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** And then there's Prak, whose brief scene is a [[Parodied Trope|Parody]] of this trope. Near the end of the third novel, an overdose of truth serum causes Prak to tell "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" about the entire universe, and drives everyone who hears it mad. However, what he has to say is much briefer than everyone expects, and apparently frogs and [[The Arthur Dent|Arthur Dent]] are very important to the universe. Prak himself dies after several days of uncontrollable laughter upon meeting Arthur Dent.
* [[Spider Robinson]]'s novel ''Telempath'' involves a virus which multiplies the human sense of smell a thousandfold. It is estimated that one third of the population goes mad or commits suicide due to the olfactory overload.
* In [[Robert A. Heinlein]]'s novel ''[[Methuselahs Children|Methuselah's Children]]'', Slayton Ford goes mad when he meets the [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]]. Interestingly, after Ford goes mad, Lazarus Long mentions he is afraid that if he met them he ''wouldn't'' go mad.
** That didn't stop Lazarus from stating that, in a few centuries, he planned to go back to that planet and see one of the mysterious aliens himself. He's told it's not a good idea, but he plans to do it anyway. We never find out if he actually did go back or not.
*** He did go back, as mentioned in passing in [[Time Enough for Love]], and survived the experience without going mad-- but it was at least a couple of centuries later, when he'd presumably had more time to expand his ability to deal with the unknown.
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