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In most fiction, [[No Periods, Period|periods are rarely mentioned]]. [[Speculative Fiction]] does likewise. But on the rare occasions that [[Speculative Fiction]] does mention menstrual periods, the characters should tremble. SF periods serve as the trigger for every supernatural menace you can think of. Gruesome [[Body Horror]] is the favorite, but a period can also serve as a source of great power (and [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|great insanity]]), a magnet for [[The Fair Folk]], a gateway to a hell dimension, or even a semi-sentient [[Reality Warper]]. Periods cause all sorts of supernatural evil, and never cause supernatural good (aside from the occasional [[Puberty Superpower]], or [[Un-Equal Rites|attunement to magic]]).
The [['''Menstrual Menace]]''' is particularly popular as a [[Monster of the Aesop]]. Any monster evolving out of a girl's period will serve as an object lesson of how to deal with the [[Incredibly Lame Pun|pain of puberty.]] If the moral is that [[Growing Up Sucks]], the whole cast will be dead or insane by the end. At the more idealistic end of the [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]], defeating the [['''Menstrual Menace]]''' will be an [[Anvilicious]] moral about the importance of [[It's All Junk|abandoning childish things]].
Menstruation in [[Speculative Fiction]] also causes mundane misery and angst, which tend to lead to stupid mistakes that create all of the previous supernatural problems.
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== [[Comics]] ==
* Grant Morrison's ''[[Doom Patrol]]'' has Dorothy Spinner, a mutant who creates imaginary friends with her powers. Due to trauma, she acts like she's a little girl. A period is enough to bring back her horrible memories, and the Candlemaker -- aCandlemaker—a gruesome monster that only children and lunatics can see.
** Artist Richard Case also made sure to draw Dorothy with red shoes, a longtime symbol for menstruation and a woman's maturation (see [[Wizard of Oz]]).
* Back in the 80's there was a black and white comic called 'MS. PSM'. A woman is infected by an alien device that locks her into a permanent state of PMS; frazzled hair, bad attitude, super-human strength. The aliens were present too, wearing their environmental armor called P.A.N.T.I.E shields. This comic lasted about two issues. Yeah.
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== [[Live Action Television]] ==
* Parodied in ''[[30 Rock|Thirty Rock]]'', first with the show-within-a-show's sketches about powerful women making bad decisions due to menstruation. Then cool, collected Avery (who has been using a hormonal form of birth control that means she should only get her period once a year, but its a doozy when it comes) snaps at Jack for no reason, calling him "you douche! Oh God, it's starting."
* Parodied in the second episode of ''[[Garth Marenghi's Darkplace]].'' The sole female character has a psychotic break, then goes on a telekinetic rampage that kills several people. In the end, all is forgiven because she couldn't help herself -- itherself—it was her inevitable female foolishness and hormones (as Thornton Reed puts it, "I think it's her time."). The point, of course, is that Marenghi is a sexist hack who thinks nothing of stealing the plot of ''Carrie'' and making it about how women's issues lead to death.
* In ''[[Star Trek]]'', pon farr in Vulcans can be compared to this, with the added drama of having to [[Mate or Die]]. Notable in that both males and females are affected.
** [[Fridge Logic]] would dictate that this means all of the [[Slash Fic]] writers are comparing Captain Kirk to a tampon.
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** [[Fate Worse Than Death|If the cramps are bad enough and you have no painkillers ... yes, yes it is.]]
* Played for laughs in ''[[The IT Crowd]]'', where Jen's very angry period sees her literally turn into some kind of hell-demon at some points. This results in the image of a red-and-white skinned woman in a business suit screaming things like '''''"I CAN NEVER FIND A BLOODY PEN AROUND HERE!"'''''
* In the ''[[Married... with Children]]'' episode "The Camping Show" Al's worst nightmare comes to pass when Peg, Marcy and Kelly accompany him on a [[Horrible Camping Trip|camping trip]] to a small cabin where they all get their periods at the same time. This compels them to act like PMS-crazed mini-[[Godzilla|Godzillas]]s until just before the trip ''ends'', when they become serene and calm once more.
== [[Myth and Legend]] ==
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different|Werewolf stories]] often have a [[Menstrual Menace]], due to the days in a lunar cycle and a menstrual cycle.
** In the ''[[Ginger Snaps]]'' films, werewolf transformations serve as a metaphor for not just periods, but every unpleasant body change that comes with puberty. The first film sees Brigitte watching in horror as her sister goes through mood swings, hair on her body in all the wrong places...
** [[Peter S. Beagle]] wrote a short story titled ''Lila the Werewolf'' which purposely plays with the similarities between menstruation and lycanthropy.
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* In the [[Whateley Universe]], superpowered mage Fey has her first case of PMS in her first few weeks at [[Super-Hero School]] Whateley Academy. This leads to thunderstorms, lightning bolts and rain. In the dorm hallways.
** For bonus points, all the magical fun ''also'' triggers menstrual discharge in every other girl in the dorm. Including the ones who had just finished with this month's visitor.
* Inverted in a couple of instances in the ''[[Paradise]]'' setting, in which humans are being changed into [[Funny Animal|Funny Animals]]s. Men who are Changed into forms that have a mating season in the fall, such as moose, elk, etc., display extreme irritability and possessiveness during that time of the year, and are prone to losing their temper over the slightest provocation (especially regarding [[Not What It Looks Like|what appear to be advances]] toward their Significant Other).
== [[Western Animation]] ==


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