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Paranormal Activity: Difference between revisions

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*** Surprisingly, in the third movie, ''Dennis'' is the one who realizes that something very fucked up is going on and Julie denies it. She holds the ball for most of the movie until the demon decides to fuck her up.
* [[Imaginary Friend]]: Kristi "befriended" the demon as a child. His name is Toby. People tell Kristi that he's imaginary, but he's not. A few night time scenes show her speaking directly to him.
* [[In-Universe Camera]]: Played to its fullest effect to turn a [[Haunted House]] story into one of the most terrifying horror films in recent memory.
* {{spoiler|[[Infant Immortality]]: You ''think'' the sequel would be an aversion, but in the end the only ones left alive and unpossessed are Hunter and Ali, though the ending doesn't exactly leave one with much hope for Hunter.}}
* [[Intangible Man]]: The demon's intangibility is apparently selective at its discretion.
** It slashes up Micah in a photo of the couple without removing the glass (although it has five nice, neat cracks on it over his face).
** Kristi runs across the bedroom unimpeded but Katie--who is right behind her--slams into something with an audible ''thump''.
** In the third movie, an earthquake causes bits of dust and plaster to fall on the demon, revealing his outline. A second later it all falls to the ground as if nothing was there.
* [[In-Universe Camera]]: Played to its fullest effect to turn a [[Haunted House]] story into one of the most terrifying horror films in recent memory.
* [[Invisibility]]: The demon. The fact that it is never shown on-screen [[Nothing Is Scarier|doesn't make it any less terrifying]].
* [[It Got Worse]]: This film can be summarized with, "Boyfriend and girlfriend hear noises. Boyfriend buys camera. It Got Worse."
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** Dr. Fredrichs in his last scene. He's polite enough, but he does effectively abandon the couple in their 11th hour.
** Dan in ''Paranormal Activity 2'', particularly when you find out his ultimate solution to the haunting.
* {{spoiler|[[Kill'Em All]]}}
* [[Leave the Camera Running]]: Arguably the whole movie is this trope taken to extremes; entire nights are shown on fast-forward for the sake of a minute or two of action.
** Justified in the second film, as it's filmed through security cameras.
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** Dennis is the only franchise hero who seems to have any brains and tries to figure out what the hell's going on without causing problems. Randy, on the other hand, just gets out while he still can.
* [[Nightmare Face]]: {{spoiler|Those possessed by the demon take on demonic facial features.}}
* [[No Budget]]: The first film cost $15,000 to make.
* [[Nothing Is Scarier]]: What, were you expecting [[The Stinger|a Stinger]]?...or credits at all, for that matter?
* [[Now You Tell Me]]: Katie didn't bother telling Micah that she's had a demon spirit bugging her for most of her life until she moved in with him.
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