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Dog Walks You: Difference between revisions

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** To be fair, a house cat has no hope of ever being able to drag a human along involuntarily. It's more a case of the cat instinctively trying to go the opposite way of the owner. The end result is that the cat is dragged along against its will. Note that this isn't particularly nice to the cat, and this should never be done with actual kittens (baby cats) as they have been known to literally stress themselves to death in situations like these. At least that's what this troper was told when he got cats.
*** The right way to walk a cat is to go anywhere it wants to and keep the leash from tangling with objects, except when it tries to go too far or to somewhere dangerous, in which case you gently stop it from going further. It's best to do somewhere with lot of open space, rather than on a clear path, since cats rarely are satisfied just with following a straight line.
** Not unheard of with dogs either, for that matter. Walking a dog that's not familiar with you -- especiallyyou—especially if you're a child -- canchild—can quickly lead to it taking initiative.
** Not only is this embarrassing for the owner, the extreme leash-pulling is [[Exaggerated Trope|INCREDIBLY]] dangerous and shows lack of training. It is especially hazardous in the case of large dogs, which are quite capable of pulling full-sized adult humans off their feet.
* Riding a horse subjects the rider to an extreme version of this if they don't know how to control it properly.


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