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Characters from ''[[{{TOPLEVELPAGE}}]]'' include:
== Team Urameshi ==
* [[Almighty Janitor]]: The Spirit Detective title when compared to the Spirit Defense Force who are all at least A Class fighters. In fact the SDF is only called in where there's a [[Godzilla Threshold]]. {{spoiler|And by the end of the series, the whole group with the possible exceptions of Genkai and Kuwabara, greatly surpass the SDF}}.
* [[Badass Crew]]: Prevented [[The End of the World as We Know It]] more than once and the current Dark Tournament Champions.
* [[Fire-Forged Friends]]: They had a rocky start during the Saint Beasts arcs, but grew to respect each other.
* [[Five-Man Band]]
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* [[True Companions]]
=== Yusuke Urameshi ===
== Yusuke Urameshi ==
'''Species:''' Human<br />'''Main Power:''' Spirit Gun
[[File:yusuke01_7057yusuke01 7057.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Nozomu Sasaki]] (JP), [[Justin Cook]] (EN)}}
Delinquent jerk who dies in a tragically ironic manner, [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished|saving a child from being hit by a car.]] It gets even more tragically ironic when he is informed that not only did The Powers That Be ''never'' expect such an act of goodness from him, the kid would have survived anyway, ''without a scratch.'' Yusuke pushing him out of the way just gave him a few extra scrapes.
Since there's no place for him in heaven ''or'' hell, Yusuke is given the opportunity to return to life, but once he does--Koenmadoes—Koenma owns him, and he becomes the Spirit Detective, taking care of supernatural problems that might threaten ordinary humans. Of course, as we gradually learn, Yusuke isn't all that ordinary, himself...
* [[Accidental Aiming Skills]]: During his first fight with Hiei, Yusuke knew he wouldn't be able to hit Hiei in the front because of his speed. So he fired his Spirit Gun at the Forlorn Hope and the mirror bounces his Spirit Gun onto Hiei's back. He himself wasn't sure if it would work or not.
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* [[Berserk Button]]: Killing any of his friends is not a good idea. Toguro even deliberately invoked this trope by {{spoiler|pretending to kill Kuwabara in order to bring Yusuke's [[Power Level]] to his own level becoming a [[Worthy Opponent]].}}
* [[BFG]]: Yusuke's Rei/Spirit Gun during the Dark Tournament final round.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Shows up [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] a second time as a S Class demon with a Phoenix Puu and Koenma in the Demon World.
* [[Bishonen]]: When his hair is not slicked back with hair gel. He looks like a completely different person.
* [[Blood Knight]]: Likely his most defining trope. Yusuke loves a good brawl and was so into his fight with Sensui that he could have cared less that a storm of demons were going to swarm the Earth. He just didn't wanna get cheated out of his fight.
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* [[Delinquents]]: Yusuke has an entire city full of teen delenquents out to send him to the hospital. {{spoiler|They all fail.}}
* [[Desperately Looking for a Purpose In Life]]: Being a neglected bastard child who only found peace in anger and violence really did a number on Yusuke: when he lost his hate for the world, he was left so hollow that he could not find joy and meaning in being ''The King of An Entire Demon Empire.''
* [[Determinator]]: Will to use [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points|Life Energy]] or use a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] if all else fails.
* [[Disguised in Drag]]: In the manga, [https://web.archive.org/web/20130106232558/http://www.mangarush.com/manga/yu-yu-hakusho/171/p-8 Yusuke pulled this off pretty well and look like quite a convincing girl believe it or not.]
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: We never hear from or ever see Yusuke's biological father.
** {{spoiler|Actually, he is in one scene, talking to Atsuko in one of the wrap-up chapters, though he and Yusuke never meet.}}
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* [[Heroic Bystander]]: His introduction in the first episode.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Twice, and subverted both times.
** [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Again, twice.
* [[Holding Your Shoulder Means Injury]]: Does this quite often in his earlier fights.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
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== = Kazuma Kuwabara ===
'''Species:''' Human<br />'''Main Power:''' Spirit Sword
[[File:kazuma01_9355kazuma01 9355.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Shigeru Chiba]] (JP), [[Christopher Sabat]] (EN)}}
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* [[Stone Wall]]: His speed and offense might not be anywhere as good as the rest of his team(Can't blame him, spirit guns, dragons and all). But watch how much he can endure. Rinku even lampshades this in his fight with Kuwabara.
** [[Mighty Glacier]]: On the other hand, technically, his Jigan-To is the ''only'' attack in the entire series that could never be blocked. It was capable of slicing through dimensional barriers and a forcefield intended to ward off S-Class demons. The only reason he hasn't successfully hit anyone with it is because they are just too damn fast to hold still.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Losing to a kid in the first round in the tournament, {{spoiler|then in the final round [[Curb Stomp Battle|beating Elder Toguro in less then three moves]] while it takes even Hiei to go all out to defeat the other members. Even more so, after [[Brought Down to Normal|losing his powers]], he awakens the powers to cut dimensions to [[Curb Stomp Battle|beat two psychics in one blow]] and become the strongest full human after Sensui's death.}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: "I thought we were a team, but I guess I'm just one big joke to you. ''Well this joke has feelings!''"
* [[Wife-Basher Basher]]: His dialoge to Younger-Toguro after he (psychically) sees how the brute's boss tortured Yukina with fire and abused her for her valuable tears.
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* [[Wouldn't Hit a Girl]]: Has trouble fighting Miyuki the [[Villainous Crossdresser]].
== = Kurama / Shuiichi Minamino ===
'''Species:''' Demon / Partially Human<br />'''Main Power:''' Flora Manipulation
[[File:kurama01_2964kurama01 2964.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Megumi Ogata]] (Shūichi) and {{spoiler|[[Shigeru Nakahara]] (Yoko)}} (JP), John Burgmeier (EN)}}
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* [[In Touch with His Feminine Side]]: A Bishonen whose very soft spoken, girly-looking, elegant as well as being the most sensitive to others emotions and able to 'read the atmosphere.'
* [[Jack of All Stats]]: In his human form.
* [[The Kirk]]: He's perfectly level-headed until his [[Berserk Button|Berserk Buttons]]s are pushed, and often works to keep the group working smoothly together.
* [[Kitsune]]: He is a Japanese fox demon.
* [[Little Bit Beastly]]: His demonic form-in addition to changing his [[White-Haired Pretty Boy|hair]] and [[Eyes of Gold|eye]] color-gives him fox ears and a tail.
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* [[One Steve Limit]]: Averted. Shares the same human name with his little stepbrother, Shuuichi.
* [[Princely Young Man]]: By virtue of his attitude and how he's treated in this case, rather than status. He's a [[Prince Charming]] type.
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: He doesn't look impressive, being a [[Bishonen|pretty boy]] that often wears a pink school uniform and [[Something About a Rose|has this thing for roses]]. Guess who is one of the series' biggest [[Badass|Badasses]]es and the only member of the [[Five-Man Band]] that ''Hiei'' actually admits being afraid of.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Looks like a teenager, is thousands of years old.
** [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Yoko Kurama]] looks like a 20-to-early 30s man, {{spoiler|yet he was [[Authority Equals Asskicking|Yomi]]'s superior and possibly elder authority a thousand years ago.}}
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* [[The Stoic]]: The guy has a pokerface that is simply unbreakable in a fight, to the point of almost coming across as a sociopath at times. He DOES have emotions, he's just able to look past them an analyze a situation with a cold rational mind, then switch back to being pleasant and upbeat when he has to be.
* [[School Uniforms Are the New Black]]: In a manga bonus story, his classmates note that he wears the uniform even when he doesn't have to.
* [[She's a Man In Japan]]: In the Philippines actually. They [[Hand Wave|Hand Waved]]d this after they found out.
* [[Shout-Out]]: "Just call me [[Sailor Moon|Tuxedo Mask]]" in Chapter 44 of the manga. The authors of ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho]]'' and ''[[Sailor Moon]]'' (who later married) were dating at this time.
* [[The Smart Guy]]: An anime poster boy for this trope, competing with [[Naruto|Shikamaru]] for the spot.
* [[Something About a Rose]]: Rose Whip.
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: Gives Kuwabara some fairly harsh training to prepare him for the Dark Tournament, and later {{spoiler|gives it to some of his team's former rivals to prepare some elite fighters for Yomi}}.
* [[Tranquil Fury]]: This makes him absolutely ''frightening''. During Chapter Black, when he's forced to {{spoiler|kill Amanuma}}, he is completely utterly ''enraged''. Fortunately, {{spoiler|Elder Toguro}} was there for him to [[Fate Worse Than Death|take his fury out on]].
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]], [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Though he normally looks like [https://web.archive.org/web/20070327214621/http://www.projectbag.com/yuyu/pics/kurama/kurama04.jpg this] his true demonic form is [https://web.archive.org/web/20131029003857/http://images.wikia.com/yuyuhakusho/images/0/00/Yoko_1.jpg this].
* [[Whip It Good]]: Main weapon. {{spoiler|Although he has even worse plants at his disposal.}}
== = Hiei ===
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Superspeed / Jagan Eye
[[File:hiei01_4855hiei01 4855.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Nobuyuki Hiyama]] (JP), [[Chuck Huber]] (EN)}}
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* [[Byronic Hero]]: Think Yusuke, but dipped in liquid nitrogen, and you'll have a good idea of how cold this guy is.
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: When he was a villain, he was outright psychotic, with [[Nobuyuki Hiyama]] [[Large Ham|hamming it up]] in voicing him. When he makes his [[Heel Face Turn]], he's a [[Deadpan Snarker]] [[Perpetual Frowner]] [[Aloof Ally]], and the way he's voiced naturally changes along with the characterization.
* [[Continuity Drift]]: Togashi, apparently, was not always sure if Hiei was going to become recurring character--certainlycharacter—certainly not that he would rank #1 in both Character Popularity polls--andpolls—and it shows. When he first appears, he transforms into his "full/true demon form," but this is, oddly, never seen again. Except for a [[Non-Serial Movie]], okay, but still. This demon form is apparently derived from and based on his Jagan, which we later find out {{spoiler|is an implant, courtesy of [[The Medic|Shigure]]}}. In an early episode, he also tells Yusuke that he and Yukina are half-siblings with different mothers, but his [[Whole-Episode Flashback]] clearly shows that they ''do'' have the same mother, Hina. Of course, that one can be written off easily; it wouldn't be out of character for Hiei to lie.
** Or he could be using this as a cover. He doesn't really hold the fondest of regards for the Ice Maidens, after all.
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Hiei's... actually quite good at unleashing unholy amounts of badass to ''crush'' his opponents with sheer anticlimactic force. See Zeru, who spent half an episode being built up as The Guy To Watch Out For, and Hiei reduced him to an ashy impression on a wall in ''seconds.''
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* [[Heel Face Turn]]: [[Defeat Means Friendship|After being defeated...]]
* [[Hidden Depths]]: More complex than you'd think.
* {{spoiler|[[Hot Guy, Ugly Wife]]: While not married nor officially involved with Mukuro, the [[Belligerent Sexual Tension|BST]] is clearly there. The horrible scars on her body due to her mutation make for a partial straight example of this trope, since he is more attractive than her.}}
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]: To wit, he usually starts the battle with his katana even after finding out that his bare hands and Ki Attacks are much more effective. Guess what appears in his part of the opening credits.
* [[Knight Templar Big Brother]]: In the anime, is willing to kill Tarukane for abducting Yukina.
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* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: At first.
* [[Too Many Belts]]
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: Trains Kuwabara for the Dark Tournament. Because of Hiei's honour system, his training is ''less'' hellish than Kurama's.
* [[Whole-Episode Flashback]]: The two episodes detailing his past.
* [[The Worf Barrage]]: His Dragon of the Darkness Flame incinerates Zeru, but afterward (not counting the second movie), can't kill anything stronger than a Mook (though it can quickly obliterate an entire army of A-class demons).
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== Supporting Cast ==
== = Botan ===
'''Species:''' Spirit Being<br />'''Main Power:''' Healing
[[File:botan01_6693botan01 6693.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Sanae Miyuki (JP), [[Cynthia Cranz]] (EN)}}
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* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Or baby blue hair.
== = Keiko Yukimura ===
'''Species:''' Human<br />'''Main Power:''' One hell of a slap!
[[File:keiko01_5320keiko01 5320.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Yuri Amano]] (JP), [[Laura Bailey]] (EN)}}
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* [[Victorious Childhood Friend]]
== = Koenma ===
'''Species:''' Spirit Being<br />'''Main Power:''' Shapeshifting / Ma Fū Kan
[[File:koenma01_7402koenma01 7402.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Mayumi Tanaka]] (JP), Sean Michael Teague (EN)}}
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* [[Shout-Out]]: He is disguised as {{spoiler|[[Sailor Moon|Tuxedo Mask]]}} at the Makai Tournament, probably because Togashi and Takeuchi were dating at the time.
== = Genkai ===
'''Species:''' Human Psychic<br />'''Main Power:''' Spirit Wave
[[File:genkai01_5158genkai01 5158.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Hisako Kyoda]] (Older) and [[Megumi Hayashibara]] (Younger) (JP), Linda Young (EN)}}
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* [[Action Girl]]: Hell yes.
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]}}
* [[Badass]]
* [[Brought Down to Normal]]: {{spoiler|The ultimate secret of the Spirit Wave is the Spirit Wave Orb, which she has to pass down to her apprentice. This makes him stronger while it makes her roughly 90% weaker}}.
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* [[She's a Man In Japan]]: In the Philippines actually.
* [[Sink or Swim Mentor]]: "Use your spirit energy to float above the spike."
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: For Yusuke and herself. {{spoiler|And the Six Fighters, in the Three Kings arc.}}
* [[Heroic Neutral]]: kills demons not because they actively harm people, but because they stand in her way.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: [[Rose-Haired Girl|Pink hair]], which grayed over time.
* {{spoiler|[[The Sixth Ranger]].}}
== = Yukina ===
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Ice Manipulation
[[File:yukina01_2915yukina01 2915.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Yuri Shiratori]] (JP), Jessica Dismuke (EN)}}
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* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Sea Green Hair]]
== = Atsuko Urameshi ===
'''Species:''' Human<br />'''Main Power:''' None
[[File:atuko01_7212atuko01 7212.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Yoko Soumi]] (JP), Meredith McCoy (EN)}}
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* [[Muggle]]
== = Shizuru Kuwabara ===
'''Species:''' Human<br />'''Main Power:''' None
[[File:shizuru01_3471shizuru01 3471.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Ai Orikasa]] (JP), Kasey Buckley (EN)}}
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* [[Tragic Keepsake]]: {{spoiler|Sakyo's lighter}}.
== = George Saotome ===
'''Species:''' Spirit Being<br />'''Main Power:''' None
[[File:george01_1760george01 1760.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Tomomichi Nishimura]] (JP), [[Kent Williams]] (EN)}}
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'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Ice Manipulation
[[File:toya_2181toya 2181.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Yasunori Matsumoto]] (JP), Daniel Katzuk (EN)}}
Toya is the ice master of the shinobi of the Spirit World. He's also a close friend of Jin's, a former member of Team Masho and now an ally of Yusuke Urameshi. During the fight for control of the Makai, Toya is one of the demons that Kurama trains to fight for Yomi, though they eventually all disband to fight individually in the Makai tournament.
* [[The Ace]]: Considered to be the greatest ice master alive.
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'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Wind Manipulation
[[File:jin01_1803jin01 1803.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Kappei Yamaguchi]] (JP), [[Jerry Jewell]] (EN)}}
Jin is a demon with mastery over the wind. He's a former member of Team Masho and currently a friend/ally of Yusuke Urameshi. This grants him the power to fly at great speeds. His signature move is to spin his forearm at high speed, creating a tornado around it, making his punches more powerful, even causing damage when he misses. He enjoys his battles, especially when he has a worthy opponent. He states that when he gets excited about a fight his ears twitch. During the fight for control of the Demon World, Jin is one of the demons that Kurama trains to fight for Yomi, though they disband to fight individually in the Demon World tournament.
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]
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'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Drunken Fist
[[File:chu01_9931chu01 9931.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Norio Wakamoto]] (JP), [[Kent Williams]] (EN)}}
Chu is the strongest fighter, but andformer leader of teamTeam Jolly Devil Six, but ends up as the team alternate after losing at Jan-ken-pon. Chu was currently a friend/ally of Yusuke Urameshi. Chu specializes in the "Drunken Fist", which fuses the alcohol he drinks with his aura. During the fight for control of the Makai, Chu is one of the demons that Kurama trains to fight for Yomi, though they eventually all disband to fight individually in the Makai tournament. At the end of the manga, he begins training with, and falls for, Natsume, the female demon who defeated him in the Makai tournament.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]
Line 633 ⟶ 632:
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Serpent Yo-Yos
[[File:rinku01_7884rinku01 7884.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Yoshiko Kondo (JP), Kimberly Grant (EN)}}
Rinku is a young demon who uses yo-yos to attack. Rinku was a former member of Team Rokuyukai, a close friend of Chu's and currently a friend and an ally of Yusuke Urameshi. Rinku is childish and playful, and often annoys those around him. He controls his yo-yos by channeling his aura through the strings. During the fight for control of the Makai, Rinku is one of the demons that Kurama trains to fight for Yomi, though they eventually all disband to fight individually in the Makai tournament. At the end of the manga, he becomes stricken with Sasuga, a female demon who defeated him in the Makai Tournament, and it is hinted that they are in a relationship together.
* [[Creepy Child]]: While not evil, he can be damn creepy.
Line 649 ⟶ 648:
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Shapeshifting / Banshee Shriek
[[File:shishi01_341shishi01 341.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Toshiyuki Morikawa]] (JP), [[Christopher Bevins]] (EN)}}
Shishiwakamaru is a tiny imp demon who can transform into a full human appearance. He is a swordsman who seeks to make himself famous. Shishiwakamaru is a former member of Team Uraotogi, now Yusuke's ally. Suzuki gives him the Sword of Trials, a sword hilt that changes into whatever weapon suits the wielder. For Shishi it becomes the Banshee Shriek, a sword which channels the souls of the dead and materializes them to devour his opponent. During the fight for control of the Makai, Shishi is one of the demons that Kurama trains to fight for Yomi, though they eventually all disband to fight individually in the Makai tournament.
* [[Big Bad Wannabe]]: For a minute there, it really looked like he'd be the next tough opponent. ...''He wasn't.''
Line 669 ⟶ 668:
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Shape Shifting / Space Manipulation
[[File:onji01_6506onji01 6506.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Kazuyuki Sogabe]] (JP), Jeremy Inman (EN)}}
{{spoiler|Suzuki is a demon who excels at creating weapons for others, as well as controlling his Aura harmonics, enabling him to create varied and colorful attacks. Suzuki is actually the former founder, owner and leader of Team Uraotogi, now an ally of Yusuke Urameshi. In the past Suzuka fought the Younger Toguro but lost. He then vowed to become stronger and defeat Toguro in the Dark Tournament. He initially disguises himself as an elderly man known as Old Bloke (Onji in the English anime dub). When Genkai reveals him he states that he used the disguise to help him fight harder, dressed as what he hates the most. He states that anyone who calls him by name must call him the Beautiful Suzuka and he plans to die long before old age can rob him of his looks. After being defeated and humiliated in combat by Genkai, he gives the Sword of Trials to Kuwabara and the Fruit of the Previous Life to Kurama, to aid them against Toguro. During the fight for control of the Makai, Suzuka is one of the demons that Kurama trains to fight for Yomi, though they eventually all disband to fight individually in the Makai tournament. }}
* {{spoiler|[[Annoying Laugh]]: He seems to be trying to pull of [[Evil Laugh|the evil variety]], but it comes off as this.}}
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'''Species:''' Human Psychic<br />'''Main Power:''' Taboo
[[File:kaito01_1611kaito01 1611.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Issei Futamata (JP), Jakie Cabe (EN)}}
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'''Species:''' Human Psychic<br />'''Main Power:''' Shadow
[[File:kido01_9783kido01 9783.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Takehito Koyasu]](JP), Iman Nazemzadeh (EN)}}
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'''Species:''' Human Psychic<br />'''Main Power:''' Copy
[[File:yanii01_4160yanii01 4160.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Mitsuaki Madono]] (JP), [[Travis Willingham]] (EN)}}
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'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Has 99 Different Powers
[[File:rando01_2852rando01 2852.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[You Inoue]] (JP), [[Eric Vale]] (EN)}}
Line 751 ⟶ 750:
* [[Evil Redhead]]
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Few of the powers he stole involved some force of nature behind them.
** [[Playing with Fire]]: ''Kashō Happa-Ken'',<ref>Circles of Inferno</ref>, a technique in where he creates balls of fire in his hands and throws it at the opponent.
** [[Blow You Away]]: ''Zankū Reppu-jin'',<ref>Sickle and Tornado</ref>, creates blades of pure vacuum that cuts the opponent.
** [[Making a Splash]]: Hate Fish, this is one is strangely the least elemental of the above. This one enables him to summon herds of alligator-based piranhas in the nearest body of water that eats up weak demons in seconds.
** [[Ki Attacks]]/[[Unholy Nuke]]: Demon Gun, which is a technique similar to Yusuke's Spirit Gun, only red instead of blue due to using his own demon energy in place of spirit energy.
Line 767 ⟶ 766:
==='''The Four Saint Beasts'''===
The Four Beasts are four demons who rule a part of the Underworld called Demon City and the antagonists for Yusuke's third case. The beasts share their names with the four symbols of Chinese astrology. In the anime adaptation they are known as the Saint Beasts.
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'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Stone Body / Stone Manipulation
[[File:genbu01_2173genbu01 2173.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Yutaka Shimaka (JP), Chris Forbis (EN)}}
Line 802 ⟶ 801:
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Energy Absorbtion / Summon Beasts / Tiger Scream
[[File:byako01_7360byako01 7360.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Takeshi Watabe]] (JP), Andrew Chandler (EN)}}
An anthropomorphic white tiger who can turn pieces of his hair into lesser beasts, absorb aura energy and fire sonic blasts from his mouth.
Line 825 ⟶ 824:
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Ice Manipulation
[[File:seiryu01_831seiryu01 831.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Mitsuo Senda (JP), [[Justin Cook]] (EN)}}
A demon with enhanced speed and control over ice.
Line 834 ⟶ 833:
* [[The Dragon]]: To Suzaku, which is fitting.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Hiei. Both use temperature based powers (ice for Seiryu, fire for Hiei), have a level of arrogance, and are speedy fighters that focus entirely on defeating/killing their opponents. Only, Hiei abhors betrayal whereas Seiryu could care less.
* [[The Four Gods]]: He'd be the dragon...though he's just a big blue skinned man with a dragon outfit. ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged]]'' so [[Lampshadeslampshade]]s this.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: His Ice Dragon can basically one-hit-kill anyone touched by it, but the one time Hiei gets close enough to attack him was enough to kill him.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: To Byakko.
Line 843 ⟶ 842:
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Lightning Manipulation / Prism of Seven
[[File:suzaku01_5204suzaku01 5204.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Nobuo Tobita]] (JP), [[Jerry Jewell]] (EN)}}
The leader of the Four Beasts. A demon who uses lightning to attack, he is able to split himself into seven separate, yet equally powerful bodies, and can endlessly regenerate his power by reabsorbing the copies.
Line 863 ⟶ 862:
* [[Shock and Awe]]: Uses it as arrows or [[Cold-Blooded Torture|shocking his enemies to death]].
== '''Team Toguro''' ==
=== ''Younger Toguro'' ===
'''Species:''' Human (formerly) / Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Muscle Manipulation
[[File:ytoguro01_3779ytoguro01 3779.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Tessho Genda]] (JP), [[Dameon Clarke]] (EN)}}
Line 899 ⟶ 898:
** He also kills Gonzo Tarukane by literally kicking him in the back of the head, decapitating him in the process.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Unlike most beings of his stature, Toguro is every bit as fast as he is strong and muscular, even at his maximum.
* [[Megaton Punch]] {{spoiler|On his brother. Gets one himself when he [[Took a Level Inin Badass|goes]] too far.}}
* [[Muscles Are Meaningless]]: A complete subversion. As he powers up, he becomes incredibly muscular in the process.
* [[Noble Demon]]
* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]: Most of his fights are [[Curb Stomp Battle|Curb Stomp Battles]]s, but {{spoiler|his fight that he kills Genkai was nothing, but vicious as he [[Cold-Blooded Torture|slowly takes her apart, a piece of flesh to killing her by breaking her spine with his fist at 80%]]. It gets worse when Toguro goes [[One-Winged Angel|100%]], his fight with Yusuke becomes so one-sided, that it takes [[Heroic Sacrifice|Kuwabara's "death"]] to make Yusuke fight on truly equal terms. In fact it was so brutal that Yusuke in the middle of the fight passes out and dreams of the moment that he first meets Keiko... only for Toguro himself to appear in the dream as a huge monster that squeezes Keiko possibly to death. [[Despair Event Horizon|it's so bad that Keiko snaps and loses consciousness]].}}
* [[One-Winged Angel]]
* [[Sinister Shades]]: Throughout most of his appearances.
Line 920 ⟶ 919:
'''Species:''' Human (formerly) / Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Body Manipulation / Immortality
[[File:etoguro01_7836etoguro01 7836.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Katsumi Suzuki]] (JP), Bill Townsley (EN)}}
Line 948 ⟶ 947:
'''Species:''' Human<br />'''Main Power:''' None
[[File:sakyo01_8717sakyo01 8717.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Nobuyuki Furuta (JP), [[Eric Vale]] (EN)}}
Line 957 ⟶ 956:
* [[Big Bad]]: Of the Dark Tournament saga, and pretty much the entire series for that matter. His past actions have deep repercussions during Chapter Black, {{spoiler|since Itsuki more or less picked up on digging through the tunnel where he left off. Even worse, Sensui had his mental breakdown in one of ''his mansions'', where they were torturing demons and bathing in their blood}}.
* [[Bishonen]]: Reasonably attractive, even with the scar on his right eye.
* [[Bored with Insanity]]: Sort of--heof—he eventually became bored with personal killing and torturing, and [[The Gambler|found gambling to be his truest pleasure.]]
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: Freely admits that he doesn't have a [[Freudian Excuse]] and is just rotten to the core for no reason.
* [[The Chessmaster]]
Line 971 ⟶ 970:
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]}}
* [[I Gave My Word]]: For all his flaws, Sakyo is a deeply honorable man whose word is his ''absolute'' bond; if he promises you that he'll kill himself for losing a bet, he '''means''' it.
* [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: While he does have some [[Kick the Dog|genuinely evil moments]], at least two of them has him offing some ''very'' [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|Corrupt Corporate Executives]]s... to further his own ends, of course.
* [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]
Line 987 ⟶ 986:
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Explosive Touch
[[File:karasu01_8115karasu01 8115.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Ryo Horikawa]] (JP), [[Kyle Hebert]] (EN)}}
Karasu is a Quest class demon. He is able to use his aura to create bombs undetectable by lower level demons, as well as create bombs within his victims. He wears a mask over his mouth which restricts his unstable powers. He is also able to use his entire body as an explosive. [[Depraved Homosexual|He takes quite a liking to Kurama.]]
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Not as much as Elder Toguro, but he is [[Yandere (disambiguation)|dangerously obsessed]] with killing Kurama.
* [[Badass]]: Even if he is [[Ax Crazy|nuts]], he have to admire how awesome he is in a fight.
* [[Bishonen]]: A definite one for the villains's side.
Line 1,000 ⟶ 999:
* [[Mad Bomber]]: His fighting style, utilized by conjuring hand-grenades, dynamite and even mines.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Is ''extremely'' fast and swift. He can plant sticks of dynamite on you before you even notice he's moved.
* [[The Stoic]]: Normally this, even in his [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] moments {{spoiler|when his mask is on.}}
** [[Not So Stoic]]: {{spoiler|When his mask comes off.}}
* [[Power Limiter]]: {{spoiler|He becomes much more powerful (and psychotic) once his mask comes off.}}
** {{spoiler|Also, [[Power Dyes Your Hair|his hair turns blond when said limiter comes off.]]}}
*** {{spoiler|[[Golden Super Mode]]}}
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: He's a [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] type for Sakyo.
* [[Pyrrhic Victory]] {{spoiler|Despite being killed, he wins his match via a technicality.}}
* [[Ravens and Crows]]
* [[Stalker with a Crush]]: To Kurama.
* [[Shout-Out]]: {{spoiler|Once he enters his [[Super Mode]], Koto makes one to ''[[Dragonball Z]]''. Seeing how his voice actors are Teen Gohan in the U.S. and Vegeta in Japan, the directors were in on the joke...}}
* [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]: A male version, for Kurama.
=== ''Bui'' ===
Line 1,016 ⟶ 1,015:
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Battle Aura
[[File:bui0101_2862bui0101 2862.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Tetsuo Kaneo (JP), [[Vic Mignogna]] (EN)}}
Line 1,036 ⟶ 1,035:
== '''The Sensui Seven''' ==
=== Tropes Associated With "Sensui Seven" ===
Line 1,046 ⟶ 1,045:
** [[Co-Dragons]]: Itsuki and Sniper, being the most loyal members to Sensui. Itsuki was Sensui's assistant as Spirit Detective while Sniper does most of the work while Sensui isn't around.
** [[The Brute]]: Doctor. The only member besides Sensui {{spoiler|and Elder Toguro}} to enter a physical brawl with the main characters, and expresses the most hatred and disgust against humanity thus far. Also Gourmet, for being the biggest member and his powers involve eating people. {{spoiler|Elder Toguro is an even better example than either of them, having his insanity reached its apex and desires more power using Gourmet's body.}}
** [[The Evil Genius]]: Gamemaster, who's powers involve forcing the heroes to play video games with him and the loser ends up with the same result as the game's end. Also Doctor, for being well, a doctor.
** [[The Dark Chick]]: Seaman, the most sympathetic and moral member. Was bullied harshly by kids at his school which contributes to his initial place as a villain.
Line 1,053 ⟶ 1,052:
'''Species:''' Human<br />'''Main Power:''' Resshūken / Sacred Energy
[[File:blackangel01_7816blackangel01 7816.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Rokuro Naya]] (JP), [[Robert McCollum]] (EN)}}
Line 1,084 ⟶ 1,083:
* [[Depraved Homosexual]] Subverted/played around with/deconstructed/possibly inverted.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: {{spoiler|The speech he gives before he dies about having to fight demons from a very early age and having to come to terms with it sounds an awful lot like him recalling his [[Coming Out Story]]. Especially in the dub.}}
* [[Driven to Villainy]]: Because [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|that damn Black Black Club]]
* [[Evil Genius]]: A rare [[Darker and Edgier]] version that's also the [[Big Bad]] in the series.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Yusuke.
Line 1,094 ⟶ 1,093:
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Up there with Kurama, Karasu, Kaito, and Yomi as one of the most intelligent characters in the entire series, as well as the series' most skilled martial artist and first {{spoiler|S-Class}} shown.
* [[Golden Super Mode]] {{spoiler|The main Shinobu personality's Sei-Kou-Ki/Holy Energy.}}
* [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]] - Hoo. Lee. Shit.
* [[Good Hair, Evil Hair]]: It's slicked back when he appears as a [[Big Bad]], but in flashbacks, when he's a Spirit Detective, it's more of a bowl cut.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: He believed in this so strongly that it ultimately broke him when he found out the possibility [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|that humans are not the saints that they're made out to be.]]
* [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]: His pet hangup.
** '' "Never satisfied, never full, they eat and destory with grubby hands till nothing is left but piss, but now the judgement of all humans has begun." ''
* [[Kill All Humans]]: A ''very'' creepy subversion.
Line 1,112 ⟶ 1,111:
*** {{spoiler|[[Lightning Bruiser]]/[[God Mode]]: Shinobu, the most powerful personality, and the only with access to the powerful Sacred Energy.}}
** {{spoiler|As for his Sacred Energy Armors as Shinobu: The Golden Armor is a [[Mighty Glacier]] as it emphasizes his defensive capabilities while still giving him sufficient power, the sleeker, blue armor makes him a [[Glass Cannon]] or a [[Lightning Bruiser]] for sacrificing a bit of his durability in favor of emphasizing offensive power. This could also be seen as a [[Super Mode]].}}
* [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]: His plans to unleash [[Hell on Earth]] because [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]
* [[One of Us]]: ''Painfully'' subverted. He's pretty much the best Goblin City (a popular arcade game) player out there, but it's nothing more than a means to an end.
* [[Person of Mass Destruction]]: While nothing is totally concrete, Sensui as well as Koenma have implied that S class level fighters can wreck entire planets. Very likely the reason why no S classes ever fought on Earth. And guess what, Sensui was [[Up to Eleven|the weakest one]].
* [[Pure Is Not Good]]: If Sensui wasn't so pure as a good guy, he couldn't have become so tainted as a villain. {{spoiler|His main 'Shinobu' personality is still pure and innocent after all these years. [[Ambiguous Innocence|Sort of]].}}
* [[Purple Is Powerful]] / [[Supernatural Is Purple]]: His bindi and [[Ki Attack|Ki Attacks]]s.
* [[Seven Deadly Sins]]: {{spoiler|While Kamiya (Wrath), Makihara (Gluttony), Hagiri (Pride), Mitarai (Envy), Amanuma (Sloth), Itsuki (Lust) and Elder Toguro (Greed) represent the seven deadly sins of the Bible, the true Sensui (excluding Kazuya - Wrath), the unnamed female personality (Lust) and Minoru (Pride), is devoid of any true sin, like a fallen angel who still upholds his duties even if they are warped from his original goals. Hence, his Black Angel title. }}
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers]]: Part of his attitude/egotism after becoming a villain, in addition to hating humans.
* [[Significant Birth Date]]: June 6th6. Add in his year of birth (1967, given that the Sensui Arc takes place in 1993), write it numerically (6/6/67), and you get the [[Number of the Beast]] with a [[Foreshadowing|seven]] left over.
* {{spoiler|[[Split Personality]]}}{{spoiler|Seven including the original, in total after losing it.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Soap Opera Disease]]: He was suffering from terminal cancer, and had only a few months to live. One of the reasons why he's ''far'' more ruthless and efficient with his plan than any other villain - he had only a short time to execute it.}}
* [[Start of Darkness]]
* [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar]]: By [[Word of God]].
** [[Badass Gay]]: HELL YES.
* [[Sympathy for the Devil]]
Line 1,139 ⟶ 1,138:
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Space Manipulation
[[File:gatekeeper01_2125gatekeeper01 2125.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Kouji Tsujitani]] (JP), Jerome 57 (EN)}}
Line 1,168 ⟶ 1,167:
* [[Seven Deadly Sins]]: As one of the Sensui Seven, he represents [[Lust]].
* [[Single-Target Sexuality]]: Taken to a very obsessive degree - he loves Sensui. A LOT.
* [[Single -Specimen Species]]: The ''only'' yaminade left.
* [[Soft-Spoken Sadist]]
* [[Subordinate Excuse]]: AND HOW.
Line 1,181 ⟶ 1,180:
'''Species:''' Human Psychic<br />'''Main Power:''' Marksmanship / Death Print Bull's Eye
[[File:sniper01_4148sniper01 4148.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Eiji Sekiguchi (JP), Aaron Hatch (EN)}}
Line 1,191 ⟶ 1,190:
* [[Badass]]: Aside from {{spoiler|Younger Toguro and Sensui himself}}, he comes closest to actually killing Yusuke.
* [[Badass Biker]]
** [[Biker Babe|Biker Bishie]]: He seems to fit this trope better than [[Badass Biker]], especially knowing [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar|his boss]]...
* [[Cold Sniper]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: He's not above toying with his victims, but he never lets it go on for too long either.
Line 1,211 ⟶ 1,210:
'''Species:''' Human Psychic<br />'''Main Power:''' Psychic Scalpel / Chemical Manipulation
[[File:doctor01_4142doctor01 4142.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Taro Arakawa (JP), [[Sonny Strait]] (EN)}}
Line 1,224 ⟶ 1,223:
* [[Healing Factor]]
* [[Healing Hands]]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[Mad Doctor]]: This guy is freaking crazy!
* [[Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate]] / [[Deadly Doctor]]
Line 1,234:
'''Species:''' Human Psychic<br />'''Main Power:''' Water Manipulation
[[File:seaman01_8408seaman01 8408.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Rica Matsumoto]] (JP), Justin Pate (EN)}}
Line 1,255:
'''Species:''' Human Psychic<br />'''Main Power:''' Video Game Materialization
[[File:gamemaster01_1271gamemaster01 1271.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Yoshiko Kamei (JP), [[Monica Rial]] (EN)}}
Line 1,263:
* [[Enfant Terrible]]
* {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real]]: An ''enraged'' Kurama is forced into a situation where he has to kill the child.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Fortunately, Koenma pulls a few strings.}}
* [[Loners Are Freaks]]
* [[I Know Mortal Kombat]]: In the most literal way imaginable.
Line 1,275:
'''Species:''' Human Psychic<br />'''Main Power:''' Gluttonous Absorbtion
[[File:gourmet01_2274gourmet01 2274.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Atsushi Ishida (JP), E. Bailey (EN)}}
Line 1,290:
=== ''{{spoiler|Elder Toguro}}'' ===
{{quote|See {{spoiler|Team Toguro}} folder.}}
== Other Characters ==
Line 1,300 ⟶ 1,297:
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Raw Demon Energy
[[File:yomi01_1579yomi01 1579.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Masashi Ebara]] (JP), Rick Robertson (EN)}}
Line 1,327 ⟶ 1,324:
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Raw Demon Energy
[[File:mukuro01_76mukuro01 76.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Minami Takayama]](JP), [[Wendy Powell]] (EN)}}
Line 1,356 ⟶ 1,353:
'''Species:''' Demon<br />'''Main Power:''' Raw Demon Energy
[[File:raizen01_204raizen01 204.png|frame]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Takayuki Sugo]] (JP), [[Christopher Sabat]] (EN)}}
Line 1,422 ⟶ 1,419:
* [[The Cutie]]
* [[Damsel in Distress]]
* {{spoiler|[[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: Kurama wipes out her memories in the end.}}
* [[Sempai Kouhai-Kohai]]{{context|reason=Which, and to whom?}}
* [[Yuki Matsuoka]]: Drama CD's.
=== Shigure ===
{{quote|:Voiced by: Takashi Taniguchi}}
{{quote|Voiced by: Takashi Taniguchi}}
A very powerful and eccentric warrior and combat medic from the Demon World. {{spoiler|Who actually implanted the Jagasnishi eye on Hiei's forehead. He battles Kurama in the last Tornament, fighting on Mukuro's side, and loses both the fight and his life.}}
Line 1,435 ⟶ 1,431:
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Very efficient at work. His fees and charges are ''very''... personalized. {{spoiler|In the case of Hiei, he first demands to listen to his life story and reasons, and then makes him promise that he will ''never'' tell Yukina of their bond.}}
* [[Combat Medic]]
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]}}
* [[Rings of Death]]: His [[Weapon of Choice]]
[[Category:Yu Yu Hakusho]]
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