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''You will need: "Special $200 CD with email addresses lifted from USENET! All completely legal! Really!"''
''Also required: [[Complete Monster|Overall worthlessness, wretched stench, complete and utter lameness, heart of darkness, unending depravity, lack of a soul, I.Q. the equivalent of pond scum, and the charm of a three-day-dead rat left festering in the sun that even the maggots won't touch because it's so goddamn ugly and repulsive.]]''
''We won't actually go into the details of this job as it's far too disgusting, [[Even Evil Has Standards|even for us]]. Nevertheless, as a spammer you will now honestly be able to say your downfall from humanity is complete, that your eternal damnation is assured and that none exist who can surpass you in vileness.'' }}
{{quote''Now get away from me.''|''[http://evil-guide.tripod.com/career.html So You've Decided To Become Evil]'' on the Spammer}}
''Now get away from me.''
{{quote|''[http://evil-guide.tripod.com/career.html So You've Decided To Become Evil]'' on the Spammer}}
In email slang, spam is when an email user sends the same message to a large number of people using an automated list, generally for scam or advertisement purposes. The Nigerian email scams of recent years are a good example. In order to spam an email account, the spammer must first get the email address by using a phishing site, spyware, hacking, or simply by buying it from a website you trusted more than you should have. Once they have your address, you can receive spam from them for years. However, none of that matters because this entry is about the other kind of spammer.
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* Bumping: They're trying to keep a thread at the top of the page by "bumping" it. Less subtle spammers will simply post "bump" ad nauseam.
* There's also the ones who don't trim the post they're quoting, even if the quote contains large pictures or is itself a quote-of-a-quote-of-a-quote. Or, in really bad cases, both.
* Spambots: They aren't a person at all, but a program. Dropped off considerably recently, once forums started putting in special security measures like registration codes. Used for multiple purposes, such as making spam ads outside of the increasingly unreliable email, or - in a scary case - by criminal organizations trying to spread their influence. Various messages in middle eastern language(s) translatable as threats, as well as threats in englishEnglish originating from similar sources, were made around the time of Saddam Hussein's execution on BBS and imageboard sites.
* Quite a lot of forums have 'spam boards' these days, in which you'll usually find nothing but spam posts. Often, but not always, the posts in these boards don't count to your total. On these boards, the term 'spammer' is at least a compliment, at best a badge of honor.
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