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Ally McBeal/Characters: Difference between revisions

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This is the character sheet for ''Ally McBeal''.
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* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: And an actual lawyer, to boot.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Commented by Jenny (who's kooky herself) that Ally is more bizarre than she is.
* [[Crossover]]: Starred in one with ''[[The Practice]]'', as herself.
* [[The Ditz]]: Comes off this way due to her flighty nature.
* [[Fainting]]: Emotional variety, whenever she sees a girl she likes.
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== John Cage ==
One of the two initial senior partners at Cage and Fish. Played by Peter MacNichol.
* [[Adorkable]]: Even more than Ally.
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== Richard Fish ==
The other initial senior partner at Cage and Fish and Ally's classmate, who offers her a position at his firm. Played by Greg Germann.
* [[Beta Couple]]: Season 1, with Whipper.
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* [[Noble Bigot]]: Can be very sexist, but is never outright mean.
* [[Poor Communication Kills]]: Richard believes the opposite, that communication itself is the death knell of any marriage.
* [[Sensitive Guy and Manly Man]]: The Manly Man to John.
== Elaine Vassal ==
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* [[The Cast Showoff]]: Subverted. Jane Krakowski is a Tony award winning actress and sings many times during the show, but [[It Makes Sense in Context|it always works within the show.]]
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: Has this vibe for John, and coaches him about sex and confidence to help him get intimate with Nelle.
* [[Fan Service]]: She once asks John if she oozes sex. His response: "In buckets."
* [[Gossipy Hens]]: Enjoys office gossip and sits in the unisex with her legs up so no one thinks she's around.
* [[Really Gets Around]]: Meets and sleeps with many men.
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Associate at Cage and Fish, former boyfriend of Ally, and husband of Georgia. Played by Gil Bellows.
* [[Back for the Finale]]: {{spoiler|As a ghost}}.
* [[Expository Hairstyle Change]]: Bleaches his hair in Season 3.
* [[First Girl Wins]]: Doubly Subverted. Dates Ally, leaves her, marries Georgia, but always loved Ally.
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* [[Back for the Finale]]: Surprises Ally with a visit.
* [[Never My Fault]]: Blames the sexualized office of Cage and Fish for {{spoiler|her destroyed marriage.}}
* [[Put on a Bus]]: {{spoiler|Leaves after Season 3, after Billy's death.}}
* [[Working with the Ex]]: When Georgia comes to work at the firm, she does this with Ally, who dated Billy. They actually work very well together. {{spoiler|At first, then Ally and Billy kiss, they go to therapy,}}, and [[It Got Worse|it goes downhill from there.]]
== Nelle Porter ==
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* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Just as eccentric as everyone else, but she was the firm's most productive associate and was specifically brought in as a "rainmaker", to generate new business.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Season 4 really starts this for her, starting when she spends the day with a doctor going to jail for euthanizing a client.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Nelle leaves the firm in Season 3, and tries to steal the clients by manipulating Elaine. {{spoiler|It doesn't go well for Nelle.}}
* [[Ice Queen]]: She was called "sub-zero" for this reason. She doesn't even stick her hand all the way out for a handshake. [[Character Development|It changes as the series progresses.]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Nelle has a few, but ultimately the largest is when she helps Elaine fulfill her dream to become a Broadway star.
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== Mark Albert ==
Associate at Cage and Fish, hired during the end of Season 3 following the death of {{spoiler|Billy}}. Series regular in Season 4. Played by James LeGros.
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Nicknamed "The Closer" due to his skill in closing arguments, and obsessed with hygiene.
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== Glenn Foy ==
Associate hired by Richard at the beginning of Season 5. Jenny's former boyfriend. Played by James Marsden.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: Written out in the middle of Season 5.
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Singer at the piano bar the lawyers frequent. Played by herself.
* [[Softer and Slower Cover]]: Former [[Trope Namer]].
== Renee Raddick ==
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* [[Official Couple]]: With Ally.
* [[Two First Names]]
== Whipper Cone ==
Judge and on-again, off-again lover to Richard. Played by Dyan Cannon.
* [[Beta Couple]]: With Richard in Season 1.
* [[Those Two Guys|Those Two Girls:]] Joins Renee's firm in Season 3, giving up the bench.
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