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[[File:Scissor Safety.png|thumb|link=The Dog House Diaries]]
{{quote|'''Tom''': I'd call this a good argument against busing.
'''Crow''': What, if you bus your kids they might get picked up by a giant?
'''Tom''': Well, you never know...|''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]: War Of the Colossal Beast''}}
|''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]: War Of the Colossal Beast''}}
The author has an important [[An Aesop|Aesop]] for the audience. There's an urgent course of action they want you to take, and they've decided to show you the tragic consequences of ''not'' doing so.
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Before posting anything think for a second: "Is this supposed to be an Aesop?" If it was ''not'' intended as an Aesop then that is an [[Accidental Aesop]].
== [[Advertising]] ==
* The message of a recent{{when}} AT&T ad appears to be "Choose AT&T, the nation's fastest 3G network, and your future child will be President."
** Or "[[A Man Is Not a Virgin|Let your penis guide your life]], and your future child will be President."
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9-kblZwfv0 "No Pressure"]: Agree to cut carbon emissions, or someone will press a button and <small>BLOW YOU TO BLOODY BITS!</small> So [[Anvilicious]] it's ridiculous.
** Many of the [[YouTube]] commenters (amongst other people) have taken the message to be "do as we say or we'll murder you".
*** Also tended to produce such resentment that it led people to declare their intention to do the ''oppposite'' of the intent of the film makers, such as deliberately letting their car idle for hours or turning up the furnace and the air conditioning at the same time to boost carbon production.
* From [[Animal Wrongs Group|PETA]]: [http://www.baynews9.com/static/articles/images/shark-attack-peta-3-927_rdax_676x381.jpg Fish eaters may experience turnabout.]{{Dead link}}
** Sharks eat humans, so we should voluntarily stop eating fish? Surely we should eat more fish, [[Broken Aesop|especially shark fin soup]]!
* The latest [[Direc TV]] Network's advertisement invoke this trope with such aesops as, "Switch to Dish or you'll get angry, go play tennis, get your eye injured and get an eyepatch which thugs will use as a reason to beat you up, knock you unconscious and leave you in a ditch." So remember kids, go satellite for your safety!
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** The latest is quite a bit more specific, but it still fits: As a defense attorney, if you don't have Direct TV, you'll be distracted, which means your work will suffer, which will cause your innocent client to get convicted, which will cause him to become obsessed with your failure to get him cleared, which will cause him to blow up your house when he gets out.
* Caprisun "Respect the punch" adds, throw away your punch pouches with reverence or you'll be the victim of a nightmarish [[Baleful Polymorph]].
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20130615141212/http://static03.mediaite.com/themarysue/uploads/2012/04/TWSbatmandrug.jpg A deliberate evocation.]
* ''[[Never Say No to Panda]]'': You better buy Panda Cheese, or a panda will come and destroy your things.
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
== Anime and Manga ==
* The underlying lesson of ''[[Pretty Cure]]'' seems to be "it's good to have friends who are different from you, so you can defeat monsters from another dimension."
** It gets spelled out in [[Pretty Cure All Stars|the first DX movie]], in which the girls are fighting a monster with [[Instrumentality]] on its mind and give a rousing speech about how their differences make them stronger because everyone brings something different to the table.
* The final arc of ''[[Earth Maiden Arjuna]]'' features a [[Broken Aesop|Broken]] [[Green Aesop|Green]] [[Space Whale Aesop]]. "Save the environment, but don't use advanced human science to save the environment from human-produced garbage, or else giant worm monsters will exploit your invention to send corrupt modern society back to the Stone Ages."
* [[xxxHolic×××HOLiC]] pretty much runs on these kinds of aesops since it assumes [[All Myths Are True]]: don't lie or you'll get so paralyzed by them that you'll be run over by a car, don't cut your toenails at night or a giant insect will chop your head off, don't kill someone or your act of murder will be reenacted on every photograph and video that has you in it...etc.
* An episode of the [[Hentai]] ''Sex Craft'' demonstrates that you shouldn't break up with the guy you're dating just because he's too shy to make the first move, because... if you do that, his unquenched desire will escape his body in the form of an evil ghost thing and go on a rape spree.
* [[Green Aesop|Don't pollute the oceans]], [[Shinryaku!Squid Ika MusumeGirl|or a cute Squid Girl will come to surface and try to invade it!]].
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* [[Chick Tracts]] dodid this by giving his transgressions explicitly magical consequences, since the real consequences of the behavior he warnswarned against are both intangible and ''heavily'' disputed. For instance, "don't let your kids play ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'', or they might become actual witches, or commit suicide because their character died" is probably the most famous example (who knows what he thinksthought of ''[[World of Warcraft]]''). Another strip seems to suggest that you shouldn't go to parties because the bartender might actually be Satan, and yet another that believing in Santa and the Easter Bunny will turn children into god-hating, terrorist serial killers. Chick's been keepingkept pace with the times: moreone recently,of his tracts suggestsuggested that reading ''[[Harry Potter]]'' will make you into a full-fledged Satan worshiperworshipper [[Cursed with Awesome|with demon-summoning powers]]
* There was a ''[[Wolverine]]'' arc which involved a South American country with a ruler who suffered acute superhero envy backed up by an ex-Nazi cyborg. Either of them sound like an awesome main villain? The final villain was ''evil crack from the dawn of time'' which drove its victims insane and, at one point, absorbed Wolvie into its horrifically bloated gooey true form. The message was [[Drugs Are Bad]]. It even gave us ''the Kingpin'' [[Even Evil Has Standards|expressing distaste for drug dealing]], making it not just a [[Space Whale Aesop]], but an ''[[Anvilicious]]'' [[Space Whale Aesop]].
* The ''[[Gargoyles]]'' comic plays this for laughs when a time-traveling Brooklyn [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|breaks the fourth wall]] to teach a lesson to the audience:
{{quote|'''Mary''': Don't you know what is going to happen?
'''Brooklyn''': Too much TV, too few history books. (points at the reader) You never know when a giant flaming magical time-traveling bird is gonna swallow you whole and spit you out in the tenth century. So hit those books, kids! }}
* ''[[Johnny the Homicidal Maniac]]'' did this for laughs.
{{quote|Kids, don't do drugs. They'll only turn you into a hideous little freak troll-baby with exploding eyeballs.}}
== [[Film]] ==
== Film ==
* The [[Trope Namer]]: ''[[Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home]]''. The intended aesop is "don't assume you can use up Earth's natural resources without consequence, since someday your survival might depend on them," but an early draft involving a plague in the 24th century whose cure was lost in the destruction of the rain forests was considered unworkable, and director Leonard Nimoy found whales to be majestic, so the much more entertaining aesop of "save the whales or else a gigantic [[Space Whale]] probe will appear out of nowhere to destroy Earth" was born.
** [[Oh Crap|I just hope there aren't any Space Dodos out there...]]
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* ''[[The Happening]]''. Preserve the environment, or else {{spoiler|the plants may get pissed and release a deadly neurotoxin that makes you kill yourself [[Department of Redundancy Department|because of the deadly neurotoxin that the plants are releasing into the]] <s> [[Portal (series)|Enrichment Center]]</s> air.}}
* Standard in horror movies with a [[Death by Sex]] message, since showing real negative consequences of sex is often non-dramatic (even deadly STDs take years or decades to kill) or, worse, X-rated. These aesops range from from "have sex and Freddy or Jason will kill you" to "the [[Sealed Evil in a Can]] can only be opened by two people having sex on top of it (even if they don't know what it is) to "if you have sex, then you will shock and horrify your six-year-old sister whom you didn't know was watching, causing her to becoming depressed and making her vulnerable to [[Puppeteer Parasite]]".
* The movie ''[[Teeth]]'' evokes an old [[Space Whale Aesop]]: "Don't rape women, or the [[Vagina Dentata|teeth in their vaginas]] will bite off your dick."
* ''[[The Day After Tomorrow]]'': [[Green Aesop|Cut down on greenhouse-gas emissions]] or the Earth will enter a new ice age and New York City will freeze solid. By the ''end of this week''.
** And, in case that wasn't a tangible enough deterrent, said ice age will also cause wolves to escape from a zoo and come after you and your family.
* ''[[The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951 film)|The Day the Earth Stood Still]]'': the original called for humanity to abandon its reckless nuclear aspirations if it ever wants to travel into space without getting obliterated by [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]]. The remake? Aliens just want to obliterate humanity to "[[Green Aesop|help the environment]]". In the original, Klaatu even states that his race didn't care in the slightest what humans did on their own planet...but human affairs officially became their problem when the first space missions were launched with humanity capable of creating nuclear weapons.
* ''[[The Abyss]]'' (director's cut): Yet again, but with awesome special effects. Also: If you make up with your estranged wife, then [[The Power of Love|you can prevent submarine aliens from killing everyone.]]
* The made-for-television [[Christmas Special|holiday film]] "The Night They [[Saving Christmas|Saved Christmas]]" is not terrible, but it's based on this kind of Aesop: Don't drill in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge because you might harm Santa's workshop. And then {{spoiler|it goes ahead and [[Broken Aesop|breaks its own Space Whale Aesop!]]}}
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* Every slasher movie ever made teaches you that having [[Death by Sex|sex is evil and will get you horrifically murdered by an undead maniac with a rusty blade]] while your nerdy virgin friend lives on to save the day. The same lesson applies to being popular, [[Black Dude Dies First|black]], rich, good at sports, [[Death By Genre Savvy|or aware of any of these qualifiers.]]
== [[Literature]] ==
== Literature ==
* Pretty much every moral lesson in the German moral children's book ''[[Struwwelpeter]]'' works this way.
** Thumb-sucking summons up a scissor-wielding tailor who snips of the offending digits; fussy eating habits result in death by starvation; and going out in a rainstorm to play leads to being hurled away to your doom by a sudden gust of wind. There is also a girl who ends up as a pile of ashes after playing with matches despite admonitions from her parents and her two pet cats. And many similar.
** [[Deconstructed Trope|Deconstructed]] in Jasper Fforde's ''The Fourth Bear'', a spin off of the [[Thursday Next]] series, with "Cautionary Valley." The series takes place [[In a World]] where fictional characters come to life; the valley is a favourite haunt of Aesop-delivering Space Whales, led by the aforementioned scissor-wielding tailor. Children raised in this neighborhood are well-behaved to a [[Stepford Smiler|downright creepy level]]. Prior to the events of the book, the parents ''[[Utopia Justifies the Means|were perfectly fine with it]]''.
* Pretty much every punishment in Dante's ''[[Divine Comedy]]'', especially, of course, those featured in Inferno.
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: a lot of stories that use this trope as their premise basically end with "AI research is dangerous, since AIs will invariably become homicidal tyrants determined to enslave or destroy the human race." Parodied in [[John Sladek]]'s [[Roderick At Random]], which is told from the point of view of the world's one artificially intelligent robot. One conversation he has goes (roughly):
{{quote|'''Scientist''': Well, we of course we can't risk researching AI. We've run simulations, and it could turn out they get so smart that they realize they don't need humans and decide to wipe us out.
'''Roderick''': Or, they could get so smart they realize wiping out other species is pointless.
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* ''[[Un Lun Dun]]'': Don't pollute, or else the smog will become sapient and take control of people's minds, making them destroy a fantasy world and then ours.
* ''[[State of Fear]]'': Don't give in to people believing in global warming, or ecologists will destroy the planet with their weather-control machines. And do not blame the civilization for all evil or you will be eaten by Papua-New-Guinean cannibals.
* ''[[My Teacher Is an Alien|My Teacher Flunked the Planet]]'', a children's book. Stop all war and feed the hungry, or else aliens will destroy Earth. The first two books (''My Teacher is an Alien'', ''My Teacher Fried My Brain'') were suspense/adventure books with no moral to preach, but the preachy moral showed up in the third book and which has at least one good, long [[Author Tract]] about how [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]]. Although there was also a hidden one in here - TV rots the mind. Specifically, an alien taught us how to make TV to slow down our technological development, in hopes that we might resolve societal problems before we got to space.
* The moral of Coleridge's ''[[The Rime of the Ancient Mariner]]'' is "be compassionate towards all creatures and don't go around murdering innocent seabirds, or else you'll wind up stranded in the middle of the ocean, all your friends will die, their corpses will torment you, and when you eventually make it to land you'll be forced to constantly wander the world telling your story instead of being able to live a normal life." [[Bruce Dickinson]] put it best. "And the moral of this story is: This is what not to do if a bird shits on you."
* Some of [[Enid Blyton]]'s stories for younger children. For example, ''The Magic Lemonade'': "Don't torment insects, or you might get shrunk by magic so that [[Nightmare Fuel|insects can]] [[In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You|torment you]]".
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** Almost makes it into a Space Dentist's Aesop: Don't eat candy or wizards will kill you. Who needs cavities when you have that?
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* ''[[The Twilight Zone]]'' episode "Stopover in a Quiet Town" has [[Rod Serling]] delivering one of the most hilarious space whale aesops ever, in the smirking, self-aware tone that only he can. The episode deals with a married couple who awaken after a drunken car crash and gradually realize that {{spoiler|they've been abducted from Earth and are now being kept as pets inside a giant alien child's model town...}}
{{quote|'''Rod Serling''': [[Blatant Lies|The moral of what you've just seen is clear.]] If you drink, don't drive. And if your wife has had a couple, she shouldn't drive either. You might both just wake up with a whale of a headache in a deserted village... in the Twilight Zone.}}
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** The ''Twilight Zone'' episode "Jess Belle" is similar.
* A bizarre [[Inverted]] example from ''[[Summer Heights High]]'': drama-teacher Mr G. performs an energetic dance for his students, dressed in what looks like a giant white pillowcase. He asks his class what the dance represented. The correct answer was: {{spoiler|peer pressure}}.
* ''[[The X Factor]]'' also has this trope applying to it [http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/156897/X-FACTOR-KATIE-S-NAKED-VID/ as seen here]. Probably the biggest [[Space Whale Aesop]] the show has given out as a message - become a contestant and have your dirty laundry [[Bleached Underpants|literally launched into the limelight]].
** It's not often [[Reality TV]] gets this trope, but it is certainly a [[Justified Trope]] considering that the downsides of fame are not explored in great depth in the British media.
* From an episode of ''[[SCTV]]'' - [[Ben-Hur|Jesus has magic healing booze]].
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* The ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' episode "Beer Bad" combined an [[Anvilicious]] message about the dangers of alcohol with a plotline about cursed magical beer turning college kids into cavemen.
** ''Family Guy'' has a lampshaded version of this in which the ancient Irish race had vastly advanced technology. Then somebody invents whiskey, a few people take a sip, and crapsack island ensues.
* "As we often learn at the end of an episode of [[Myth BustersMythBusters]], everyday objects can, in fact, be made lethal if Jamie builds a gun to shoot them."
* Future!Ted in ''[[How I Met Your Mother]]'' sometimes gives these out: the reason they're fantastic is because they're ridiculously narrow because they're all about the five main characters ("Don't fight with Uncle Marshall, he's nuts." "If you hang out with Uncle Barney, you'l have great stories to tell.") and will only ever apply to his kids (and perhaps Marshall and Lily's kids).
== [[Music]] ==
== Music ==
* Big Tent Revival's arguably most popular song, ''Two Sets of Joneses'': No matter how hard you work or how much your wife's father likes you, your marriage will fall apart very quickly if you don't have Jesus.
* Adam and the Ants' best known song, ''Antmusic'' features a moral possibly inspired by the [[Enid Blyton]] example above:
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* [[Voltaire (musician)|Voltaire]]'s "The Mechanical Girl" leaves us with this very special message: "Never take a child away from a loving parent. Especially not ones who make children who shoot rockets from their eyes."
== [[Radio]] ==
== Other ==
* Parents sometimes use these to [[Scare'Em Straight|scare their kids straight]]. "Don't misbehave or the bogeyman will get you," and "Don't make that face or it'll stick like that," are famous ones.
** The residents of "Cautionary Valley" (under literature above) come from these scare-tales. Fforde's interpretation of the Scissor Man is fairly tame; he's a pussycat compared to the one that appears in [[Discworld/Hogfather|Hogfather]], who is an emu-like being composed entirely of scissors.
* In his book ''Wisdom of the Elders: Sacred Native Stories of Nature'', David Suzuki recounts a Chewong fable of the perils of disregarding the natural order. A childless man and wife were walking through the forest when they spotted a [[Ridiculously Cute Critter|squirrel]]. In their loneliness, they unwisely disregarded that this animal was part of the natural order, and brought it home with them as a pet. [[Disproportionate Retribution|Suddenly, the hundred-foot-tall snake god Taloden asal burst forth from her eternal subterranean slumber and]] [[Your Soul Is Mine|ate their souls]]. The end.
* [[The Protomen]] has the moral 'be a hero, or else Megaman won't save you from evil robots'.
* According to some corners of the internet, every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten.
== Radio ==
* [[Garrison Keillor]] plays with this in one of his [[Lake Wobegon]] speeches. The "moral" is: spare the ant in your yard, or else radiation might mutate all of the ants into giant mutants that will trample your house.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[Monsterpocalypse]]'', drawing from B-movie sources, is built on this trope. The most obvious examples are the Radical factions, the Terrasaurs and Empire of the Apes. Respect the environment and live in harmony with nature, or a giant monster (supported by hippies with rocket launchers and apes with jetpacks) will eat you.
== Tabletop Games ==
* [[Monsterpocalypse]], drawing from B-movie sources, is built on this trope. The most obvious examples are the Radical factions, the Terrasaurs and Empire of the Apes. Respect the environment and live in harmony with nature, or a giant monster (supported by hippies with rocket launchers and apes with jetpacks) will eat you.
== [[Toys]] ==
* ''[[Bionicle]]'' has a message to politicians: if you're governors, then please do your job instead of appointing others to do it for you while you dedicate your life to something else, otherwise those appointed leaders may start a war, and your planet will explode.
== [[Video Games]] ==
== Video Games ==
* While it's not a use of [[Scare'Em Straight]], ''[[Mega Man Star Force]]'' offers fantastically ''positive'' consequences of ''following'' the Aesop. Why are friends important? Because they give you [[Hit Point]] increases and special abilities! Also, if you're lost in space on a dead satellite, they can direct you back home with electromagnetic friendship laser beams. Not that the franchise doesn't have more traditional examples. ''[[Mega Man Battle Network]] 4'', for instance, explained that you should be good, because if you're bad, an asteroid controlled by a sentient computer program will destroy the planet.
* The moral of ''[http://www.kongregate.com/games/larsiusprime/super-energy-apocalypse-recycled Super Energy Apocalypse]'' is: Don't pollute, and do conserve energy, ''or else you'll be attacked by [[Our Zombies Are Different|giant eyeballs]].''
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* ''[[Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom]]'' reminds us not to pollute, and not to become greedy and power-hungry. Because if you do that, an [[Eldritch Abomination]] will cause all your pollution to become sentient and [[The Corruption|corrupt]] everyone in the country into violent indestructible tar-monsters driven by their basest desires.
* ''[[Snatcher]]'' - Trust other people and be open to them, or a mad Russian scientist responsible for wiping out most of Asia may take advantage of the culture of suspicion around you to trial a new plan to replace people with killer robots indistinguishable from them except for a tendency to get skin cancer and they'll start killing everyone and then the government will want to nuke your island to get rid of them before they spread and ''then'' you'll be sorry.
* According to the grand finale of the ''[[Riddle School]]'' series, you should always stay in school-- becauseschool—because if you don't, {{spoiler|you'll set off a time-stop mine and inadvertently almost doom the entire planet to annihilation by an alien race.}}
* ''[[Asura's Wrath]]'': {{spoiler|Hey, don't overpopulate or pollute the planet or else a magma monster representing the will of the planet will mutate all of the planet's animals to kill all of us!}}
== [[Web Original]] ==
* Played for laughs in [[CollegeHumor]]'s [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFR07vsnWjA Extreme Anti-Smoking Ad]: Smoking will cause {{spoiler|a [[Robot War]]}}.
== Web Original ==
* Played for laughs in CollegeHumor's [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFR07vsnWjA Extreme Anti-Smoking Ad]: Smoking will cause {{spoiler|a [[Robot War]]}}.
** Combined with ''[[Do Not Do This Cool Thing]]''
* [http://www.unicorn-dream.co.uk/destrier/Fiction/perfectsympathy.html Perfect Sympathy] by "J.B. Burro" has the aseop "Don't mistreat your horse" or {{spoiler|you will suddenly wake up one day in your horse's place and your horse will be the abusive owner}}.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
== Web Comics ==
* In the [[Ciem Webcomic Series]] and its pending [[Ultimate Universe|Comprehensive Universe]] novels: "Do not pursue a new significant other [[Did Not Do the Research|until you've done the research first]] to make certain [[Death of the Hypotenuse|the first one is truly dead]]. ''[[Butterfly of Doom|Or else your spouse will die a horrible death at the hands of a]] [[Brainwashed]] psychopath in a shrew costume, and then [[All Your Base Are Belong to Us|the bad guys will blow up your house]].''"
* One story in ''[[Jack (webcomic)|Jack]]'' teaches the following moral: don't get consumed by anger against people who express bigoted views about you, or your partner might die from a demonic brain tumor that feeds on your anger. (Yes, the person in immediate danger is an innocent third party, not the one who did something bad.)
* ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' has [http://www.egscomics.com/?date=2002-06-24 Read or the Owl will eat you.]
* ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' has a [http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=598 chapter] that seems to be leading up to an aesop about [http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=610 treating others the way you'd want to be treated,] but instead it ends with [http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=632 this.]
** The fandom embraced this idea. [https://gunnerkrigg.proboards.com/post/161494/thread For example]:
{{quote|And parents: it's 7pm. Do YOU know what your child is building in her underground lab?}}
* In ''[[The Dog House Diaries]]'', [http://www.thedoghousediaries.com/?p=207 Don't run with scissors.]
* ''[[Homestuck]]'' :[http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=003819 This is exactly why babies should not be allowed to dual-wield flintlock pistols.]
* The first strip of ''[[Minus (Webcomic)|Minus]]''. Don't bully the new kid, she might be a [[Reality Warper]] who will [[And I Must Scream|imprison you with trees that appeared out of nowhere]].
* ''[[The Adventures of Dr. McNinja|Dr McNinja]]'': [http://drmcninja.com/archives/comic/11p56/ "If you don't die when you are supposed to, really awful things will happen to you...in the service of Dracula."] Maybe. He's not sure. [[Alt Text|And death can come for you at any time, in the form of a moon laser.]] Other "Dr. McNinja's Final Thoughts" epilogues are similar.
* ''Science and Ink'' presents: "[https://web.archive.org/web/20190418144346/http://www.lab-initio.com/g.html Grimey the myopic spider]" tale.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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* In the ''[[Stargate Infinity]]'' episode "The Illustrated Stacey," the team goads Stacey into getting an alien tattoo by insisting that she's too boring to do such a spontaneous thing. (It should be noted here that Stacey has multiple piercings, blue lipstick, and a pink mohawk.) The Aesop is something like "don't do things just to prove yourself" or "think before you act"; but the reason for this moral is that the tattoo ink is made up of microbes that start multiplying, threatening to cover Stacey's body and kill her within the day. Fortunately, ''most'' real life tattoos do not contain deadly diseases. (And the ones that do take much longer to kill.)
* A sketch on ''[[Robot Chicken]]'' featured a mother telling her son that you shouldn't give a mouse a cookie, or he'll turn into a vampire that will infect the country causing a nuclear war. That's why she killed her husband. He was giving a mouse a cookie.
** [[Captain Planet|Protect the environment]], [http://www.livevideo.com/video/benhn1/F54D5ED87A5E49DE9774B55950261EE6/robot-chicken-captain-planet.aspx or I'll]{{Dead link}} ''[[Sound Effect Bleep|f***]][[Precision F-Strike|ing]] kill you!''
* On ''[[King of the Hill]]'', in one of the Halloween episodes, the resident [[Moral Guardian]] gets a group of children to go on a tour in her "[[The Moral Substitute|Hallelujah House]]," showing various scenes of how she views atheists and "the Druids." One of them has a pair of actors talking about wanting to have pre-marital sex. The lady suddenly rotates the scene, now showing morgue cabinets with two pairs of legs marked HIM and HER.
{{quote|"I guess the old saying is true: '''Sex kills.'''"}}
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** One particularly hilarious example is: "Opposums have pouches like kangaroos." Cue the other Warner siblings with confused looks on their faces.
** "You can teach an old dog new tricks, but you can't teach ''[[Madonna]]'' [[Take That|how to act]]."
* On one episode of ''[[Gargoyles]]'', the distinction between magic and science is discussed, with a focus on keeping your heritage alive -- includingalive—including the "magical" aspects of it. The Aesop works out as "Believe in your grandmother's teachings, or else a giant magic humanoid crow will destroy your land [[For the Evulz]]."
* [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|Dear Princess Celestia]], no matter how strong and smart you may be, there are some things you just can't do alone. Friends have a special bond that has more meaning than you can find in any book. So cherish your friends, nurture your relationships with them, and always hold them near and dear to your heart, because together you can {{spoiler|smite evil with a badass Goddamn rainbow [[Wave Motion Gun]]. Because [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|friendship... is magic]]}}.
** Note: Most of the Aesops in the show are rather more realistic, but the first episodes of each season are there to justify the title and basically serve as [[Attract Mode]].
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* Lampshaded in the ''[[Futurama]]'' episode "The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz."
{{quote|'''Leela:''' Oh, if only we hadn't flown penguins to Pluto and dumped oil on them, this might never have happened!}}
** Further parodied in "A Big Piece of Garbage", with its [[Space Whale Aesop|Space Whale]] [[Green Aesop]]: If you just shoot your trash into space instead of recycling, it will eventually come back and destroy you. Further parodied with a [[Spoof Aesop]] at the end, "It's perfectly all right to use half-assed solutions to your problems, and let people in the future deal with the long-term consequences."
** A literal one in ''Mobius Dick''- {{spoiler|don't fly through the Bermuda Tetrahedron or you'll get eaten by a four-dimensional space whale and infinitely digested. Or maybe it'll feed upon your obsession. Or maybe you'll take control of it.}}
* The [[Phineas and Ferb]] episode "Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo" had the lesson of "Don't bust your brothers using a time machine, or all childhood creativity will be destroyed, creating a [[Bad Future]]."
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* [[SpongeBob SquarePants]] gave us the lesson "Wild animals, throw very wild parties."
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' tells us not to cheat on a test, otherwise all of your friends and family will die and the future world will be ''completely destroyed by you.''
== Other Media ==
* Parents sometimes use these to [[Scare'Em Straight|scare their kids straight]]. "Don't misbehave or the bogeyman will get you," and "Don't make that face or it'll stick like that," are famous ones.
** The residents of "Cautionary Valley" (under literature above) come from these scare-tales. Fforde's interpretation of the Scissor Man is fairly tame; he's a pussycat compared to the one that appears in ''[[Discworld/Hogfather|Hogfather]]'', who is an emu-like being composed entirely of scissors.
* In his book ''Wisdom of the Elders: Sacred Native Stories of Nature'', David Suzuki recounts a Chewong fable of the perils of disregarding the natural order. A childless man and wife were walking through the forest when they spotted a [[Ridiculously Cute Critter|squirrel]]. In their loneliness, they unwisely disregarded that this animal was part of the natural order, and brought it home with them as a pet. [[Disproportionate Retribution|Suddenly, the hundred-foot-tall snake god Taloden asal burst forth from her eternal subterranean slumber and]] [[Your Soul Is Mine|ate their souls]]. The end.
* [[The Protomen]] has the moral 'be a hero, or else Megaman won't save you from evil robots'.
* According to some corners of the internet, every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten.
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