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Torchwood: Miracle Day: Difference between revisions

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* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]: In a world without death, this happens a lot.
** The suicide bomber who attacked Jack Harkness ends up a charred but still conscious skeleton.
** {{spoiler|Ellis Hartley Monroe gets sent through a car crusher. We get a quick shot of her inside the wreckage.}} [[And I Must Scream|She'll be there a very long time]].
** Lyn, a rogue CIA agent in episode 2, gets her neck snapped in such a way that her head is rotated 180 degrees on her body, yet she remains conscious.
** Everyone who is Category 1 gets {{spoiler|burned alive}}. One can only hope such a fate is the exception to the rule.
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* [["Friend or Idol?" Decision]]: For the Torchwood team, the friend is {{spoiler|Esther}} and the idol is {{spoiler|mortality}}. They choose {{spoiler|the idol.}}
* [[Gayngst]]: Although Captain Jack Harkness is absolutely devoid of any shame about his [[Anything That Moves|sexuality]], his boyfriend Angelo suffers from deep-seated religious gayngst due to being raised Catholic in a small Italian town. With terrible consequences for poor Jack...
* {{spoiler|[[A Wizard Did It|A Giant Symbiotic Vagina Did It]]}}: Basically what caused the Miracle.
* [[A God Am I]]: The Families have shades of this, especially when they reveal that {{spoiler|they plan to use the new political system the Miracle created to take over the world and decide who lives and dies}}.
* [[Gorn]]: About as much as you'd realistically expect to see in a show like this, which is still a not-inconsiderable amount. Strangely enough, it's completely averted in the scene where {{spoiler|Dr. Juarez is burnt alive}}.
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** For a trained CIA agent, Rex sure does spend a ''lot'' of time freely giving information to the villains. Including at one point explaining his plans for the Overflow Camp footage ''to the guy in charge '''while said guy had him tied up and was clearly emotionally unhinged'''.''
** Of course, if The Families hadn't attempted to kill Gwen and Jack, neither character would have had any clue where to start dealing with The Miracle and The Families would have won.
* [[If You Know What I Mean]]: Jack Harkness, as usual.
* [[It Got Worse]]: Pretty much every episode, though all stemming from the same source. It's more accurate to say that the situation hasn't actually changed, just their understanding of how horrifically bad it really is. {{spoiler|Then they instituted the Category system, and things ''genuinely'' got a lot worse.}}
** And then there's Episode 8. Not only is the world on the verge of a new Great Depression, but things for the individual characters get a lot worse personally.
* [[Just Following Orders]]: In the overflow camps this seems to be a mantra.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: {{spoiler|Jilly}}
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: {{spoiler|When people won't die even though they should, the obvious response is to utterly incinerate their bodies. Can't be alive if there's nothing left. [[And I Must Scream|Or so one would hope.]] For the moment, it does seem to be working, but then it would be rather hard to question inanimate ash to check if there's a soul still in there.}}
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: {{spoiler|Esther, Oswald, Angelo, Shapiro and Vera.}}
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: {{spoiler|When people won't die even though they should, the obvious response is to utterly incinerate their bodies. Can't be alive if there's nothing left. [[And I Must Scream|Or so one would hope.]] For the moment, it does seem to be working, but then it would be rather hard to question inanimate ash to check if there's a soul still in there.}}
* [[Kill the Cutie]]: {{spoiler|Poor, poor Esther... But really, of course Torchwood would kill the nice likeable character. After [[Break the Cutie|slowly destroying her.]]}}
* [[Kill the Ones You Love]]: Gwen ''technically'' kills {{spoiler|her father, Esther and (temporarily) Jack and Rex}}, as the Families are quick to point out to her.
* [[If You Know What I Mean]]: Jack Harkness, as usual.
* [[London England Syndrome]]: Possibly due to it being a US-UK production, both sides of the Atlantic get this treatment.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Oswald Danes. You can't deny he spends most of his on-screen time manipulating other people to his advantage. Nor can you deny he's a bastard.
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]: Discussed and Defied.
{{quote|'''Stuart Owens:''' You think I'm the [[Complete Monster|epitome of evil]]. The devil in a three-piece suit.<br />
'''Captain Jack:''' [[Genre Savvy|In my experience, that's how it normally works.]] }}
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Oswald Danes. You can't deny he spends most of his on-screen time manipulating other people to his advantage. Nor can you deny he's a bastard.
* [[Murder by Cremation]]
* [[A Nazi by Any Other Name]]: basically what every government in the world utilising overflow camps becomes, {{spoiler|since Category 1 inmates are sent into 'the module', death chambers where they are incinerated alive.}}
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* [[Nebulous Criminal Conspiracy]]: At first the CIA get in the way, then it looks like the evil pharmaceutical PhiCorp. Only when Jack confronts the COO of PhiCorp, Stuart Owens, it turns out that Owens was actually investigating the Miracle himself and trying to find out which part of his company was involved. He traced it to countless dummy corporations and shadowy business interests, and concluded that PhiCorp was just a small part of a much bigger machine; in effect, "the system" was the enemy, and the people behind the Miracle were masters of manipulating it.
** It's never made clear how {{spoiler|three wealthy families were able to attain that much power in the world beyond spending decades insinuating themselves into the top political/financial/media (one family for each) positions and families in the world and working together on trying to become immortal . They're not even mentioned to be using any alien technology.}}.
* [[Oh Crap]]: {{spoiler|Rex is now Jack-style immortal}}
** A more literal example from Shapiro and his CIA buddies when they realise [[The Mole]] is {{spoiler|Charlotte}}... and has left them [[Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb|a package.]]
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* [[Soundtrack Dissonance]]: The [[Lou Reed]] song "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYEC4TZsy-Y Perfect Day]" plays in the teaser trailer over footage of the Earth turning into a bomb.
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: The current Torchwood team consists of Jack, Gwen, a cocky male [[The Lancer|Lancer]] with a fatal hole in his chest whose main purpose seems to be annoying Jack, and a pretty, non-confrontational female [[The Smart Guy|Smart Guy]] whose main purpose seems to be sitting at a computer desk. Remind me, Owen and Tosh did ''die'', right? The only cosmetic difference is that Rex is the [[Token Minority]].
* [[Sudden Principled Stand]]: By Cpl. Coltrane.
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: The current Torchwood team consists of Jack, Gwen, a cocky male [[The Lancer|Lancer]] with a fatal hole in his chest whose main purpose seems to be annoying Jack, and a pretty, non-confrontational female [[The Smart Guy|Smart Guy]] whose main purpose seems to be sitting at a computer desk. Remind me, Owen and Tosh did ''die'', right? The only cosmetic difference is that Rex is the [[Token Minority]].
* [[Taking You with Me]]: {{spoiler|Oswald}}.
* [[There Are No Global Consequences]]: Totally averted. Not only has the entire political climate changed, a complete overhaul of the medical care system is in the works since the very definition of life has changed. If anything, the global changes may be happening faster than they would in reality, though it's hard to judge without a real-world example.
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