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{{quote|'''Snake:''' Anyone going with me?
'''[[Mission Control|Campbell:]]''' As usual, this is a [[One-Man Army|one-man infiltration mission]].<br />
'''Snake:''' [[With This Herring|Weapons and equipment]] [[No-Gear Level|OSP?]]<ref>([[On Site Procurement]])</ref><br />
'''Campbell:''' Yes. This is a top-secret black op. Don't expect any official support. }}
'''''Metal Gear Solid''''', considered [[Your Mileage May Vary|by some]] to be one of the greatest games on the [[PlayStation]] and by others to be an [[Hype Backlash|overrated]], [[Mind Screw|convoluted]] mess ([[Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty|though less so]] [[Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots|than its sequels]]), was released in 1998. With its cinematic style and fusion of gripping gameplay with an equally gripping storyline, it shifted the acceptable degree of [[Story to Gameplay Ratio]], perhaps irrevocably, while also single-handedly popularizing the [[Stealth Based Game]].
[[More Popular Spinoff|To many players' surprise]], [[Sequel Displacement|it is not the first game]] in the popular ''[[Metal Gear]]'' series: Its predecessors were never released in America, aside from the [[Nintendo Entertainment System]] version of the original game, ''[[Metal Gear 1987(video game)|Metal Gear]]'', and its standalone sequel ''[[Snake's Revenge]]'', so ''Metal Gear Solid'' was the first game in the series that most people played, and the ''Metal Gear Solid'' moniker carried on to the rest of the series, [[Metal Gear Acid (Video Game)|aside from]] [[Metal Gear Ghost Babel|a couple]] [[Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance|of spinoffs]].
Basic plot summary: Six years have passed since [[Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake|the fall of]] [[Ruritania|Zanzibar Land]] and [[Posthumous Character|the death]] of [[Evil Overlord|Big Boss]]. [[The Hero|Solid Snake]], haunted by the death of both Big Boss -- [[Luke, I Am Your Father|who claimed to be his father]] -- and best friend [[Friendly Enemy|Gray FOX]] at his own hands, has retired from his life as an agent for FOXHOUND, a [[Badass Crew|special operations force]] for the United States military. His days of running dogs in Alaska are, however, brought to a close when he's kidnapped from his home and brought aboard a submarine beneath the Bering Sea. There, he's greeted by his former superior and "friend," Roy Campbell and the mysterious [[Hot Scientist|Dr. Naomi Hunter]], who draft him into service once more.
This time, the United States is being held hostage by FOXHOUND itself, which has gone rogue and is being lead by a man who not only [[Evil Twin|looks uncannily like Snake]], but is himself called "[[Meaningful Name|Liquid Snake]]". Naturally, Snake's the only one who can stop his deranged doppelgänger and the [[Five-Bad Band]] working for him. What follows is a game that [[No Fourth Wall|loves to break the fourth wall]] while also telling a surprisingly compelling and serious story about war, morality, and nuclear proliferation.
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Note: this page is for the original PS1 game and its ports and remakes (including ''The Twin Snakes'' for the GameCube). For the [[Game Boy]] version (which is technically a separate game), see ''[[Metal Gear Ghost Babel]]''. For the rest of the series, see the main ''Metal Gear'' page.
== The original ''Metal Gear Solid'' provides the following tropes: ==
* [[Abusive Parents]]: Jossed with: The English version had Liquid mentioning that he wanted revenge on Big Boss because the latter emotionally abused him by claiming that he was always the weaker one, and yet the original Japanese script, the Twin Snakes, and the in-game novel in Metal Gear Solid 2 claimed that his reason for wanting revenge is because he thought Big Boss deliberately chose him to be inferior before birth. That's also not getting into the more recent information that revealed that not only did Big Boss not initially know about the project, but he quit the Patriots as soon as he found out about it out of disgust.
* [[Action Duo]]: Snake and Meryl through most of the game. Also, Snake and Otacon in the final car chase {{spoiler|if you let Meryl die}}.
* [[Action Film, Quiet Drama Scene]]: Lots, sometimes in places that verge on being totally nonsensical. The most egregious of these is when Snake and Meryl stop to talk about love while, for all they know, a {{spoiler|nuclear strike is on its way to blow them up real good}}.
* [[Alertness Blink]]: '''!'''
* [[Alternate History]]: Not much attention is called to this fact since the game, when it came out, took place in the future, but the backstory already calls for several [[Ruritania|Ruritanias]] from the Cold War. Just about everything else can be explained away or are the usual sort of fictional liberties, but Zanzibar Land and Outer Heaven stick out.
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* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]: Snake, Meryl, the DARPA Chief and Kenneth Baker are all vindictively tortured by Ocelot. Ocelot is so enthusiastic about it that he accidentally kills the DARPA Chief. {{spoiler|Well, "accidentally".}}
* [[Copy Protection]]: Notably, the game requires the player to look on the back of the game case for a Codec frequency (Meryl's) that's required for the game to progress. However, since this frequency is identical for every game, it's not really copy protection so much as the game giving the bird to the [[Fourth Wall]]. That, and the game will simply add Meryl's frequency number to the Codec's memory window if the player calls Campbell more than four times.
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: This game is definitely darker than the [[MSX|MSX2]] games, even ''[[Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake]]''. For one thing, unlike the previous two, the main villains actually attempt to launch a nuclear strike via Metal Gear (previously, although TX-55 Metal Gear and Metal Gear D utilized nukes, Big Boss did not issue a nuclear threat or utilize a nuclear strike in either Outer Heaven or Zanzibar Land). Plus, ''Metal Gear Solid'' actually utilizes torture this time around (even in ''Metal Gear'', where Snake has to get himself locked up in order to find Gray Fox, he never actually experienced torture during that time).
* [[Death Seeker]]: Again, Cyborg Ninja, who just wants one last battle to the death with Solid Snake.
** And, to some extent, Sniper Wolf, who is waiting for someone to kill her.
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* [[Pacifist Run]]: While low kill runs are possible, this is the only ''Metal Gear Solid'' game where it's impossible to get ''no'' kills, since there's no mechanism for non-lethally dealing with bosses and several combat encounters can't be beaten without casualties.
* [[Painting the Fourth Wall]]: In an optional Codec call, Master Miller gives Snake advice on how to move silently on noisy surfaces by sneaking. Snake responds that he simply can't do it, ''because Snake doesn't have a sneaking move in the game to begin with''. This call was changed in the GC version to reflect the new control scheme.
* [[Paper-Thin Disguise]]: Retroactively subverted. In ''Metal Gear Solid'', the player is led to assume that {{spoiler|all Liquid had to do to pass off as Master Miller was changing his accent slightly, wearing his hair slightly differently, and putting on shades, and Snake totally fell for it, with Liquid even taunting Snake about his "flawless" disguise (which Snake could still somehow see over his Codec)}}. However, in the re-released versions of ''[[Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake]]'', Master Miller's portrait was updated to resemble {{spoiler|Liquid's disguise}}, and in ''Peace Walker'', not only do they have {{spoiler|Miller look almost exactly like Liquid with shades, they even had the voice actor for him voice him in a similar manner to how Liquid spoke when he posed as Miller.}}
* [[Parachute in a Tree]]: A parachute in a tree, sans passenger, is how Solid Snake can learn that Liquid is alive after his helicopter was blown up. Snake believes it was left there intentionally as a coded threat by Liquid.
* [[Passive Rescue]]: When Snake's captured, Otacon gives him some ketchup, which he can use to pretend to be dead and make Johnny Sasaki open the door to investigate.
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'''Meryl:''' And things even worse than that. }}
* [[Recursive Import]]: The Japanese ''Integral'' version has the extra difficulty settings and English voice acting.
* [[Recurring Riff]]: Da-da da da-da! Although it's mostly just a [[Leitmotif]] for this game in particular, it proved popular enough to be used on [[Game Over]] screens for every game with ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'' in the title since (except ''[[Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops|Portable Ops]]'').
* [[Rescue Introduction]]: Snake meeting Otacon when he rescues him from the Cyborg Ninja.
* [[Retcon]]: Solid Snake and Roy Campbell stated that Big Boss [[Luke, I Am Your Father|told Snake that he was his father]] back in Zanzibar Land, or at least implied it. This conversation was not in ''Metal Gear 2''.
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{{quote|''[[Game Over Man|Snake? SNAKE?]]'' '''''[[Say My Name|SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!]]'''''"}}
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