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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Difference between revisions

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* [[Assumed Win]]: Grand Nagus Zek's son, Krax, does this in "The Nagus" when Zek is about to announce his successor. But he announces the new Nagus as Quark instead, which outrages everyone sitting at the table. (Quark, for his part, was floored.)
* [[Auction]]: Done in both "Q-Less" and "In the Cards".
* [[Author Appeal]]: The whole Vic Fontaine character and his related plots were basically just an excuse for Ira Steven Behr to hijack ''Star Trek'' and turn it into the old Rat Pack-era Vegas movies, because darn it he liked those movies so he was going to make one, show concept be damned!
* [[Avengers Assemble]]: "The Magnificent Ferengi", complete with holding up fingers as each new member joins the team to save Moogie.
** That was explicitly a [[Shout-Out]] to the film [[The Magnificent Seven]]
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* [[Guarding the Portal]]: A large part of the crew's mandate is to deal with the Bajoran wormhole.
* [[Gunship Rescue]]: In ''Sacrifice of Angels'', {{spoiler|Commander Worf}} comes through with a ''fleet'' of gunships. [[Old School Dogfighting|Diving in from the sun]], no less.
== Tropes H-M ==
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