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Fetish Fuel Future: Difference between revisions

→‎Web Original: fixed redlink
(Restored examples from 3-9-12 source at https://web.archive.org/web/20120309173054/http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FetishFuelFuture?action=source)
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== Web Original ==
* Some notable online erotic prose shared universes include the "White Slavery Act of 2001" universe and "Cannibal 4-H" universe. Both posit a plague that both makes boys extremely rare (and thus more valuable than girls) and wipes out most normal livestock, making cannibalism a necessity. As a result, women are quite literally cattle, to be used until no longer sexually titillating, then eaten. A future world where women are free to be raped and then eaten crops up in many other works of erotica.
* ''[[Poke GirlsPokegirls]]''. In an incident that took place long enough before the "present day" of most of the stories that the truth is nearly impossible to deduce (in short, it varies from author to author), a brilliant but depraved (or noble but misunderstood, depending on how closely the author identifies with [[Animal Wrongs Group|pro-furry or anti-human groups]]) geneticist set off an apocalypse that decimated the human race and rewrote the genomes of the survivors. Boys born after the disaster grow up normally for humans, but girls have a very high chance of transforming at puberty into one of the eponymous PokeGirls. This transformation is nearly universally traumatic, and usually results in the mind and personality of the girl being rewritten according to the type of PokeGirl she transforms into. This alone would be bad enough, but all newly transformed PokeGirls also end up with incredible powers (even the weakest is capable of butchering an entire regiment of well-trained and fully equipped human soldiers with little effort); simple minds motivated only by animalistic instincts (referred to as their "feral" stage); and the ability (and, in the feral state, an irresistible desire) to mate and produce human offspring with any male human available. After the initial mating ("taming"), PokeGirls adopt a thoroughly submissive state toward their mates, though they gradually regain their lost sapience as they fight feral PokeGirls to defend their mate/master. The better stories go into depth regarding the balance between granting PokeGirls freedom and needing to keep them under control as the only means to survive an attack by a rival PokeGirl master, with the antagonists going too far in various ignoble aspects of what is essentially survival through female slavery. Of course, this being fanfiction, [[Sturgeon's Law |he stories will more often be about the furry fetish of the moment.]]
* There's also the "Naked in School" [[Shared Universe]], set [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]]. [[STD Immunity]] and basically-perfect birth control have resulted in The Naked In School Program, wherein a handful of students in each high school must spend a week each totally naked during school hours, not so much to address the problem of concealed guns as to be a living visual aid for sex education.
** A zigzagged trope in this case. The author of the original Naked In School story, "Karen Wagner," created the setting as a [[Author Appeal|discipline/submission lover's wet dream]]; the Program, signed into law by the ''sitting US President'', fostered a tone of [[Big Brother Is Watching|government oversight]] and [[But Thou Must|dubious consent]]. Once Wagner gave blanket permission to share the universe, however, things moved in a different direction; the science-fiction trappings were [[Revision|Revised]] in, and high-tension sexual hijinks began to be supplemented or even supplanted by romance, [[Character Development]], sci-fi angles and even the occasional [[Deconstruction]]. By now, Wagner's original direction seems like [[Early Installment Weirdness]].
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*** There's also that "[[Bi The Way|Love of Three Kinds]]" business.
** Ogre culture seems, if Viktor and Belinda are a good indication, to be tailor-made to fit the author's BDSM-flavored tastes into even more of the plot.
== Webcomics ==
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