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== Kore is not a Paladin ==
They may say he's a Paladin, but all we have are statements. He never used any Paladin Powers -- notPowers—not Detect Evil, nor Smite, nor Lay On Hands, nor Summon Mount. He is said to be fearless, but that is not a demonstration of a class ability if he's hugely overleveled. He did use a supernatural ability, but Speak With Dead is a Cleric spell, not a Paladin spell.
* Multiclassed with monk or Red Dragon disciple?
** What's that got to do with anything?
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** Sorry? Are you sure? Sarcastic false sorrow while torturing ''is'' the hallmark of many a [[Card-Carrying Villain]].
** His letter colours are consistently green/yellow throughout. This can confidently be assumed to be related to his dual physical nature. There's been little to imply that his mind is anything other than singly dedicated to being a total bastard.
*** Well, he does display what appears to be deep and genuine grief when {{spoiler|Saral Caine is found dead}}, but it may have been because {{spoiler|Saral Caine}} was his only friend. It's also been said right out that he's part Treant through [[A Wizard Did It|magical means]]. So it could be that the Treant-- orTreant—or whatever it is-- sideis—side is the one that makes him a [[Complete Monster]]. His human side tried to fight it at first; but eventually it was just too hard, and he gave in.
**** But, Treants are Usually Neutral Good. If anything, on the miniscule chance that your theory is correct, the Treant would be more likely the part that tried to fight Goblinslayer's monstrosity.
*** He might not be half-Treant; it's been implied that he may be half-golem, so the 'tree-half-makes-him-evil' theory might not be too far off.
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Not sure if that would cause him to literally split down the middle as half tree and half human, but maybe he was a freak even among the halfbreeds. Not like he knew many in the first place; he was raised among monsters and mocked constantly by them. He lived with his treant father; the human druid mother died giving birth to a freaking half treechild. It made him grow to hate all monsters and torture them for fun and all that jazz. He can finally bully the bullies that bullied him so terribly.
* Seems to have been [[Jossed]] [http://www.goblinscomic.com/05312009/ here]; Kin mentions that magic turned him into what he is.
* 2009 June 20th20's comic implies that he might be a Half-Golem (Wood).
== Captain Goblinslayer is a Half-Golem. ==
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It's simple. Some years ago, before the Order entered the dungeon, Redcloak started a little side project of finding more goblin allies on other planes; he arrived in a world which followed roughly the same rules and met Duv. An alliance was proposed for a regeneration spell; but Maglubivet had something against the Dark One or ''vice versa,'' and the magic wasn't allowed to work. Eventually, their duties forced them to part ways, but something already happened.
Plus, they're both [[Dark Messiah|Dark Messiahs]]s with [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|tragic]] [[Doomed Hometown|pasts]].
** One theory about why Grem looks nothing like Redcloak: Duv sent a message after she found out she was pregnant, but [[A Wizard Did It|Xykon found out,]] and, well...
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== Dies Horribly's "Special Arm" is functionally a bonded Mindblade ==
One of the psionic classes in 3.5 was called the Soulknife; its forte was manifesting psychic energy in the form of a weapon composed of faintly translucent, colored, solid energy -- justenergy—just like Dies' arm. Soulknifes could reshape their Mindblades into almost any form, from dagger to axe to greatsword. If this theory is true -- andtrue—and Dies did manage to make a flower grow out of his palm before panicking and turning it into a blade-growth -- thengrowth—then Dies will be able to shapeshift his arm at will if he gets some more willpower and, more importantly, stops jumping at every shadow.
== Saves-A-Fox is half human. ==
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== Years of pent up loot is going to the goblins. ==
The goblins seem to be magnets for rare and valuable things at the moment. Chief has an amazing spear; Big-Ears has the Axe; Dies-Horribly has a shapeshifting hand; and Complains has become part-Demon, presumably granting some useful bonuses. Chief also remarked after the battle in the guard barracks that they seem to be gaining bonus experience. This could be because there ''are'' no other parties of goblin PCs so far as we know - even the dungeon delve at the Viper clan seems to be comprised of (admittedly dangerous or talented) [[NPC|NPCs]]s. Coupled with their lifespans, which are generally guessed to be about 30 years, the non-stop windfalls make a certain sort of sense. You can add Maglubiyet's influence to top it all off - he wouldn't want his future champions to die poor and weak, would he?
== Kore's player is a rules lawyer who talked his Dungeon Master (who may or may not be Herb) into letting him use his twisted justifications and keep his powers. ==
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== Kore maintains his alignment because the DM/Herbert is a Republican ==
Come on: slaughtering innocent bystanders, hunting down and eradicating whole swathes due to percieved evil (and thus "pre-emptive" strikes against evil), justifying TORTURE as a 'good' action... if that doesn't scream Bush-era tactics applied to a D&D setting, I don't know what does.
* Kore's excessively long speeches explaining the justifications of his actions are also the only thing keeping him aligned as a paladin -- bypaladin—by explaining how he (as a character) percieves his actions to be good, no matter how evil the action itself would otherwise be, he gets a pass. Either it works because the DM/Herbert agrees with the idea that if you say it's for the common good, it is, or either as a [[Strawman Political]] that he can't otherwise argue with because it would make him look like a hypocrite.
== Kore is a construct made by a fallen Paladin ==
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