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{{quote| ''"[[This Is My Story|Listen to my story]]. This...may be our last chance."''}}
The tenth game in the [[Running Gag|mind-crunchingly]] popular ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' series.
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* [[Hulk Speak]]: The Ronsos.
* [[Idiot Ball]]: In a minor example, Seymour gets to hold it in one scene.
{{quote| '''Rikku:''' Cover your eyes! *throws flash grenade*<br />
'''Seymour:''' *[[What an Idiot!|glances down directly at the grenade]]* }}
* [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]: While fighting against {{spoiler|Braska's Final Aeon, Tidus gains a "Talk" command that, rather than attack, attempts to reach Jecht, resetting the monster's [[Limit Break|Overdrive gauge]]. [[Nightmare Fuel|It stops working the third time.]]}}
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** Lightning Dodging is a close second to Catcher Chocobo, though it thankfully relies more on skill than luck.
* [[No Hero Discount]]: Rin is still charging you for weapons and items despite the fact that the airship they are on is being attacked by a giant monster. This is actually [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]]:
{{quote| '''Wakka''': We gotta pay?! If we lose, you'll die too!<br />
'''Rin''': I have confidence in your success. }}
* [[Not Completely Useless]]: Kimahri's much more useful than many people give him credit for because of how adaptable he can be. Depending on the abilities you give him, he can function as a valuable backup mage, inflict additional status effects, and so on. On top of that, he's the only other party member besides Auron whose weapons usually have the Piercing trait, which can be pretty useful at the start of the game before Auron actually joins you.
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* [[Posthumous Character]]: This is how we get the surprisingly complex [[Character Development]] for Jecht. {{spoiler|Even if it turns out he's not actually dead yet}}.
* [[Post-Mortem Conversion]]: In life, Braska was a thorn in the side of the Church who reached out to the Al-Bhed. After his death, they try to turn him into a hero of the Church and make sure that everyone forgets about his true feelings and actions.
{{quote| '''Auron:''' (after seeing a statue of Braska in a temple) So you're a champion of Yevon now, Braska? }}
* [[Practical Taunt]]: Tidus's Provoke skill, if successful, makes an enemy attack him only, or even drive down the enemy's accuracy. It sounds like a spell, but it's performed through a rude gesture and sometimes a verbal taunt. "Hey, hey, hey!"
* [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner]]: The cast try, but only Auron gets it right, and boy does he get it right. For example, when coming into battle with wounded allies and facing a two giant metal humanoids with three-story swords, what does he say? "I foresee no difficulty."
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* [[Tranquil Fury]]: Auron. Seriously, nothing can faze this dude.
** Except during the second battle with Seymour:
{{quote| <Command --> Talk><br />
'''Auron''': {{spoiler|Although he was not the man I once knew, Kinoc was still my friend. ''YOU WILL PAY FOR HIS DEATH, SEYMOUR!''}}<br />
{{spoiler|<Auron's attack increased!>}} }}
* [[Translation Convention]]: A rare exception, in that the game ''doesn't'' translate the language spoken by the Al Bhed. It does, however, allow the player to collect primers which will interpret their spoken and written language.
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** {{spoiler|Made all the easier by the fact you can zombify him. Which means he will essentially end up killing himself. [[Revive Kills Zombie|Or you can just end it in one round with a life spell.]]}}
{{quote| ''...And that, as they say, is that.''
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