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* [[Awesome McCoolname]]: Max Payne. Even the villains lampshade this.
{{quote|'''Frankie''': Max Payne. I envy your name.}}
** As do the other policemen. [[Deconstructed Trope|Apparently, Payne is a name that will most likely "make 'em remember" and even get a pomotionpromotion than one like]] ''[[Fail O'Suckyname|Broussard]]''.
* [[Awesome Yet Practical]]: You'll find yourself leaping through the air firing your handguns akimbo a lot.
* [[Badass Bystander]]:
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** Notable in that there is ''so much'' flavor dialogue in Portuguese (and Spanish).
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: Well, it ''is'' [[Film Noir]].
* [[Bling Bling Bang]]: Golden Gun parts can be collected for use in single-player and multiplayermulti-player in the third.
* [[Blown Across the Room]]: When you use a shotgun, count on [[Mooks]] getting this treatment.
** In the first game especially, ''any'' kill shot, from ''any'' gun will do this.
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* [[Hit Scan]]: One of the first games to make a big deal of averting this; all of Max's weapons fired modeled projectiles, the bullet-time mechanic was created largely so you could see this more clearly.
* [[Hollywood Silencer]]: Taken to egregious levels in 3, where Max duct tapes a water bottle to the end of his pistol at the beginning of Chapter 12. ''And it works.''
* [[How We Got Here]]: The first game opens immediately after Max kills Nicole Horne, and then flashes back to how he got involved in the whole thing. The second game start right after {{spoiler|Mona dies}}, then flashes back to Max in the hospital after {{spoiler|falling down a hole}} earlier that night, which serves as the first level of the game. At the end of the level, Max finds {{spoiler|Winterson's body}}, which causes him to flash back (that's right, a flashback within a flasbackflashback) to the events that led to {{spoiler|Max shooting and killing Winterson and falling down a hole}}, starting with a routine mission the previous night. By the time ''that'' flashback ends, there are only a few levels left of the game, which are spent telling how Max wound up at the scene of {{spoiler|Mona's death}}. The third game shows how Max got from the NYPD Detective he was in the second game to the alcoholic screw-up that he is in the third game. Unlike the first two games that took place over two or three nights, the third game will take place over a few months and the flashback sequences are spread around evenly.
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: Max can fit a ludicrous number of guns in his jacket in the first two games, but it's averted in the third game. He can carry one large rifle or shotgun and two smaller weapons (also letting him mix and match them, so he can carry an Uzi and a revolver, one in each hand if you wish). Max will even realistically carry his longarm in his off hand due to the lack of a sling, even during cutscenes. And if he needs to go [[Guns Akimbo]], he has to drop the long gun. The game even [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|edits cutscenes to take account of whether or not Max entered the scene carrying a rifle]] and has to put it down or have it taken, and he later carries a duffel bag throughout a level.
** [[Shown Their Work|The Beretta Model 12 submachine gun has also had its stock and foregrip removed to allow it to be fit in Max's shoulder holsters]] (although both it and the Sawed-Off Shotgun still look ridiculous when they're stowed there).
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** Rico Muerte's last name is Spanish for [[The Grim Reaper|death]].
** The Sax twins' names are Mona and Lisa.
** Ragna Rock is a reference to Ragnarok, the Norse apocaylpseapocalypse.
** The Aesir Corporation is named after the Aesir, the chief pantheon of Norse gods.
** Max learns about Project Valhalla by accessing a computer network called Yggdrasil, the name of the giant tree from which Odin was hung, an ordeal which gave him secret knowledge.
** Valkyr drug makes user high with potential deadly results. Much like Valkyries, flying creatures who take the warriors to Valhalla. After they die, of course.
** Most of the names of the second game's levels. Though most of the allusion goes to the quotes present within the level, some are relevant to the general situation ("No 'Us' In This" is a level where you would expect to have {{spoiler|Mona}} as a sidekick, but she runs off) or even gameplay features ("Dearest Of All My Friends" is exactly how much you have to protect {{spoiler|Vinnie}} during the game's [[Escort Mission]]).
* {{spoiler|[[Mercy Kill]]}}: {{spoiler|You have the option to give one to Becker in the third game, but he dies on his own if you refuse, which also nets you an achievement and unlocks [[Defeat Means Playable|his burnt, half-dead corpse as a playable character in multiplayermulti-player Deathmatch]].}}
* [[Mighty Whitey]]: A [[Smug Snake]] military leader accuses Max of trying to be this in a confrontation towards the end of the third game. It rings pretty hollow considering that he and his men have been {{spoiler|pretty much ''re-enacting the Holocaust'' with the city's poor and criminal element by kidnapping them and harvesting their organs.}}
* [[Mook Promotion]]: In the first game, Vinnie Gognitti is a ratty, low-level flunky who Max chases and torments for information, and is so pathetic Max figures he's not even worth killing. By the second game, Vinnie seems to be pretty much running the entire Mafia, due to Max having killed everybody else in the Family hierarchy during the course of the first game.
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** A police sketch of Max in the third game looks like his facial model from the first game.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Nicole Horne, Jack Lupino, Rico Muerte, and Max Payne himself.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: {{spoiler|Max's alliance with Vlad Lem in the first game sees him stealing a huge shipfulshipfull of illegal contraband for the Russian mobster in return for his assistance in taking down the Punchinello crime family. Years later Vlad's private army of assassins are bringing New York to its knees and Max is being shot at with guns that may very well have come from that boat. Oh bugger.}}
* [[Nintendo Hard]]: Even since the first game, a small bite in your luck can result in Max taking a large amount of damage that could become troublesome for you down the road, whether via wasted painkillers or otherwise. Through gratuitous usage of Quicksaves, however, one can essentially retry a specific gunfight as much as they want to lessen the amount of health/ammo expended or so forth.
** Naturally, the hardest difficulties [[Harder Than Hard|put a limit on the amount of quicksaves per level you could do,]] to the point that if one doesn't ration them carefully, a single enemy getting a good shot in [[Check Point Starvation|could send you pretty far back, if not to the beginning of the level entirely.]] Console gamers were stuck with checkpoints.
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** They also mention working a wedding in Aruba.
* [[Nostalgia Level]]: [[Nostalgia Level]]: The nightclub "Ragna Rock", which serves as the final level of the first chapter in the first game, and is revisited twice in the sequel in various stages of renovation.
** Hoboken in ''3''. A Max Payne game without a seemingly neverendingnever-ending supply of mobsters? Blasphemy.
* [[Not What It Looks Like]]: Vinnie's Captain Baseball-bat Boy collection.
{{quote|"What? I'm a collector! There's nothin' nerdy about it, I'm a collector! Lots of tough guys are into this stuff! Frankie was into this stuff, he was a fuckin' tough guy! Just you wait till I sell my collection on eBay..."}}
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* [[Walk It Off]]: If Max or Mona are injured beyond a certain point, they walk with a limp and the amount of damage slowly decreases until it is at this threshold. The second game dispenses with the limping.
** In the third game, Max takes a .50 to the arm and is left stumbling and half-coherent from blood loss and shock, but is back to normal with painkillers and bandages.
** More to the definition of the trope, the third game's multiplayermulti-player features health regeneration, affected by how much weight the player is carrying.
* [[Wasn't That Fun?]]: Subverted in ''Max Payne 2''. After getting rid of dozens of mobsters trying to kill Vinnie Gognitti and finally escaping, Vinnie comments "Well, that was fun - [[Dissimile|in a fuckin' terrible, sick, not-at-all-fun way]]".
* [[We Can Rule Together]]: {{spoiler|B.B.}} offers this to Max in the first game. Max doesn't even flinch for a second in rejecting it.
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