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* Or maybe he's just [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|horrible at dying]]. Think about it: how many near-death experiences has he already survived?
** Jossed. He dies. Quite horribly. [[Stupid Sacrifice|And pointlessly]].
** Unjossed. While his death is indeed rather horrible, it doesn't last long according to the most recent update. That said, One could say he's fulfilled his fate, so to speak, and now has a new lot on life. A bit early to say, really.
== Takn is a Tucker's Kobold. ==
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== Kore is not a Paladin ==
They may say he's a Paladin, but all we have are statements. He never used any Paladin Powers -- not Detect Evil, nor Smite, nor Lay On Hands, nor Summon Mount. He is said to be fearless, but that is not a demonstration of a class ability if he's hugely overleveled. He did use a supernatural ability, but Speak With Dead is a Cleric spell, not a Paladin spell.
* Multiclassed with monk or Red Dragon disciple?
** What's that got to do with anything?
* Maybe he was a paladin once but somehow became a blackguard without realizing it?
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** It needn't even be objective for demons: depending upon how one interprets 'effect that depends on', detecting evil might detect demons and any other creature with the evil subtype as evil regardless of what their actual alignment is.
** Or a paladin might be able to detect if someone is evil ''by the standards of that paladin''.
* We've removed all doubt- in one of the more recent updates, Kore uses Lay on Hands- a paladin-only spell.
* The simplest solution is just that Kore took Gray Guard from Complete Scoundrel, which means he can commit evil acts so long as they are in accordance with his order. If he is all there is to his order, he gets to decide what acts he can and cannot do, so he can do anything.
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** His letter colours are consistently green/yellow throughout. This can confidently be assumed to be related to his dual physical nature. There's been little to imply that his mind is anything other than singly dedicated to being a total bastard.
*** Well, he does display what appears to be deep and genuine grief when {{spoiler|Saral Caine is found dead}}, but it may have been because {{spoiler|Saral Caine}} was his only friend. It's also been said right out that he's part Treant through [[A Wizard Did It|magical means]]. So it could be that the Treant-- or whatever it is-- side is the one that makes him a [[Complete Monster]]. His human side tried to fight it at first; but eventually it was just too hard, and he gave in.
**** But, Treants are Usually Neutral Good. If anything, on the miniscule chance that your theory is correct, the Treant would be more likely the part that tried to fight Goblinslayer's monstrosity.
*** He might not be half-Treant; it's been implied that he may be half-golem, so the 'tree-half-makes-him-evil' theory might not be too far off.
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** The only wooden parts on him, as revealed by the rips in his shirt after he gets impaled, are a single arm (with 'plates' of wood holding it on at the shoulder) and a half-mask thing on his face. Half-Golem, unlike the other [[Half-Human Hybrid|Half-Whatsits]] of [[Dungeons and Dragons|D&D]], means "[[Magitek]] Cyborg}", not "crossbreed". It sure looks like wooden parts have been grafted onto his flesh.
* [http://www.goblinscomic.com/03292010/ If this helps this theory in any way], his face still looks like a graft atop his skull, but his body looks more like the ''skin'' in the graft atop the wood bits... However, he's still bleeding through the coal, implying normal flesh ''under'' the wood...
** I thought it looked like embers in the cracks in the charcoal.
== Captain Goblinslayer has epilepsy. ==
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** [[Jossed]] by Thunt, he specifically picked that monster out of the 4th edition monster manual because it looked [[Rule of Cool|cool.]] There are later examples with 3.5 rules, no rituals, the HP still work like 3.5, and no encounter powers. It has been stated by [[Word of God]] that it is a homebrew setting, and I, for one, will use monsters, items, and even rules from other editions and even totally different systems.
* There are no barbarians in fourth edition...
** As of the 4E [[PHB 2]], there are.
== The Shield of Wonder is changing the rules that govern the world to 4th Edition. ==
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It would explain why he [[Fantastic Racism|hates non-humans so very much]] and go some way into explaining why he's [[Complete Monster|such a bastard.]]
== Kin will end up as a villain, possibly killing Goblinslayer in the process. ==
You know she must feel betrayed at the others leaving her. And now she's the ''only'' monster Goblinslayer has left to torture. And the pent up anger he must have right now after his encounter with Thaco? (and imagine if he lets that slip during the torture) I definitely wouldn't want to be in Kin's scales right now.
Prediction: Kin gets horribly mutilated (and possibly driven a little crazy) until she breaks free, kills Goblinslayer, (denying him a final fight with Thaco) hijacks his plant half to replace her own missing parts, (Yuan-ti are good at the nature magic, aren't they?) and goes after the Goblins.
* Jossed. She killed Goblinslayer, but still seems to be good, and is uninjured.
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== The World is in a [[Cycle of Hatred]] ==
As in, the PC races kill the monster races on the grounds that they're evil, as a result a group of goblins turn into PCs are fight the evil PC races, so more and more monster races join them in the fight, and so they become the core PC race while the old ones are now seen as the [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]] EX fodder that's killed on sight.
== The freed monsters are going to become another [[Two Lines, No Waiting|plot path]] ==
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== Herbert is a sympathizer of monster races ==
Herbert is a GM who's always disliked the [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]] trope and thus is running a campaign with sympathetic goblins, eventually extending to other monster races.
* Better yet: Herbert is the [[Author Avatar]]. That explains the use of Thunt´s house rules, too.
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== Kore maintains his alignment because the DM/Herbert is a Republican ==
Come on: slaughtering innocent bystanders, hunting down and eradicating whole swathes due to percieved evil (and thus "pre-emptive" strikes against evil), justifying TORTURE as a 'good' action... if that doesn't scream Bush-era tactics applied to a D&D setting, I don't know what does.
* Kore's excessively long speeches explaining the justifications of his actions are also the only thing keeping him aligned as a paladin -- by explaining how he (as a character) percieves his actions to be good, no matter how evil the action itself would otherwise be, he gets a pass. Either it works because the DM/Herbert agrees with the idea that if you say it's for the common good, it is, or either as a [[Strawman Political]] that he can't otherwise argue with because it would make him look like a hypocrite.
== Kore is a construct made by a fallen Paladin ==
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== Dies Horribly's arm isn't a part of him, it's the larval form of Klik's species ==
Klik's race is parasitic, and can project mental images that convince other life forms that they are harmless and what they are doing is beneficial. It's already been shown to have a mind of its own. As such, the arm will eventually kill Dies and take its natural form.
* Dies' arm is a larval form of Klik's species but everything else Klik said was true. Klik lied to comfort Dies. Klik did his best to prolong Die's life but eventually the arm will grow up and Dies will bleed to death.The arm will become a cowardly plasmic ball which craves Dies' blood, goblin blood, other blood. It might even defeat the current big bad.
* Supported by the fact that Dies apparently [http://www.goblinscomic.com/10242011/ has two souls.]
* Normally that is how it would work; that is how Klik's species reproduces. However in this case Klik [http://www.goblinscomic.com/04072006/ used a slightly different method] to create the arm to share Dies' soul and it ''shouldn't'' have a soul of its own.
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== Kore doesn't lose his paladin status because {{spoiler|he keeps the souls of the innocents he kills}} ==
As seen on Nov. 16th of 2010, [http://www.goblinscomic.com/11162010-2/ this strip], Kore has what looks like chained spectral faces coming out of him, which might be the souls of the people he kills. Perhaps he prevents their souls from passing into another plane, and therefore he doesn't technically "kill" any innocents. This might be why he doesn't lose paladin status.
* In support of this theory, is it just me, or does the fifth head from the right look a great deal like Targoth Bladebeard, who we already know he killed?
Alternately, he's lost his Paladin status - the support of his god - but since he keeps the souls of his victims chained to him, he derives his power from them, giving him an alternate energy source for his Paladin powers. Perhaps he's amassed so many souls that they now have the collective divine clout of a minor godling.
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== The Goblin Adventurers will eventually recognize Minmax's sword as the one he took from GS ==
* And it'll probably make them hate each other all the more.
** or, alternately, the GAP will see it and suspect Minmax had some character growth.
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== Some of the PCs are possessed by creatures from another world. ==
[[Min Max]] points out that Fogath is "played" by a girl. Later a random girl actually believes she used to be the female Dark Elf that travled with them and does not realize she is wearing gloves in responce another character asks is she read her character sheet. Basically some PC's talk as if they are completely different people from themselves.
== Fumbles is not one of the possessed characters or if he is possessed he is possessed by the DM himself. ==
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== The Demon Owned Ogre ==
He'll become a member of Dies's party or will be killed fighting of the demons.
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