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[[CLAMP]]'s [[Massive Multiplayer Crossover]], [[Alternate Universe]] versions of ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura]]'' characters Sakura and Syaoran travel from [[Alternate Universe]] to [[Alternate Universe]] filled with CLAMP characters to find the [[Gotta Catch Them All|scattered feathers]] that represent Princess Sakura's heart and memories.
The story begins in the Kingdom of Clow, a somewhat medieval desert world. Syaoran (see [[Spell My Name with an "S"]] below for other romanizations) is the adopted son of the deceased [[Adventurer Archaeologist]], Fujitaka, and a dear childhood friend of Sakura, princess of Clow Country.
Just after Sakura decides to finally tell Syaoran her feelings for him, she's drawn to some [[Lost Technology|ancient ruins]] on the outskirts of the city. After stepping on a symbol drawn on the floor, she seems to sprout ghostly wings, which then dissolve into feathers and vanish as Syaoran tries to save her. This causes Sakura to fall into an unwakeable sleep. The High Priest of Clow, Yukito, realizes that these feathers are the pieces of her soul. They have been scattered across the worlds, leaving Sakura as an empty shell. In order to save her, he sends Sakura and Syaoran to the only person that can help her - Yuuko, the Dimension Witch. She agrees to help them, for a hefty price.
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Two others have been sent to Yuuko. The wizard Fai D. Flourite has fled his home world after sealing away the [[Physical God|god]] Ashura, and fears that Ashura will wake up [[Mysterious Past|for some reason]]. His goal is to stay as far away from his home world as possible, and never return. The [[Ninja]] Kurogane, on the other hand, is the opposite; he was banished from his own world for being too bloodthirsty, and his princess, Tomoyo, wants him to learn more about true strength before he can return. Frankly, he couldn't care less; he just wants to go home.
Yuuko tells them that the thing which all three have in common is a wish to travel between the worlds; Syaoran to search for the feathers, Fai to stay away from his own world, and Kurogane to search for his home. In exchange for their most prized possessions, she will grant them the ability to travel between worlds. Fai gives up his tattoo, the focus of his magical ability, and Kurogane his sword, while Syaoran must give up the memories that Sakura has of her relationship with him.
The retrieval of the feathers is made more difficult because the feathers, being fragments of Sakura's soul, hold huge magical powers. Whoever holds one is given strength that rivals that of the [[Powers That Be]]. And there is another force opposite Yuuko that attempts to intervene in their journey to fulfill its own desires...
''Tsubasa'' has a sister series, ''[[xxxHolic×××HOLiC]]'', which focuses on the Dimension Witch and her indentured servant, Watanuki. The plots of the stories are deeply intertwined and characters have been known to cross between the two.
This is a completed manga series, ending with 233 chapters organized into 28 volumes. There was an anime adaptation that ran for 52 episodes, as well as a movie ''Princess of the Birdcage Kingdom'' and two sets of OADs, ''Tsubasa: Tokyo Revelations'' (which follows the [[Darker and Edgier]] and [[Bloodier and Gorier]] storyline of the manga) and ''Tsubasa: Shunraiki'' (again, another supporter of said storyline).
A word of warning, this series can be rather confusing. To know how, just see '''how many''' references there are to a [[Mind Screw|certain related trope]] all over this page.
A [[Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle/Characters|Characters page]] is in development, but it [[Needs More Love]].
Not related to ''[[Captain Tsubasa]]''.
* [[Action Girl]] - Sakura during the second half of the Tokyo Arc. She gets to use guns!
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* [[After the End]] - {{spoiler|Clow Kingdom}}
* [[All There in the Manual]] - One really needs to be reading ''[[xxxHolic×××HOLiC]]'' at the same time to be getting the full story, particularly in the second half. This is reciprocal, ''xxxHoLic'' also makes more sense this way.
* [[Always Identical Twins]]
* [[Amnesiac Lover]]- Or so it seems at first; before Acid Tokyo puts the plot in a blender with LSD, its a key part of the starting premise. Whether it can still be classed as that ''after'' the lightearted veneer is stripped away is... [[Mind Screw|confusing]].
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* [[As You Know]] - The first chapter had some very artificial-sounding dialogue to fill readers in about the backstory of Sakura and Syaoran.
* [[Ascended Fridge Horror]] - See the Fridge page.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] - Subversion; an [[Aesop]] for this series is that this cannot ever happen. Bee Train (the anime production company) created a [[Filler]] episode where it did, and the plot forced them to [[Retcon]] it.
** Late in the manga it turns out that {{spoiler|The [[Big Bad]]'s [[Gambit Roulette]] was designed to get around this, mainly by keeping Yuko alive and on the edge of death.}}
** Partial in chapter 220 - {{spoiler|Yuuko has said that she will bring C!Sakura and Cloney back to life - but that this is only possible because they were created beings, and thus could not enter the reincarnation cycle, hence requiring Yuuko and Clow to fork over payment for them to be reincarnated.}}
** Nadeshiko and the rest of Clow country's citizens dying and being reset back to life is actually not this trope, since [[Mind Screw|they didn't die in "real" time, so they weren't...really dead? What?]]
* [[Badass]] - Kurogane. As a fanfiction puts it, anyone who {{spoiler|hacks off his own arm}} without batting an eye is fucking hardcore.
* [[Balance Between Good and Evil]] - The various [[Powers That Be]] behind the scene can't directly interfere, and constantly refer to mystical rules that they have to follow. And in the case of Yuuko, she can't directly interfere because {{spoiler|she was [[Dead All Along]].}}
* [[Battle Couple]] - [[Ho Yay|Arguably]], Kurogane and Fai. They fought together both in the Shura arc (but it's mostly off-screen), Koryu, Outo, Infinity (even with their problems, they were back to back), and in the final battle against Fey Wang Reed.
** One less contestable couple is listed below; See the [[Mama Bear]] + [[Papa Wolf]] entry.
* [[Beam-O-War]] - Sometimes used as a battle style (particularly by Syaoran when up against magical opponents), the main characters are also entirely capable of traditional melee combat as well.
* [[Beauty Is Never Tarnished]] - Averted to the point of [[Break the Cutie]] in Acid Tokyo. {{spoiler|Sakura}} is scrabbed, impaled and then burned in acid. By the time {{spoiler|she returns she}} is a bruised and bloody mess.
* [[Big Bad]] - Fei Wong Reed
* [[Bishonen]] - Syaoran, Kurogane, Fai... everyone? Well, it '''is''' [[CLAMP]]...
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* [[Calling Your Attacks]] - Done seriously for most of the series, but lampshaded in one instance where Fai tells Kurogane, "You could at least call your attack's name!" To which the ninja replies, "Screw that!"
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]] - A unique take on an older trope. The Dimension Witch's price for helping Sakura and Syaoran was their past relationship. Any time Sakura realizes her past feelings for Syaoran and tries to tell him, her memory of that is instantly removed, resulting in several [[Un Confession|UnConfessions]].
** And even before that, {{spoiler|both R! and C!}} Sakura's attempts at [[Love Confession]].
* [[Canon Discontinuity]] - In the animated version. ''Tokyo Revelations'' picks up immediately after the escape from the Rekort library, ignoring the filler arcs from the broadcast series.
** The second OVA skips several more chapters ahead leaving those who only watched the anime in the dark.
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** And there is Mokona's red earring. At first it seemed like a cute accessory. Then Yuuko mentions (in xxxHolic) that it can increase magical power. This wasn't used until {{spoiler|Fai needed a power boost in order for him and Kurogane to escape the collapsing world. When they finally did, it was mentioned by Fei Wong Reed that Yuuko probably created it [[Fridge Brilliance|just so that Fai and Kurogane could escape]].}}
* [[The Chessmaster]] - Fei Wong Reed. ''And'' Yuuko. '''And''' Clow Reed.
* [[Closed Door Rapport]] - When Sakura hides into her room leaving Syaoran outside in the chess world.
* [[ColourColor-Coded for Your Convenience]] - Some characters have clear color associations, such as white and sky blue with Fai, black and red with Kurogane, Syaoran with earthly colors like browns and greens, and pink with Sakura. The complementary colors for Kurogane and Fai mark them as a yin-yang pair.
* [[The Comically Serious]] - A couple characters (including {{spoiler|C!Syaoran}} have some degree this, but Kurogane is the most prominent. A great deal of the humor in the series comes from his serious reaction to Fai's and Mokona's provocations.
* [[Continuity Cameo]] - Scores, but of particular note are {{spoiler|[[Magic Knight Rayearth|Hikaru, Umi and Fuu]]}} as {{spoiler|C!Sakura's}} classmates in an alternate world.
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* [[Darker and Edgier]] - ''Tokyo Revelations'' went into pure octane [[Nightmare Fuel]] following the conclusion of the second season series and abandoning of the third season, as it jumped straight from playing its tropes straight to the dark deconstruction that the manga had slowly eased into. Of course, that arc was a significant jump darker even for the manga, but it was the low dive compared to the OVA's high dive. See also [[Wham! Episode]].
* [[Dead All Along]] - {{spoiler|Yuuko was only alive because Clow told reality to ignore her death. As a result her death resets just about everything reboot-able across the history of the multiverse.}}
* [[Deal with the Devil]] - The Dimension Witch Yuuko (of ''[[xxxHolic×××HOLiC]]'') grants wishes and demands a heavy price in return, however she doesn't cheat her customers if they act in good faith. She is the "sponsor" of the heroes' travels and stays in communication with them. She also makes deals with the individuals the band comes across, who usually get a fair cop. In ''xxxHolic'', the ugly results of bad-faith wishing are visible, as are some ([[Mind Screw|although by no means enough to make sense]]) of the reasons and details behind the devil-dealing process.
* [[Denouement Episode]] - Actually from [[xxxHolic×××HOLiC|the Holic]], Chapter 204.5. {{spoiler|520 days after leaving Clow country, the Tsubasa gang return to Watanuki's shop, in the process accidentally giving him the idea for his signature - a bird. So Watanuki then enables Syaoran and company to travel to Clow Country so that he can finally meet Sakura again.}} [[Maybe Ever After|But as typical of CLAMP, the readers never see the reunion itself.]]
* [[Deus Angst Machina]] - How to summarize the whole story in 3 words. So where do we even begin?
** Backstory will never NOT be angsty, especially if your name is {{spoiler|Fai}}. "Tsubasa Goes to the Therapist" would be an excellent fic premise.
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* [[Divide by Zero]] - Wishing to bring back the dead. {{spoiler|[[Power Incontinence|Clow's subconscious wish]] to keep Yuuko alive}} distorted reality to a point where the effects on the multiverse could never be fully repaired, or even be understood by '''anyone''', even CLAMP themselves.
** [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: The [[Big Bad]] (and consequently his incomprehensibly complex [[Xanatos Gambit]]) was also created as a response to that wish.
** And if that wasn't bad enough, it also led to other characters (including Syaoran) making their own attempts at this trope, further distorting an already distorted and illogical reality.
* [[Doppelganger]] - Needs a separate line as it's rather unique here. There are 3 versions of {{spoiler|Syaoran (Watanuki included)}} and 3 (yes, ''three'') versions of {{spoiler|Sakura}}. And don't bother counting how many [[Alternate Universe]] versions of all [[CLAMP]] characters there are.
** {{spoiler|An alternate Clow Country with an alternate R!Sakura was created when R!Syaoran turned back the clock while the original Clow Country went into a loop with the first R!Sakura frozen in the ruins.}} Check [http://tsubasa.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline_of_Events these] [http://tsubasa.wikia.com/wiki/%22Sakura%22 out].
** [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] in Chapter 187. {{spoiler|The Sakura whom R!Syaoran was always with and the Sakura whom he saw through the clone's eye. The second one was actually cloned.}} See [[What Happened to the Mouse?]] below.
* [[Elemental Powers]] - Syaoran = Fire, Kurogane = Ice, Fai = Air, Sakura = Earth. While the actual powers are confined to the Hanshin arc's ''kudan'', the association remains throughout the story. Syaoran and Kurogane later obtain swords named, respectively, Hien and Souhi, 'Red Flame' and 'Blue Ice'. Fai is frequently connected with bird imagery, such as his phoenix tattoo. Sakura's power is associated with being able to understand plants and animals.
* [[Emergency Transformation]] - {{spoiler|Fai is transformed into a vampire (with attendant regeneration abilites) to prevent his death from [[Eye Scream|massive trauma and shock]].}}
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* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]] - Hanshin is Osaka. Korio is Korea. Oto is Japan in the 20's. LeCourt is a magical London. Piffle and Edonis are generically futuristic. Storm is Mayan. Daroga is modern America. (The last two are anime-only.)
* [[Five-Man Band]] - The corresponding roles are: Syaoran [[The Hero]], Sakura [[The Chick]], Kurogane [[The Lancer]] /TheBigGuy, Fai [[The Smart Guy]], and Mokona [[Team Pet]]. Note, however, that these roles stick only through the first half of the series. The deconstruction and character development in the second half breaks down the easy categories.
* [[Flock of Wolves]]: {{spoiler|It transpires that the only one of the original four who ''isn't'' an infiltrator is [[Grumpy Bear|Kurogane]], who [[Character Development|initially]] appears as the most unambiguously [[Anti-Hero|"villainous"]] with his [[Red and Black and Evil All Over]] palette and [[Blood Knight]] tendencies. [[Stepford Smiler]] Fai has been knowingly collaborating with Fei Wong Reed from the start, and both [[Adventure Archaeologist|Syaoran]] and his [[Amnesiac Lover]] [[Everything's Better with Princesses|Princess]] [[Friend to All Living Things|Sakura]] are revealed to be [[Cloning Blues|clones]] created as [[Unwitting Pawns]] in the [[Big Bad]]'s [[Gambit Pileup|gambit]] (the less said about that, [[Mind Screw|the better]]).}}
* [[Fountain of Youth]] - {{spoiler|When C!Syaoran and C!Sakura seal themselves in the tube, they reverse age from adults back to being 14 years old and become identical to the originals right down to the clothes! Which makes for some interesting results on the reader's eyes when the tube is finally broken.}}
* [[Freak-Out]] - {{spoiler|c!Syaoran, after killing c!Sakura. Doubles as a [[Tear Jerker]] in retrospect, since this is probably how he regained his heart. Also, Fai after his curse activates and he kills Sakura.}}
* [[Freaky Friday Flip]] - Ok. This one's a ''very weird'' example. Observe closely and you'll see that {{spoiler|C!Sakura and R!Sakura}} have 'swapped' bodies between themselves. What makes it freaky is that ''the bodies are of course, completely identical!'' Basically {{spoiler|R!Sakura (A) merged with C!Sakura's body while C!Sakura's soul entered the body of R!Sakura (B) that Ass-Chin lost during the cloning process.}} See [[Doppelganger]] above for an explanation.
** Aaargh! ''More [[Mind Screw]]''.
** And [[What Happened to the Mouse?]] (see below) just doesn't help matters. Not to mention more [[Fridge Horror]].
* [[Friend to All Living Things]] - Princess Sakura; it's stated her power is to hear the voices of the voiceless.
** This includes non-living things, most importantly water. Or such as when she talks down a tornado. It later brings her flowers.
* [[Feather Motif]] - Sakura's memories take the form of feathers.
* [[Funny Background Event]] - A lot, usually Mokona antagonizing Kurogane (for example, stealing his food during the Hanshin arc, and during the Jade arc when Mokona had to hide from the locals, you can see a suspicious lump moving around under Kurogane's clothes and Kurogane pulling funny faces). Also, a Miyuki-chan makes a cameo running in the background once in every single world.
* [[Fusion Dance]] - Weirdly so, {{spoiler|R!Sakura merging with C!Sakura's old body}} and becoming her 14-year old self as timelines reconnected.
* [[Gainax Ending]] - Well, what did you expect, given the rest of this page? It might be tied up in ''[[xxxHolic×××HOLiC]]'', which is still running. Might.
** [[xxxHolic×××HOLiC]] Chapter 204.5 had a little extension of the Tsubasa group finally travelling back to Clow. But heck! The Holic didn't even tie itself up completely.
** This is also true for the anime ending, mainly because they had a whole second season to explain who the antagonists were, and delve into the manga story, but instead frittered it away with two flashbacks of Kurogane (which was okay), several deconstructions of the characters and settings from the first story. So then the last 8 or so episodes felt extremely rushed, resolved little to nothing ( {{spoiler|after all that, Syaoran gets ''one feather'' for Sakura when the bird has millions and ''doesn't even get to see Syaoran in her memory'', [[And the Adventure Continues...|simply so they can keep traveling]]}} ), and had Syaoran finish off the bird with a move [[Ass Pull|more reminiscent of]] [[Shaman King]] [[Ass Pull|than the main story]], and did nothing to even mention Fai's story beyond the brief mention of Chii. And considering that, the manga is ''even weirder''.
* [[Gambit Pileup]] - Summarize at the risk of your own sanity, for it is said that he who can understand what the hell has been going on since [[Growing the Beard]] has been lost to [[Cosmic Horror|eldritch Things from Beyond]]. [[True Art Is Incomprehensible]], indeed.
** {{spoiler|The last one on the pile shows just how big this gets. The [[Big Bad]] is implied to have been created by Clow's wish which in turn...}}
* [[Gambit Roulette]] - Several, for only a few of which are known about fully (although ''not'' fully understood), the combined effect of which is almost to the point where [[Gambit Pileup]] becomes inadequate description. At least three different characters are running semi-independent [[Xanatos Gambit]]s: {{spoiler|Clow, Fei Wong Reed, Yuuko, and (very much contrary to what we believed at the beginning of the series) R!Syaoran}}.
** Not to mention the predeceased Clow Reed, who apparently put together ''all of ''[[Cardcaptor Sakura]]'','' (long before TRC, but also after Clow's death) in preparation for TRC. {{spoiler|So is his [[Xanatos Gambit]] part and parcel with Yuuko's, or are they slightly competing? Is it supposed to trump Fei Wong Reed, or possibly stuff even further in the future / past ? AARGH.}}
* [[Generation Xerox]] - {{spoiler|The Sakuras and Syaorans.}} It can't get any more literal than that!
* [[Genre Shift]] - And ''how''. It essentially transformed, in one arc, from a happy and light-hearted [[Gotta Catch Em All]] adventure story to a [[Mind Screw]] of a fantasy drama.
* [[Girl in the Tower]] - [[Gender Flip]]ped {{spoiler|Fai (Yuui) and his twin were imprisoned at the bottom and top of a tower, respectively, surrounded by unclimable walls, where the dead bodies of prisoners were discarded.}}
* [[Gotta Catch Them All]] - Collecting the feathers, which has since been revealed as a colossal [[McGuffin]] to keep them on track in the [[Big Bad]]'s plans. {{spoiler|Fai was aware of this from the start.}}
** {{spoiler|And in the end, Junior has to go and find the rest of them to restore his parents/clone and girlfriend's clone}}.
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* [[Grumpy Bear]] - Kurogane, at least for the first half of the series.
* [[Guilt Complex]]: Syaoran. He blames himself for pretty much everything that happened, because of his decision to rewind time when he was seven. This includes {{spoiler|Sakura being taken away by Fei Wong Reed, Fai's being born a twin and therefore being a cause of misfortune, Kurogane's mother's death, and Watanuki,}} most of which happened before he was born. [[Timey-Wimey Ball|Probably]]. He blames himself because the [[Big Bad]] implies that his rewinding time gave him a free reign, but in reality it was his only option, he was pretty much manipulated by Fei Wong Reed and had no control over what Fei Wong did making use of the altered timeline, and there is no way the poor kid could've known all the ramifications that were possible from his one wish, anyway. [[Mind Screw|Heck, even the readers don't quite understand all the ramifications]].
** His guilt gets so bad that it gets him a [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]] thumping from [[Team Dad]] Kurogane.
* [[Happily Adopted]] - Cloney was Fujitaka's adopted son in the altered version of Clow Country. [[Everyone Is Related|Yes, the father of R!Sakura.]]
** Clow filled up Fujitaka's place as Sakura's father in a role reversal of the original timeline.
* [[Head Pet]] - Mokona to Kurogane.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]] - {{spoiler|C!Sakura}} and {{spoiler|'''Cloney!!!'''}} The latter attempts to {{spoiler|pull a [[Taking You with Me]]}} on the [[Big Bad]]. {{spoiler|He gets better, since as a clone he could not truly die}}. And then {{spoiler|Chapter 231... Yeah, the clones did just die AGAIN, this time C!Syaoran does to upset the balance of the timeline, hence opening a hole in the space where he, R!Syaoran and Watanuki are trapped... allowing them to escape. C!Sakura dies at the same time.}} Head hurt yet?
** {{spoiler|Cloney}} in fact returns about ''5 minutes'' after his first heroic sacrifice as {{spoiler|Syaoran Sr.}} along with {{spoiler|C! Sakura}} only to let all know he's waited a whole lifetime to pull out a second one. And to drive home their identity they now look '''exactly identical''' to the originals, so much so that at one place ''even the authors mixed up a piece of dialogue''. {{spoiler|R!}}Syaoran's expression when he realizes who're who's parents is priceless.
* [[Highly-Visible Ninja]] - Kurogane, though he really doesn't need to worry about it much being the [[Badass]] he is...
* [[Hot Shoujo Dad]] - {{spoiler|Li Syaoran}}. Though the man looks like his son, the look in {{spoiler|Syaoran Sr.'s}} eyes leaves little doubt that he's the real deal.
** The fact that his son wasn't so bad looking doesn't hurt, given how identical they are.
*** Also Fujitaka and King Clow Reed. This is CLAMP after all.
* [[Identical Grandson]] - Or son, really, being {{spoiler|Syaoran and his son...Syaoran}}. We're confused too. Kurogane and his father also look remarkably alike, the main difference being stubble and a ponytail on the latter.
** Mokona lampshades this in Chapter 218 when it voices it's confusion on {{spoiler|"Syaoran" referring to the newcomers as his parents - same as the confusion above}}.
** It must be noted that, as of Chapter 223, after an explanation as to the relationship between father and son, we are ''even more confused'' about {{spoiler|the Syaorans}}.
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* [[Lampshade Hanging]] - In Chapter 218, Mokona mentions being [[Mind Screw|incredibly confused as to what's going on]], {{spoiler|especially with the fact that Junior looks just like his father and his mother looks exactly like Sakura. Oh, and they've suddenly appeared to save the day}}. By this point, the reader likely agrees.
* [[Left Hanging]] - '''Major one here'''. Sakura and the whole of Clow Country are themselves a paradox as [[spoiler: they too existed only thanks to the [[Stable Time Loop]]s (see below). [[Ret-Gone]] C!Sakura having left her feather in the Tokyo reservoir. And {{spoiler|R!}}Sakura even admits this {{spoiler|while they're trapped by [[Big Bad]] in his tube}}. But now that the {{spoiler|loops have ceased to exist with the clones [[Ret-Gone]]}}, apparently only {{spoiler|R!Syaoran & Watanuki}} have to pay a price for having to exist as a paradox.
** Well by this point even God admitted they too [[Mind Screw|were lost]].
* [[Life or Limb Decision]] - Specifically, {{spoiler|Kurogane amputating his arm for Fai's life}}. Completely without hesitation, too.
* [[Limited Wardrobe]] - Averted like [[My Suit Is Also Super]], since the series has strong [[Shoujo]] influences. The dimension-hopping characters all start out with just the clothes on their backs, but will readily switch to the local fashions provided they have enough time and money. Once they do adopt a world's clothing, they will change outfits as appropriate. In the first arc of the main plot, you can see Syaoran, Kurogane, and Fai changing [https://web.archive.org/web/20100403110318/http://www.onemanga.com/Tsubasa_Reservoir_Chronicles/5/02/ each] [https://web.archive.org/web/20100403110356/http://www.onemanga.com/Tsubasa_Reservoir_Chronicles/9/03/ successive] [https://web.archive.org/web/20090211203201/http://www.onemanga.com/Tsubasa_Reservoir_Chronicles/14/07/ day].
* [[Love Makes You Evil]] - Fei Wong Reed made his [[Gambit Roulette]] with the intention of bringing someone [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]. {{spoiler|Or apparently, to save someone else's life. And that person is Yuuko. She is ''not'' happy with this, [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy|and ends her unlife to help stop him]].}}
* [[Magic Knight]] - Fai may look like a [[Squishy Wizard]], but he's quite proficient at physical combat as well.
* [[Magic Mirror]] - The [https://web.archive.org/web/20090118172219/http://www.mangafox.com/page/manga/read/74/tsubasa_reservoir_chronicle/chapter.15143/page.49/ giant mirror] used by Fei Wong Reed to spy on the main characters is the most frequent and obvious use of the trope. Other not-so-literal examples include the High Priest of Clow [https://web.archive.org/web/20090210212133/http://www.mangafox.com/page/manga/read/74/tsubasa_reservoir_chronicle/chapter.15143/page.31/ using a reflecting pool for scrying] and [https://web.archive.org/web/20080420102500/http://groups.msn.com/TsubasaReservoirChroniclesOnlineMangatsubasareservoirchroniclesonlinemanga/omake5.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=3092 Mokona] using a reflective surface to help "phone" Yuuko.
** What? No one's mentioned the mirror Chu'nyan used in Koryo to wake the villagers from that arc's villain's spell?
* [[Mama Bear]] + [[Papa Wolf]] - {{spoiler|In chapter 217, the Li's show that if you threaten their son, they will unload their spells on you. Considering that even Sakura had a Badass glare before the barrage, it's only expected that Ass-chin had an [[Oh Crap]] moment.}}
** Prior to that, "Fai-Mommy" and "Kuro-Daddy" had it well and truly covered since basically the start.
* [[Martyr Without a Cause]] - Even after specifying that he would help as long as it didn't endanger his life, Fai has repeatedly put himself in danger to save or protect Syaoran, and has been interrogated by Kurogane for his unwillingness to defend himself.
* [[Maybe Ever After]] - CLAMP's favourite ending. The Epilogue. Hopefully [[Flying Dutchman|Syaoran]] will be free to be re-uninted with Sakura someday. Their names (see [[Meaningful Name]] below) are a hint.
* [[Meaningful Name]] {{spoiler|/ [[Name's the Same]] - Hey, guess what Syaoran and Sakura's real names were? TSUBASA... and TSUBASA. Meaning wings. Which come in pairs. Not to mention the title of the series now meaning it's about Tsubasa, as in a person, rather than "Sakura's" lost feathers ("Tsubasa" meaning both feather and wing)}}
* [[Mecha-Mooks]] - The enemy robot ninjas, and it turns out the mooks are {{spoiler|actually souless attempts at clones deemed expendable by Fei Wong}}.
* [[Mind Screw]] - '''AND HOW!''' '''Several orders of it''', with ''no chance'' of screw driving. Really, [[CLAMP]] deserve a ''special award'' and maybe a even new trope like Mind Screw Pileup. For the sake of your sanity, do not, we repeat, DO NOT try to understand the story.
** How to sum up the story in just 2 words. As for examples, ''Some of them'' include...
** [[Which Me?]] - Keeping track all the {{spoiler|Sakuras and Syaorans}} can be this, especially when more than one of either is in the same panel. [[It Got Worse|This gets so bad in chapters 226-231]] that you can't even figure out who's who from the dialogues, as they could easily be interpreted as being spoken by the {{spoiler|clones}} or the originals.
** Not only that. After the {{spoiler|time loop set up in the Acid Tokyo arc is revealed}}, the entire ''plot'' becomes confusing.
** The Multiverse as such! Just how many darn versions of each character are there anyway?? The confusions of who's who is quite understandable.
** [[My Own Grampa|CHA]][[Stable Time Loop|-PT]][[Reincarnation Romance|-ER]] [[Cloning Blues|223]][[Tangled Family Tree|!!]]... Aaargh! Can't the fonts get any bigger?
** The Ridiculously [[Tangled Family Tree]] and the ever changing relationships added over existing ones, which are just one part of the HUGE [[Gambit Pileup]].
** And now the [[Big Bad]] is confused. This may be a good sign that we should all just stop trying to understand the plot and accept anything and everything that [[CLAMP]] throws at us, if we can...
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** The less speculated about the plot, the better. '''All''' attempts to [[Mind Screwdriver]] this story only create even more [[Mind Screw]] than ever.
** Not to mention incredible amounts of [[Arc Welding]] and [[Canon Welding]].
** And to thrown in the rest, [[Temporal Paradox]] + [[Timey-Wimey Ball]] + [[You Already Changed the Past]] = '''Brain Damage'''.
** And MOST importantly, now that [[xxxHolic×××HOLiC|the Holic]] has ended, even [[Word of God]] has admitted that '''they too are rather confused over how everything turned out and want to re-read it'''. Yup! You read that right! '''EVERYONE'S CONFUSED!''' A feat unlike any story ever seen before...
*** [[Crowning Moment of Funny]]!!
** Did you notice that this series has broken the World Record for the single handed number of references to this trope? It is no YMMV to consider that this would be one of the all-time most (if not THE most) confusing manga/anime storyline ever.
* [[Mismatched Eyes]] - {{spoiler|C!Syaoran}}, after the second grisliest scene in the series thus far.
* [[More Than Mind Control]] - (A subtrope of [[Stockholm Syndrome]].) {{spoiler|Fai}} is revealed about two-thirds of the way through the story to have been willingly manipulated for most of his life by both {{spoiler|Fei Wong Reed}} and {{spoiler|Ashura-ou}}. This involved cunningly preying on his insecurities and regrets in moments of extreme emotional distress, aided by some magical suppression of memories that might have caused him to question his situation.
* [[Mr. Fanservice]] - Kurogane and Fai. YES.
* [[The Multiverse]] - The party is traveling through multiple worlds and dimensions. Not everyone they meet is aware of the existence of the multiverse.
* [[My Sibling Will Live Through Me]] - Hello, {{spoiler|[[Angsty Surviving Twin|Fai]]}}... or should we say {{spoiler|Yuui}}.
** The {{spoiler|clones}} apparently live through their originals as well.
* [[My Suit Is Also Super]] - Averted, as clothing gets torn, stained, and otherwise damaged on a regular basis and stays that way until it is repaired or replaced.
* [[My Own Grampa]] - {{spoiler|Syaoran's clone is also his father.}}
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** [[Yui Makino]] as Sakura
** [[Daisuke Namikawa]] as Fai.
** [[Tetsu Inada]] as Kurogane.
** [[Maaya Sakamoto]] as Princess Tomoyo.
* [[Near-Death Experience]] - A conveniently-timed one allows {{spoiler|Tomoyo-hime to tell Kurogane how to get Fai out of Celes}}.
* [[Never the Selves Shall Meet]] - Played straight and averted too. Where it's played straight is that the {{spoiler|Clones}}, in spite of visiting Yuuko's shop many times, never meet {{spoiler|their reincarnated selves in the tube.}}
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* [[Ninja]] - Kurogane and Souma, as well as numerous other unnamed ninjas serving under Amaterasu and Tomoyo-hime.
* [[No Body Left Behind]] - Usually averted, with corpses lingering unpleasantly (backstory flashbacks, anyone?). Two notable occasions when it is played straight: {{spoiler|the body of the real Fai dissolves into dust when the feather is removed and Fei Wong tells us that real!Sakura's body dissolved after being magically cloned}}.
** And that's what happens when all created beings die.
* [[No Ontological Inertia]] - All the distortions in the Multiverse disappear with [[Big Bad]]'s death.
** Happened some more times, with {{spoiler|C!Syaoran dying in chapter 210}} and even more recently with {{spoiler|FWR, C/F!Syaoran and C/M!Sakura}}
* [[Occult Blue Eyes]] - Fay's magic is explicitly tied with the blue ''color'' in his eyes, which is weird.
* [[Oedipus Rex]] - Syaoran. {{spoiler|Specifically, the real one. He's been impersonating his father and romancing an a princess who is the original from whom his mother was cloned since he was seven.}}
** And that is precisely what his ahem...parents want since they see the two as their original selves. See [[Shipper on Deck]] below. Poor 7 year old Tsubasa Syaoran was totally clueless about the time loop and the [[Gambit Roulette]]s of everyone including his parents until [[Wham! Episode]] came along. [[Ascended Fridge Horror|And also the whole thing had become inevitably pre-destined by this point.]]
** Also, {{spoiler|Cloney is also an example, since he has memories of being a clone of Syaoran, and his wife has memories of being a clone of Sakura. Since they got together based on those memories, and a clone can be thought of as being like a child, its debatable which generation is imitating which}}. Time travel, reincarnation and a ''really'' tangled family tree with ever changing relationships [[Gambit Pileup|piling up on top of each other]] make things [[Mind Screw|confusing]], yes.
* [[The Other Darrin]] - Kusanagi and Tomoyo got their dub VAs replaced in the OVAs.
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]] - Kamui and Subaru, and later {{spoiler|Fai gets turned into one to save his life}}. Description on the trope page of how they stack up against classic vampires.
** Seishirou is also possibly a vampire as Fuuma comments to Subaru when he is asked that Seishirou isn't growing any older.
* [[Out-Gambitted]] - Fei Wong is beaten by the combined efforts of Clow, Yuuko and {{spoiler|the reincarnated clones. The Clones use their power to restore reality back to normal in all dimensions}}. For all his [[Gambit Roulette|colossal scheming]], [[Big Bad]] [[Didn't See That Coming|did not account for the possibilty]] of [[Reincarnation Romance|reincarnation]] and Clow giving his magical power to {{spoiler|Cloney}}.
* [[Perma-Shave]]
* [[Phenotype Stereotype]] - Fai is blond and blue-eyed, and in one chapter has [[But Not Too Foreign|some serious objections to sushi and chopsticks]]. In the dub, he speaks French once seperated from Mokona.
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* [[Reset Button Ending]] - Now that {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]] and Yuuko}} are both dead, existence should have been restored to the way it should have been. Right? But no, paradoxes ( {{spoiler|Syaoran, Watanuki and by extension even Sakura and possibly the whole of Clow Country, not to mention an unknown number of lingering changes in the multiverse}}) still exist. Reality could never fully recover after ''that many'' [[Divide by Zero]] attempts.
* [[Ret-Gone]] - {{spoiler|Yuuko's death}} deletes her Undead history out of reality.
** {{spoiler|The original Syaoran}}, who was replaced by {{spoiler|Watanuki}}.
** And also {{spoiler|the clones}}, who have vanished from all time, leaving Syaoran a bootstrap paradox, and...
** [[Ripple Effect Indicator]] - His family portrait no longer has his parents {{spoiler|/ the clones}} on it anymore.
* [[Reused Character Design]] - [[Cardcaptor Sakura]] characters in an [[Alternate Universe]] setting (and it's ''not'' a sequel)
* [[Ridiculously Cute Critter]] - Mokona, oh so much.
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* [[Stepford Smiler]] - {{spoiler|Fai, though it does begin to crack and ultimately appears to fall away completely.}}
* [[Superpower Meltdown]] - {{spoiler|In Celes country, when the second curse on Fay activates, he literally shuts down a dimension with his magic. This also highlights his [[Power Degeneration]].}}
* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]] - Oh ''my'', Kurogane. Seishirou may also count.
* [[Tangled Family Tree]] - The {{spoiler|Reed/Li/Watanuki}} family tree looks like this. {{spoiler|Reincarnation and cloning}} make for very, very loopy genealogies.<ref>To make it short: The real "Syaoran" is the son of the reincarnation of his own clone! In a verse where reincarnations are visually and possibly genetically identical to their previous life, no less. His mother, by the way, is his girlfriend's clone's reincarnation. Now taking bets on whether or not he himself is going to father yet another of himself. Also factor in possible parents and grandparents given the multiple [[Retcon|RetCons]] of the Clow royal family and what we know from [[Cardcaptor Sakura]].</ref>
** Perhaps should be called Thirty Relationships pileup after what happened. For starters, draw it right and it turns out poor {{spoiler|R!}}Syaoran has become related to himself in ''FOUR different ways''. It doesn't help that CLAMP kept adding more and more cross-relationships as the story progressed.
** To elaborate, the equations are rather complicated. The final result is some [[Mind Screw|blow your brain]] combo of '''all of these put together simultaneously''' - [[Always Identical Twins]] + [[Alternate Self|Alternate Selves]] + [[Identical Grandson]], [[Generation Xerox]] {{spoiler|+ [[Cloning Blues]]}} + [[Happily Adopted]] + [[My Own Grampa]] + [[Everyone Is Related]] = Really ''Really'' '''Really''' '''REALLY''' [[Tangled Family Tree]]. Sheesh!
* [[Team Dad]] - Kurogane has this title applied by Fai unwillingly, but it fits surprisingly well, {{spoiler|especially by the end of the Infinity Arc.}}
* [[Team Mom]] - Fai is essentially the self-proclaimed mother of the group.
** Actually, it was Mokona that titled Fai the Team Mom. Fai, at the time, was doing everything he could to subtly stay unattached and uninvolved without suspicion, as he was a [[Death Seeker]] / [[Martyr Without a Cause]] and didn't want to cause more pain then necessary. Cue Kurogane attempting to set him straight for ''arcs.''
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* [[Time Travel Tense Trouble]] - We at [[TV Tropes]] aren't the only ones suffering serious difficulties with the script.
* [[Timey-Wimey Ball]] - [[Time Travel]] never works the same way twice and with all its varieties being used at different times, the result is indescribable and represents the end of all logic as we know it. But...
** People just can't give up and someone ''actually tried to'' '''draw the ball''', which probably [http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y65/zacloud/worlds-timefortrc.png looks like this.]
* [[Tomato in the Mirror]] - Both {{spoiler|Syaoran,}} and more recently (and much more jarringly) {{spoiler|''Sakura herself''}} are revealed to be copies as part of the [[Big Bad]]'s unimaginably complex [[Gambit Roulette]].
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]] - Sakura after the latter parts of the Tokyo arc, but the result is that while she is more capable, it has rather heartbreaking [[Broken Bird]] connotations.
* [[Translator Microbes]] - This is Mokona's special power. Since the cast themselves are from 3 different worlds, if they get separated from her, they can't even understand each other.
** This is demonstrated early on and played for laughs again later when Fai and Kurogane get marooned together for six months with no translation. Kurogane's language is close enough to that of the country they're in for basic communication, but Fai spends that time "doing things that didn't need words". [[Ho Yay|Hint hint.]]
* [[Tsundere]] - Arguably, Kurogane is a male Tsundere. However, Kurogane only fits the Tsundere mold through at most the first third of the story. After that point, [[Character Development|he loosens up considerably around Fai]]. Even early on, however, he's quite straightforward about his feelings, although also quite undemonstrative. The running-hot-and-cold tendency in their relationship is really more about Fai sending ''tremendously'' mixed signals.
* [[Twin Switch]] - {{spoiler|Fai is actually Yuui (although the switch occurred after the real Fai, who's name Yuui uses, was already dead)}}, and this has led to much arguing in the fandom as to which twin is which in the [[Alternate Universe]] [[Omake]].
* [[Uptown Girl]] - Sakura is princess and Syaoran is middle class.
* [[Walking the Earth]] / [[Flying Dutchman]] - In the end, {{spoiler|Syaoran chooses to do this in order to find a place where he, Sakura, and their clones can all exist together; this is actually his price for continued existence and he'll be wandering forever. Fai, Kurogane and Mokona go with him, and thanks to Mokona's memory-storing earring they can return to Clow Country and [[xxxHolic×××HOLiC|Watanuki's]] 'verse more often.}}
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]] - An alternate {{spoiler|R!}}Sakura from an altered Clow Country {{spoiler|which came into being after R!Syaoran's wish split the timeline creating an alternate Clow Country}}, came into being out of nowhere and was actually the one {{spoiler|cloned (the original R!Sakura was frozen in time)}}. Her fate is not resolved.
** {{spoiler|[[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]] - The body of R!Sakura-2 (for want of a better label) was taken away and merged with the cloned soul, while the original soul of R!Sakura-2 ended up in the [[Big Bad]]'s own tube, but is never mentioned again. Or what happened to that tube. Yes, there were '''three''' Sakuras.}}
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** Chapters 150 and 151, {{spoiler|where Fai's curse activates and he nearly kills Sakura}} and all of the Celes arc.
** Anything that's occurred during the most recent arc {{spoiler|aka the showdown with Fei Wang (aka Asschin)}} qualifies, as [[Mind Screw|CLAMP continually puts off explaining exactly what the ''freaking hell'' is going on]]: {{spoiler|Yuuko was mysteriously summoned by Asschin's attempt to revive someone or do something similar, Sakura and Syaoran are multiplying all over the place, and there was a picture of Toya and Yukito apparently in their CSS clothing in one of the panels}}.
** Presenting Chapter 223, in which the reader finally goes brain-dead from all the insanity.
*** And suffers a fatal heart attack from the [[Ascended Fridge Horror]] implications of the [[Tangled Family Tree]].
* [[Villainous Breakdown]] - {{spoiler|Fei Wong Reed went through an ''epic'' breakdown when he realized even all he'd done couldn't fulfill Clow Reed's wish to save Yuko, especially jarring given his earlier smugness.}}
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[[Category:Tsubasa:Manga Reservoirof Chroniclethe 2000s]]
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