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[[File:Superman_001_Superman 001 -_11_8183 11 8183.jpg|link=Superman|frame| [[Human Aliens|...or a human, for that matter.]]]]
{{quote|''"Didn't you know that you don't hit a woman? [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|You. Will. See.]]"'' [[Dynamic Entry|*THUD*]]|'''Takeshi Momoshiro''', ''[[The Prince of Tennis]]''.}}
|'''Takeshi Momoshiro'''|''[[The Prince of Tennis]]''.}}
There are men who [[Would NotWouldn't Hit a Girl]], and then there are ''these'' men amongst men who take this ideal to its logical, vengeful conclusion.
More often than not, these men are [[Gentle Giant|Gentle Giants]]s and/or mild mannered [[Nice Guy]]s who either are raised with traditional values of kindness and chivalry, or are scarred by childhoods of watching their mothers being beaten or worse.
Either way, the results are the same [[Berserk Button|when he sees a woman being struck]]. The gentleman [[Unstoppable Rage|explodes into a roaring mass of homicidal fury]] and proceeds to pursue the offending coward with the relentless stamina of a wild beast; and should the brute be caught, he ''will'' be [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|pounded into a bloody mess]] to the best of the Wife Basher Basher's ability. All cries for mercy and personal injuries will be ignored by the possessor of this trope, such is his unbound and righteous primal rage. ''Usually'', murder is not the intent; the basher in question instead wants to ''humiliate'' the coward, and let him have a taste of what it's like to be the helpless one for a change.
This brutal form of chivalry generally earns a ''lot'' of brownie points with the audience, especially women. Nevertheless; friends of this normally gentle person would find these [[Beware the Nice Ones|righteous outbursts]] quite disconcerting, if not downright [[Nightmare Fuel|chilling]] to witness. Not to mention the [[Broken Aesop]] of solving violence with more violence, although this one only gets invoked if a child is present nearby, to provoke a [[He Who Fights Monsters]] revelation from the hero temporarily. Occasionally, this can backfire against the [['''Wife-Basher Basher]]''' himself in order to present another [[Broken Aesop]] of "[[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]]."
This trope is often invoked by female villains as [[Wounded Gazelle Gambit]] if they are attacked by male heroes in public. They know there are usually a few chivalrous big men ready to dish out [[Disproportionate Retribution]], even if she started it, because most people with this mindset are seen to believe that [[Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male]].
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== [[Advertising]] ==
== Advertising ==
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js9vG9rC1YU This] somewhat controversial anti-domestic violence ad aired in Australia in 2006. It features Mark Brandon "Chopper" Read, a notorious ex-criminal and minor celebrity, talking in an overtly threatening manner about [[Even Evil Has Standards|what he thinks of rapists and men who beat women]] and [[Prison Rape|what they can look forward to when they end up behind bars.]]
{{quote|'''Chopper:''' If you bashed a woman, well you're a weak, gutless individual! If you come to jail for bashing a woman or raping a woman, you will get dealt with. You will suffer. We will break your neck. ''You low, gutless, weak mice.''}}
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
== Anime and Manga ==
* Quoted above: Takeshi Momoshiro from ''[[Prince of Tennis]]'' catches a [[Jerk Jock]] bullying [[Fragile Flower]] Sakuno ''and'' [[Kick the Dog|pushing]] [[Cool Big Sis]] An [[Kick the Dog|to the ground for defending her]], and before even introducing himself he's laying the smackdown on said jerk, physically and verbally.
* Miyagi Ryota of ''[[Slam Dunk]]'', upon witnessing a delinquent backhand his long-time crush Ayako, leapt upon the significantly taller brute and beats him until he is disfigured and unconscious.
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* [[Lovable Sex Maniac]] masochist Sado Tarou of ''[[MM!]]'' ''doesn't'' like to abuse people, the [[Nice Guy]] that he actually is. However, upon finding out that his adorable [[Shrinking Violet]] friend's fear of men come from being beaten by an abusive boyfriend who ''then'' [[Moral Event Horizon|spread rumors of her sleeping around for refusing his sexual advances]], storms to the kickboxing gym of said abusive ex-boyfriend and proceeds to beat the evil ''martial artist'' into the ground, in spite of not possessing any proper combat training himself.
** Sadly, the scene doesn't actually play out like that in the anime. Sado still gets his ass effortlessly handed to him by the evil boyfriend before he finally lands just ''one'' punch (and even then it was only because of outside intervention by Mio). Mio plays this straight [[Violently Protective Girlfriend|by proceeding to do some nasty things to the downed boyfriend]], but we don't get to see what she does, just the aftermath in the form of a photograph.
* Toyed with in [[Captain Tsubasa]]. While Tsubasa ''is'' ticked off to see his would-be girlfriend Sanae being pursued by a loud and aggressive [[Hopeless Suitor]], Kouji Kanda, he cannot openly fight him not only because the guy ''is'' stronger than him in fighting, but because he's a member of a school sports club and if he gets caught fighting, ''the whole team will be suspended from the National Tournament'' -- so—so, Tsubasa gets his ass handed to him by Kanda when he attacks openly. {{spoiler|It's then played straight when an injured Sanae begs Tsubasa to defend himself, and he does so '' by brutally kicking Kanda to the head'' and winning the fight in one single movement. Kanda then acknowledges that he has lost and backs off.}}
* In ''[[Durarara!!]]'', one of the few things that can set off the otherwise cool-headed Rokujou Chikage is hurting a woman in his presence.
* Guts from ''[[Berserk]]'' could count for this one. Sure, [[Took a Level in Jerkass|he's changed a lot]] since the Eclipse -- someEclipse—some would say for [[He Who Fights Monsters|the worse]] -- but—but Guts is still too decent of a guy to just standby and watch a full-grown man beat a little girl senseless. He usually dispatches them in his rare [[Tranquil Fury]] mode, but if he ever sees a woman in danger of sexual assault -- whichassault—which reminds him all too well of [[Love Interest|the person]] [[My Greatest Failure|whom he failed to protect]] -- well—well, [[Berserk Button|it's not going to end pretty]] for whoever (or ''what''ever) is doing it.
* This is the bait that {{spoiler|Ohtori Akio}} uses to rope [[Revolutionary Girl Utena|Tenjou Utena]] into his dueling game: make sure Utena sees Saionji slapping around his "girlfriend" Anthy.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* In the first issue of ''[[Superman]]'' back in the 1930's, our titular hero deals with a violent husband by throwing him into a wall and mercilessly beating ''him'' (as delightfully pictured above) until he promises to never hit his wife again.
** He faced a similar situation in the Nineties, but since he'd become much, much stronger in the interim - to the point that any real beating would have killed the abusive husband in question - he had to handle the situation a bit more carefully.
*** Not just that he was stronger - in a bit of [[Deconstruction]], we had a flashback to the [[Post-Crisis]] version of the above scene, and ''it doesn't solve the problem''. The woman refuses to press charges and takes her husband back, and the next time he gets violent he kills her. Clark, [[It's All My Fault|being Clark]], wonders if the humiliation of being beaten himself was what triggered this.
** The ''new'' ''Action Comics #1'' mentions the new Superman having done this as well, though we don't see it on panel.
* Really, this is [[Rated "M" for Manly|an expected attribute]] of the most loved [[Marvel Universe]] heroes such as [[Captain America (comics)|Captain America]], [[X-Men|Wolverine]] and [[The Punisher]]. What differs the last two from the first, is that they're also [[Serial Killer Killer|killers]].
** Ultimate Captain America is particularly notable. After Ant-Man and the Wasp had a verbal fight that escalated and they attacked each other (he "won"), almost no one wanted to listen to his side of the story, and Cap, with his 50s values, literally ambushes him in a bar and beats the crap out of him even when Hank Pym is ''50 feet alltall''. Presumably, since the Ultimates don't want the bad publicity, and it involved national security matters, Cap is never charged.
* It's been implied that [[Unstoppable Rage|the psychological origin]] of [[The Incredible Hulk]] was young Bruce Banner witnessing his father [[Harmful to Minors|beating his mother]] and wanting to be one of these; rather notable, given that one of the more consistentally consistently-heroic portryalsportrayals of the Hulk (namely, the dim-witted but extremely powerful Savage Hulk) is essentially a child in the same frame of mind as young Banner.
* Marv of ''[[Sin City]]'' does not like it when guys rough up girls. At all. His response to a frat boy beating up his favorite stripper Nancy was to "straighten him out but good," mentioning that maybe he went a little too far (which implies that he beat the guy to death). In ''A Dame to Kill For'', Dwight plays upon this in order to recruit Marv for the "rescue mission" of Ava, which he feels rather rotten for as he's doing it. Unfortunately, it's later learned that Ava, the dame of the title, was [[Wounded Gazelle Gambit|playing Dwight's own violent protectiveness of women like a two-bit fiddle]].
* ''[[Diabolik]]'' has a strange case: the titular protagonist is disgusted by wife -bashers but doesn't care enough to punish them, but Eva does, and he'll gladly help her robbing them blind and closing them in their own secret vault (just to quote the most recent case at the time of the writing).
== [[Film]] ==
* Bud White of ''[[L.A. Confidential]]''. He literally rips AN OAK CHAIR in two with his bare hands out of rage after hearing a suspect's description of a sexual assault of a kidnapped girl. Then, to scare the location of a kidnapped girl out of the rapist, he plays a very non-consensual game of Russian roulette with the guy's face. Needless to say the sniveling little bastard immediately complied.
* Cyrus "the Virus" Grissom, the [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Con Air]]'' and a mass murderer who claims to have killed more men than cancer threatened to throw "Johnny 23," a convicted serial rapist, out of the title plane if he dared to try to rape the hijacked plane's only female officer. Cyrus says he normally despises rapists, but will make an exception in this case, then delivers his ultimatum.
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* In ''[[Goodfellas]],'' when Henry finds out his then-girlfriend-future-wife Karen was sexually assaulted by one of her neighbors, he promptly walks to his house and pistol-whips him in broad daylight (as well as threatens to murder him). This action likely had a hand in causing Karen to marry him, as she admits in her narration that it turned her on.
== [[Literature]] ==
== Literature ==
* In ''[[Honor Harrington]]'', much of the male population of the planet Grayson is this to a degree, due to their very conservative culture, almost in contrast to the open misogyny that many Graysons were portrayed as having in their earliest appearances. Many of them were raised to see women as helpless in a man's world (though their dealings with the far more egalitarian Manticorans do much to change those attitudes) and thus, any man who is revealed to have injured or killed a woman (or a child) is not looked upon with very much favor.
** Honor herself is one, in a manner. In the second book, upon finding out [[Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil|what Masadans do to female prisoners]], she [[Tranquil Fury|approaches]] the captured Masadan base commander, [[Dramatic Gun Cock|draws and unsafeties her sidearm]], and has to be [[If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him|physically restrained by the officers under her]] from putting a pulse dart in the man's head.
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* ''Sisterhood'' series by [[Fern Michaels]]: In a rare female example, the Vigilantes become this on Karl Woodley, a National Security Advisor who broke every bone in his wife, Paula Woodley's, body, in the book ''The Jury''. They get into his home and break every bone in ''his'' body! Despite having apparently reached her breaking point, Paula takes him back. Fortunately, he is permanently crippled, wheelchair-bound, and can't lay a hand on her. A later book reveals that she is taking great pleasure in tormenting him, implying that she only took him back so that she can make him suffer as much as she had!
* This one is [[Older Than Print]], being a staple of the Chivalric romance. On at least one occasion Sir Lancelot was called on it by a battered gentleman, who proved to be in the right, and acidly suggested that the Knights of the Round Table would do well to inquire into the circumstances before dealing out retribution.
* In ''[[The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress]]'' the narrator proudly declares that on the Moon attacking a woman is a literal death sentence, as any male in the area will gladly kill you in the most painful way he can think of. The Earther Stuart RenèRené [[La Joie]]LaJoie nearly gets killed because his Earth-style flirt was too aggressive for the Moon (he survives because the boys who caught him decided to give him a trial, and the protagonist, acting as a judge, realizes he was just ignorant. Stuart learned his lesson well), while the Moon revolution is triggered by Earth Peace Dragoons raping and killing a woman and their boss preventing the chief of the guards from having them hanged.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* An interesting variation occurs in the [[Very Special Episode]] of ''[[A Different World]]'' about domestic abuse. When the abuser is confronted about the rumors by one of his friends, he tells a story of a time when he tried to save a woman who was being slapped by her boyfriend in the street... and '''she called the cops on him'''. He says he learned two things that day: that every man can lose it sometimes and that whatever happens between a man and a woman is no one else's business. It is truly chilling that the [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]] lesson he learned from the incident seems to be part of his justification for abusing his girlfriend.
** Fortunately his friend decides to make it his business and calls the cops on him.
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* A variation in the fifth season of ''[[Dexter]]'': The Child Basher Basher. When Dexter discovers that a friend of his stepdaughter is being abused by her mother's boyfriend, he immediately takes action. He finds the guy and gives him an in-depth lesson on what hitting different parts of the body does to the victim, while hitting him in those locations. He then tells him to get out, STAT, and never come back. Appropriately, of course, Dexter is a [[Serial Killer Killer]].
== [[Music]] ==
* The narrator from [[Nickelback]]'s ''Never Again.'' All the more wrenching because it's implied the narrator is the man's son, who is too young to do anything about it.
{{quote|Father's a name you haven't earned yet
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{{quote|Should I sit here on these hands of mine one more time?
Or should I use them on him the way he does on you? }}
== [[Video Games]] ==
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* Near the end of ''[[Mafia II]]'''s story, Vito gets a call from his hysterical sister that her husband hasn't come home. Vito tracks him down (in the middle of banging a hooker at a party) and beats the snot out of him, threatening to kill him if he hurts his sister or is anything less than a stellar husband. It comes back to bite Vito when she tells him she wants nothing to do with him anymore.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* In ''[[Suicide for Hire]]'', Arcturus is normally (more or less) the [[Only Sane Man]]; he tries to dissuade their "clientele" and doesn't usually enjoy the killing as much as his partner Hunter. When a man who beat his wife to the point where she sought the pair out and utilized their services comes in...he changes his tune and participates enthusiastically in the [[Karmic Death]].
== Webcomics ==
* In [[Suicide for Hire]], Arcturus is normally (more or less) the [[Only Sane Man]]; he tries to dissuade their "clientele" and doesn't usually enjoy the killing as much as his partner Hunter. When a man who beat his wife to the point where she sought the pair out and utilized their services comes in...he changes his tune and participates enthusiastically in the [[Karmic Death]].
== [[Web Original]] ==
* Zeke Strahm of ''[[Seeking Truth]]'' kicked off his relationship with Lizzie by beating up her abusive father. He's also not very fond of Albert Conaghan, the serial rapist and [[Karma Houdini]] whose sick pastime is likely what got him the attention of [[Humanoid Abomination|Tall, Dark, and Faceless himself]].
* [[The Nostalgia Critic]] is known to do this with his gun, even trying to shoot Lady Tremaine for abusing Cinderella so much.
* In the ''[[Cyanide & Happiness]]'' cartoon ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZxQvRkFbOg Girl Fight]'', a bunch of people try to beat up a guy for having a bruised-up girlfriend, assuming it was his doing. [[Subverted Trope|Unfortunately for them]], it turns out the guy has a [[Violently Protective Girlfriend]] who's also a professional martial artist.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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