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Atop the Fourth Wall/Tropes A To D: Difference between revisions

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*** He also points out that while the jokes themselves are funny, they happen during pretty dark moments, making them inappropriate.
** In the ''Mightily Murdered Power Ringers'' review, he praises a couple of the jokes (like the [[Muggles]] discussing [[Hero Insurance]]) despite the fact that he ''really'' doesn't like the rest of the comic.
* [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration]]:
** From ''[[Amazons Attack]]'':
{{quote|"Circe the sorceress sells circular seashells by the seashore for sixty cents."}}
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** He decided that the "Tandy Computer Whiz Kids" were police plants, and supports this in that the police actually listen to them when they kids call them about their being criminals, which any real world cops would dismiss as prank call.
** A broader version occurs in the ''22 Brides'' review he regards ''[[One More Day]]'' as Joe Quesada's attempt to undo ''22 Brides''.
** Linkara assumes that not only did the Olympian gods show up on the wrong day, but the character who rips himself free of his crucifixion in ''The Godyssey'' is not Jesus, but rather Jesús,<ref> pronounced closer to 'Hay-sus'</ref>, the Christian Martial Artist.
** In the Nestle/Superman crossover he suggests that the Quik Bunny might actually be a villain from the number of suggestions he makes that send the children into dangerous situations.
{{quote|"Why is Child Endangerment your first plan. Or maybe it's because he's evil. Seriously, look at that expression, he's probably going to go outside and laugh his rabbit ass off about this}}
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{{quote|''"...They could rock a gun like NO OTHEEER!!!"''}}
** According to the "Tandy Computer Whiz Kids: Fit to Win" comic, the first all-electronic computers were made in America, not England as Linkara pointed out in his "Top 15 Screw-Ups". When the piece of trivia pops up again in the crossover with Superman and Wonder Woman, Linkara deduces that the statement was a bold-faced lie.
* [[Artistic License: Law]]: In ''Batman Fortunate Son'', Robin -- aRobin—a fan of the musician he and Batman are pursuing -- atpursuing—at one particular moment of tension questions whether the musician has actually done anything wrong or illegal. Linkara points out that yes, there actually are quite a few things wrong ''and'' illegal about ''blowing up a music studio''.
* [[Artistic License Physics]]: Lampshaded with the running gag of "Of course! Don't you know anything about '''science'''?"
** A particularly egregious example is in ''Superman: Distant Fires'', where nuclear war somehow causes the planet to rip itself apart. Just to illustrate how dumb the science is, he apparently asks members of Twitter approximately how many nuclear bombs are required to destroy the Earth. Their answer can be summed up as "A Lot", or to be it in broader terms, more than currently exist. Or can realistically be made given the current state of Earth's resources.
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** Explicitly [[Averted Trope|avoided]] in ''Action Comics'' #593, where he notes that this is not the time for a long rant on the use of [[Rape as Drama|rape as a plot device]], so he instead directs us to someone else's website (the source of the page quote on [[Gratuitous Rape]]) who he thinks details the problem much better than he could.
* [[Autobots Rock Out]]: Uses "The Touch" for a particularly badass Optimus moment in his review of ''[[Transformers]] #4-5''.
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]: During the review of [[World of Warcraft Comic(comics)||World Of Warcraft 2-3]] he lampshades how ridiculous the names sound and then jokingly states he is going to change his name to "Awesome McBadass Powerfist".
* [[Awesome but Impractical]] :
** Linkara's description of the lock to Mr. Miracle and Big Barda's house in Action Comics #593
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* [[Batman Can Breathe in Space]]: And so can the Kool-Aid Man (But we get it, he will not freeze, we are all aware that liquids evaporate first in a vacuum)
* [[Battle Couple]]: Linkara and Iron Liz, as proven in the ''Ewoks #9'' review
* [[The Bechdel Test]]: Applied to ''Sultry Teenage Super Foxes'', an example of how an [[Improbably-Fundamentally Female Cast]] can still fail this. The main characters are all indeed women and they do talk to each other, but pretty much every single line they speak has to do with men and their ability to attract men. Even obtaining superpowers was nothing more than a means to the end of them attracting guys.
** Also in the [[US-1]] #2 review, where the two newly-introduced named female characters, Mary McGrill and Taryn O'Connell, talk to each other, but they only talk about a man.
* [[Beeping Computers]]: In his [[Let's Play]] of ''[[Star Trek Elite Force|Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force]]'' Linkara points out the ridiculous extent the computers Chell and Biessman are working on are beeping while trying to eavesdrop in a conversation.
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* [[C-List Fodder]]: He notes this happens to Congorilla's tribe, as well as the obscure minor characters The Three Dimwits from the DCU in ''[[Cry for Justice]]''. Offscreen, no less. He's not a fan of this trope and feels characters provide more potential to stories when alive.
* [[Call Back]]:
** In the Warrior #2 and #3 co-review with Spoony we have a bunch of call-backs to the original Warrior review--includingreview—including Bennett yelling about what happened in the ''Warrior'' Christmas special not happening on their watch. Marzgurl's response? "Wrong year!" The review also hearkens back to Spoony's ''Party Mania'' review. The reason? {{spoiler|Dr. Linksano is apparently one of the [[Brick Joke|Schlumper Brothers]].}}
** Linkara's first appearance on [[That Guy With The Glasses|TGWTG]] was after he won a fan contest and got to fill in for Ask that Guy for an episode. He adopted the name "That Guy with the Hat" for the occasion. Now, go read the entry under "[[Badass Boast]]" again...
** In the Pokémon: The Electric Tale of Pikachu review, he searches for a comic to read and, upon finding it, goes "Aha! Now we've got it!"
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** [[Little Kuriboh]] also had an earlier cameo as an off-screen voice, this time is natural voice, that Linkara shot with his magic gun as part of a bizarre greeting he was parodying.
** [[Mystery Science Theater 3000|Mystery Science Theater 3000's Tom Servo!]] made an appearance during the Action Comics #593 video.
*** Tom Servo appears--inappears—in a case--atcase—at the start of the ''Transformers #4-5'' review.
** Linkara has a brief run-in with [[The Angry Video Game Nerd]] in his review of ''Wolverine: Adamantium Rage''.
* [[Canada, Eh?]]: ''Spider-Man: On Thin Ice''
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* [[Chewbacca Defense]]: (To justify bad storytelling) "Why? ''Because the Kool-Aid Man is red!''"
* [[Chewing the Scenery]]: In his [[Crossover]] review of ''[[The Fantastic Four (film)|The Fantastic Four]]'' movie (which was so bad Marvel would not let it be released) with Bennett the Sage, Linkara tells one of the actors that he still has some of the scenery between his teeth. 
* [[Christmas Episode]]: In 2009, he did one on the [[Youngblood]] Extreme Super Christmas Special, complete with the ghosts from [[A Christmas Carol]] showing up and trying to teach him the meaning of Christmas, only to be thrown out because he already loves Christmas. In 2010, there have been three Christmas episodes--theepisodes—the [[New Kids on the Block]] Christmas Special review, the Marvel Team-up Christmas issue review, and the [[Santa Claus Conquers the Martians]] review.
* [[Chuck Norris Facts]]: [[Defied Trope]] in his review of ''Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos''. "Because I like screwing with expectations."
* [[Cleavage Window]]: Or, as he calls it, "Boob window".
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** ''Act of God'' was absolutely rife with this, and Linkara continually calls out the writers on the hamfisted monologuing during his review.
* [[Continuity Nod]]: A previous Bennett the Sage episode has Sage tying up Linkara after discovering [[Old Shame|old fanfiction he wrote as a teenager]] and made him listen as it was reread. Later, when Linkara wakes up bound to a chair because of Mechakara, he wonders what Bennett found this time.
** During his review of [[NBC|NBComics]]omics #1 Linkara remarks that the Wish Kid shouldn't bother with magic gloves because [[Suburban Knights|you'll only end up with a]] {{spoiler|dead [[Captain Planet and the Planeteers|planeteer.]]}}
* [[Cool but Stupid]]: Linkara expresses this about Brute Force.
* [[Cool Versus Awesome]]: An unexpected highlight in ''[[Cry for Justice]]'':
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** In his ''Care Bears'' review, he points out the clown is really wasting a gravity manipulation device on shaking kids.
** Linkara points this out in ''[[Superman]] and [[Wonder Woman]]: Tandy Whiz Kids'' when a World's Fair refuses to give [[Lex Luthor]] any place to show off his scientific inventions just because he's a mad scientist. This prompts Linkara to act out that Luthor will now have to hold the World's Fair for ransom and kill off everyone inside it instead of merely patenting his inventions and making billions. Afterward, he explains that he thinks this might be the reason why the writers decided to turn Luthor into a businessman instead of keeping him as a mad scientist, because having a supervillain with that much intelligence was just dumb.
* [[The Dark Age of Comic Books]]: Linkara is avowedly not a fan of the Dark Age of Comics, disliking the exaggerated proportions, lackluster or confusing dialogue, and excessive violence that permeated the medium during the 1990's. The predominant artistic style of the time is marred by what he terms "[[Youngblood]]'s disease" and "[[Rob Liefeld|Liefeld]]'s syndrome," and he finds the overall morality of era depressing. The comics, by claiming that their characters are "relatable," "modern" and "real," seem to imply that [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|humanity can only be violent to be true to itself]] [[Crapsack World|and that such violence is the only way to accomplish anything in the world]].
* [[Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy]]: Has with the Silent Hill comics in spades, whose unlikable characters to Linkara flat-out not giving a shit as to what happens in the story. To a lesser extent, he seems to have this somewhat with the [[Ultimate Marvel]] universe with its superhero characters generally not being very likable, though in that case he says he simply doesn't like the [[Ultimate Marvel]] universe but doesn't say it's bad.
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]: Harvey Finevoice, 90s Kid, and Iron Liz have each given an entire review themselves.
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Death Is Cheap]]: Despite not liking characters getting killed in stories, he admits that for main stream heroes death is no big deal when he brings up the death of the Human Torch in his Brain Drain review, and comments that he'll be dead for a year at most before coming back, and each member of the Fantastic Four has died at least once.
* [[Death Is Dramatic]]: One of Linkara's [[Your Mileage May Vary|less universally accepted]] [[Berserk Button|Berserk Buttons]]s is his hatred for any hero (or named character) dying without it being a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] of some kind. 
* [[Defied Trope]]: When one of the ''Bimbos in Time'' explains the "time door" as "an implosion in matter-antimatter existence", Linkara interrupts the "Of course! Don't you know anything about SCIENCE?" gag.
{{quote|'''Linkara:''' NO! THAT WAS NOT REMOTELY SCIENTIFIC!}}
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* [[Dude, Not Funny]]: Several in-universe examples.
** He points out that, in Action Comics #593, Superman and Big Barda are essentially raping each other, [[Rape as Drama|which is a terrible plot point]].
** In the [https://web.archive.org/web/20130908094337/http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/linkara/at4w/9479-countdown2 Countdown Part 2 review], from 90s kid, who can usually be counted on to defend the decade's excesses.
{{quote|'''90s Kid:''' DUUUDE, I...wait, did...did you just vaporize a pregnant chick? Dude, that's not cool man.}}
* [[Dull Surprise]]: Pointed out and referenced by name several times (via the [[Trope Namer]]) throughout the ''Transformers'' #4 and #5 review re: Pat Lee's artwork.
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[[Category:Split Trope Lists]]
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