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If someone is raped in a way that can only happen in a science fiction or fantasy setting -- mindsetting—mind control, shapeshifter impersonators, etc. -- it is often treated much less seriously than a rape that could happen in real life. In some cases the fact that it is rape is completely ignored by the storyline, and only the fanbase notices.
This can happen if the science-fictional element is just treated as [[Applied Phlebotinum]] to serve a specific role in the story, without doing a full exploration of all its implications. The audience might only realize the story is about rape via [[Fridge Logic]].
Can frequently occur in variants of [[Aliens Made Them Do It]] and the [[Bed Trick]]. [[Fridge Logic]] points out that [[Love Potion|Love Potions]]s that lead to sex may fall under this. Compare [[Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul]] for manipulation that can be used in this way. Contrast [[Safe, Sane, and Consensual]] as well as [[Free-Love Future]] and [[Ethical Slut]]. See also [[Double Standard Rape (Divine on Mortal)]].
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* ''[[Tenchi Muyo!|Tenchi Forever]]'' is awfully sympathetic to a woman whose lonely soul just couldn't help remembering her lost love... by making his grandson Tenchi think he's married to her.
* ''[[Pucca]]'': It's not rape since there is no sex (at least, not explicit), but it's kind of close considering it's a children's TV show (kissing). Pucca always try to convince Garu to kiss her, but he is totally against it. In more than one ocasion she tried to use magic means. This was played for laughs.
* Averted in ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'' Although a [[Love Potion]] incident early on is played for laughs, later arcs mention the rather severe problems that could arise from a magical uncontrollable love. Indeed, it is stated several times that even temporary [[Love Potion|Love Potions]]s are actually ''illegal'' in Magical society, probably due to how effective a date rape drug they would be.
* For the same reason are [[Love Potion|Love Potions]]s illegal in the magical society of ''[[Zero no Tsukaima]]''.
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== Literature ==
* In the ''[[Anita Blake]]'' series, there's [[Shower of Love|a scene]] between Anita and Micah that is not supposed to be rape. Even though she said, "No," several times, and Micah didn't stop. Anita and Micah are destined mates because of the ''ardeur'', which gets this sort of treatment regularly, due to forcing Anita and whomsoever close to have sex, occasionally forcing rape on both parties.
* In ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince|Harry Potter]]'', this is referenced but ultimately averted. Merope, Voldemort's mother, forces his father into their relationship via a Love Potion. And the only moral problem with this is that she's having sex with a [[Muggle]]... Or so it seems, at first. [[Subverted Trope|However]], this way of looking at the morality of her actions turn out to be limited to the views of [[A Nazi by Any Other Name|Death Eaters]] and similar [[Fantastic Racism|pure-blood advocates]]. Of course, the muggle himself acts with utter revulsion once the potion wears off, and Dumbledore refers to what Merope did as enslavement by magical means. The reader is left with an impression that Voldemort's refusing to see his mother as a rapist (instead blaming his father for refusing to succumb to the mind-control -- andcontrol—and thus abandoning his son) is a big part of why he became so hateful toward muggles.
* Averted in the ''[[Sword of Truth]]'' series. The glamor spell, the series' equivalent of this, is seen by characters as tantamount to rape. Sorceresses who use it are either executed or expelled from the Palace of the Prophets (the Palace has a spell which [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|slows down aging to about 10%]], so there is little difference between the two for the exiles).
* Averted pretty hard in ''[[Stationery Voyagers]]'', where rape by Eros gas is something only the most depraved of villains even consider. Its effects on its victims amount to pretty much numbing most higher brain functions while amplifying sexual desire, like taking Viagra and drinking tequila at the same time, but not quite as dangerous.
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** As well as [[Moral Event Horizon|using Drismabon-manufactured weapons]], the Crooked Rainbow uses Reverse-Eros gas to try to turn Oceanoe gay. He resists and overcomes, but it exhausts him.
* In ''[[Dragonriders of Pern]]'', whenever dragons mate, their respective riders are irresistibly compelled to do the same. The first book even has F'lar considering that if their dragons weren't involved, his relationship with Lessa would have to be considered rape. Since it was written in 1968, there's major [[Values Dissonance]] going on (and that's not even getting into how much he slaps her and shakes her around to show his concern about her putting herself in harm's way).
* Generally averted in ''[[The Dresden Files]]'', where just about all forms of supernaturally coercing sex are considered bad mojo, whether it is shapeshifting, faerie glamors, or the [[Horny Devils|White Court's mental whammy]]. Mortals using mind control to coerce sex gets the death penalty from the White Council, though this falls under the general blanket Laws of Magic, one of which states that using magic to control minds is illegal. [[Love Potion|Love Potions]]s ''technically'' do not count under the Laws, as the recipe used involves creating a strong aphrodisiac instead of outright mind control. Later in the series, the revelation that {{spoiler|Luccio was only in a relationship with Harry due to being mind-controlled into doing so by the Black Council]] is treated as disturbing for both of them.}}
* In the ''Twilight'' series, a vampire biting a human is a parallel for sex (hence why Edward refuses to bite Bella until after they are married). It's revealed that Carlisle bit Esme (his future wife) while she was unconscious and unable to give consent. He also bit Rosalie (again when she was unable to consent) after she was ''gang raped'', with the intent of giving her to Edward as a girlfriend. In the former case, the two are [[Happily Married]] and the implications are ignored. In the latter case, it's treated as disappointing that Rosalie didn't take to Edward, and again the implications are not brought up.
* In ''Hush, Hush'', Patch does a number of things to Nora, including possessing her body and putting words and images in her head. These incidents range from being played for laughs to being romantic moments, even though Nora usually is disturbed or upset by them.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* The episode "Irresistible" on ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]'', where a man who gets what he wants using pheromones -- andpheromones—and has six wives as a result -- isresult—is treated far too nicely by the team, and the episode itself is mostly a comedy.
** In the episode "Duet", a female marine ends up sharing McKay's body by accident. After they argue a bit about who's in charge, she simply takes over after he falls asleep, takes his body for a run, then showers and sleeps naked. Later she wrests control from him to force him to kiss his girlfriend (which he'd been too shy to do), and then to kiss Dr. Beckett against the man's will. She did all this without ever asking McKay's permission, and while ignoring his protests. Again, it's a [[Black Comedy Rape|comedy episode]] and we're supposed to side with the [[Double Standard Rape (Female on Male)|woman]] during all of this.
* Barnabas Collins on ''[[Dark Shadows (TV series)|Dark Shadows]]'' nearly controlled Victoria into thinking she was Josette and marrying him. The story doesn't treat him as an attempted rapist at all.
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* ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]]''
** In the episode "The Child", Counselor Troi is impregnated by an alien, and she gives birth to him. Troi later insists on carrying it to term, and once he's born he reveals that he only did it to explore human existence, and he may not have realized the implications of what it was doing.
** In episode "The Host", a Trill (at that time implied to have all personality in the "parasite" part rather than a shared consciousness) who was having a sexual relationship with Doctor Crusher temporarily takes possession of Riker's body (with consent) to continue diplomatic negotiations. Doctor Crusher has trouble reconciling her romantic feelings for the Trill-personality with Riker's body -- butbody—but the issue of whether Riker would consent to her having sex with his body is never even mentioned.
* ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]''
** Narrowly averted, probably by [[Author's Saving Throw]], when Sam is implied to have had sex with Ruby, a demon -- butdemon—but it has been established that demons possess the bodies of living people, so Sam would be a rapist. Fan backlash was immediate and soon a flashback scene was written showing that Sam refused to have sex with Ruby until she explained that her body had just flatlined in the hospital when she took it over and there was nobody else in it.
** In the ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' episode "The French Mistake" where Sam and Dean get sent to the real world and it is implied that Sam gets intimate with his actor's wife. The [[Reality Subtext]] makes this merely amusing, but purely from an in-story perspective, Sam is a rapist.
* In ''[[Torchwood]]'', Owen uses a [[Love Potion|love perfume]] to make a woman go from disgusted by him, to gagging for him, and when her boyfriend shows up enraged, Owen appears to use it again to get himself a threesome. This example of [[Date Rape]] is never commented on again in the show.


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