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A description of characters in ''[[GetBackers]]''.
Obligatory warning: this page will contain spoilers, including up through what Tokyopop has published in English, and beyond.
== Ban Mido ==
One half of the titular duo, Ban [[Insufferable Genius|acts like a jerk]] to just about everyone except Ginji. A "fighting genius," incredibly intelligent, and very well-read on a number of subjects. Was once a thief with Himiko and her brother, but seemed pretty burned out on life until he met Ginji. Fights using his [[Calling Your Attacks|"Snake Bite"]] arm and his Jagan eye's illusions.
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He was raised by Maria Noches, his grandmother's apprentice, though he ran away from her at a young age. From there he spent some time with Himiko and her brother Yamato, and after he had to kill Yamato he left for the Infinite Fortress where he met Ginji.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Ace Lightning Syndrome]] (Ban's inability to control his strength when he loses his temper is a recurring cause of their debt.)
* [[Achilles' Heel]]: The limitations on his Evil Eye.
* [[All Just a Dream]] (How Ban almost always uses the Evil Eye. Things seem bleak, sometimes the bad guy wins, only for everything to turn around at the last minute, revealing that he's been under the control of Ban's Evil Eye the whole time. More often than not, this trick is pulled with the audience as much as the character who's suffering its effects. He sometimes uses it for more beneficial and heartwarming effects, though.)
* [[Animal Motifs]] (He's characterized and likened to a snake... which probably makes sense, given that the name of one of his trademark techniques is "Snake Bite." His slitty eyes certainly contribute to it, as well. He's even called "Snake Bastard" by Shido.)
* [[Battle Aura]]: He gets a rather unique one where when he gets serious, Ban's aura manifests as the winding coils of a massive serpent.
* [[Big Brother Mentor]] (Plays this role for Ginji and Himiko, and even seems to extend it to Shido, Kazuki and Makubex at times. Yamato was this for him.)
** {{spoiler|[[Big Brother Instinct]]}} ({{spoiler|Kagami found this out the hard way after ''doing things'' to Himiko}})
* [[Bishonen]]: Most noticeably in the anime , which obviously aims to attract an audience that goes beyond the typical shounen fans.
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* [[Captain Ersatz]]: [[Cool Shades]], spiky [[Anime Hair]] as well as the voice of [[Nobutoshi Canna]]? Some people compare Ban to [[Macross 7|Basara Nekki]]
* [[Catch Phrase]] ("Exactly one minute." And "Have any good/bad dreams?")
* [[Confusion Fu]]: His "snakebite" fighting style.
* [[Cool Shades]]
* [[Cursed with Awesome]]: For the longest time, Ban's "Curse" seemed to be to utter a totally badass mantra before completely kicking ass with his amped up snakebite. Some thirty-two volumes in the series we finally start learning ''[[Body Horror|why]]'' it's a curse.
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* [[Evil Eye]]
* [[First-Name Basis]] (Switches from "lightning brat" to "Ginji" after they retrieve Natsumi's dog. Maybe half of the recurring characters call him by his last name; Himiko, Maria and Paul are three of the very few who use his given name with no honorific whatsoever, while Ginji uses the cutesy and affectionate "Ban-chan.")
* [[Good Is Not Nice]] (Unless you're Ginji. And maybe Himiko or Maria, on a good day.)
* [[Green Lantern Ring]]: His Jagan has shades of this as its abilities are not rigidly defined aside from its basic limitations (can't use on person more than once a day, can't be used more than three times, lasts 60 seconds). However, he often demonstrates a variety of applications for it that make it difficult discern what the Jagan is capable of.
** He can distort the subject's perception of time to increase the duration of the illusion (sort of like [[Naruto|Itachi's Tsukuyomi]]).
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** And plenty of others...
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}: Manga only.
* [[Hey, You]]: Starts calling Ginji by name soon after they became partners. Himiko, Yamato (in flashbacks), Paul and Maria he always addresses by first name with no honorifics attached. Pretty much everyone else gets insulting (though oddly fitting) nicknames.
** [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] during this conversation between Ginji and Paul in the manga;
{{quote|'''Ginji:''' ...That's when Ban-chan started using my name, and you know how bad he is at remembering names!
'''Paul:''' You know that's not true -- he actually remembers everyone's names. He's just not willing to use 'em. }}
* [[Hidden Depths]] (Appears to just be a homeless perv with weird powers who gets things back with his best friend. Then you learn he's a brilliant violinist and thoroughly educated in a number of subjects. Then you learn ''why...'')
* [[Insufferable Genius]] (It's even stated outright in the manga omake. He's hated at first by pretty much everyone he meets, as he's ''very'' condescending and arrogant. Though in all fairness, he ''is'' justifiably so - he really ''is'' a genius.)
* [[In the Blood]]: In the arcs where his hair is 'down', he looks very much like Der Kaiser; both men have similar abilities and somewhat similar personalities as well.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Lovable Sex Maniac]]
* [[Master of Illusion]] AND [[Mind Rape]] (The effect of his Jagan. One of the very rare cases where a ''hero'' has powers like that)
* [[Naomi Shindo]] (his seiyuu as a child)
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== Ginji Amano ==
The other half of the titular duo, normally bubbly and affectionate, but definitely not someone you want to cross. In the past, he was the leader of the VOLTS street gang, but ended up leaving for various angsty reasons. He's very dependent on Ban, likely because he's not used to having someone he can depend on; instead being the person everyone else looks to. Everyone loves Ginji, and he loves everyone, so it worked for a little while, but eventually threatened to destroy everyone around him. Fights with electricity.
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He grew up in the Infinite Fortress, and used to have black hair before his electricity turned it blond.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Badass Adorable]] : Becomes this after teaming up with Ban.
* [[Bishonen]]: Most noticeably in the anime , which obviously aims to attract an audience that goes beyond the typical shounen fans.
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* [[Love Freak]] / [[The Messiah]]
* [[Magnetic Hero]]: Very much so. Heck, not even Ban is immune.
* [[No Sense of Direction]]
* [[Perpetual Poverty]]
* [[Psycho Electro]] (If he uses his powers for a long time, his [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] arises)
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* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] (Raitei)
* [[Tareme]]
* [[Tender Tears]] (It's not uncommon for the manga to cut from a heartwarming scene to a shot of Ginji sniffling happily.)
* [[Unstoppable Rage]] (In this aspect, he completely outdoes his good pal above. {{spoiler|Raitei is later revealed as being the embodiment of all the Mugenjou residents' anger, hatred, despair and pain.}} So you can't really blame the guy for having no self-control, can you?)
* [[Would Hit a Girl]] (Only when he [[Unstoppable Rage|goes berserk]] and becomes the Lightning Lord. He's shown to be willing to electrocute and torture Sakura when she gets in his way, and even ''[[Ax Crazy|Akabane]]'' seems surprised that Ginji would do something so ungentlemanly as beat the living shit out of a woman.)
== Himiko Kudo ==
A transporter by trade, often works with Akabane and kinda-sorta-maybe-not wants to kill Ban for killing her older brother. Nicknamed "Lady Poison," she fights with her "Seven Poison Perfumes," a form of witchcraft tied to scent. She used to work with her older brother Yamato - and later Ban - as thieves, until Ban killed her brother.
A transporter by trade, often works with Akabane and kinda-sorta-maybe-not wants to kill Ban for killing her older brother. Nicknamed "Lady Poison," she fights with her "Seven Poison Perfumes," a form of witchcraft tied to scent. She used to work with her older brother Yamato - and later Ban - as thieves, until Ban killed her brother.
She is a Voodoo Child, otherwise known as an aborted fetus of a witch who was brought back to life by the Shamans. Naturally, this comes with a curse: once she becomes a certain age, a mirrored clone will appear. If one dies, so does the other.
Related to Ban by consanguinity - though it's never directly stated just how they're related. {{spoiler|Not sure if that is true. In volume 38, Ban did state outright that she was his sister.}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Action Girl]] (Matures into a [[Lady of War]] as the story goes on, {{spoiler|particularly after the Kiryuudo arc.}})
* [[Action Girl]] (Matures into a [[Lady of War]] as the story goes on, {{spoiler|particularly after the Kiryuudo arc.}})
* [[Arc Words]] ("Voodoo Child.")
* [[The Artifact]] (The anime writers appeared to have a lot of trouble with Himiko, as only two of her arcs were animated, and the manga didn't really get into her personal arc until after the anime wrapped up production. This is especially apparent in the final arc, as all the main characters obviously have to be present for the conclusion, but Himiko has absolutely no connection to any of the previously-established plot points. She basically goes on this last adventure just for the hell of it.)
* [[The Chick]] (IL arc.)
* [[Clothing Damage]]
* [[Master Poisoner]]
* [[Natsuko Kuwatani]]
* [[Panty Shot]]
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]] (Manga-only. Overseen by Akabane, though he doesn't teach her anything.)
* [[Tsundere]] (Even as she gets over the idea that Ban killed her brother, she still doesn't mind beating him up if she can. {{spoiler|In the last manga chapter, even after knowing that he's her REAL brother, she still doesn't mind the thought of having a bout with him due to their opposing professions.}})
* [[Dead Little Sister|Dead Older Brother]] ( {{spoiler|or so it seems at the beginning}})
== Kuroudo Akabane ==
Another transporter who likes to kill things. Very much. Has a [[Foe Yay|weird fascination with Ban and Ginji]], which they do not appreciate. Fights with various scalpels and blood-made weapons. Nicknamed "Doctor Jackal." ''Knows things'' that no one else does.
A former resident of Babylon City, he used to, in fact, be a doctor in an unspecified war. Until, of course, he fails to save the son of his friend (who later tries to get his revenge) and decides he's better off killing people instead.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type V
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* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Has never killed women or children. When MakubeX uses [[Mind Control]] on a bunch of kids against him, he merely puts them to sleep (Himiko was pleasantly surprised). He also puts himself in harm's way to protect Hevn. When you really think about it, his victims are almost exclusively those who don't know what they're getting themselves into by taking him on.
* [[Giggling Villain]]: Though he's not really a "villain", per se.
* [[Heroic Sociopath]]
* {{spoiler|[[Karma Houdini]]}}: Manga only
* [[Knife Nut]]
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* [[Psycho for Hire]]
* [[Slasher Smile]]: In the anime. In the manga he tends to smile "normally"...and freak people out all the same.
* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]]: He's this when he's not trying to kill you.
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic]]: Manga only. {{spoiler|During his rescue of Paul, him raising his "Bloody Sword" to create a path to safety out of nothing.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Your Mind Makes It Real]]}}: Manga only. {{spoiler|Part of his power is being able to negate enemy powers by simply stating that he can't imagine those powers being true. In addition, he has seemingly come back from the dead simply because he can't imagine himself being dead.}}
== Kazuki Fuuchoin ==
Well-read, formerly one of the Four Kings of the VOLTS and really, really girly-looking--qualifies for [[She's a Man In Japan]], [[Viewer Gender Confusion]], [[Dude Looks Like a Lady]] ''and'' [[Dropped a Bridget On Him]]. Oddly charismatic and naive when it comes to his personal relationships. Fights with koto strings. Nicknamed "Kazuki of the Strings" and "The Terrifying Prince." Has a tragic past.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Bishonen]]
* [[Dropped a Bridget On Him]] (Kazuki being the Bridget)
** Played with in the canon, since his childhood friend Juubei thought he was a girl when they first met.
* [[Dude Looks Like a Lady]] (The reason why)
* [[Fan Service]] (Kazuki is weird in that Ayamine uses him to titillate both male and female readers. Don't think about that too hard.)
* [[Four Is Death]]
* [[Even the Guys Want Him]] (Fanon mostly, but let's be honest - we REALLY ''can't'' fully blame fangirls for seeing it ''that'' way)
* [[Et Tu, Brute?]] (His friends kind of want to kill him.)
* {{spoiler|[[Super-Powered Evil Side]]}}: Manga only
* [[Evil Costume Switch]], [[Mind Control Eyes]], [[Slasher Smile]] (While in his Orpheus persona.)
* [[The Artifact]] (Yup, him, too. Again, the one chance the anime ''was'' given to go into Kazuki's past and motivations was omitted. For once, an effort was made to pluck an aspect of his past from the manga (Toshiki) and transplant it into the anime's final arc, but it was mostly a distraction to the actual story going on, and Kazuki's actual participation was minimal, at best.)
* [[I Have the High Ground]] (Kazuki likes this trope. He pulls it on Ban and Shido while they're on a ''rooftop''.)
* {{spoiler|[[Important Haircut]]}}: (Manga-only)
* {{spoiler|[[Eye Scream]]}}: (Manga-only)
* {{spoiler|[[Gender Blender Name]]}}: Manga-only, brain-breaking spoiler {{spoiler|The Kazuki Fuuchouin from "normal" Shinjuku ''is very much a girl''.}}
* [[Razor Floss]]
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]
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== Shido Fuyuki ==
Another of the VOLTS' Four Kings, Shido hates Ban and loves Madoka. Used to be a [[Loners Are Freaks|bloodthirsty loner]], but love and Ginji made him change, so now he works as a retriever. Being from an (fictional) aboriginal tribe, Shido gets to use all their cool abilities, such as talking to animals. Nicknamed "Beastmaster."
There is a ancient feud between his [[Speaks Fluent Animal|animal-whisperer tribe]] and the one that controls insects, the Kiryuudo - the insect ones managed to kill off a vast majority of Shido's tribe. After the slaughter, he goes to the Infinite Fortress.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[The Artifact]] (He becomes this in the anime's final arc, as there really isn't anything for him to ''do'', especially since he was probably the character most often used in filler episodes. Unlike Himiko, though, he was at least associated with the characters driving the arc.)
* [[Speaks Fluent Animal]], [[The Beast Master]] and [[Friend to All Living Things]] (Animals love this guy)
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* [[Ineffectual Loner]] (His back story is basically this, with Amon, Emishi and Ginji all making breakthroughs to him, but Madoka really sealed the deal. It's weird, as he averts it at the same time: with his animals, he's never alone.)
* [[Not Good with People]]
* [[Official Couple]] (With Madoka)
* [[Pose of Supplication]] (When Madoka is kidnapped and he needs Ban's help to get her back)
* [[Relationship Upgrade]] (The very beginning of the Eternal Bond arc. Madoka finally says "I love you," and Shido reciprocates. Not that we didn't see it coming a mile off, of course.)
* [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]] (Pretty much any scene with Ban...)
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]] (A promise he made to Madoka.)
== Hevn ==
[[Fan Service]] personified, but that doesn't stop her. Hevn is an intermediary who hooks freelancers like the [[GetBackers]] up with jobs. ''Incredibly dangerous jobs''. She also works behind the scenes doing research for them, and is genuinely fond of Ban and Ginji.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
[[Fan Service]] personified, but that doesn't stop her. Hevn is an intermediary who hooks freelancers like the [[GetBackers]] up with jobs. ''Incredibly dangerous jobs''. She also works behind the scenes doing research for them, and is genuinely fond of Ban and Ginji.
* [[The Chick]]
* [[Creepy Cool Crosses]] (Manga-only; she wears a single, dangling cross earring.)
* [[Cool Big Sis]]
* [[Cat Fight]] (Only verbally, with Himiko)
* [[Foreign Fanservice]]
* [[Hot Scientist]] (Was one, in her backstory)
* [[The Load]] (Not her fault, and she ''does'' try to help if she can. But being a non-combatant ''still'' means that people in her group had to look after her whenever there are fights)
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]
* [[Mission Control]]
* [[No Name Given]] ("Hevn" is probably a code name of some kind, but who knows?)
* [[Rio Natsuki]]
== Makubex ==
The third and youngest of the Four Kings. Another incredibly intelligent and well-read character, Makubex ends up as the de facto ruler of Mugenjou and spends his free time trying to figure out what the hell is going on there. {{spoiler|Makubex may or may not exist, and that makes him a bit crazy early on.}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[The Cracker]]
* [[Four Is Death]]
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* [[Teen Genius]]
* [[Tomato in the Mirror]]: {{spoiler|A major point of the IL arc is him coming to terms with the fact that he's essentially a hologram who can never leave the Infinite Fortress.}}
* [[Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty|Trying To Catch My Minions Fighting Dirty]] (The fights he sets up involve a lot of this, including Juubei attempting to get Kazuki [[In the Back]] and mind controlling a bunch of kids to fight the heroes)
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]
== Kyouji Kagami ==
Originally appears as someone from Babylon City who is working for Makubex for reasons of his own. Has a thing for Himiko, and ''knows things'' that the rest of the cast does not. Fights with shards of mirrors.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
Originally appears as someone from Babylon City who is working for Makubex for reasons of his own. Has a thing for Himiko, and ''knows things'' that the rest of the cast does not. Fights with shards of mirrors.
* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[A God I Am]]: {{spoiler|Basically declares that he is the embodiment of Mugenjou in the final arc.}}
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== The Miroku 7 ==
The childhood friend(s) of Ban. They're really seven siblings in one body; the first one seems to have been Natsuhiko. The others include Hikage, Ukyou, Tsubaki, Tokisada, Yukihiko, and lone female Kirara. When they switch, their appearance changes slightly. They were led to believe that Ban killed their sister Eris, which made them become out for his blood. {{spoiler|He did, but in self-defense; she was being controlled by the Black Strings at the time.}}
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The image is of Natsuhiko Miroku.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Ax Crazy]] (Ukyou)
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]] (Yukihiko is easily the most dangerous.)
* [[Dead Little Sister|Dead Older Sister]]
* [[Eyes Always Shut]] (Hikage, but mainly because he's blind)
* [[Fragile Speedster]] (Kirara)
* [[Revenge]]
* [[Split Personality]]
* [[Youngest Child Wins]]
== Maria Noches ==
Witch who studied under Ban's grandmother and ended up partially raising him. 99 years old, but doesn't look it!
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Fan Service]]
* [[Mentors]]
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== Juubei Kakei ==
Ban says it best: super-serious "samurai boy" who is Kazuki's best friend from childhood, and endlessly loyal and devoted to him (until Kazuki leaves and Juubei tries to kill him...). Blinded very shortly after being introduced, he works it almost into a [[Disability Superpower]]. Works for Makubex now, unless Kazuki needs him for something. Fights with giant throwing needles. Nicknamed "Juubei of the Flying Needles," oddly enough.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Battle Butler]] (Fills this function for Makubex, and probably Kazuki)
Ban says it best: super-serious "samurai boy" who is Kazuki's best friend from childhood, and endlessly loyal and devoted to him (until Kazuki leaves and Juubei tries to kill him...). Blinded very shortly after being introduced, he works it almost into a [[Disability Superpower]]. Works for Makubex now, unless Kazuki needs him for something. Fights with giant throwing needles. Nicknamed "Juubei of the Flying Needles," oddly enough.
* [[Battle Butler]] (Fills this function for Makubex, and probably Kazuki)
* [[Bodyguard Crush]] ([[Fanon]]'s general opinion of his relationship with Kazuki. Considering their interactions... well, can't really blame the [[Estrogen Brigade]].)
* [[Estrogen Brigade Bait]] (Hair in his eyes, great physique, [[Ho Yay]]-tastic devotion to his best friend and a damn [[Takehito Koyasu|sexy voice]]...)
* [[Mask Power]]
* [[No Sense of Humor]] (Juubei shows us what happens when you tell such a serious, no-nonsense character that he has no sense of humor: he is ''devastated'', and blames his inability to tell jokes for pretty much all of Makubex and Kazuki's problems.)
* [[Samurai]] (He's not ''really'' a samurai, but is named after one and the word is frequently used to describe him in-series.)
== Haruki Emishi ==
Friend of Shido's who stayed on as one of Makubex's lieutenants after Ginji left. Nicknamed the "Fresh Blood Joker" or "Bloody Joker" depending on your translation, he's another loyal to his friends type who reacts kinda murderously when the friends desert him. Thankfully, this is a one-time thing and he's usually perfectly content to play video games and make bad jokes. Fights with a strong-yet-pliable whip.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
Friend of Shido's who stayed on as one of Makubex's lieutenants after Ginji left. Nicknamed the "Fresh Blood Joker" or "Bloody Joker" depending on your translation, he's another loyal to his friends type who reacts kinda murderously when the friends desert him. Thankfully, this is a one-time thing and he's usually perfectly content to play video games and make bad jokes. Fights with a strong-yet-pliable whip.
* [[Boke and Tsukkomi Routine]] (Pulls a couple of these with Amon. It is awesome.)
* [[But Not Too Foreign]] (Is implied to be a descendant of Luolan, which was once a kingdom in West China.)
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]] (Really does not appreciate poor treatment of women, but that doesn't stop him from snuggling Sakura-han's breasts when the opportunity arises.)
* [[Cool Shades]] (Both used and subverted. His pink sunglasses either increase his goofiness in lighthearted scenes or dehumanize him when he's justifying the nickname "Fresh Blood Joker.")
* [[High-Pressure Blood]] (high-pressure ''explosive'' blood.)
* [[The Idiot From Osaka]]
* [[Kansai Regional Accent]]
* [[Last-Name Basis]] (His given name is almost never mentioned beyond his initial introduction and a joke that thematically links him to Amon. It's bad enough that the writers at Tokyopop don't seem to have a clue which is which, calling him "Emishi Haruki" and "Haruki Emishi" at different points. In the same volume, even.)
* [[Manly Tears]]
* [[Whip It Good]]
== Sakura Kakei ==
Juubei's older sister and Makubex's most trusted adviser... and that's about it, really. Still a good hacker and fights with the pink shawl-scarf she wears draped around her torso and as a headband.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
Juubei's older sister and Makubex's most trusted adviser... and that's about it, really. Still a good hacker and fights with the pink shawl-scarf she wears draped around her torso and as a headband.
* [[Clothing Damage]] (Poor girl gets into one fight in the whole arc and her clothes are burned off...)
* [[Cherry Blossoms]] (Subverted. The kanji used to write this Sakura's name mean "new moon/first day of the month" and "silk," as her ability is to manipulate cloth.)
* [[Clothing Damage]] (Poor girl gets into one fight in the whole arc and her clothes are burned off...)
* [[Lady of War]] (On the very rare occasions she does fight, her favorite technique is calmly wrapping people up in her tapestry, usually with her eyes closed.)
* [[Cherry Blossoms]] (Subverted. The kanji used to write this Sakura's name mean "new moon/first day of the month" and "silk," as her ability is to manipulate cloth.)
* [[Lady of War]] (On the very rare occasions she does fight, her favorite technique is calmly wrapping people up in her tapestry, usually with her eyes closed.)
* [[Morality Pet]] (The only time Makubex loses his composure while acting as the arc's [[Big Bad]] is when she gets hurt.)
* [[Older Sidekick]] (She's 23 to Makubex's 14, and is just as loyal and devoted to him as her brother is to Kazuki.)
* [[Satellite Character]] (It is ''very'' difficult to find a scene of Sakura that doesn't somehow involve Makubex. Even if he's not in the room, she's probably thinking about him, admonishing others to obey him, or working on his computer. Even when she leaves Mugenjou to {{spoiler|participate in the Underground Grand Prix for Kazuki's sake, she wears some kind of radio link so that she can speak to Makubex and send him information.}})
* [[Ship Tease]] (She surprise-hugs Makubex sometimes, and she's quite pleased when Emishi brings her flowers.)
* [[Team Mom]]
== Paul Wan ==
Owner of the Honky Tonk where Ban and Ginji are running up the tab of a lifetime. After them, he suffers the most when they can't pay their bills. Another one of those characters who ''knows things''.
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He unintentionally gave Ban's father the name for his child; as a baby Ban punched Paul in the face, who called him a barbarian (''yuban'' in Japanese). For some reason, his father thought this would make a good name.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Blind Without'Em]]: Inverted. Paul's sunglasses actually cut off his sight entirely, enabling him to focus on honing his "sixth sense," as a way to compensate for his old age.
* [[Blow You Away]]: His nickname before he retired was the ''Gale Emperor''. In fact, he's so badass that he can create a vacuum that slices people to pieces just by walking past them at an insanely high speed.
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]
* [[Opaque Lenses]]
* [[Retired Badass]]
== Clayman ==
A part-time artist, part-time art ''thief'', dedicated to the preserving the integrity of masterpieces. Her mother was a medium that channeled dead artists and gave them her hand to paint their final, greatest works, meaning the art also has a sentimental value to Clayman.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
A part-time artist, part-time art ''thief'', dedicated to the preserving the integrity of masterpieces. Her mother was a medium that channeled dead artists and gave them her hand to paint their final, greatest works, meaning the art also has a sentimental value to Clayman.
* [[Gentleman Thief]] (Despite being a girl.)
* [[Master of Disguise]] (Hence the nickname "Clayman." She sculpts perfect clay masks.)
* [[No Name Given]]
* [[Samus Is a Girl]]
* [[Willing Channeler]]: {{spoiler|Her mother was one, allowing for Van Gogh to take her body and finish his Sunflower painting series centuries after his suicide.}}
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== Gouzou Maguruma ==
Along with Akabane and Himiko, Maguruma makes up the GB world's "dream team" of transporters. Unlike his cohorts, he actually has a car. Several, in fact: he's seen legitimately driving a taxi on several occasions. Gets along with Ban and Ginji, Himiko, Akabane ''and'' Hishiki. Nicknamed "Mr. No-Brakes."
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
Along with Akabane and Himiko, Maguruma makes up the GB world's "dream team" of transporters. Unlike his cohorts, he actually has a car. Several, in fact: he's seen legitimately driving a taxi on several occasions. Gets along with Ban and Ginji, Himiko, Akabane ''and'' Hishiki. Nicknamed "Mr. No-Brakes."
* [[Badass Driver]] (He's ''earned'' his nickname.)
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]
* [[Badass Driver]] (He's ''earned'' his nickname.)
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]
== Ryudou Hishiki ==
A protector. Formerly a pro wrestler, he's earned the nickname "Undead" for being, well, unkillable. The only opponent Ban and Ginji will actively go out of their way to completely avoid.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
A protector. Formerly a pro wrestler, he's earned the nickname "Undead" for being, well, unkillable. The only opponent Ban and Ginji will actively go out of their way to completely avoid.
* [[Badass]] (In a more explicit way than Akabane. In his third appearance in the Manga, he chases after the Ban and Ginji at over a hundred miles an hour while tossing police cars out of the way like bowling pins, all while pedaling away on a lady's bicycle!)
* [[The Brute]]
Line 381 ⟶ 345:
== Takuma Fudou ==
A former thief, and of all the people who actively want to kill Ban, he's the most [[Stalker with a Crush|deranged and obsessed]]. Yes, that includes Akabane. Nicknamed "The Enlightened," for his ability to see several seconds into the future.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Best Served Cold]]
* [[Combat Sadomasochist]] (He loves ''receiving'' pain in battle as much as he loves dealing it out. Especially noticeable when he gets pissed off when Ban doesn't put up enough of a fight, and [https://web.archive.org/web/20091019112035/http://www.mangafox.com/manga/get_backers/v09/c001.2/93.html starts slashing up his own chest, screaming at Ban to "make him bleed" and "push him to the edge."])
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]] (His plans for revenge against Ban can definitely be seen as this - ripping the boy apart, "killing him over and over and over," slurping up his blood, violently murdering anyone that Ban pays attention to or likes, etc. Especially since he managed to get a perfectly fine replacement for his arm that works just as well as his old one.)
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]] (''Anything'' he says to Ban. Screaming at Ban to "meet his throbbing desires," "give his body to him," "quench his thirst"... yeeaah.)
Line 396 ⟶ 358:
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]] (If his confession to Ginji during the ''Birth'' Arc is any indication, he's most definitely ''very'' jealous of anyone who Ban likes.)
* [[Murder the Hypotenuse]] (His obsession with Ban actually gets to the point where he decides to do this to Ginji. Because Ban's eyes were only on Ginji and not on him.)
* [[Noodle Incident]] (Ban ripped his arm off. We don't know how or why. Though knowing the crap that Fudou pulls off all the time, it might not be hard to guess why.)
* [[Oral Fixation Fixation]] (He has a habit of licking his lips when he gets excited. Which means every time he fights with Ban.)
* [[Perma-Stubble]]
* [[Psychic Powers]] (Brief clairvoyance that allows him to see seconds into the future.)
* [[Psycho for Hire]]
* [[Say My Name]] ('''MIDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU!!!!!''')
* [[Stalker with a Crush]] (He stalks and follows Ban ''everywhere''. Ban even [[Lampshadeslampshade]]s it with annoyance, calling him a "damn stalker zombie.")
== Gen Radou ==
Old guy who raised Makubex (and Ren) and introduced him to computers, and the architect of Babylon Tower. Has mysterious connections to the Brain Trust, so he probably ''knows things.''
== Masaki Kurusu ==
The last of the Four Kings, who spends most of his time sitting around and making cryptic remarks as he spies on people. Also ''knows things.'' Fights with light.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Four Is Death]]
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Mole]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]}}
== Toshiki Uryuu ==
Formerly one of Kazuki's friends and followers, he left because he thought Kazuki was too good for Ginji. Fights with his qi/chi/ki/what-have-you. Nicknamed "The Hell Knight."
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[As the Good Book Says...]] (Invoking Divine Design seems to require reciting passages of the Bible vaguely related to whatever it is you're doing.)
* [[Bodyguard Crush]] (As with Juubei, his mancrushing on Kazuki is [[Fanon]], but still incredibly understandable fanon.)
* [[The Dragon]] (To Lucifer)
* [[The Generic Guy]] (In all honesty, the series already had an honorable type of guy with a [[Ho Yay]]-tastic grudge against Kazuki. We're not sure why they thought they needed another one, but we're not complaining, either...)
* [[Intimate Healing]] (Which makes him the only person in-series to kiss Ban.)
* [[Katsuyuki Konishi]] (His voice.)
* [[Last-Name Basis]] (Kazuki is pretty much the only character who ever calls him by his given name, and in the manga, he seems to save it for particularly emotional moments.)
* [[Manly Tears]]
* [[More Than Mind Control]]
* [[Satellite Character]] (Would probably be pretty boring if not for his relationships with Kazuki and Juubei)
Line 436 ⟶ 394:
== Natsumi Mizuki ==
The cute waitress at the Honky Tonk.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
The cute waitress at the Honky Tonk.
* [[A Day in the Limelight]] (Her manga only backstory arc aside, Natsumi gets an entire episode in the anime where she takes on a job in place of Ban and Ginji while they're on "vacation.")
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Flat Character]] (Personality-wise, there isn't much to say about her, except that she's happy and likes G&B.)
* [[Hidden Depths]] (Subverted. The Birth flashback arc shows her hiring Ban and Ginji to get her dog back, and reveals her sad, sad past involving a dead mom and dead scientist father... but she's still just as clueless and genki and the same lovable Natsumi-chan.)
* [[Neutral Female]]
* [[Parental Abandonment]] (In the anime, her mom is in the hospital and her dad isn't really mentioned. In the manga, both of her parents are dead and she lives with her dog, Lucky.)
== Madoka Otowa ==
The blind cute violinist Shido falls for. The driving force behind one minor arc, one side story, and one major storyline, and not afraid to go after a yakuza boss to steal back her violin. Her seeing-eye dog is named Mozart.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
The blind cute violinist Shido falls for. The driving force behind one minor arc, one side story, and one major storyline, and not afraid to go after a yakuza boss to steal back her violin. Her seeing-eye dog is named Mozart.
* [[Disabled Love Interest]]
* [[Damsel in Distress]] (Well, she ''is'' blind, so we can't necessarily blame her)
* [[Genius Cripple]] (Despite her blindness, she can play the violin ''beautifully'' and distinguish her Stradivarious from others just by hearing its sound)
* [[Groin Attack]] (on ''[[The Brute|Hishiki]]'', no less!)
* [[Fan Service]] (While Kabuto is possessing Madoka, she's completely naked. No matter what, she is naked. Even when he has a yukata and obi on her arms, he's just too lazy to fasten it and give the poor girl some modesty.)
* [[Friend to All Living Things]] (There's a scene in the Eternal Bond arc where Shido realizes that Madoka has picked up the ability to understand animals. One of the things he hates about humans is that they don't take the time to listen animals. ''[[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|Awwwww!]]'')
* [[Grand Theft Me]] (Kabuto wants Madoka's body. No, this is not supposed to invoke [[Naruto]].)
Line 460 ⟶ 416:
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[The Ojou]] (Has one scaringly HUGE [[Big Fancy House]])
* [[Parental Abandonment]] (There's a token reference to her father being ill at some point. At first, it seems that she's being cared for by her butler, but he's evil. So now her 21-year-old boyfriend is shacking up with her.)
* [[Yuki Matsuoka]]
== Rena Sendou ==
The other cute waitress at the Honky Tonk, formerly a pawn of Lucifer.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
The other cute waitress at the Honky Tonk, formerly a pawn of Lucifer.
* [[Broken Bird]] at first, later portrayed as a [[Wide-Eyed Idealist]] for no real reason (except so Ban and Ginji would see how brokenhearted she was when her trust didn't pay off).
* [[Good Is Dumb]] (Remiel, the evil!Rena, could trap people's souls inside her dolls, and in fact did just that to the men who molested her. Good!Rena... believes shady street hustlers who say they are selling incredibly expensive mushrooms for half the price.)
* [[More Than Mind Control]] (She works with Lucifer because she wants to create a fairyland made up entirely of her dolls, because adults have utterly failed her.)
* [[Neutral Female]]
* [[Rape as Backstory]]
Line 475 ⟶ 430:
== Ren Radou ==
Cute little tomboy who has a cute little crush on Kazuki.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Bifauxnen]] (Kazuki's [[Distaff Counterpart]]!)
* [[Bokukko]]
* [[Intimate Healing]]
* [[Tomato in the Mirror]]
== Dr. Amano ==
A manga-only character, she's Ginji's 'mother'. It's complicated.
{{spoiler|She's head of the team which created the dimension where Mugenjou exists.}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[A God Am I]] (An interesting take on the trope. {{spoiler|When the dimension containing Mugenjou began growing on its own, beyond the control of her team, she had plans to "format" the dimension like a hard drive. Thanks to Ginji, she put away those plans.}})
* [[Cloning Blues]] (Averted, due to her being [[Genre Savvy]]. {{spoiler|When her son died, although it is possible to create a clone to replace him, she knew that the clone would never be a true son to her. Hence, she created an [[Alternate Universe]] version of him, who we know as Ginji.}})
Line 495 ⟶ 448:
== The Specialist ==
The bunny girl. A scientist of some sort, with a connection to Brain Trust. Probably has the best idea as to what the hell is going on, and has apparently told Akabane parts of it. Also known as "the Professor."
The bunny girl. A scientist of some sort, with a connection to Brain Trust. Probably has the best idea as to what the hell is going on, and has apparently told Akabane parts of it. Also known as "the Professor."
Her real name is ('''massive''' spoiler) {{spoiler|Makube}}.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]
== The Voodoo King ==
Basically the final boss of the series, the Voodoo King is one of the Voodoo children who possesses not one, not two ''[[Serial Escalatio|but three !!!]] stigmas (yes he has three eyes). He controls one of the major factions on the Belt Line and is unquestionably one of the most powerful, if not ''the'' most powerful characters in the series.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Big Bad]]: He and Kagami ultimately compete for this position in the final arc.
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Clearly cements his badass credentials by crushing the entirety of Fuuga and the Shiki clan (granted without their respective leaders) as well as Emishi and Takeru with one shot.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To the Raitei...yes that's right, the Raitei has an ''evil'' counterpart!
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