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* [[Alpha Bitch]]: What she was initially, until put through an epically brutal [[Break The Cutie]] sequence in the first episode.
** She retains a little of this trope post [[Character Development]] in a different form, refusing to be cowed by random hazing from resentful battalion members or by the presence of Emma, instead responding in a cold, standoffish manner with both.
* [[Ass Shove]]: Gets anally violated by Jill under the guise of a "cavity search".
* [[Badass]]: Apparently adapted surprisingly well to military training as seen in episode two.
** [[Took a Level In Badass]]: By the end of Episode 3.
* [[Blondes Are Evil|Blondes are Assholes]]: Or she was until she got brutally screwed over in more ways than one.
* [[Break The Haughty]]: Episodes 1-3 are an avalanche of this, which finally takes at the end of the third episode.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Finally completes this process by the end of Episode 5.
* [[Ignorance Is Bliss]]: Her life was so much easier when no one realized she was a Norma.
* [[OnlyImportant Known by Their NicknameHaircut]]: Enforced.Gives Jillherself shortensone herat namethe toend AngeEpisode as3 ato signremind of how she is now considered a Norma and thatherself her former life is forever goneover.
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: Enforced. Jill shortens her name to Ange as a sign of how she is now considered a Norma and that her former life is forever gone. She herself makes this official by Episode 5.
* [[Revealing Coverup]]: Jill points out that Angelina couldn't have possibly lived as long as she had without realizing she had no Mana ability, and the manner in which she was exposed revealed her parents had to be in on that secret. It's left somewhat unclear as to how ignorant Ange herself was, though.
** Episode 3 reveals she may have been genuinely ignorant, as she never had to use Mana up until she needed it, and it was then she learned she couldn't use it.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]: Quickly learns to use this to her advantage.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: To an insane degree before having everything stripped away from her. She never even had to put on her own clothes before her imprisonment because she had a maid for that.
* [[Took a Level In Jerkass]]: Inverted. She basically trades in being stuck up brat for being a no nonsense hardass by Episode 4, which is actually rather necessary given how much a lot of the battalion still doesn't like her even after her badass leveling in Episode 3.
* [[You Are What You Hate]]: Even after being exposed as a Norma, refuses to believe she is what she showed contempt of.
** Reversed somewhat by the next episode, as she finally sheds her remaining [[Alpha Bitch]] credentials.
* [[Tsundere]]: Very Tsun with Tusk for the most part, with some Dere underneath.
* [[You Are What You Hate]]: Even after being exposed as a Norma, refuses to believe she is what she showed contempt of. Until the end of Episode 3.
== The Arzenal Penal Battalion ==
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* [[I Control My Minions Through...]]
** Emma: As the prison warden, she controls all the Norma through a combination of legal authority and fear for the most part. The only Norma she seems to have any level of respect towards is Jill, who acts as her right hand woman and keeps the rest of the Norma in line.
She's not as brutal or sadistic as she could be, but Jill makes sure we never have to see this.
** Jill: Uses her authority as the de facto commander of the other Norma (as decided by Emma) to keep the rest in line with the commands of their Imperial gaolers. Is willing to use fear and sadism when authority alone doesn't suffice. She's also technically the lesser evil, since the Norma mostly have to answer to her, who is a Norma herself and thus has an interest in keeping them alive, as opposed to Emma, who could presumably execute them at any time for disobedience.
** Jill: Uses her authority as the de facto commander of the other Norma (as decided by Emma) to keep the rest in line with the commands of their Imperial gaolers. Is willing to use fear and sadism when authority alone doesn't suffice. She's also technically the lesser evil, since the Norma mostly have to answer to her, who is a Norma herself and thus has an interest in keeping them alive, as opposed to Emma, who could presumably execute them at any time for disobedience. She also lets them get away with quite a bit as long as they follow orders.
** Zola: Uses the authority she has as Jill's subordinate to dominate the others, and employs sexual sadism to reinforce her control.
* [[Mildly Military]]: While there are a lot of military trappings, fraternization rules are non existent to the point senior officers can force themselves on their juniors with what amounts to military authorization, soldiers are allowed to be out of uniform (except when otherwise specified) most of the time, the rank structure is nebulous at best, and hazing is practically encouraged. Justified for the most part because it's a penal battalion which has nominal oversight courtesy of Emma, who delegates most responsibility for running the battalion to Jill, who in turn lets most of her fellow Norma get away with quite a bit so long as they otherwise follow orders.
* [[The Chains of Commanding]]: Two. One is the somewhat formal military structure of the battalion, which is subordinate to the non-Norma Imperial Army. The other command chain is the dog eat dog structure of the battalion, where the senior prisoners can literally make the junior their playthings and respect is based on level of experience.
=== Emma Bronson ===
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* [[A Taste of the Lash]]: Apparently keeps a whip around to discipline her prisoners, almost used it on Angelina when she proved defiant, until Jill intervened.
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas|Even Bigoted Women Love Their Fathers]]: Is seen being rather cheery with her father when telling him about her job over a video phone.
* [[Penal Colony]]: The warden of one.
* [[The Jailer]]: Enforces the penal battalion's captivity, with Jill her subordinate as the head prisoner over the other prisoners
* [[Sick and Wrong]]: Her reaction to Momoka being Ange's servant of her own volition. Justified, since given the [[Fantastic Racism]] Norma are put under, that's like a white man willingly being the slave of a black man in the pre-Civil War South.
=== Jill ===
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The commander of the penal battalion Ange has been assigned to.
* [[A Mother to Her Men]]: Something of a [[Knight Templar]] version of this trope, as she's not above allowing or using methods such as sexual assault to enforce authority, but she does mourn those who fall in battle and does her best to ensure her battalion is as well treated as possible despite being Norma.
* [[Badass in Charge]]: Still subordinate herself to Emma, who respects her enough despite being a Norma to command the other prisoners and grants her a fair amount of autonomy in how she does this.
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass in Charge]]: Still subordinate herself to Emma, who respects her enough despite being a Norma to command the other prisoners and grants her a fair amount of autonomy in how she does this.
** [[Colonel Badass]]; Jill's de facto rank, given she still has to fight on the front lines yet leads everyone else in the battalion.
** [[Handicapped Badass]]: Lost an arm and has to use a cybernetic one.
* [[Black Bra and Panties]]: Seems to like wearing purplish-black lingerie.
* [[Break The Haughty]]: Uses this to great effect on Angelina, shortening her name to Ange, ripping her attempts at denying her current reality to shreds while mocking her failed attempt to conceal her Norma status, and with the assistance of the prison warden Emma, restrains and rapes Angelina anally under the guise of a "cavity search" to break Ange's will. In Episode 2, Zola wants to rape Ange further, and Jill gives her the go ahead, presumably to continue the effects of this trope. Episode 3 further piles on the haughty breakage, with Jill continuing to relentlessly bitch slap Ange with how much her current reality is her fate, which finally manages to registers by the end.
** In Episode 2, Zola wants to rape Ange further, and Jill gives her the go ahead, presumably to continue the effects of this trope.
* [[Colonel Badass]]; Jill's de facto rank, given she still has to fight on the front lines yet leads everyone else in the battalion.
* [[Expy]]: Bears a strong resemblance to [[Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory|Cima Garahau]].
* [[Disabled Hottie]]: Havign lost an arm didn't do much to make look unattractive otherwise.
** [[Handicapped Badass]]: Has a cynernetic arm.
* [[Jerkass]]: Especially to her subordinates.
** [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: But underneath the surface, she does genuinely care about them, though it usually manifests in some [[Cruel to Be Kind]] ways.
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: Despite having a level of concern for her troops, she resents being spit upon as a Norma like the rest and is not above playing [[The Chessmaster]] with her battalion if it gets the job done.
* [[Psycho Lesbian]]: Actually is somewhat in control of herself, but does seem to derive some sadistic pleasure in asserting her dominance over Ange sexually.
** Subverted come Episode 3, as it was all part of [[Stealth Mentor]] [[Batman Gambit]] to get to either face reality.
* [[Smoking Is Cool]]
* [[Stealth Mentor]]: She was deliberately harsh and brutal with Ange early on in an attempt to break through her denial and get her to either face her reality or die.
* [[Tall Dark and Bishojo]]: Has dark green hair, but otherwise fits, as she's somewhat aloof and standoffish to her subordinates.
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* [[Jerkass]]: To anyone below her.
* [[Psycho Lesbian]]: Whereas Jill seems to use rape as a means of asserting her dominance first and pleasure second, Zola seems to enjoy forcing herself on other women simply for the pleasure of forcing them to have sex with her.
* [[Sacrificial Lion]]: Her death was basically foreshadowed by not being in the opening credits, and she winds up dead by the end of the third episode.
* [[The Hedonist]]: Treats the rest of the soldiers under her like her own personal harem, expecting them to satisfy her.
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'''Voiced by:''' [[Eri Kitamura]]
* [[Badass]]
** [[Sergeant Rock]]
* [[Cosplay Otaku Girl]]: Her secret hobby is [[Magical Girl]] cosplay.
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]
* [[Subordinate Excuse]]: Is very devoted to Jill, to the point she will suppress her own desires to please her.
* [[To Be Lawful or Good]]: Frequently wants to do her duty, but at the same time has hew own ideas about what is best, and it isn't until the end of Episode 7 she learns to reconcile the two.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Purple Hair]]
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'''Voiced by:''' [[Yukari Tamura]]
* [[Alpha Bitch]]; And unlike Ange is unwilling to grow up.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]:
* [[Evil Is Petty]]: Goes to the point of trying to kill Ange simply because she can't drop a grudge over her initial behavior getting people killed, even after Ange more than makes up for it by pulling her weight and being a net positive to the entire battalion.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]
* [[Psycho Lesbian]]: Part of her attempts to screw over Ange is motivated by the fact Ange is responsble for Zola's death.
* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[Subordinate Excuse]]: Is the willing lover of Zola.
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'''Voiced by:''' [[Megumi Toyoguchi]]
The Arzenal medic.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: It's more a darker shade of red, but can get fairly spirited.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Wrench Wench]]: She has to fix cyborg limbs as part of her medical duties.
=== Jasmine ===
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'''Voiced by:''' [[Sakiko Tamagawa]]
* [[Cool Old Lady]]: Looks somewhat older than most Norma, making her this by default given their lifespan in the battalion.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: One of the few Norma who isn't manipulative, emotionally driven, and levelheaded almost all the time.
* [[Token Wholesome]]: One of the most normally dressed people in the entire cast.
* [[Wrench Wench]]
Line 110 ⟶ 143:
'''Voiced by:''' [[Houko Kuwashima]]
* [[Badass]]
** [[Little Miss Badass]]
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[My Significance Sense Is Tingling]]: When her hair tingles, bad stuff happens.
* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[Oral Fixation Fixation]]: Always has a lollipop in her mouth.
=== Mei ===
'''Voiced by:''' [[Mai Fuchigami]]
* [[Wrench Wench]]: One of the repair team for the Para-Mails.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Purple Hair]]
=== Ersha ===
'''Voiced by:''' [[Ami Koshimizu]]
* [[Badass]]
** [[Beware the Nice Ones]]
* [[Nice Guy]]: So long as you don't go out of your way to piss her off.
* [[Supreme Chef]]: Especially of curry.
* [[Troll]]: Is not above messing with people, though it's almost always not done out of malice.
=== Chris ===
'''Voiced by:''' [[Yui Ogura]]
* [[Alpha Bitch]] -> [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Takes awhile, but she eventually warms up to Ange.
* [[Peek A Bangs]]
=== Rosalie ===
Line 127 ⟶ 181:
'''Voiced by:''' [[Kaori Ishihara]]
* [[Alpha Bitch]] -> [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Takes awhile, but she eventually warms up to Ange.
=== Mei ===
* [[Subordinate Excuse]]: To Zola and then Hilda.
'''Voiced by:''' [[Mai Fuchigami]]
=== Coco ===
Line 138 ⟶ 191:
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Purple Hair]]
== Others ==
=== Tusk ===
A Norma male Ange meets on a deserted isle near the Arzenal Battlion
* [[Accidental Pervert]]: to the point it's a [[Running Gag]].
** [[Covert Pervert]]: It's hinted he does have perverted urges, but is too much of a gentleman to act on them.
* [[Expy]]: To [[Gundam SEED|Kira Yamato]] in the looks department, as well as being unusually proficient with mecha.
* [[Nice Guy]]: Puts up with a lot of crap, including being beaten up and shot up from Ange, most people would be rightfully pissed over.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Much more capable than he let on at first, since he can pilot a Para-Mail, and is an unofficial recon scout for the Arzenal Penal Battalion.
* [[That One Guy]]: One of the few males in the cast who isn't dead or doesn't play a major part of the story. In fact, turns out he seems to have alrger role than he let on to Age at first.
=== Momoka ===
Ange's former maid from her days as a princess.
* [[Secret Keeper]]: Hid the fact Ange was a Norma. As of Episode 6, this seems to have backfired on her, as she's been assigned to the penal battalion.
** Turns outs she not only basically resumed her old job despite the social stigma against it, but still is Ange's most loyal retainer even after the secret came out.
== Sylvie =
Ange's little sister.
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