and burns the main character to [[Not Quite Dead|what looks like death if the kid's not bright enough to figure out how to help him.]] Worse happens in some children's stories, but the Holodeck is '''virtual reality''' -- 3D, immersive, in your face, and by the 24th century, as realistic-looking as reality. The idea of any programmer making such entertainment for a child seriously stretches [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]].
** Unintentionally terrifying things in media made for children have been a staple [[Truth in Television|since fiction began.]]
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*** Just remember their introduction. Two Borg cubes float towards the camera and the 'We are the Borg...' speech is heard. BEFORE THEY FINISH, 8472 weapons fire and both cubes go BOOM without a chance to fire a single shot. It's that infamous speech trailing off as the cubes turn into nothing but debris that catapults it into High Octane.
** Species 8472 were introduced in an episode featuring a ''small mountain of mutilated Borg corpses''. '''Gah.'''
** And later on, they [[Earthshattering Kaboom|Blow up a Borg planet]]. If the [[Star Wars|Alderaan]] scene is scary, imagine this being done by a couple of Voyager-sized ships, with the beams first converging on a central one before hitting a planet - and instead of clear "Hit and Boom" one sees as the planet disintegrates piece by piece!
* The creatures the ''Equinox'' crew [[Human Resources|harvested for their advanced warp drive]] were creepy, and they popped out of portals and as such could attack from ''anywhere'' without warning. Complete with [[Shaky POV Cam|monster's-eye view]] of screaming crewmen as the creatures pounce on their faces. And what they do to you if they get you is at least as bad as Species 8472.
* It doesn't get worse than the Vidiians, though. Afflicted with a disease that wastes their bodies to the point where most of them make your average zombie look like a GQ model by comparison, they attack ships to harvest crews' organs. Instead of the usual [[Energy Weapons|ray guns]], their weapons ''teleport organs right out of victims' bodies.'' Skin is in demand as well, and many a [[Red Shirt]] has been taken away only for a Vidiian to return still looking pretty rotted... except for the face, which now has human skin that doesn't fit very well. And ''only'' the face, not the rest of the head, furthering the glued-on-skin look.
** [http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Image:SulanDurstsFace.jpg A particular(ly gruesome) example.]
* "The Thaw" in which members of the crew are trapped in a dream-like computer program where they are held captive by, ridiculed and almost killed by, not a [[Monster Clown]] but a whole bloody [[Circus of Fear|''monster circus'']]. The clown was the ringleader, played by Micheal McKean as a [[Large Ham]]. The part that I remember the most is when the whole circus sings out "A VI-RUS! A VI-RUS! HE THINKS WE ARE A VI-RUS!" in a chillingly demented way.
* "Scientific Method" in which the crew are being experimented upon by invisible (phased) aliens. When Seven of Nine alters her optical whatevers, we see the crew walking around with 'things' sticking out of them while being followed by alien scientists like labrats.
** And for extra pants-soiling fun, the scene where one of the aliens ''walks up to Seven and starts adjusting one of the unholy devices attached to her face.'' And we [[Nothing Is Scarier|never get to see what it looks like]]. ''And'' Seven absolutely cannot react to whatever horrors she sees or else she would give the game away to the aliens and they would exterminate ''Voyager'''s crew as "failed test subjects".
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== [[Star Trek: Enterprise|Enterprise]] ==
* The Xindi [[Bug War|Insectoids]] are enormous [[Serkis Folk|computer-animated]] ants. Industrial Light and Magic gives us all the detail on them you'll ever want and then some.
* There was also the automated repair station that turned out to kidnap crew members and fake their deaths so it could [[Powered by a Forsaken Child|use their brains in its computers.]] Archer blows it up in the end... but the final scene is it beginning to put itself back together.
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== The Movies ==
* ''[[Star Trek: The Motion Picture/Nightmare Fuel|Star Trek the Motion Picture]]'' The whole damn, [[Leave the Camera Running|interminable]] thing! THAT is terrifying!
** Actually, specific events in this movie are a great example. In this movie more than any other Trek production, every aspect of space travel in the 23rd Century IS TRYING TO KILL YOU! The transporter disintegrates the ship's science officer. Crewmembers make extensive use of space suits for EVA. Going to warp accidentally throws you inside an uncontrollable wormhole. And remember those 300-year old space probes? One of them is coming back, and it's dragging a giant machine thousands of miles long that is more than capable of rendering the planet Earth completely lifeless. What's more, it's been sent by a race of machines that don't even perceive carbon-based organisms as living beings. V'ger is looking for God, and if it doesn't find it, it will nuke your planet.
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** The thought that whatever happened on Omicron Ceti V since Kirk marooned the ''Botany Bay'' survivors there was sufficient enough to drive ''Khan'' of all people to the point of utter madness is pretty nightmare-inducing. In ''Space Seed'', Khan was himself a case of [[Nightmare Fuel]]; in the movie, he's gone completely psychotic.
* ''[[Star Trek III: The Search For Spock/Nightmare Fuel|Star Trek III the Search For Spock]]''
* ''[[Star Trek: Insurrection]]''. The flesh stretching process of the Son'a. Only somewhat Nightmare Fuel until head baddie Ru'afo {{spoiler|betrays Admiral Dougherty, killing him by subjecting him to a flesh stretching machine. Ow.}}
* ''[[Star Trek Generations]]''. When Data's newly-installed emotion chip overloads and he goes [[Laughing Mad]], it's ''creepy as hell.''
* ''[[Star Trek (film)|Star Trek (2009)]]''. This movie is surprisingly tame compared to most Star Trek movies, but there are still a few moments:
** The indistinct voices heard inside the ''Narada'' at one point.
** The ''Narada'' is about twenty miles long, hideously overweaponed, and covered in blades and tentacles caused by uncontrollable Borg ''growths''. There is nothing Accidental about the ''Narada''{{'}}s [[Nightmare Fuel]].
** Being beamed inside a cooling system.
** That [[Eldritch Abomination]] monster on the ice planet.
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== [[Star Trek: New Voyages|New Voyages]] ==
* "Blood and Fire" is about Regulan bloodworms. The ones the Klingons were joking about in "The Trouble with Tribbles". Regulan bloodworms are not funny. Or cute. Or harmless and useful, like the ones in ''Enterprise''. Point of fact, {{spoiler|they travel in gigantic swarms, and they eat people alive, and we get to see it.}}
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