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== The Novels ==
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: {{spoiler|The Gemini Killer}} in ''Legion''.
* [[Evil Versus Evil]]: The theme of "evil against evil" is prevalent, starting with Merrin's archeological trip to Northern Iraq where he finds a demon statue that the natives stated was an evil artifact to combat evil. This foreshadows Karras' "evil act" of {{spoiler|accepting Pazuzu into himself, to save Regan}}.
* [[It Amused Me]] / [[For the Evulz]]: Burke Dennings enjoys tormenting the housekeeper Karl simply because he can. {{spoiler|After Burke's death, the possessed Regan spends quite a bit of time speaking in Burke's voice and continues to torment Karl.}}
== The Exorcist ==
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*** The spider-walk scene in the book is less terrifying at first than completely, inhumanly ''alien''. Blatty's description doesn't sink in for a minute. [[Fridge Horror|Then it hits you]].
* [[Affectionate Parody]]: ''[[Repossessed]]'', starring Leslie Nielsen and Linda Blair [[Adam Westing]].
* [[Big No]]: Karras just before {{spoiler|he kills himself to prevent Pazuzu, who has gone inside of him, from killing Regan.}}
* [[Brown Note]]: [http://theexorcist.warnerbros.com/cmp/silencebottom.html Many sound effects were put in (sometimes deep in the mix) to make it more unsettling] - for instance, pigs being herded for slaughter and [[Everything's Worse with Bees|angry bees]].
* [[CAT Trap]]: As one transcript puts it, "a huge machine, two pieces on either side of Regan's head and a piece above."
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* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: And how.
{{quote|'''Regan/Demon:''' Let Jesus fuck you! Let Jesus fuck you! Let Him fuck you!
'''Regan/Demon:''' [http://www.btinternet.com/~schwa/fuckme.wav Fuck me! Fuck me!] }}
* [[Confessional]]: A field confession occurs at the end of the first movie.
* [[A Date with Rosie Palms]]: probably the most horrifying and disgusting example ever filmed.
* [[Daylight Horror]]: Most of the scariest scenes happen during the day; notably, the head-spinning scene.
* [[Evil Plan]]: ''The Exorcist'' is {{spoiler|Pazuzu's revenge on Fr. Merrin for evicting him from a child in Africa.}}
* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]: A twelve-year-old girl should not sound like Mercedes McCambridge.
* [[Fake-Out Opening]]: The movie begins with an archeological dig.
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* [[Mood Motif]]: It's all about the Ominous Bells here...
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Kinderman, in the books. He calls it "schmaltz". Everything he does has a purpose. Chris tells people she is "dumb" to get them to explain things to her.
* [[The Obi-Wan]]: Father Merrin in his mentor role to Father Karras. Subverted, in that {{spoiler|neither of them make it out alive}}.
* [[Placebo Effect]]: Subverted. Regan screams in pain when Father Karras douses her with tap water, which he claims is holy water. Later, it's implied that Pazuzu intentionally did this to fool Karras into thinking that Regan wasn't really possessed. When he douses her with ''real'' holy water in the exorcism scene, the screams are real.
* [[Playing Gertrude]]: Max Von Sydow was only 44 when he played the elderly Father Merrin.
* [[Re Cut]]: An extended director's cut of the original film, marketed as "The Version You've Never Seen" and containing several minutes of additional material (including a scene of Blair's character "spider-walking" down a staircase which Friedkin had [[Deleted Scene|deleted]] from the original cut due to technical problems, and which bore no resemblenceresemblance to the spider walk in the book), was released to theaters in 2000.
** It is generally disregarded by fans and critics. As [[Roger Ebert]] put it in his [http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20000922/REVIEWS/9220302/1023 review], "'The version you've never seen.' No, and you don't need to, either."
* [[Split Personality]]: As the possession starts to take hold and Regan's behavior gets more bizarre, Chris thinks her daughter might have a split personality. Later, the possessed Regan says the line "Do you know what she did, your cunting daughter?" with the voice of {{spoiler|the dead Burke Dennings.}}
* [[Stealth Sequel]]: [[Word of God]] states that ''The Ninth Configuration'' is the true sequel to ''The Exorcist''. According to [[That Other Wiki]], the astronaut in ''The Exorcist'' is Captain Cutshaw in ''The Ninth Configuration''. In the book series, several unused pieces of dialogue from ''The Exorcist'' were used in ''The Ninth Configuration'' instead.
* [[Subliminal Seduction]]: Images of a demonic face are periodically flashed throughout the film.
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* [[Very Loosely Based on a True Story]]: ''The Exorcist'' was inspired by an actual exorcism performed in a Jesuit hospital in St. Louis.
** Also, Pazuzu was not simply a name invented for the books/film. It's the name of an evil demigod/demon in ancient Mesopotamian mythology who ruled over [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|disease, pestilence, and the heat of the mid day sun]].
* [[Voice of the Legion]]: Pazuzu invokes this when possesingpossessing Regan, but Merrin confirms that it's a trick and that there is only ''one'' demon inside of the girl.
* [[Vomit Indiscretion Shot]]: The most well-known example of someone blowing chunks on screen ''ever''.
** Though, actually, Regan isn't regurgitating. She's spitting up loads of bile - [[Fridge Horror|which is worse]].
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'''Regan (in a rather matter-of-fact tone):''' "I was possessed by a demon."
<Sandra's eyes get as big as dinner plates>
'''Regan:''' "Oh, it's okay. He's gone!" }}
* [[Non-Indicative Name]]: So just who is the Heretic of the title, anyway?
* [[One-Woman Wail]]: There's a recurring one on the soundtrack.
* [[Posthumous Character]]: {{spoiler|Father Merrin}}.
* [[Psychic Powers]]: {{spoiler|Regan has them.}}
* [[She's All Grown Up]]: My, how little Regan has grown. Most of the movie has her in some form of revealing clothing. And then there's the tap dancing scene.
* [[Written-In Absence]]: Ellen Burstyn didn't come back to reprise her role of Chris MacNeil, so they just say that she's away on work.
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{{quote|'''Kinderman:''' The Gemini is dead.
* [[Bigger Bad]]: [[Word of God|William Peter Blatty]] goes so far to suggest that the evil spirit might not be Pazuzu this time, but might actually be Satan himself, although this raises questions as to why the head of all demons would {{spoiler|be interested in [[The Devil Is a Loser|petty revenge as opposed to something more grandoisegrandiose]].}}
* [[Big No]]
* {{spoiler|[[Body Surf]]}}
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{{quote|'''Patient X:''' {{spoiler|We won, Bill...now...free me.}}}}
* [[Nothing Is Scarier]]: Most of ''The Exorcist III'' derives its horror from implication and verbal speeches. ''And it works.''
* [[The Nth Doctor]]: The Gemini Killer switches actors depending on whether the audience is seeing things from Kinderman's perspetiveperspective (in which he's played by {{spoiler|Jason Miller}}) or from the "eyes of faith" perspective (where he's played by Brad Dourif).
* [[Posthumous Character]]: Thomas is killed either before the movie even starts or right after the opening credits (depending on how much of the credits sequence was just Patient X's dream), but is a big reason for Kinderman's personal interest in the case, actually shows up in Kinderman's nightmare, and don't get started on how he plays into the climatic showdown.
* [[Sacrificial Lion]]: {{spoiler|Father Dyer}}.
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