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[[File:MKR cast.jpg|thumb|500px|The major characters from the first series/season.]]
This is the character sheet offor ''[[Magic Knight Rayearth]]''. Please help with the blurbs.
== Magic Knights ==
=== Hikaru Shidou ===
{{quote|:''Voiced by: [[Hekiru Shiina]] (Japanese), Julie Maddalena (English, TV series), Tara Jayne (English, OVA)}}''
The pint-sized, but [[Plucky Girl|hard -willed]] [[Redheaded Hero|Red Headed Heroine]]. Hikaru is [[Genki Girl|cheery and excitable]], but [[Wise Beyond Their Years|surprisingly shows a lot of wisdom and is probably the most mature of the team]]. She gets chosen as the Magic Knight of [[Playing with Fire|Fire]] and her Rune God is [[Big Badass Wolf|Rayearth]]. Of the three girls, she is the one who embraces the mantle of Magic Knight the most eagerly and is usually the first person to wade into their battles with the creatures of Cephiro and Zagato's servants.
{{spoiler|She is the one who is most crushed when she killed Emeraude, leaving a lot of guilt that forms up into a being called [[Enemy Without|Nova]] in the anime. She later gets picked as the new Pillar of Cephiro, thereby granting her [[A God Am I|godlike]] [[Fisher King|power]], but relinquishes it immediately so the power of the land can belong to the people living there.}}
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She doesn't think much about love, but managed to garner the interest of both Lantis and Eagle. When asked why (in the manga), she just states she loves both of them equally and will marry both. How far this goes is under debate by the fandom.
Tropes associated with Hikaru:
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=== Umi Ryuuzaki ===
{{quote|:''Voiced by: [[Konami Yoshida]] (Japanese), [[Wendee Lee]] (English, TV Series), [[Amy Birnbaum]] (English, OVA)}}''
The tallest of the girls, [[The Ojou|coming from a rich family]] and attends a private school for rich girls. Umi at first is the least willing to do her job, and [[Rich Bitch|comes off very snobbish and uncaring about Cephiro's problems]]. However, amongst the girls, she can be seen as [[Character Development|the most developed out of them]], as the situation completely demands her to really mature up, and she really did, becoming a much more admirable character. She's also pretty handy with a [[Lady of War|rapier]], being in the fencing team of the school. She is the Magic Knight of [[Making a Splash|Water]] and her Rune God is Seles. Seems a bit obsessed on [[Eat the Dog|eating Mokona]], who annoys her greatly.
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She doesn't have much romance going on either, but she is quite fond of Clef. Ascot also shows feelings towards her, but it's not known whether she returns his feelings.
Tropes associated with Umi:
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* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: She starts out as a [[Spoiled Brat]] who just wants to go home, and chews Clef out when he makes his first appearance. Her later reaction to him...
** She also plays a big part in getting Ascot to perform a [[Heel Face Turn]]. This works so well that by the second manga, {{spoiler|he aged up because he developed a staggeringly -obvious crush on her.)}}
* [[Does This Make Me Look Fat?]]: In the anime, Umi openly says this when the Chizeta princesses capture her and [[Go-Go Enslavement|doll her up in]] a [[Stripperiffic]] [[Belly Dancer|odalisque outfit]] that [[Bare Your Midriff|bares her midriff]].
* [[Elemental Hair]]
Line 89 ⟶ 84:
=== Fuu Hououji ===
{{quote|:''Voiced by: [[Hiroko Kasahara]] (Japanese), [[Bridget Hoffman]] (English, TV Series), [[Lisa Ortiz]] (English, OVA)}}''
The resident bookworm of the trio. She attends a school for intellectually gifted girls. Fuu is polite to a fault, adding suffixes to EVERYONE she meets. Despite that, [[The Strategist|her analytical skills]] are formidable. She also likes [[RPG|RPGs]]s. She's always seen with her glasses, and only [[The Glasses Come Off|unequips it when she is riding her Rune God]]. She is a member of archery club and for the earlier part, uses a [[The Archer|bow and arrow]] before switching to a [[BFS]]. She is selected as the Magic Knight of [[Blow You Away|Wind]], and her Rune God is Windam.
Air symbolizes intellect and communication. Fuu is the most intellectual of the Magic Knights, and she always speaks with precision.
She's also the only character involved in a real romance, with Ferio.
* [[Adaptation Dye Job]]: She's blonde in the manga but has light brown hair in the anime and OVA.
* [[The Archer]]: Initially. Later drops it for the sword, although she gets to show off her archery skills again in the second season of the anime.
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* [[Teen Genius]]: She attends a school for gifted students and studies computer programming.
* [[Unwanted Rescue]]: {{spoiler|When Ferio breaks her out of the ''Dreamchild'' in the anime, Fuu objects to the risk he took. And it's true that she probably didn't need it--like Hikaru and Umi, she could have broken out with Windam's help.}}
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]
Line 127 ⟶ 121:
=== Clef ===
{{quote|:''Voiced by: [[Nozomu Sasaki]] (Japanese), Steve Cannon (English, TV Series), Immy Uncle (English, OVA)}}''
Clef is Cephiro's Guru, the most powerful magician in the land. He is one of Emeraude's most trusted advisers and was sent by her to guide the Magic Knights upon their arrival in Cephiro. Even though he is quite venerable and powerful, he's rather tetchy towards the Magic Knights when they first arrive.
* {{spoiler|[[The Atoner]]: In the second half. He blames himself for letting the situation with Emeraude get as bad as it did, as well as for the heartbreak the Magic Knights suffered}}.
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=== Presea ===
{{quote|:''Voiced by: [[Emi Shinohara]] (Japanese), Jane Alan (English)}}''
Presea is the Pharle, a title bestowed on the master blacksmith of Cephiro. She is the first person that the Magic Knights are sent to visit, as she possesses an impressive armory and can craft weapons especially for them. Although her smithing skills are unquestionable, she is... a little odd.
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: She might be skilled, but she is prone to overreactions to trespassing and seems to love daydreaming bizarre methods of punishment.
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* [[Emi Shinohara]]
* [[Mr. Fixit]]
* {{spoiler|[[Sacrificial Lamb]]: In the anime only.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Schrodinger's Cast|Schrödinger's Cast]]}}
* [[The Blacksmith]]
** [[Ultimate Blacksmith]]: This is what the Pharle of Cephiro is. She's the only one who's able to craft weapons from Escudo.
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=== Mokona ===
{{quote|:''Voiced by: [[Yuri Shiratori]] (All versions)}}''
A small animal entrusted to the Magic Knights by Presea. He serves as a guide to them on their journey, as well as a supplier and a communication channel to Clef. It's unclear what he is, but Clef calls him a "sacred creature" of Cephiro.
{{spoiler|In the manga, {{spoiler|[[The Reveal|he eventually reveals]] himself to be the Creator of Cephiro, Earth, and the other nations trying to seize Cephiro. He created the Pillar System after his disappointment with the mess that became of Earth, but Hikaru convinces him that there's [[Take a Third Option|a middle path]] between chaos and putting it all on one person's shoulders.}}
{{spoiler|In the anime, {{spoiler|he reveals himself to be... nothing at all. He's just a big marshmallow.}}
{{spoiler|In the anime, he reveals himself to be... nothing at all. He's just a big marshmallow.}}
* [[Author Avatar]]
Line 188 ⟶ 182:
=== Ferio ===
{{quote|:''Voiced by: [[Takumi Yamazaki]] (Japanese), Terry Roberts (English, TV Series), Jim Esnz (English, OVA)}}''
A swordsman that the Magic Knights encounter in the Forest of Silence. He has a smart-aleck attitude, but he teams up with them temporarily to navigate the monster-ridden forest. He claims to be looking for the Spring of Eterna like they are so that he can become a Magic Knight Himself. He takes a particular shine to Fuu and makes a point of flirting with her.
{{spoiler|He's actually Emeraude's younger brother, which makes him the Prince. After Emeraude's death, he steps back into this role to try and help his ailing country.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: Alcyone does this to him and orders him to kill Fuu in the Saturn game.}}
* [[Distressed Dude in Distress]]: In the anime, he's captured by Innouva and Fuu has to free him.
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: Has a very prominent one on his nose bridge, and an x-shaped one on his left cheek.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]
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* [[The Undefeated]]: {{spoiler|He defeats Hikaru in their fight. But when he tries to pick up her fallen sword to finish her off, it turns into fire and the pain jolts him back to his senses.}}
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Hikaru considers him to be this.
[[File:both_emeraudes.jpg|frame|From the anime and [[OVA]]]]
=== Princess Emeraude ===
[[File:both_emeraudes.jpg|frame|From the anime and [[OVA]]]]
Emeraude is the Pillar of Cephiro. Her will and heart are the strongest in the land, and she is tasked with praying to keep the world peaceful and free of invaders. If she can't devote herself fully to her prayers, monsters and natural disasters spring up. This is exactly what happens when Zagato abducts her, and she summons the Magic Knights from another world to save Cephiro.
*:''Voiced by: [[Megumi Ogata]] (Japanese, [[Playing Against Type]], ''and how''), [[Wendee Lee]] (English TV series)''
Emeraude is the Pillar of Cephiro. Her will and heart are the strongest in the land, and she is tasked with praying to keep the world peaceful and free of invaders. If she can't devote herself fully to her prayers, monsters and natural disasters spring up. This is exactly what happens when Zagato abducts her, and she summons the Magic Knights from another world to save Cephiro.
{{spoiler|Except that last sentence isn't quite true. What actually happened was that Emeraude fell in love with Zagato, dividing her heart and compromising her duty. She entered the Water Dungeon in an effort to forget about him, but when this failed she summoned the Magic Knights to kill her before she could harm Cephiro any further. Zagato joined her to try and dissuade her and to protect her from them.}}
* [[Barrier Maiden]]: As the Pillar. She prevents both internal strife and shields Cephiro from its neighbors.
* {{spoiler|[[Betty and Veronica]]: She's the Betty to Alcyone's Veronica towards Zagato}}.
* [[Broken Bird]]
* {{spoiler|[[Died Happily Ever After]] : At the end of season 1, she is finally with Zagato, happily forever and ever.}}
* [[Distressed Damsel in Distress]]: {{spoiler|Subverted. She entered the dungeon she's "imprisoned" in by herself. Zagato is there because of his love for her; they spend most of their time trying to persuade the other to stop what they're doing.}}
* [[Everything's Better with Princesses]]: Emeraude's position is the protector of Cephiro, but she's called a princess anyway.
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Me Scares Me]]: She's terrified of what she'll become if she gives in to her feelings for Zagato--for very good reason, as it turns out.}}
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[I Cannot Self-Terminate]]}} What she ''truly'' wanted to ask the Knights for.
* [[Lady and Knight]]: {{spoiler|with Zagato}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Love Makes You Evil]]: Poor Emeraude ''loses'' it when Zagato dies despite all of her efforts, this giving birth to her [[Broken Bird]]-like [[Super-Powered Evil Side]].}}
* [[Megumi Ogata]] ([[Playing Against Type]], ''and how'')
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Looks like a pre-teen girl despite being already an adult, and nearly as old as Clef to boot.
* {{spoiler|[[One-Winged Angel]]: When Zagato is killed, she takes the form of an adult woman and creates a Mashin of her own.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: When Zagato dies, she '''loses''' it.}}
* {{spoiler|[[True Final Boss]]}}
* [[Tender Tears]]: She's weeping in most of her appearances thanks to her screwed-up destiny.
* [[Wendee Lee]]: In the English TV series only.
=== Sierra ===
Sierra appears in the second season of the anime. She is Presea's twin sister, and in addition to appearance shares her skill in smithing. {{spoiler|During the second season, she masquerades as her sister at Clef's request, making up a story that Presea was revived with Emeraude's last wish so that the girls aren't shattered any more than they already are. Although she is genuinely fond of them, the prolonged masquerade takes a toll on her.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Becoming the Mask]]: She's not happy about this, especially when she realizes that she's in love with Clef just like Presea was.}}
* [[The Blacksmith]]: An excellent one, {{spoiler|although not as good as her sister}}.
* [[Canon Foreigner]]: {{spoiler|Since Presea was dead in the anime but alive in the manga, there was quite the case of [[SchrodingerSchrödinger's Cast]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Angsty Surviving Twin]] ''and'' [[Backup Twin]]: She has to lie for the whole second season, not acknowledging her grief for her sister while pretending to ''be'' her with the Magic Knights.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Broken Bird]]: Having to take her twin sister's place in every sense is not the best for her self-esteem.}}
* [[Cool Big Sis]]
* [[Hot Amazon]]
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: One on her right breast. {{spoiler|The only difference between Presea and her.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Un-Reveal]]: The girls never find out who she really is.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Wrench Wench]]: Presea creates weapons, Sierra mantains and repairs them.}}
=== Lantis ===
*:''Voiced by: [[Jurota Kosugi]] (Japanese)''
Lantis appears in the second half of the story, when the Magic Knights return to Cephiro. He is Cephiro's only Cail (a swordsman who excels at magic) and the former captain of Princess Emeraude's personal guard. He left the country before the events of the first half, and is under a cloud of suspicion for being Zagato's brother and living in Autozam before his return. He doesn't say much about the real reason he's back, either.
{{spoiler|His intention is to end Cephiro's Pillar System, so that the tragedy of Zagato, Emeraude, and the Magic Knights is never repeated.}}
* [[Aloof Ally]]: He doesn't bother arguing against the suspicion around him and just does his thing.
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* [[Cool Horse]]: A summoned one with a fiery mane.
** [[Hellish Horse]]
* {{spoiler|[[Dead Little Sister|Dead Older Brother]]: Zagato.}}
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Just because his older brother was a seen this way does not necessarily apply to him, and is even explicitly pointed out.
** [[Pet the Dog]]: As a result, he openly admits he was sympathetic to said older brother, but didn't condone his actions regardless.
* [[Defector From Decadence]]: He left his cushy job as Cail to travel other worlds after {{spoiler|Zagato starts to question the Pillar system}}.
* [[Irony]]: {{spoiler|The Creator informs him that his heart is the strongest in all of Cephrio, making him a perfect candidate to be the Pillar himself. [[Subverted Trope|Hikaru and Eagle have stronger hearts]], so he doesn't undergo the trial. But still.}}
* [[Jurota Kosugi]]
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: With either Hikaru or Primera.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Not one of ''the'' Magic Knights, obviously. His title of Cail is granted only to those who master both swordsmanship and magic.
* [[The Mole]]: Lafarga suspects him of being this for Autozam, as he spent some time there. {{spoiler|But he isn't.}}
* [[Professional Slacker]]: When he was Cail, he spent a lot of the day napping in trees. However, he genuinely didn't have a lot to do because Emeraude's prayers kept dangers from arising.
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=== Primera ===
*:''Voiced by: [[Yuri Shiratori]] (Japanese)''
* [[Butt Monkey]]
Line 301 ⟶ 289:
* [[Fairy Companion]]: to Lantis
* [[Healing Hands]]: Can heal wounds with her wing magical powder.
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl|Huge Guy, Itsy -Bitsy -Teeny -Tiny Girl]] with Lantis.
* [[I Owe You My Life]]: She's devoted to Lantis because he saved her from being trapped in rubble.
* [[Odango]]
* [[Running Gag]]: Mokona almost always tries to eat her.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
* [[Yuri Shiratori]]
== Autozam ==
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=== Eagle Vision ===
:''Voiced by: [[Megumi Ogata]] (Japanese)''
The son of Autozam's president and commander of the battleship sent to Cephrio in Part II. He's also the pilot of the [[Humongous Mecha|FTO]]. Eagle grew very close to Lantis when the latter settled in Autozam and is deeply regretful of their present emnity, but he doesn't turn back. He's also one of the most dangerous opponents for the Magic Knights and the other invaders. The reason he gives for invasion is that Autozam needs something like the Pillar System to cleanse the rampant pollution that is slowly killing his world.
{{spoiler|In the manga, this is a lie. Eagle's true intentions are to succumb to his impending comatose state after he becomes the Pillar, relocate Cephiro's population, and put the land into an eternal slumber. All of this is to fulfill Lantis' wish to end the Pillar System.}}
* [[Ace Pilot]]: He comes out on top when his FTO fights solo against the three Magic Knights for the first time.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: He wants to bring the Pillar system to Autozam to solve their pollution crisis.
** {{spoiler|At least, this is the assumption. In reality, he wants to put Cephiro and himself into an eternal sleep so that the Pillar tragedy will not be repeated, for the sake of Lantis.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Blood From the Mouth]]: He has Mysterious Anime Lung Disease in [[Captain Obvious|the anime]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Death by Adaptation]]: In the anime, he's killed by Debonair.}}
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: He's polite to the Magic Knights, as well as the representatives of Fahren and Chizeta, and bears them no ill-will even while they're battling each other. It's even more apparent in the anime, when Hikaru spends some time in Autozam's ship.
* [[Ill Boy]]: Due to his [[Power At a Price|overuse]] of Autozam's technology, which is powered by mental energy.
* {{spoiler|[[Incurable Cough of Death]]}}
* [[Megumi Ogata]]
* [[She's a Man In Japan]]: Eagle Vision is depicted as female in the Latin American dub as a way to avoid Ho Yay with Lantis and Geo Metro. The result is a [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship]] with Hikaru.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: He almost always has a smile on his face, but Hikaru makes note of his sad eyes. {{spoiler|Mainly because he's slowly dying on top of fighting his old friend Lantis}}.
Line 331 ⟶ 318:
=== Geo Metro ===
*:''Voiced by: [[Kiyoyuki Yanada]] (Japanese)''
Tropes associated with Geo:
Line 340 ⟶ 328:
* [[Hachimaki]]
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Kiyoyuki Yanada]]
* [[The Lancer]]: To Eagle.
=== Zazu Torque ===
*:''Voiced by: [[Junichi Kanemaru]] (Japanese)''
Tropes associated with Zazu:
Line 350 ⟶ 338:
* [[The Alcoholic]]: Likes drinking, but Geo never lets him.
* [[Cute Shotaro Boy]]
* [[Junichi Kanemaru]]
* [[Kidanova]]: He likes pretty girls and flirts with Hikaru in the anime.
* [[The Mechanic]]: He's in charge of maintenance for the FTO and GTO.
Line 360 ⟶ 347:
=== Tarta and Tatra ===
* ''Tarta voiced by: [[Aya Hisakawa]] (Japanese)''
* ''Tatra voiced by: [[Kikuko Inoue]] (Japanese)''
Tarta and Tatra are the princesses of Chizeta, a tiny country that neighbors Cephiro. In the second half, they see the leaderless world as a perfect colony for their overpopulated homeland.
* [[Action Girl]]: Both of them.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: They want to turn Cephrio into a colony to relieve population pressure in their homeland.
* [[Aya Hisakawa]]: Tarta.
* [[Belly Dancer]]: They dress like this and, in the anime, [[Go-Go Enslavement|they doll up Umi as one]].
* [[Dark-Skinned Redhead]]: Both of them.
Line 373 ⟶ 359:
* [[Hot-Blooded]]: Tarta.
* [[Kansai Regional Accent]]: Both.
* [[Kikuko Inoue]]: Tatra.
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: Tatra spends most of her time acting spacey and drinking tea, {{spoiler|until Umi bests Tarta in a duel in the anime}}.
* [[Relationship Voice Actor]]: This ain't the first time that [[Aya Hisakawa]] and [[Kikuko Inoue]] [[Ah! My Goddess|play sisters]]...
Line 387 ⟶ 372:
=== Princess Aska ===
*:''Voiced by: [[Chinami Nishimura]] (Japanese)''
The child princess of the nation of Fahren. Unlike Autozam and Chizeta, it's unclear if there's any justifiable reason for them to desire Cephiro... she seems to have ordered the invasion on a whim. Despite her immaturity, she is a powerful magician and a dangerous opponent.
In the anime, she captures Fuu and holds her prisoner on her ship, the ''Dreamchild.'' Fuu's polite and respectful demeanor (which is the polar opposite of Aska's) starts making Aska think more seriously about what she's doing and why.
* [[A Child Shall Lead Them]]: Technically, Chang Ang is her regent, but she still calls all the shots.
* [[Character Development]]: After meeting Fuu personally, Aska begins to question if what she's doing is a good idea.
* [[Chinami Nishimura]]
* [[Improbable Age]]: She's less than ten years old and has the authority to command her country's battleship, on top of having incredible magic and willpower for her age.
* [[It's All About Me]]: Unlike Autozam and Chizeta, Fahren has no real justification to invade. They only do so because Aska wants it like a toy.
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=== San Yung ===
*:''Voiced by: [[Satomi Koorogi]] (Japanese)''
Tropes associated with San Yung:
* [[Blush Sticker]]
* [[Cute Shotaro Boy]]
* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Satomi Koorogi]]
* [[Subordinate Excuse]]: He has a crush on Aska.
=== Chang Ang ===
* [[Beleaguered Bureaucrat]]: Technically he's Aska's regent, but he's completely unable to control her.
* [[Big Ol' Eyebrows]]
* [[Old Retainer]]
Line 422 ⟶ 407:
=== Zagato ===
:''Voiced by: [[Jurota Kosugi]] (Japanese), [[Lex Lang]] (English)''
The villain of part one. Zagato abducted Princess Emeraude, stopping her prayers for Cephiro and plunging the land into chaos. Although he keeps her locked in the Water Dungeon and sends out his servants to stop the Magic Knights, he doesn't seem to have any interest in actually ruling.
{{spoiler|This is because he didn't kidnap Emeraude at all--he's deeply in love with her and is trying to stop her from committing [[Suicide by Cop]] by killing the Magic Knights before they get there. Ultimately, all of his efforts fail and he dies in battle against them.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]: Though he still does not try to explain his true motivation.}}
** {{spoiler|He does start explaining when the Magic Knights reach his stronghold, but only in-between deadly magic spells.}}
* [[Evil Sorceror]]: His magical power rivals Clef; none of the warriors from Cephiro who have tried to stop him returned.
* {{spoiler|[[Bodyguard Crush]]: On Emeraude, who loved him back}}
* [[Lady and Knight]]: With {{spoiler|Princess Emeraude}}
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: He doesn't even look at Alcyone when {{spoiler|she clings to him, dying of her wounds}} and professes not to care about the fate of Cephiro. {{spoiler|He only cares about Emeraude and her happiness.}}
Line 436 ⟶ 421:
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: He's aware of Alcyone's affections and uses them to his advantage, and gains Ascot's support by saying that he'll be able to live with his monsters in peace.
* [[Obviously Evil]]: A sorcerer in black robes, with [[Shoulders of Doom]], who sends out minions to kill a trio of young girls and abandons them when they fail. {{spoiler|[[Subverted Trope|It's very easy for the girls to assume that he's a garden-variety RPG villain]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Only Sane Man]]: He was the only one who questioned the Pillar System enough to try and do something about it.}}
* [[Talking to Himself]]: BOTHBoth in the original Japanese and the English dub. [[Jurota Kosugi]] and [[Lex Lang]] voiced both Zagato ''and'' his brother Lantis.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Even before he turned into the [[Big Bad]], Zagato still disagreed ''heavily'' with the whole {{spoiler|Pillar system}}, therefore {{spoiler|he wanted to tear it down to save his beloved Emeraude from pretty much commiting assisted suicide.}}
* [[Would Hurt a Child]]: He acknowledges that the Magic Knights are children, but doesn't hesitate to send his servants to kill them.
=== Alcyone ===
:''Voiced by: [[Yuri Amano]] (Japanese)''
A sorceress who is in love with Zagato. She was taught by Clef himself, but she is utterly devoted to Zagato and willing to follow any order he gives. She is the first enemy that the Magic Knights face.
{{spoiler|In the manga, she is mortally wounded after fighting them outside the Forest of Silence and dies begging Zagato to save her. In the anime he still rejects her for her failure, but she survives and is used as a puppet by Debonair in the second season.}}
* [[Absolute Cleavage]]
* [[An Ice Person]]: Her brand of magic.
Line 464 ⟶ 450:
* [[Stripperiffic]]
* [[Yandere]]: Over Zagato.
* {{spoiler|[[You Have Failed Me...]]: Zagato lets her die in the manga, ignoring her pleas for help as she succumbs to her wounds.}}
* [[YuriZettai AmanoRyouiki]]
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]
=== Ascot ===
*:''Voiced by: [[Minami Takayama]] (Japanese)''
One of Zagato's servants. Ascot is a young boy, and a Palu--a monster summoner. He's arrogant and self-centered, dismissive of Alcyone and mocking of the Magic Knights. Zagato sends him to the underwater shrine that houses Seles, the first of the Mashin. Despite his brattiness, he does care about the monsters he summons. {{spoiler|In the anime, he is sent out much earlier and kills Presea by having his creatures destroy her home.}}
{{spoiler|He is defeated by Umi, who forces him to apologize and tells him he needs to stand up for his animal friends. This causes a [[Heel Face Turn]], and he returns in the second half [[She Is's All Grown Up|much taller]], having developed a huge crush on her.}}
* [[All Love Is Unrequited]] {{spoiler|In love with Umi in the second half, but she doesn't realize it.}}
Line 483 ⟶ 468:
* {{spoiler|[[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Just because he has fearsome beasts as friends doesn't make him nor them evil.}}
* [[Fluffy Tamer]]: He considers the fearsome monsters he summons to be his friends, which makes it difficult to find a place to live.
* {{spoiler|[[Easily Forgiven]]: Especially in the anime, when he actually kills Presea.}}
* {{spoiler|[[She Is's All Grown Up|He Is All Grown Up]]: Physically ages himself up between the first and second halves of the story out of his feelings for Umi.}}
* [[Hidden Eyes]]
* {{spoiler|[[Love Redeems]]}}
* [[Minami Takayama]]
* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Summon Magic]]: For which he has the title of Palu.
=== Caldina ===
One of the assassins sent by Zagato to kill the Magic Knights. Caldina is a self-possessed dancer from a foreign land, and is far less concerned with Zagato's motivations than getting paid for her work.
{{spoiler|She decides that Fuu and her friends are pretty cool, so she leaves them alone after Fuu breaks her enchantments. But she returns to help Cephiro in the second half, in part because she develops feelings for Lafarga.}}
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: Particularly to Ascot in the anime. {{spoiler|She takes this role towards the Magic Knights in the second half}}.
* [[Dance Battler]]
* [[Dark-Skinned Redhead|Dark -Skinned Pinkhead]]
* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]: With Lafarga.
* [[Kansai Regional Accent]]: A trait of Chizetans.
Line 515 ⟶ 496:
=== Innouva ===
*:''Voiced by: [[Ryotaro Okiayu]] (Japanese)''
Tropes associated with Innouva:
* [[Canon Foreigner]]
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]] }}
* [[I Owe You My Life]]: It's implied that Innouva was [[Fantastic Racism|regarded not too highly in Cephiro]] as a result of {{spoiler|his true form}}. Zagato giving him some measure of dignity and self worth is what motivated Innouva to serve him in the first place.
* [[Man in White]]
* [[Pointy Ears]]
* {{spoiler|[[Sleep Mode Size]]: He's a [[Big Badass Wolf]] in his normal mode, purposedly took the form of a [[Bishonen]] to serve Zagato better and only stops doing so for his last battle.}}
* [[Ryotaro Okiayu]]
* {{spoiler|[[Sleep Mode Size]]: He's a [[Big Badass Wolf]] in his normal mode, purposedly took the form of a [[Bishonen]] to serve Zagato better and only stops doing so for his last battle.}}
* [[Subordinate Excuse]]
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]
=== Nova ===
Tropes associated with Nova:
* [[Canon Foreigner]]: Anime-only.
Line 546 ⟶ 523:
=== Debonair ===
Tropes associated with Debonair:
* {{spoiler|[[Abusive Parents]]: She adopted Nova and calls her daughter, but abandons her late in the story.}}
Line 558 ⟶ 533:
* [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]: Her goal is simply the complete destruction of Cephiro.
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