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* [[Big Brother Mentor|Big Sister Mentor]]: To [[Sixth Ranger|Trixie]].
* [[Can't Hold Her Liquor]]: [[Noodle Incident|Apparently]], she's quite a lightweight when it comes to drinking.
* {{spoiler|[[Composite Character]]: Is ''literally'' the fusion of G1 Twilight and G3 Minty.}}
* [[Future Badass]]: Pretty much every future version of her we've seen.
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* {{spoiler|[[Legacy Character]]: Is the descendant of the G1 Applejack, and is apparently the "fifth of the fifth line", presumably meaning she's the fifth Applejack of the fifth family line descended from the original Applejack.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Life Isn't Fair]]: Applejack learns that this is one of the most fundamental, yet painful Truths. It's her realization of this, and her decision not to be afraid of it anymore, that allows Applejack to overcome Discord's taint.}}
* [[Living Lie Detector]]:
** After looking into {{spoiler|the Truth}}, she gains the ability to see the truth, or through lies, in a person's eyes. If they're lying, this causes them discomfort. {{spoiler|While she can see through Princess Gaia's [[Lotus Eater Machine]], she was fooled by Gaia herself until she saw that there wasn't any ''truth'' in her eyes either.}}
** {{spoiler|Turns out that, had action not been taking, if the Pony POV universe split off from the main timeline (due to something happening in the show that CAN'T work with the fic's canon), she'd have been driven mad and become her [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]. So she had to go on a journey, team up with five of her alternate reality selves to kick Nightmare Mirror's flank. This act not only stopped her from going insane, but gave her full control over this ability.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[The Ageless]]: Used to be this in the G3 timeline, as all ponies were effectively immortal. Its safe to assume that she's lost it since then, however.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Assimilator]]: Pinkie's Angry Pie personality wanted to devour the other parts of Pinkie's consciousness. Inverted when Surprise!Pinkie absorbs Angry Pie during the [[Split Personality Merge]].}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: Mentioning [[Cupcakes|a certain fanfic]] tends to be this for her.
* {{spoiler|[[Better Than New]]: After her [[Split Personality Merge]], Pinkie is able to think more clearly, argue points more intelligently, use her gifts to solve specific problems, utilize her medium awareness more effectively and recall her own past with more clarity.}}
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* [[Broken Pedestal]]: Is ''terrified'' of this happening if Cloudsdale finds out how she dealt with Discord's [[Sadistic Choice]].
* {{spoiler|[[Composite Character]]: Is ''literally'' a fusion of the G1 Firefly and the G3 Rainbow Dash, at least according to [[Loose Canon]].}}
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: Towards Scootaloo, even if they're not related.
* [[Forced to Watch]]: {{spoiler|Discord forced her to watch as he [[Driven to Madness|drove everypony in Cloudsdale insane]] right in front of her.}}
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Spends the first half of the Reharmonized series in one over {{spoiler|how she handled Discord's [[Sadistic Choice]], as well as how she put on a show of being completely brainwashed as an excuse.}}
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* [[Guile Heroine]]: Her showpony skills come in handy for this.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]
* [[I Just Want to Be Special]]: Her primary reason for putting up a [[Jerkass Facade]]. She wanted to be special, but couldn't excel at ''anything''. Having a lot of [[Middle Child Syndrome|siblings didn't help matters.]]
* [[I Need a Freaking Drink]]: Her response to finding out {{spoiler|she's doing a magic show for Princess Gaia's celebration}} is to grab some sake with salt mixed into it and get ''very'' drunk.
* [[Master of None]]: Her [[Freudian Excuse]], and related to her issue of [[I Just Want to Be Special]]. Her teacher tries to encourage her that [[Jack of All Trades|she has a lot of potential]], and that [[Crippling Overspecialization|most unicorns tend to fail in all else if they excelled in anything else]], but she's most upset about being ''average''.
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* {{spoiler|[[Mega Manning]]: As an Element Of Magic, she has this just like Twilight does.}}
* [[Not So Different]]: Turns out she and Twilight have a lot more in common than one would expect. {{spoiler|She even had a major accident with a Want It, Need It Spell when in magic school, casting it on ''herself''.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Put Onon thea Bus]]: Leaves the story shortly after the Gaia Festival.}}
* [[Redemption Promotion]]: Is a lot stronger and more effective as a heroine than a villain. {{spoiler|She's also revealed to be an Element Of Magic.}}
* [[Shock and Awe]]: Is partial to electrical attacks in combat.
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* [[Cute Bruiser]]: Despite [[Sharing a Body]] with Fluttershy, she's noted as being physically stronger than her (likely because she's less reserved than Fluttershy), and studied self defense books. She also broke one of the interviewers nose for asking a question she found offensive.
** Case in point, Roid Rage made Fluttershy, and Fluttercruel, angry with some insensitive comments {{spoiler|about the mental patients at the asylum and Fluttershy for being Princess Gaia}}. Fluttershy held Fluttercruel back to protect ''him'' from her!
* [[Cute Little Fangs]]: The illustrations for the audio adaptation depict her with these.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Fluttershy realized that despite being Discord's "daughter" and spawned from his evil magic, that didn't make her evil. {{spoiler|She proves this by eventually becoming an Element of ''Kindness!''}}
* [[Death Glare]]: Same as Fluttershy. {{spoiler|Even in ghost form.}} However, she states in "New Game Plus" that she can't do it on demand either.
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* [[Light Is Good]]
* {{spoiler|[[Hero Antagonist]]: In "Luna's Nightmare" after Luna's [[Face Heel Turn]], but it was [[All Just a Dream]].}}
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]:
** {{spoiler|Has the "I've created a monster" version after realizing her actions indirectly lead to Discord discovering he was a sadist.}}
** {{spoiler|Happens again when she realizes that ''she'' was the only one to blame for the Windigos rampage.}}
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** {{spoiler|It gets worse with the reveal that due to her immortality (which in the G3.5 verse was a universal fact about ponies) caused her to watch her mother grow old and die while she stayed young due to her birth breaking the spell on her mother.}}
* [[You Are Not Alone]]: {{spoiler|Reveals the fact she's G3 Star Catcher to Pinkie Pie, letting her know there's at least one other pony out there who knows just how she feels.}}
* [[Your Approval Fills Me with Shame]]:
** {{spoiler|When Discord ''thanks'' her for helping him discover his sadistic nature, she's genuninely horrified.}}
** While nothing is said, {{spoiler|Discord ''approving'' of her plan to release what would become known as the Windigos on Equestria is a pretty clear sign that its [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|going to end badly for all involved.]]}}
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* [[Reassigned to Antarctica]]: What the tabloids ''thought'' Celestia, who they paint as a tyrant, was going to do to her. While Cadence did end up a traveling dignitary, she seems to genuinely enjoy it and Celestia mainly did it to protect her from threats who would take advantage of her young age (by Alicorn standards) to harm her.
* [[Take a Third Option]]: {{spoiler|When Celestia tried to bring what would become known as the Windigos to Equestria, instead of fighting her like her siblings or aiding her like Luna, she simply left all together because she couldn't bare to harm her own family.}}
* [[Tarot Motifs]]: {{spoiler|14, Temperance.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Victory-Guided Amnesia]]: Defeated [[Eldritch Abomination|Havoc]], but somehow ended up in Equestria afterwards, being born through a mortal mother, which leaves her incapable of remembering her past life either. Interestingly, this is played as a good thing, since she also forgot the war that wiped out her family, and is permitted to live a normal life on Earth.}}
* [[You Shall Not Pass]]: {{spoiler|Pulls this against [[Eldritch Abomination|Havoc]]. [[Loose Canon]] reveals she survived it, and ''won'', but no one, even she, knows what really happened.}}
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* [[And I Must Scream]]: Shares the same fate as his canon self. {{spoiler|Ironically, being [[Taken for Granite]] is ''normally'' a subversion in this universe. It's actually just being in a calm, peaceful, perfectly sane zen-like state the entire time. It's only this for Discord because he can't ''stand'' being sane and peaceful, so it's torture for him.}}
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Berserk Button]]:
** Being [[Out-Gambitted]] tends to send him into a rage. So does actually being hurt.
** {{spoiler|Diamond Tiara seeing the memories of his good self tends to send him into a violent rage.}}
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* [[Satan]]: Pretty much the pony equalvalent. {{spoiler|Turns out he learned his [[Manipulative Bastard]] skills under Morning Star, a [[Fallen Angel|Fallen Alicorn]] who represents the Devil Tarot.}}
* [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]: Is sealed away [[Taken for Granite|in stone]] at the beginning of the Reharmonized Series.
* {{spoiler|[[Sealed Inside a Person -Shaped Can]]: When he arrived in Equestria, he was born through G1 Shady, and spent several decades suppressed inside his own mind while a ''much'' nicer Discord was in control. He finally got out by ''eating'' his good personality.}}
* [[The Sociopath]]: {{spoiler|Displays some...TroublingUnchildLikeBehavior when he was young such as turning Flutterponies into Parasprites so he could make them ''eat each other''. Though by his species standards, this may be closer to the "torturing small animals" stage. Its explained in "Origins" that while the other Draconequi, even his father Havoc, are capable of one way or another comprehending love, Discord is incapable of comprehending it.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Split Personality Takeover]]: How he entered the world, through being born by a moral mare, resulted in a kindhearted, split personality who was genuinely kind. Unfortunately, the real Discord's personality won out in the end...}}
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* [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?]]: Despite otherwise being willing to ruin ponies' lives in all kinds of horribly sadistic ways and is near omnipotent, [[Word of God]] has confirmed Discord tends not to actually ''kill'' ponies. Not because killing is beneath him, it certain isn't, and he does actually kill several ponies personally or indirectly, he prefers keeping them alive so he can "play" with them longer.
* [[Would Hurt a Child]]: Even children weren't spared his cruelty. In "[[Bad Future|Epilogue]]", he has absolutely no qualms about sending his [[Dragon]] to kill a bunch of foals.
* [[You Killed My Father]]: Is ''heavily'' implied to be the reason Luna and Celestia are the [[Last of His Kind|Last Of Their Kind]].
** {{spoiler|Turns out he's not ''entirely'' responsible, but is more than happy to take credit for it. He did kill their earthly mother and what they believed was the last surviving member of their race, however.}}
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* [[Go Out with a Smile]]: Dies smiling because she managed to help save Pinkie and they got to sing together one last time.
* [[The Klutz]]
* [[Mortal Wound Reveal]]: Was mortally wounded in the fall she and Pinkie Pie took down a canyon wall before their fight with Luna. After Luna has a change of heart and chooses to spare her, she dies from it.
* [[Posthumous Character]]
* [[Reincarnation]]: ''Possibly'' Twilight is hers, the story has yet to explain if Twilight is truly her reincarnation or simply the being resulting in a [[Fusion Dance]] between her spirit and G1 Twilight's shadow. Either way, she lives on in Twilight somehow.
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* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Kills herself in a last ditch attack on Strife to save Sky Wishes' life. And succeeds. Even Strife is moved by it.
* [[Posthumous Character]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]
=== Wysteria ===
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* [[Posthumous Character]]
* [[Take Care of the Kids]]: Was told to take care of Princess Rarity by Cheerilee before fleeing Ponyville. She fails and the shock from it costs her her life.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]
=== Princess Rarity: ===
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* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: Manages a pretty nice one against Strife.
* [[Teleport Spam]]: Her only real method of fighting, but she manages to make pretty good use of it.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]
=== Sky Wishes ===
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* [[Make a Wish]]: Can make wishes and they actually come true, but its very limited.
* [[Morality Chain]]: Stops Star Catcher from succumbing to her [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] just in time. This also causes Star Catcher to transform back into Celestia, her true form.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]
=== Kenbroath Gillspotten Hearthspike "Spike" ===
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* [[Legacy Character]]: Is the descendent of the original G1 Spike. His G4 timeline [[Reincarnation]] is the present Spike's ancestor.
* [[Posthumous Character]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: To Wysteria. Unfortunately, this causes him to climb up the pipe she was impaled on in a futile attempt to save her, allowing Strife to kill him to.
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* [[Amnesiac God|Amnesiac Goddess]]: Is really the mortal form of Princess Celestia, but doesn't know it. She doesn't remember until after her death.
* [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice]]: How Strife kills her, with a trident. But being the mortal form of Celestia, she reverts back to her true self and memories afterwards.
* [[It's All My Fault]]: Blames herself for her mother, Star Maker, dying.
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: Non-romantic version. She makes it so Sky Wishes will have a happy life as pegasus pony in the G4 timeline.
* [[Mama Bear]]: Towards her friends.
* [[Physical God|Physical Goddess]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: Nightmare Genesis. However, she manages to reverse it and go the other way, turning back into Celestia.
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* [[The Dreaded]]: The only beings that don't fear her are the other Elders, who are the only ones as powerful as she is.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: Remember the Windigos? They're ''tiny'' pieces of her!
* [[The Evils of Free Will]]: While she doesn't really do anything about it, she believes beings with freewill will inevitably destroy themselves. The fact life keeps proving her wrong is one of the few things that annoys her.
* [[Ice Queen]]: Considering what she embodies, it's pretty reasonable.
* [[Manipulative Bitch]]: Is implied to have manipulated things to lead to the Alicorn/Draconequi War in order to [[Omnicidal Maniac|bring on the end of the universe sooner.]]
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* [[Divine Intervention]]: It's stated that she Fires of Friendship used to defeat the Windigos WAS her power granted to Clover the Clever and company, but it was still a ''major'' feet on their part to access her power in the first place. Pretty much using Friendship to power the Elements calls on her power and combines it with the Rainbow of Light.
* [[Dimension Lord]]: [[Word of God]] has confirmed all the Elders are this, but not specified what hers is.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: A benevolent version. She's every bit as indescribable and incomprehensible as Havoc and Entropy, but loves all living things and her presence is described as extremely pleasant.
* [[God of Good|Goddess of Good]]: Is described as being the perfect empathy and loving all things.
* [[Good Parents]]: Clearly loves her children dearly (and all of existence), and is a pretty fair mother from what we see.
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{{quote|Voiced by: TBA}}
* [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]: Of Existence, Wisdom, and Sanity.
* [[Dimension Lord]]: Of the universe the story takes place in. He may also rule over the pony afterlife.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: A benevolent example.
* [[God of Good]]: Shares this role with his mate. All life is precious to him.
* [[Good Parents]]: He's a good father. He does punish his children, but probably in a merciful way compared to the Draconequi.
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=== Abbatissa ===
* [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]: Of Prayer and Balance between conscience and instinctual decisions.
* [[Tarot Motifs]]: 2, The High Priestess
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* [[Killed Off for Real]]: While it's implied she lives on somehow, for all intents and purposes, Discord killed her.
* [[Sacrificial Lion]]: Discord killing her shows just how powerful he became.
* [[Tarot Motifs]]: 17, The Star
* [[What You Are in the Dark]]: Was unable to kill a baby Discord in his sleep, even though she knew the monster he could become.
Line 840:
* [[I Have Many Names]]: Desire and Pandora are her alternate names.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Promises Story Belle that none of her stories will be forgotten.
* [[Token Good Teammate]]: Seems to be the most genuinely good Draconequi. She has a habit of driving ponies insane trying to inspire them, but that frustrates her to no end.
=== Destruction ===
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* [[Secret Keeper]]: {{spoiler|Ultimately becomes one for the Interviewers, but is free to let the information go after the next near end of Equestria event if he so pleases.}}
* [[She Is Not My Girlfriend]]: His reaction when the interviewers ask him if he's attracted to {{spoiler|Fluttercruel}}.
* [[Ship Tease]]: {{spoiler|In "New Game Plus", Fluttershy suggests him to Fluttercruel as a possibility for a boyfriend for her. It's left up in the air if anything will come of it.}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Gives one to {{spoiler|Fluttershy}} when she {{spoiler|almost lets herself get raped by three stallions she hurt while Princess Gaia.}}
=== Neo Stream ===
* {{spoiler|1=[[Back Fromfrom the Dead|Back from the Non-Existence]]: After being erased by Entropy, InvertedShadow brings him back into existence, albeit in the ''[[Garry's Mod]]'' universe.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Posthumous Character]]: Any stories taking place after his being erased by Entropy have him as this.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Ret-Gone]]: Was erased by Entropy.}}
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* [[Cool Pet]]: He has a pet dragonfly {{spoiler|who appears to be the new timeline version of Story Bell's pet dragonfly.}}
* [[Intrepid Reporter]]: Sort of. After Applejack helps him conquer his demons, he starts tagging along with the interviewers to interview the cast as the subject of his newest book.
* {{spoiler|[[Reincarnation]]: It turns out that he's actually the G4 version of G3 Story Belle, or at least she's a part of him. He doesn't know it, however, but Pinkie has figured it out.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Reincarnation Romance|Reincarnation Friendship]]: He became fast friends with the mane cast due to some of the ponies who ended up a part of them were Story Belle's friends, who was a part of him.}}
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