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{{quote|''Everybody wants to be a bat...''}}
[[Evil Is Cool|Vampires are cool]]. [[Vampires Are Rich]] and [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil|powerful]]. [[Vampires Are Sex Gods]]. Who wouldn't [[Misaimed Fandom|want]] to be a vampire?
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Vampires are surrounded by humans who, while they haven't been bitten, do their masters' bidding ''[[Working for a Body Upgrade|in the hope that they will be]]''. Sometimes they're under some sort of mind control, but often they're just willing vampire groupies. How likely their loyalty is [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|to actually be rewarded]] depends on the vamp, however - they might be exploiting this trope as a not-so-[[Secret Test of Character]] in order to keep the bloodline pure.
The wannabe's desire can be justified, if the work's [[Our Vampires Are Different|version of vampires]] are [[Cursed with Awesome]], gaining great powers and few if any weaknesses. This can lead to [[Moral Dissonance]] if the wannabe is [[Informed Wrongness|portrayed as a foolish coward]] regardless of this - perhaps because being a vampire is [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil|just inherently evil]]. Or possibly because the [[Vampire Wannabe]] leaves him-/herself wide open to a [[Pretender Diss]], whether from actual vamps or their enemies.
Can work as a deconstruction of the exponential population growth that would result from the more traditional "[[The Virus|everyone bitten becomes a vampire]]" model - in this case, the familiars may be [[People Farms|feedstock]] as well, with conversion requiring some more complicated ritual the vampire can choose to initiate.
Polar opposite of [[I Hate You, Vampire Dad]], although that can be the end result if the gig [[Being Evil Sucks|isn't all it was]] [[Lonely Atat the Top|cracked up to be]]. These characters are often [[Goth|Goths]]s, at least in their minds, and always [[Les Collaborateurs]], usually [[Working for a Body Upgrade]]. Compare [[The Renfield]], [[Transhuman Treachery]]. Contrast [[Super Loser]], when being a vampire is no guarantee of coolness.
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== Anime and Manga ==
* In ''[[Vampire Hunter D]]'', one of Count Lee's minions is in it for the goal of becoming a vampire himself one day.
* In ''[[Hellsing]]'', several members of the British army and government betray their home country in the hopes of getting turned. The ones that do get turned are easily destroyed by the Hellsing Organization or indeed [[Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves|by Rip van Winkle.]]
* Not necessarily vampires, but groups of Homunculi in ''[[Busou Renkin]]'' are often assisted by humans called familiars, who [[The Quisling|help the homunculi when possible in the hopes of becoming humanoid homunculi themselves]]. [[You Have Failed Me...|Failure results in being eaten]].
== ComicbooksComic Books ==
* In the graphic novel ''[[Life Sucks]]'', Dave and his friend Jerome, who are actually vampires, have a good laugh at a Goth guy who goes around in a black cape using a fake Transylvanian accent. More seriously, Dave's crush Rosa wants to be a vampire, based on her fantasy of vampires being rich, cultured and sexy.
* There is a [[Jhonen Vasquez]] story where a Goth boy who wants to be a vampire for real finally meets an undead guy willing to grant his wish. The results... [[Looks Like Orlok|aren't pretty]].
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* The ''[[Hack Slash]]'' story ''Murder Messiah'' had a normal human serial killer who wanted to become a slasher. He assumed the best way to try and figure out how was by getting Cassie's attention.
== Fan FictionWorks ==
== Fan Fiction ==
* The vampire AU is its own genre in many fandoms.
* ''[[My Immortal]]''.
== Film ==
== Films -- Live-Action ==
* All the ''[[Blade (film)|Blade]]'' films feature [[Scannable Man]] versions of these, known as "familiars"; they have the glyph of the vampire who owns them tattooed somewhere on their body. Some of them serve because they believe that it will protect them from being bled dry. Doesn't always work.
* ''[[The Saga of Darren Shan|The Vampire's Assistant]]''.
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* The "vampire" in ''[[Transylvania 6-5000]]'' turns out to be a once-ugly woman who began dressing like one to get attention, and continued to do so even after plastic surgery made her gorgeous.
* The premise of the George A. Romero film ''Martin''.
== Literature ==
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** Daniel Molloy (the journalist) actually spends a decent chunk of ''Queen of the Damned'' as Armand's [[Ho Yay|companion]], constantly begging to be turned. Armand only does it to save Daniel from alcoholism. Daniel ends up losing his mind later, this time under Marius's wing.
** On the flipside is David Talbot, an old man in charge of an organization that studies the supernatural. Lestat constantly offers to turn him, only for David to refuse on the grounds that he is too old. When David gets a new, younger, body (''Tale of the Body Thief''), Lestat turns him by force [[For the Evulz]].
* [[Terry Pratchett]]'s ''[[Discworld]]'' novels:
** Arthur and Doreen Winkings inare [[Terry Pratchett]]'s ''[[Discworld]]'' novels. Middlemiddle-class citizens of Ankh-Morpork,. heHe is, very technically, a real vampire (who [[I Just Want to Be Normal|Just Wants To Be Normal]]), while she desperately pretends to be from [[UberwaldÜberwald]].
** ''[[Discworld/Carpe Jugulum|Carpe Jugulum]]'' features a sort-of inversion, with teenage [[Uberwald|UberwaldianÜberwald]]ian vampires giving themselves [[Defector From Decadence|deliberately mundane names]] and playing at being [[Muggle|Muggles]]s.
** Marginal notations in the vampires' edition of the [[All There in the Manual|Discworld Diary]] suggest that one member of Ankh-Morpork's [[Vegetarian Vampire|League of Temperance]] is actually a human who ''looks'' like a vampire and enjoys hanging around with them. Even the other League members are fooled.
* In ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]'' the Volturi have a human secretary who is under the impression that they'll be turned. Really they're going to be snack food after a few months. Bella also wants to become a vampire. But let's face it, Meyer's vampires are basically sparkly, ridiculously overpowered, cold, immortal people. What was the downside again? A bloodlust that you can learn to control with enough training? Wow, that's really off-putting.
* ThisAt siteone hastime [[TV Tropes]] featured advertising for ''First Bite'', described as "a personalized vampire romance novel ... where ''you'' are the star!" Oh joy unto the ages.
** [[Ad of Win|We've got a page for that!]]
* In [[George R. R. Martin]]'s ''[[Fevre Dream]]'', this is how Damon Julian, the leader of the evil vampires, motivates his competent (but not too bright) human servant. However, [[Our Vampires Are Different|in this setting]], it isn't even possible for humans to be made into vampires. Apparently, Damon likes to string his servants along with the promise of eventually being turned as a reward for their service, then when they're too old to be useful, he abandons them and doesn't even have the decency to end their wretched lives. A good vampire encounters one such former servant and realizes the old man has been murdering and eating people in a hopeless attempt at prolonging his life.
* ''[[Lonely Werewolf Girl]]'' has a werewolf wannabe in the form of [[Big Bad]] Sarapen's spy Madrigal. You can guess [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|how this went]].
* Red Court vampires in ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' tend to attract groupies like this. Some of them mistakenly believe they can become immortal;<ref>Only Red Court nobility is allowed to turn humans, and while a vampire will retain all the memories of the original, they're a completely different, demonic entity with a different personality</ref>; others are just [[Fantastic Drug|addicted to the vamps']] [[Kiss of the Vampire|narcotic saliva]].
** The short story "It's My Birthday, Too" deals with a somewhat unpopular member of a ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade|Vampire]]''-type [[LARP]] becoming a vampire and seeking revenge on the group that spurned her. In something of a twist, she's turned by the [[Our Vampires Are Different|Black Court]], and already looks dessicated despite only being a vampire for a few months. [[Ax Crazy|Not that she cares...]]
* The [[Kitty Norville]] series has several callers who want to be turned into vampires, werewolves, etc. Kitty's advice is always that it is [[Be Careful What You Wish For|a one-way trip to a life that's not as romantic as it sounds]]. Don't do it.
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* In the [[Shadowrun]]/[[Earthdawn]] novel ''Worlds Without End'', an immortal elf recalls being confronted by a mortal who'd figured out her secret and demanded she make him immortal as well. {{spoiler|She stages a fake "conversion ritual" in which she cusses him out viciously in long-dead languages, then causes him to die of a brain aneurysm.}}
* In the first of [[Neil Gaiman]]'s short stories "Fifteen Painted Cards from a Vampire Tarot," the Fool spends night after night waiting in a graveyard in hopes of being turned into a vampire because of the [[Immortality Seeker|promise of eternal life]]. But when he finally explains his motivation to a real vampire, it laughs at him for thinking being [[Undead]] is anything like being alive.
* In ''[[The Parasol Protectorate]]'' series of books, both vampires and werewolves have human followers who serve their masters out of their own volition in the hopes of becoming vampires/werewolves themselves. Coincidentally, the ones serving vampires are called "[[The Renfield|Renfields]]" and even behave like more sane, competent versions of their inspiration.
== Live-Action TV ==
* An episode of ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' featured a group of vampire wannabes who thought they were going to be turned. {{spoiler|They were really going to be food, as a payment of sorts from the one character who was actually going to be turned (who was dying of cancer).}}
** Also, there's an episode of ''[[Angel]]'' (Eternity, S01E17), where an actress wants to become a vampire for the eternal youth. After getting a glimpse of soulless Angel and finding what being a vampire was really about, she ran off and never returned.
** The ''Angel'' comic book is currently using this plot, with a group of [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|Corrupt Corporate Executives]]s trying to use a VERY unwilling Angel and a hired Gypsy to turn rich idiots into ensouled vampires. It works about as well as you would expect.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|"Fangbangers"]] in ''[[True Blood]]'' and ''The Southern Vampire Mysteries'' fit this to a T. On the other hand, the main character Sookie is a subversion as she has repeatedly said she doesn't want to be a vampire, she just [[I Love You Because I Can't Control You|likes them because she can't hear their thoughts]].
** Actually, most fangbangers apparently have no desire of being turned themselves. They just like to have vampiric sex partners.
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* Robin in ''[[Young Dracula]]''.
* An episode of [[The X-Files]] had a vampire wannabe who was ''also'' a vampire, only a [[Our Vampires Are Different|different]] one: Everyone in the town had glowing green eyes and drank blood, but he also wore fake fangs.
== Tabletop Games ==
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** Ironically, other vampires are at the least wary of them, if not outright ''scared'' - because with the way vampires work, something that weak ''has'' to have some nasty surprises in store... right?
* Lahmian vampires in ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' are a sect of [[The Vamp|Vamps]] so alluring they can control men's minds. Their army list includes mortal human characters fighting for their favour.
* ''[[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]]'' supplement ''Cthulhu Companion'', adventure "The Rescue". Jocko wants to become a werewolf like Rafe Pelton. Pelton has lied to him, telling him he can gain the power of transformation by performing ludicrous and humiliating "meditative rites".
* In the spoof of ''[[Twilight]]'' 4th Edition [[Dungeons and& Dragons]] adventure "Dusk", {{spoiler|one of the characters is a fake vampire. The [[Player Characters]] will probably kill him, thinking he's a threat, or wonder why Turn Undead doesn't work on him.}} There are also vampire fangirls.
== Video Games ==
== Videogames ==
* ''[[The Elder Scrolls|Morrowind]]'' featured an optional quest only for players who had become vampires. It featured a mother hoping you could talk some sense into her son, who wanted desperately to be turned. If you tried to fight him, you'd kill him easily. The only way to complete the quest was to let him wail on you for a while until he decided vampires were weak and overrated.
** The chance to become a vampire is offered as a reward for achieving a certain rank in the Dark Brotherhood in ''[[The Elder Scrolls Four|Oblivion]]''.
* ''[[Heroes of Might and Magic]] 4'' had captain Enric, who betrays his village and frames a random barbarian warlord with it's destruction, when the necromancer Gauldoth promises to turn him into a vampire. Later while scavenging the remains of a village under Gauldoth's jurisdiction, that was destroyed in a demon raid, Vampire Enric attacks a survivor for her blood, because it's what vampires do. Gauldoth [[Lawful Neutral|being the way he is]], stops Enric and brutally executes him as an example to anyone who harms his living subjects.
== Web Comics ==
== Webcomics ==
* Parodied in [http://wondermark.com/241/ this] ''[[Wondermark]]'' strip.
* Cal Warden's army of fangirls, who attack [[Spinnerette]].
* ''[[The Kingfisher]]'' has at least one vampire wannabe, who misses her big chance and does not become a significant character: Arsonella Jones.
== Western Animation ==
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