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Vampire: The Masquerade: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''A Storytelling Game of Personal Horror.''}}
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* Assamites: [[Psycho for Hire|Vampire mercenaries]]. Believe in drinking the blood of other vampires to bring themselves closer to their founder. As the name should give away, their Quietus discipline makes them into perfect killers-for-hire. Nickname: Assassins. Weakness: Addicted to vampire blood.
* Followers of Set: A vampiric [[Religion of Evil]]. Dedicate themselves to corrupting both humans and vampires alike, and therefore often become drug lords, pimps, and [[Cult]] leaders. Their special discipline of Serpentis mixes some of the other vampires's powers into one handy, snake-themed package. Nickname: Serpents. Weakness: Bright lights.
* Giovanni: An [[Villainous Incest|incestuous]] extended family of Venetian vampire [[Necromancer|Necromancers]]s. Often take on qualities associated with [[The Mafia]]. Nickname: Necromancers. Weakness: Feeding causes victims excruciating pain (this is a world where the [[Kiss of the Vampire]] is almost orgasmic for the victim).
* Ravnos: Vampires based on [[Roma|Gypsy stereotypes]]. [[Con Man|Con men]] whose abilities revolve around illusions and tricks. Due to the awakening of their clan founder, they are an endangered/extinct species, depending on who you ask. (Information is never reliable in this setting.) Nickname: Deceivers. Weakness: Compulsion to a specific vice.
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** In general, most of the bloodlines and independent clans were "one trick ponies" to show off cool new vampire powers and then became an albatross around the setting's neck.
* [[Ascended Demon]]: Golconda.
* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]]: The Cathedral of Flesh is almost exactly what it sounds like -- alike—a mass of constantly-mutating living flesh large enough to serve as a literal cathedral. It may or may not actually be the Tzimisce Antediluvian, and is Vicissitude incarnate either way.
* [[Aura Vision]]: The Auspex discipline has the ability to do this among its powers. In particular, vampires who can read auras can tell if someone is a Diablerist (their auras have nasty black veins running through them).
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Vampires' supernatural powers, as a rule, grow and develop with age, and positions of authority are, as a rule, again, occupied by old vampires, so...
* [[Ax Crazy]]: The Sabbat vampire sect is infamous for being full of [[Ax Crazy]] young vampires, who brutalize humans for fun and eat non-Sabbat vampires for fun and power (older Sabbat members are generally those vampires who grew out of this - into calm and calculated [[Complete Monster|monstrosity]]).
** Any vampire in a frenzy is a mixture of this and [[Brainwashed and Crazy]], due to the influence of the [[Enemy Within]].
* [[Badass]]: Which "signature characters" are this and which are [[Canon Sue|Canon Sues]]s is debatable.
* [[Bad Boss]]: More abstract parts of fluff, such as descriptions of vampire society in core rulebooks, imply that most vampire elders treat their progeny and other underlings like this. Specific examples of elders provided by city books are ''usually'' much more rational and prefer to mix carrots with sticks.
* [[Beethoven Was an Alien Spy]]: And Cain was [[Monster Progenitor|the first vampire]] (spelled Caine when referring to him as a vampire). Many modern-day vampires think that this is a myth. They are wrong. Many other people from history and mythology were/are vampires too, from Helen of Troy to Rasputin.
** Rasputin's origin was deliberately muddled for a [[Metaplot]] that never took off -- variousoff—various [[Old World of Darkness]] books describe him as a mage, werecreature, and at least three different vampires. The idea was that Rasputin was a powerful alchemist and Ventrue ghoul who mastered mystical blood magic and distilled the blood of all his vampire allies into the Blood of Caine. Ingesting it caused him to become a "clone" of Caine - with the powers and attributes of all vampires - who would show up as the [[Big Bad]] of a Gehenna scenario where killing Rasputin would prevent Gehenna because the universe would be fooled into thinking Caine died. Since it was a relatively happy ending for the game ([[True Art Is Angsty|and God forbid that]]), White Wolf rejected it and Rasputin remained in limbo.
*** Really, the Rasputin references were just thrown into every clanbook as a joke, because early White Wolf was very clearly a place where no one took themselves very seriously. Once the game became "High Art" and fun was replaced with "tragic angst", multiple retcons were created solely to justify why Rasputin was apparently a member of every clan.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Tremere (the clan founder, not the clan) decided to gain the power of an Antediluvian and establish his followers as a full-fledged clan by {{spoiler|consuming the soul of Saulot, founder of the most pacifist vampires in the setting}}. Maybe he should have kept researching and noted that {{spoiler|Saulot also founded the uber-evil Baali}}.
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* [[Blood Bath]]: One of the sacred rites of the [[Religion of Evil|Sabbat]]. Although it isn't about rejuvenating youth or beauty, like in other depictions, but more a ritual of baptism and consecration interpreted through the Sabbat's "Crusades-era Catholicism on PCP" lens.
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: Some vampires abandon the Humanity [[Karma Meter]] for Paths of Enlightenment, which don't follow any human sense of right and wrong.
** There's a bit more to it, but this is the basic idea. The rest of the story is that vampires are no longer human, and trying to stick with the path of Humanity will lead to derangement, and the Paths of Enlightenment are modalities that actually fit with vampire "biology" and instinct. It is telling that any Camarilla vampire over a certain age has a diminished Humanity score and a derangement, whereas Sabbat -- regardlessSabbat—regardless of age -- areage—are derangement free so long as they have an alternative Path of Enlightenment. Reading the rules for these Paths, however, reveals them to basically be derangements of choice instead of random craziness. Still, if this is how vampires turn out no matter what, this is [[Blue and Orange Morality|alien psychology]] by the very definition.
** Various editions played this aspect up or down. 2nd Edition definitely played up the Paths of Enlightenment, making [[Blue and Orange Morality]] a key part of any Sabbat chronicle; Revised edition played it down, making it clear that the majority of the Sabbat were simply low-Humanity vampires, and made it clear that Paths were supposed to be extremely stringent mental disciplines rather than a license to engage in depravity for the hell of it. The most recent edition, (20th Anniversary Edition) seems to take a middle ground, maintaining the Revised Edition mechanics but not going into any great detail otherwise.
* [[Body Horror]]: Tzimisce and Baali provide many examples. Such as the ''voszht'': twenty or so ghouls fleshcrafted into a ''T. Rex''-sized walking mountain of flesh with dozens of arms and mouths. The sheer ''sight'' of one makes the Tzimisce's enemies turn tail and run, to say nothing of what a ''voszht'' can actually do.
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** On the other hand, complete removal of the Beast (possible if you suffer a ''[[Critical Failure|botch]]'' with a couple of disciplines) also [[Heroic BSOD|robs a Kindred of all willpower and self-motivation]].
* [[Enlightenment Superpowers]]: The Salubri.
* [[Evil All Along]]: [[Your Mileage May Vary]] with Saulot thanks to the [[Darker and Edgier|clusterfuck]] [[True Art Is Angsty|of]] [[Retcon|Retcons]]s since first edition. According to rumours, he was basically a saint who helped the poor, healed the sick, and farted fairy dust, who may or may not have reached a state where he didn't even drink blood anymore. [[The Chessmaster|This was all just part]] [[Depending on the Writer|of the plan to take over the world]] and he might have {{spoiler|created the Baali, the Wu-zao and Nkulu Zao}}.
** Well, depends which Gehenna version you go for. But even the nicest version of him is a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] at best.
** This is all muddied up to eleven since {{spoiler|he is the key to save the world and mankind and he very rarely survive the apocalypse, normally either destroyed or making a heroic sacrifice to take the other Antediluvians}}.
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* [[Evil Feels Good]]
* [[Evil Tastes Good]]: The act of drinking blood is described as incredibly addictive and tempting to vampires. To further the analogy, vampires who are low on blood risk losing self-control and attacking people on sight to get a "quick fix" right now.
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: Many Tzimisce, Lasombra and Followers of Set actually take pride at being [[Eviler Than Thou]] monsters, more often than not of [[Nietzsche Wannabe|Nietzsche Wannabes]]s variety.
* [[Evil Versus Evil]]: The default type of conflicts in this game, as vampire factions, with few exceptions, range from "deeply corrupt" to "demonically evil."
* [[Eye Remember]]: One of the Giovanni powers.
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* [[Horror Hunger]]
* [[Hypnotic Eyes]]: Dominate powers. Also the first level of the Setites' special magic, which is called "The Eyes of the Serpent."
* [[I Am a Monster]]: Really evil vampire factions also tend to use alternate [[Karma Meter|Karma Meters]]s based on this trope, so that they may wreck shit and do [[Squick|Squicky]]y stuff without instant degeneration into animals.
* [[I Hate You, Vampire Dad]]: Even when a new vampire isn't created purely as a servant, and doesn't mind his new condition, his relationship with his sire often goes sour sooner or later, because vampires have centuries to get sick of each other and their unlifestyle greatly facilitates distrust and paranoia.
* [[It Got Worse]]: And then [[It Got Worse]] again. With [[The End of the World as We Know It]] on the horizon, that's the most logical direction of plot development, really.
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* [[Living Doll Collector]]: Depraved masters of Dominate. The Tzimisce. Mortals in third stage vinculums. People under enough Majesty. Really, we could go on all night.
* [[Looks Like Orlok]]: Nosferatu have a tendency to take on the "Orlok" look in official artwork (especially since the concept of the clan is inspired by him).
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Vampires are veeeery prone to [[Manipulative Bastard|Manipulative Bastardry]]ry. Easily available [[Mind Control]] powers and demands of the [[Masquerade]] help to push them further in this direction.
* [[Masquerade]]: Camarilla vampires have codified this into an explicit Tradition, with [[Final Death]] penalty for violating it. Other vampires also maintain it, even if some of them are very vocal about their hatred for it.
* [[Mighty Whitey]]: The majority of Ebony Kingdom Ventrue like to think they are this.
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[[Category:Old World of Darkness]]


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