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Cue [[Scare Chord]]. Cue also a [[Screaming Woman|huge scream from the heroine]] and from [[Nightmare Fuel|any traumatized 8-year olds]] who may have the misfortune to be watching this show.
Yes. Once again, the [['''Peek-a-Boo Corpse]] -- the'''—the bane of squeamish horror movie watchers ''everywhere'' -- has—has made an appearance, rearing its ugly, eyeless, wormy head and worming its way into the nightmares of kids and adults alike.
If you're a naive moviewatcher (e.g., a child), there ''is'' no defense from the [['''Peek-a-Boo Corpse]]''', for there is no way to see it coming. Even if you've had ''some'' experience watching horror movies (and can pretty much tell if a desperate [[Damsel in Distress]] is going to run into trouble,) there are still times and places when the [['''Peek-a-Boo Corpse]]''' will pop out unexpectedly, scaring the bejeezus out of even the most hardened of horror fans, especially if it's a particularly hideous one. Most [['''Peek-a-Boo Corpse]]'''s like to hang around haunted houses and cemeteries, but occasionally they'll turn up in clean and innocuous environments where you'd least expect them (and where they'll have maximum shock value). A common way to find out if an ordinary, non-suspicious character is actually a villain is to have the heroine stumble upon a [['''Peek-a-Boo Corpse]]''' hidden in their closet or basement. (Unfortunately, for the heroine, the villain is usually close by, watching this development, if they're not actively chasing her already.)
You can expect the identity of the [['''Peek-a-Boo Corpse]]''' to be:
* An anonymous [[Monster Misogyny|female victim]] of the villain, if he's a [[Serial Killer]]
* A non-main character who, [[Acquitted Too Late|up until the discovery of his body, was considered the prime suspect in the Murder of the Week]] ("''Hunh. Guess he didn't do it after all''...")
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* Just some random, hapless ghoul
In order for a body to qualify as a [['''Peek-a-Boo Corpse]]''' , its appearance must somehow jolt the viewer and the person finding it should either be (a) actively engaged in a search for something else or (b) running to escape some real or perceived danger. Note: In the event that the half-destroyed corpse-like body of the villain should pop out and scare the heroes after they had mistakenly thought that they had laid it to rest, it technically doesn't qualify as a [['''Peek-a-Boo Corpse]]''' moment (the main reason being that... well... the villain isn't entirely a ''corpse'' yet...)
Compare [[Cat Scare]].
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== [[Film]] ==
* [[Steven Spielberg]] is probably the Grand [[Puppet Master]] of the [[Peek-a-Boo Corpse]]:
** In the movie ''[[Jaws (film)|Jaws]]'', the hapless Richard Dreyfuss happens upon a particularly nasty example of this trope in an underwater wreck. (this one Spielberg reshot specifically to be as much of a [[Jump Scare]] as it could)
** In ''[[Jurassic Park]]'', [[Laura Dern]] has just escaped the raptors when she feels an arm on her shoulder -- ohshoulder—oh look, [[Samuel L. Jackson]]'s here! ...Nope, just his arm.
** The movie ''[[Raiders of the Lost Ark]]'' features a scene at the beginning where [[Indiana Jones]], rushing to escape a [[Collapsing Lair]], runs straight into his traitorous -- andtraitorous—and now karmically impaled -- formerimpaled—former guide, Alfred Molina. But this scene had nothing on the most pants-voidingly traumatic [[Peek-a-Boo Corpse]] gangbang ever filmed -- thefilmed—the scene where Marion attempts to escape from a crumbling Egyptian tomb only to find herself being {{smallcaps|MASS ATTACKED BY A MOB OF HORRIBLE ROTTING MUMMIES WITH SNAKES CRAWLING OUT OF THEIR FACES OH GOD SPIELBERG AND GEORGE LUCAS I HATE YOU}} (Ahem. Didn't mean to yell there. But it's a testament to the effectiveness of that scene that it can still conjure up such revulsion and ire after 20+ odd years...)
*** Not to mention the earlier case in which the corpse of a "competitor" scares Alfred half-witted.
*** What should also be pointed out is that the mummies may or may not have been alive. Their appearance is still...something...either way.
** The only scenes which could rival the [[Peek-a-Boo Corpse]] scrum in ''Raiders'' would be those which occurred in the ending of the Spielberg-produced ''[[Poltergeist]]'', which featured, among other things, the mother of the family being assaulted by corpses in the unfinished backyard pool. Later on, the entire family had to escape from a house where corpses in coffins were literally popping themselves up out of the floor and blocking their way. One even tossed itself onto the windshield of their departing car for good measure. (That and the [[Monster Clown|evil clown toy]] are why this editor will never watch a Spielberg movie again...)
*** What makes this particular instance of Peek-A-Boo-Corpse so bad however, is that whenever the mother was in the unfinished pool, the corpse in there with her... [[Fridge Horror|WAS REAL]]!
* Subverted in ''[[The Machinist]]''. At the start of the movie the main character is shown in an attempt to dump a body, {{spoiler|and later his fridge starts leaking blood after he fails to pay his electric bill. When opened, however, it only contains a large fish he caught.}}
* The ''[[Friday the 13th (film)|Friday the 13 th]]'' movies all climax with multiple [[Peek-a-Boo Corpse]]sCorpses, in the form of previous victims, all popping up at once to terrorize the [[Final Girl]].
** You gotta give the killer credit for going through the extra effort of throwing a corpse through a window just scare their next victim.
* Need we even mention ''[[The Ring]]''? If the one in the closet doesn't get you, the one in the chair will...
** If you want to see something even worse, pause the movie during the final moments of the opening "slumber party" scene. Then do some frame advances... (Keep the nitroglycerin on standby.)
* ''[[Accepted]]'', when the lead characters begin cleaning up the mental hospital, a corpse falls from the ceiling with a [[Hilarity Ensues|hilarious result.]]
* Subverted in ''[[Beetlejuice]]'', where the ghosts of the main characters attempt to pull [[Peek-a-Boo Corpse]]sCorpses on the new tenants of their house. Since [[Invisible to Normals|the living can't see them]], they are totally ignored while the obnoxious new people complain about the size of the closets.
* {{spoiler|Norman Bates's, ah, mummy}} in ''[[Alfred Hitchcock|Psycho]]''.
* ''[[The Orphanage]]'' gives us plenty of warning that {{spoiler|Benigna}} is going to look pretty messed-up after being hit by a bus, so why is this revelation so disturbing?
* ''[[Evil Dead|Evil Dead 2]]''. Ever get ''attacked'' by the [[Peek-a-Boo Corpse]]?
** ''[[Blade (film)|Blade]]'' has a variant - we know the "corpse" (a burned but still alive vampire) is there, but it attacks all of a sudden.
* One of these very briefly (ahem) pops up in ''[[The Wicker Man]]'' when Sgt. Howie is searching the mortuary. Then again, what do you expect to find in a coffin? Of far more interest is [[Chekhov's Gun|the fact that it's only got one hand]].
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* Gazerbeam in ''[[The Incredibles]]''.
* Played with in the first of ''[[The Mummy Trilogy]]''. When the three protagonists finally open up the [[Sealed Evil in a Can|Sarcophagus]], cue the explosion of dust, momentary scare chord, and the corpse snapping out at the trio. The Heroine screams for a second, before sighing, "Oh, I ''hate'' it when they do that!"
* Invoked in-universe in ''National Lampoon's Class Reunion'', where the killer sets a [[Peek-a-Boo Corpse]] on a rope swinging across the auditorium's stage like a pendulum, thus freaking out the attendees ''en masse''.
* In the "Black Hair" segment of the Japanese horror film ''Kaidan'', the samurai makes an unfortunate discovery after a passionate night with the wife he had abandoned.
* Done a couple of times in ''[[Disturbia]]'' first when Kale's friend Ronnie plays back a video he shot of the inside of his creepy neighbor's house and discovers a dead woman inside the vent, later when said neighbor pushes Kale into an underground pool he discovers several dead women inside.
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* An episode of the detective series ''[[Simon and Simon]]'' featured a scene where the [[Girl of the Week]] opened a closet in a nice, clean, unassuming house to find herself staring at a decaying, socket-eyed female corpse. Since the stench of decomposition would probably have been fairly noticeable, one might wonder why the woman wasn't more cautious about opening the door. (Yes... one ''might'' wonder... if one hadn't been so traumatized by the scene that they ducked under their bed and started to cry like this then-9-year-old editor did... Damn you, ''Simon & Simon''...)
* Parodied in ''[[Doctor Who]]'', when the Doctor and his friends split up to search a school for evidence of the villains' evil plot. One character opens a door, we hear a high, terrified scream...and (eventually) see that he has discovered a closet full of vacuum-packed rats. Quoth the Doctor: "You decided to scream? Like a little girl? Nine, maybe ten years old. Pigtails, frilly skirt..."
** Mind you, ''[[Doctor Who]]'' isn't immune from this in itself; it used it straight in an earlier episode. Fortunately, the exact shot of the [[Peek-a-Boo Corpse]] had been used in the trailer, so I think everyone was expecting it.
* ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'', twice in the second episode. First, the frozen corpse of Molly's partially decapitated father is sitting at the dinner table. Then again, Hiro finds the partially decapitated corpse of {{spoiler|Isaac Mendez. This is the first hint that Hiro isn't in the present, since we just saw Isaac Mendez, and he was perfectly fine}}.
* I'm amazed we don't have a [[Buffy]] example yet: in the episode ''Ted'', Xander opens a closet to find...[[Visual Pun|skeletons]]. The audience doesn't see the bodies, though.
** There was also the extreme dead guy in Aura's locker from the first episode.
** Played with in "Dead Things", where Buffy (thanks to a spell) doesn't realize that Katrina is a [[Peek-a-Boo Corpse]] and thinks she's killed her.
* Often how the dead body is found on ''[[Castle]]''. You're just going about your day, minding your own business, opening your safe or dumping your old pizza boxes down the garbage chute and ''bang''.
** It happens to the leads during the Halloween episode in a closet in an attic. It's [[Played for Laughs]].
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== [[Real Life]] ==
* Real life example (reported on the BBC website July 5, 2007): A Belgian man has been arrested after a dinner guest helping to clear up after the meal opened a freezer and found the bodies of the host's wife and stepson. The 42-year-old host had invited guests for dinner at his home in the city of Verviers, 125km125 km (78 miles) east of Brussels, prosecutors said. Ms Wilwerth said: "It was a lady who at the end of the meal at a friend's house, and after washing the dishes... decided to take the leftovers of the meal down to the basement to store in the deep freeze. "Once she opened the deep freeze, she discovered the bodies." Guests then alerted police but refrained from telling the host.
** A [[Real Life]] [[Stuffed Into the Fridge]], huh?
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** ''[[Doom]] 3'' regularly does this too. In addition to falling out of closets and vent shafts, they are occasionally seen being levitated or otherwise manipulated by the demonic forces.
* ''[[Half Life]] 2'' occasionally pulls this trope, but in one particularly harsh instance {{spoiler|while indulging in some [[Rewarding Vandalism|equipment-seeking vandalism]], smashing a particular wooden beam to get at the health behind it will cause FOUR dead poison headcrabs to drop on you from above, totally unexpectedly}}.
** The very first thing you see in the Ravenholm segment is a faraway corpse hanging from what looks like a gallows. As you get closer to the body, you gradually realize that it's ''only the lower half of the corpse''--a—a bloody, jean-clad pelvis and pair of legs hanging from a hook, with the upper body nowhere to be seen.
** [[Half Life: Full Life Consequences|THE PANTS WERE DEAD]]
* The game ''[[Police Quest]]: Open Season'' has one of these right at the start. While you're checking out the crime scene, you open a not-too-special looking dumpster and bam, you get a [[Scare Chord]] and a corpse closeup thrown in your face.


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