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== One strain of the Blacklight Virus is the cause of the [[Zombie Apocalypse]] of [[Left 4 Dead]]. ==
* Hordes of lesser infected, with smaller numbers of more powerful ones? Hell, it's like Alex Mercer has superior versions of the powers of several of the boss infected. The smoker's long range grab (Whipfist), but Alex is faster reeling them in. The parkour of the hunter, but Alex is even more agile and can leap much further. The strength and resilience of the tank, but much faster. The claws of the witch.
== Two more strains of the Blacklight Virus were used on [[Yu Yu Hakusho|the Toguro Bothers]] ==
* Something was done to them after their Dark Tournament win to make them powerful "demons". There is plenty of mad science going around, and at least one instance of, you guessed it, superpower-giving parasites. So it's entirely possible that the orchestrator of the Dark Tournament could have had access to the Blacklight Virus. This version of the virus does not bestow all of Alex's powers, but the ones they do have are enhanced. Further proof can be found by looking at their powers. The Younger Toguro clearly has a souped-up Muscle Mass power, and the Armor power, though it manifests as tough gray skin rather than beetle plates. He only has two powers, but the level of enhancement goes way beyond what Alex can do with those same powers. The Elder Toguro has... pretty much ''everything'' else, honestly. He can shapeshift, he can extend his limbs to attack (whipfist), he can rip things to shreds with his nails (Claw), he an transform his limbs or whole body into a sword (blade), shield (shield), and many other things besides. While both brothers can regenerate, his regenerative powers are so advanced that he can survive total point-blank annihilation, just like Alex. And for the final piece of evidence, look [https://web.archive.org/web/20090329081941/http://www.onemanga.com/Yu_Yu_Hakusho/88/16/ here]. Go ahead, look at that and try to tell me that it's anything other than the Tendril Barrage Devastator. Elder Toguro even gains the power to ''eat people'' later on, for crying out loud. It doesn't get any clearer than that, does it?
== Prototype 2 will feature Alex Mercer versus an army of homicidal cyborgs and robots powered by nanomachines. ==
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== Alternatively for Prototype 2: Aliens ==
Jeeze, when you've got a character as powerful as Alex, the only things that would slow him down are [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]] and a cross between the Terminator and Mecha Godzilla.
* Which means Alex will no doubt be fighting [[Command and& Conquer|the Scrin]] and [[Terminator|Skynet.]] He will be aided by a [[The Sarah Connor Chronicles|naked Summer Glau robot]] sent back from the future, along with [[Infamous (video game series)|Cole]]'s future form. Therefore creating the single most awesome game ever.
* Alternatively, [[Predator|Predators]].
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3. Bizarre Biology: [[Lovecraftian Superpower|Tentacle slides out and gives visual approximation of thumbs up]].
My theory is that Blacklight is in fact a culture of cells from Adam, which still remain somewhat sentient. As a result, the transformation of Greene was actually them realizing they had found a suitable host for transformation into a humanoid Angel like Tabris. After possessing her, she then gained the ability to created pseudo-Angels in the form of the Infected-the reason they have a [[Hive Mind]] is that they're really just one big Angel. When Mercer-the human one-enhanced the culture to make them more powerful, he really caused the original Angel to become two. The new Angel/cell colony tried to possess him but only succeeded in making him drop the vial. However, by that point, they had become powerful enough to mimic his form, as well as a human mind. They-or rather, he-then was driven by instinct to destroy the "weaker" Angel-the Infected. He succeeded, and then went on to his true purpose at the end of the game-finding Adam's body.
Where does the original cast of the series fit in? They don't. It's an [[Alternate Universe]] in which the Second Impact wasn't nearly as bad as in NGE.
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Doesn't his people-eating powers make him look like some kind of corpse-katamari? (He doesn't get any bigger because of his [[Hyperactive Metabolism]].)
== Semi-obligatory ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' theory: It's not on our earth but a facsimile created by Chaos. ==
Alex has the Tzeentchian shapeshifting, the Khornate martial prowess, and the Nurglite virus thing. Slaanesh... may fit in there somewhere. So he's a prototype for some Chaos super-warrior meant to be superior even to Chaos Space Marines, but the ending shows he's not quite willing to go along. If there's anyone with the slightest shadow of a chance of [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|Punching The Big Four Out]], it may be Alex with the power of lots (and lots and lots) of consumed (greater) daemon (prince)s.
* Slaanesh is easy: [[Naughty Tentacles|Tentacle Rape Overdrive]].
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Maybe {{spoiler|Dana}} was too horrified by Alex's true nature or {{spoiler|found out that he wasn't really her brother}}, and decided to work with the government against him. Or maybe {{spoiler|she was infected in the first game}} and so has joined forces with {{spoiler|Pariah}} to fight Alex. Either way, Alex will be forced to kill {{spoiler|Dana, the only person he ever really cared about in his existence}}. The loss and betrayal of his [[Morality Chain]] will lead to Alex's true [[Start of Darkness]]. Then he will embark on a path of destruction across the globe that, in one timeline, claimed Cole Macgrath's wife {{spoiler|which will lead him to become Kessler}}, and cause people to name Alex {{spoiler|The Beast}}.
== Alternative ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' Theory: Blacklight is a Tyranid organism. ==
We know that the virus itself is sentient, and it works in hives. Its only discernable desire is to consume. It creates horrifying biological nightmares with lots of claws and tentacles. It can assimilate human DNA to shape new organisms. This all fits the criteria for a Tyranid attack, but one more subtle than even genestealer cults, which may have been involved as well. The virus itself is Tyranid, and the original Alex Mercer was a genestealer hybrid who intentionally awakened Blacklight because he sensed an incoming Hive-Fleet. The "Alex Mercer" you play as is in fact a Synapse creature, controlling and directing the virus' infection of the world-the virus itself exists simply to have the world ready for immediate consumption by the Hive-Fleet upon arrival, without bothering with open warfare. Hives form Capillary Towers, the planetary biomass is absorbed, and the Hive-Fleet moves on.
* What would that make Blackwatch then? A powerful Radical Inquisitor's private army?
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== After the game, Alex learns from some of his acquired memories that the next highest ranking man at Blackwatch is one [[Modern Warfare|General Shepherd]] and ends up rucking it with the 75th Ranger Regiment searching for him. ==
Copy / Pasted shamelessly from the [[Modern Warfare]] WMG page: Okay, so there's a government conspiracy afoot, right? Shepherd was secretly involved in the BLACKLIGHT project as well as his own scheme. When he went to recruit Allen, Mercer snuck in and consumed Corporal Dunn, proceeding to infiltrate the Ranger battallion in hopes of getting to Shepherd. Unfortunately, they Rangers were transferred back to Virginia shortly before the Russians attacked, so Mercer, still trying to maintain his cover, played the role of Dunn. Think about it, how many times have you seen Dunn take enough bullets to kill you twenty times over, and still get up? Immediately at the start of Second Sun, he takes a bullet to the shoulder and isn't impaired in the slightest. As for why he doesn't just use a devastator or start tearing Tanks apart barehanded, since the events of Prototype, he's trying to be focused more on the "heroic", less on the "sociopath" part of being a Heroic Sociopath, and doesn't want to needlessly slaughter the Rangers (Let's assume Dunn was part of [[Black Watch]] before transferring to the Rangers, so he had it coming).
* Alternately, Dunn wasn't Blackwatch, he was actually perfectly innocent; Alex acts scared shitless as Dunn because that's how the others expect him to act, it's part of his cover. Dunn was mortally wounded in combat and was the first such soldier Alex both found and was able to consume as a Mercy Kill without anyone seeing; this actually gels well with Prototype canon, which suggests via character development as the game approaches its conclusion that Alex (aka, Blacklight) is growing out of his [[Heroic Sociopath]] phase. In order to learn how to act like him, Alex would've had to have absorbed him fully with his memories intact instead of pounding his brain into paste; Dunn displays a sudden bout of patriotism after retaking Whiskey Hotel when another Ranger expresses a wish to counter-invade Russia because in taking Dunn's memories, Alex inherits his desire to serve; Alex could also wish to make up for the horrible things the real Alex Mercer did, and once someone else kills Shepherd, presumably crippling Blackwatch, sticking it out with the Rangers would be a convenient way of doing that.
== The personalities of the people Alex consumes continue to exist inside his head. ==
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* [[All There in the Manual|According to the section]] of [[Strategy Guide|the official strategy guide]] that includes [[Word of God|commentary by the creators]], {{spoiler|Karen}} is dead:
{{quote|'''{{spoiler|Parker's}} Character Bio:''' ''{{spoiler|Parker uses Alex's memories of her and his fragile emotional state to keep him in check, something which becomes more and more difficult to achieve as time goes on. Parker is interested only in saving herself, and understands Alex's odd predicament fully; she knows, for instance, that "Alex" is dead, and that the virus has replaced him. As such, she is both amazed and repulsed by the creature she is forced to work with. Eventually, that fear will cost her life}}.''}}
* I'm doubtful of how canonical the strategy guide could be considered.
** Honestly, so am I; but it's the 'bonus' section where the Dev team, rather than the writers of the strategy guide, talk about the characters, their roles, and their development (along with some ''really badass art'') as well as their profiling. So I'm a little more inclined to believe it. Trust me, had the bit about {{spoiler|Karen}} just been thrown in the guide somewhere, I wouldn't have bothered to post it. *fistshake* [[That Liar Lies|I've been lied to before]].
** I know that, I'm still doubtful. Strategy guides are compiled before the game is finalised and sometimes contain inaccurate or out-of-date information, and aren't necessarily canon sources even with developer comments. ...Plus having to beat the shit out of someone to make them work for you doesn't mean they count as "willing".
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== The Guards aren't actually all that crazy... ==
Okay, so the random Marine and Blackwatch mooks seem not to notice the player character clearing buildings in a single bound, running at cheetah speed, etc, but do seem to notice when he grabs someone/attacks/or has his blade/claws out; nor do they recognize Alex without a disguise, even though he's been (correctly) known as the terrorist behind the outbreak. My theory is that this isn't due to them not noticing the other stuff, but because they don't want ''Mercer noticing them''. Think about it, if he runs past them, leaps over a wall, then continues forward, then those soldiers are the luckiest bastards in Manhattan at the time; they escaped Mercer's wrath. Shooting at him would only piss him off, chances are they'd be dead before backup arrives. So therefore, the Guards ''do'' notice all the crazy hyperparkour, however, they don't want to open fire (unless Alex is so flagrantly using his powers that it's clear he's going to kill them anyways), hoping that he'll just ignore them.
* It could also be a case similar to the "How could guards not notice Sam Fisher's glowing NVGs?"
* While I agree with the troper below me, the thought that they're just ignoring Alex crossed my mind, even though they ran to the craters. After all, they ''do'' have to acknowledge that something just happened; they ''don't'' have to acknowledge that they know who's responsible for what happened -- at least, no one can prove that they saw who did it. Sure, there's a guy who resembles Mercer, ''maybe'', I ''guess'', who happens to be wandering around near the crater -- [[Selective Obliviousness|but that could just be any dude, right]]? We should just investigate the crater. And if no one's specifically ''at'' the crater, [[Obfuscating Stupidity|I guess there's not much we can do, huh]]?
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== The new player-character will be a cyborg created by the military. ==
Come on, by this point, Alex Mercer is a frakking GOD. The military (Or blackwatch) would probably have to do a simple "Fight fire with fire" policy, by making a cyborg to fight him that runs off humans. The upgrades would be you being literally taking apart by the military and having new stuff added. Plus, you could pretend to be human by just switching to non-lasers and metal oh my mode.
Come on, you'd play it. And plus, Alex Mercer could be running around whatever new city or county or maybe country in real time, and you could try to stop him!
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** Me neither. But, on the plus side, Alex survived a fucking A-bomb, he won't die by the hands of some stinking new [[Player Character]]. And I also don't think that we get to consume him because, well, that would be a little lame (although pretty [[Death by Irony|ironic]]).
*** Alternately, James get ''eaten'' halfway through the game by Alex, letting you control Alex for the remainder of the game.
*** As a [[Take a Third Option|Third Option]], James ultimately, in his single minded revenge, [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|jumps off the slippery slope]] into villainy, perhaps allowing himself to be assimilated into the Redlight Hive or something for the prospect of getting revenge on Alex, and ultimately becomes a menace that its up to (ironically) Mercer to stop.
* They might do a "play as one or the other" type-thing. Choose from the start to play as Alex or James. Either that or you rotate between them.
* They might end up working together when James Heller learns that Mercerlight isn't the real monster.
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== James Heller IS Alex Mercer ==
* More specifically, he's the chunk of Mercer/Blacklight that we saw at the end of the first game. Having to regenerate [[From a Single Cell]] did a number on Blacklight's already jumbled memory, so the only identity it was able to hold onto was that of a random soldier Mercer absorbed. Heller may have jumbled memories of his own death at Mercer's hands and may have come to the mistaken conclusion that Mercer infected him, when in reality he was just outright absorbed.
** Note that the appearance of a separate Alex Mercer doesn't necessarily make this [[Jossed]]. After all, [[StarfishLiteral CharacterSplit Personality|nobody said that there was only one chunk of Mercer left.]]
== James Heller IS a part of Alex Mercer ==
* After being blown up to pieces, a part of Alex consumes James while he was still alive, so that part ended up being "James", while the other bits of Alex only consumes animal or dead bodies so they don't develop into another Runner. And at the final battle against Pariah or someone else James will be consumed by Alex voluntarily to stop [[The End of the World as We Know It]] or something
== James Heller didn't exist as a person, but as a melting pot of soldiers Alex absorbed in the first game. ==
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== If there is a third game, PARIAH will be the main character. ==
Because, why not? Also, spoilers ahoy. I think it would be fun to play as a [[Creepy Child]]. I think he also sounds more like a [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]] to me so maybe the plot will be centered on him trying to escape where ever Blackwatch is holding him to either a) find his Mother b)Find Alex Mercer because he killed his mother/Alex is looking for ''him''/some other reason, c)To find out what the hell is going or d) Find Dana Mercer if she turns out to be a runner. There is also the whole dealing with infected everyone/everything you touch but it'd be cool if you could command small armies of infected or use a hunter as transportation. Maybe there'll be new infected even!
== The main villain will be Alex Mercer. ==
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== Karen would be appearing in ''Prototype 2'' as an ally to James Heller and Blacklight-Alex. ==
However, the latter would still be angry at her for betraying him even if it's possible that Blackwatch forced her to do it. Later, she makes a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] when a virus monster is about to eat Alex, prompting a [[Tear Jerker]] scene of him finally forgiving her for betraying him, and she knows that it isn't Alex forgiving her, but the virus.
* Assuming somehow Karen is brought back to life if [https://web.archive.org/web/20120118024421/http://ps3.ign.com/articles/121/1215797p1.html these bio's including the fate of Karen is canon.]
== Heller will kill Dana Mercer in ''Prototype 2'' ==
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== PARIAH is the reincarnated Alex Mercer. ==
Think about it: after he is shot to death by Blackwatch and the virus took on his form, Elizabeth Greene has managed to get a sample of his blood and inject it herself.
* Jossed by the fact PARIAH is older than Alex.
== Heller will team up with Alex in the middle of the game. ==
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* According to interviews he infected Heller because {{spoiler|he wants to make Heller his lieutenant in "a plot to spread the virus beyond New York Zero".}}
* Which interviews? This Troper has only found the actual trailer, the various teasers, and one interview which just says 'he[Alex] sees that Heller has potential'. The spoiler tag isn't needed BTW.
** The EGMi (EGM's online magazine) interview. It's also mentioned in the article for the print version of EGM.
*** Link Please?
**** [https://web.archive.org/web/20161027094344/http://www.egmmag.com/ EGMi] (it's in issue 246.2).
**** I Stand Corrected. I part is now disapointed that Mercer is indeed the villain, but another part is sure that there will be some kind of twist revealing the truth, can't know until the game actually comes out though. This still gives me many different WMG about the plot though.
* It stil seems that Mercer has a reason for spreading the virus. It could be a gambit to draw out Pariah, or more of Blackwatches higher ups. And what better way to draw attention then with TWO extremely powerful super humans?
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Making things worse is the fact that he's flipping nuts. Really, ZEUS was not a nice guy; he was the lesser of three evils. Even assuming he wasn't [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|merrily slashing his way through civilians like players were]], look at who he's been consuming to get information on the Web of Intrigue; members of Blackwatch and Gentek researchers. Having them in his head would likely give him a dim view of humanity. Add on to the fact he has Greene and Randall in his head. Both were involved with the virus from the beginning; and both likely have ''very'' divergent views, which both believed were the one true version of events. Having them both in his head can't exactly bode well for his long-term mental health.
Finally, there's the fact that he is the [[Bad Powers, Bad People|personification of a horrific death virus]]. As much as he might regret that fact, he knows that he was designed to be a deadly plague, nothing more or less. So directionless, having no one to trust, with a head full of enough crazy for a small country, and the knowledge that he's nothing more than a mad scientist's successful attempt to make a deadly plague even deadlier, and it's not that hard to believe that at some point within the fourteen months between ''Prototype'' and ''Prototype 2'', he reached a [[Despair Event Horizon]]/[[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|Eventually lost his marbles from everything]]/Decided "screw it, [[Being Good Sucks]]"/What have you.
With that accomplished, what does Alex decide to do? Why, the same thing any viral abomination would. [[Plaguemaster|Raise an army of infected monstrosities]], and [[Take Over the World|take over the world, of course!]]
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== The virus causes claustrophobia ==
Why are so many people outside when they should be at home? Because early virus infection causes them to feel trapped indoors, making them leave their homes to wander about and infect more people. It also causes brain damage as represented by the artificial stupidity.
* That would mean that [[Fridge Horror|a lot of those people are either going to die or become zombies]]. Maybe the Redlight virus has two strains, the typical turn-or-die zombie propagator spread by direct contact with bodily fluids or zombies, and a weaker but much more contagious airborne strain. The only symptoms of the weaker strain would be headaches/migraines, a preference for the outdoors, perhaps the occasional cough or sneeze, delayed reflexes and easily being confused. None of those alone are anything to really watch out for and are probably going to happen in times of prolonged stress (like a zombie apocalypse while trapped on an island), meaning the civilian has no idea they're infected. Easy prey for the Infected and for turning into Infected, particularly if the weaker strain makes the civilian more susceptible to the strong zombie-making strain.
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Because the next DLC promises a Mercer skin.
[[Category:Wild Mass Guessing/Video Games]]
[[Category:Prototype (video game)]]
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