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(BOT: Changing the link(s) to the category page for "Yandere" to point directly to the trope page for "Yandere" instead.)
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A list of characters and character-related tropes from Shoji Gatoh's hybrid novel/manga/anime series ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]''.
{{Under Construction}}
'''This article is a work in progress.'''
== Main Characters ==
=== '''Sagara Sousuke''' ===
[[File:SagaraSousukepicture 8677.jpg|thumb|300px]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Tomokazu Seki]] (JP), [[Chris Patton]] (EN)}}
The [[protagonist]] of the series. He is an approximately 16 year old sergeant within the paramilitary counter-terrorist force, Mithril. He is a member of the SRT (Special Response Team) of the Western Pacific Battle Group "Tuatha de Danaan". His call sign is Uruz-7 and his ID number is B-3128, and operates as team point-man as an Arm Slave specialist.
Picture on the left is one of those rare moments where he actually resembles [[Ridiculously Cute Critter|Bonta-kun]].
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Sousuke include:}}
=== '''Tropes associated with Sousuke:''' ===
* [[Accidental Pervert]]: It happens so many times that Kaname eventually ''knows'' that it's [[Not What It Looks Like]].
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* [[Bandage Babe|Bandage Bishonen]]: There are quite a few [[Fan Service]]-laden instances where he's [[Shirtless Scene|shirtless except for some bandages]].
* [[Beautiful Dreamer]]: He inspires this with many people. Now how well they [[Dude, She's Like, in a Coma|restrain themselves is a different story...]]
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: The way Sousuke tends to make his awesome entrances to save the day. He does it so often, it gets to the point where [[Arch Enemy|Gauron]] actually [[Lampshadeslampshade]]s it mockingly when he tackles and holds him down. "Well well, how do you like this? It's such a disgrace like this, isn't it? You can't act like a big damn hero and save the day in a cool way."
* [[Book Dumb]]: He's a [[Teen Genius]] when it comes to military strategies and techniques... but can't wrap his mind around his Japanese school homework assignments. Of course, part of this is probably because he was raised by the KGB, and is unable to understand normal civilian terms and concepts -- heconcepts—he has [[No Social Skills]]. Undoubtedly, if he were given material on battles and Arm Slaves, he would ace all of it easily.
** Part of it is a language barrier/aversion of [[Eternal English|Eternal Japanese]]; most of the assignments he's shown struggling on are classical Japanese literature and poetry. He can read and write modern Japanese fine, but his understanding of the more archaic stuff is just shy of nonexistent.
*** He apparently has trouble with modern Japanese as well, as Kurz is shown lamenting that Sousuke sucks not only at Japanese History, but also Classics ''and'' Modern Literature.
* [[Can't Hold His Liquor]]: Despite being in the military ever since he was young, he doesn't drink. He's shown to be disgusted at the idea of it, and can't understand how others can stand it. As a result, he has zero tolerance for the stuff. Especially pronounced in the manga, where he takes a small sip of amazake (a drink that has very low alcohol content), and promptly gets dead drunk, complete with the fever and loss of strength. Kaname even [[Lampshadeslampshade]]s it, telling him he '''really''' can't hold his liquor. He ends up dropping unconscious, and even after waking up, he's ''still'' drunk.
** This could be a holdover from his KGB training; as an assassin in Helmajistan (what used to be Afghanistan), abstinence from alcohol would be a necessary part of his cover as a mujahadin.
** As of recently{{when}} in the novels, he ''literally'' [[Can't Hold His Liquor]], due to {{spoiler|debilitating internal injuries courtesy of a rifle round that relieved him of a portion of his liver among other things.}}
*** Sousuke himself is fine with that. {{spoiler|After a rather unpleasant experience in Hong Kong involving whiskey (and Gauron), he ''really'' doesn't want to see alcohol again.}}
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "[[Blatant Lies|Not a problem.]]"
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** [[Another Century's Episode|Another Century's Episode R]] takes it to a new level with {{spoiler|Sousuke winning over girls and the main character, who is a female android, with just ''Bonta-Kun''}}. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCDkjZT726c See for yourself] (Possible spoilers within).
** [[Clueless Chick Magnet]], in that he ''never'' notices. At one point someone angrily ''yells'' at him about how much she loves him, and he never notices, and he should just admit he wants to be with {{spoiler|Kaname}}...and there's evidence he ''still'' didn't get it.
* [[Child Soldier]]: He was trained as an assassin for the KGB ever since he was 2-32–3 years old.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]
* [[Comedic Sociopathy]]: In ''Fumoffu'' and ''Overload''.
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* [[Just a Kid]]: Especially pronounced during the arc where he was sent to assassinate Gauron. All the teammates that he was forced to join up with (other than Gray) found it hard to believe that Mithril would send a child to help them, and refused to take his advice.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: In regards to his school. He can wave guns around at people, plant land mines all around, bomb buildings, assault fellow students and his teachers... all of this is approved by the principal. Of course, this has nothing to do with how [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|Mithril donates incredibly large sums of money to the school authorities]].
* [[Kick Them While They Are Down]]: He's definitely [[Combat Pragmatist|not averse]] to doing this to his opponents. To add insult to injury, he seems to love doing this in the form of [[Groin Attack|Groin Attacks]]s.
* [[Killer Rabbit]]: BONTA-KUN. That is all.
* [[Lack of Empathy]]: He finds it hard to understand other people's feelings, and tends to do very morally ambiguous things without much consideration for others. Most of the time it's played for laughs. There are numerous times where he finds himself unable to understand why someone feels fear or sadness (even when someone died).
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* [[Married to the Job]]: Kurz and Mao tend to [[Lampshade]] this, calling Sousuke a bore that doesn't care about anything else except his job. This eventually becomes a major plot point for ''TSR''.
* [[Moment Killer]]: It's pretty much 100% guaranteed that if he's saying something or doing anything that could [[I Didn't Mean to Turn You On|possibly be construed as romantic or seductive]], he'll kill the mood almost immediately by revealing his intentions to be purely pragmatic if not actively violent.
* [[More Dakka]]: {{spoiler|The ARX-8 Laevatein is already a [[Game Breaker]] machine to begin with. Then during the final assault on Amalgam, Sousuke &and some of the MITHRIL engineers develop a Long-Range Booster Jet Pack called the XL-3 that not only gives it the ability to fly but also adds [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|ANOTHER SHOTGUN, TWO ASSAULT RIFLES, ALMOST A DOZEN MISSILES]], &and to top it off [[Gatling Good|TWO GATTLING CANNONS]]}}.
* [[New Transfer Student]]: His cover at Kaname's school.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Happens a lot with Sousuke at school, but special mention to one act in ''[[Super Robot Wars W]]'' must be given; {{spoiler|Banpresto Original Akane Ardygun is a HUGE fan (to the point where she scares her little sister Mihiro) of Wateropolis's mascot, Uppo-Kun. After being rejected by everyone else he crosses paths with, Uppo-Kun is about to give up hope when Akane shows up and revitalizes his spirit. Just when it looks like a canon [[GaoGaiGar|Zonder]] is about to be retconned out of existence, Sousuke pops out in his Bonta-Kun outift and causes pandemonium, ultimately leading to the creation of EI-13. If only Sousuke knew how to [[Highly-Visible Ninja|keep a low profile]]...}}
* [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]: [[Heroic BSOD|Temporarily]] near the end of ''TSR'', and in his backstory.
* [[No Guy Wants to Be Chased]]: He does ''not'' take well to aggressive methods of romantically pursuing him. As a matter of fact, it almost seems like he subconsciously turns ''up'' the [[Selective Obliviousness|level of his obliviousness]] when his admirer becomes too direct. In contrast, when the girls act more shy and cute, and tell him touching things like [[The Power of Trust|"I trust you,"]] his heart starts fluttering. (Case in point: Why Tessa is rather unsuccessful at wooing him, versus Kaname and Nami, both of whom he admits deeper feelings for.)
* [[No Social Skills]]: He was raised by the KGB to be an assassin ever since he was 2-32–3 years old. Spending his entire life in the military has left him completely incapable of even understanding civilian life, let alone actually passing as a civilian himself, and tends to lead him to some very off-kilter interpretations of other peoples' behavior:
{{quote|'''Sousuke:''' [Chidori] seems to be bothered by something. Either that or she's been abusing drugs.
'''Kyoko:''' Er... I don't know about that... }}
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* [[Talk to the Fist]]: More of the form "Talk To The Bullet." Being the [[Combat Pragmatist]] he is, he tends to do this when his enemies show an opening and are giving long speeches.
** He usually relies on firing a dummy grenade in his opponent's face to shut them up, at least if he's not in actual warfare.
* [[Teen Genius]]: Gauron was well known for being a genius at handling AS in Amalgam. Gauron is 40-5040–50 years old. And then here's Sousuke, who is 16 years old, and can actually fight evenly with Gauron (minus the Lambda Driver - and even then, Sousuke ends up being able to handle it extremely well in a remarkably small amount of time, with little guidance). It's even more pronounced when one considers that the boy was a genius even when he was only 8-128–12 years old.
** Kalinin mentions during their final duel to the death that while Sousuke is good at everything, he can not beat specialists of the area, ei Kalinin in CQC, Melissa in strategy, Kurz in shooting, and Clouseau in AS piloting. Effectively making him [[Jack of All Trades]].
* [[That Man Is Dead]]: This reaction is provoked whenever Gauron calls him "Kashim." But only when [[Arch Enemy|Gauron]] calls him that. Because he ''[[Berserk Button|hates]]'' Gauron [[Terms of Endangerment|acting like he was his friend]].
* [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill]]
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]
* [[Trigger Happy]]: No matter which canon, he can ''definitely'' be described as this. Now ''how'' [[Trigger Happy]] depends on which source. He's at his most outrageous and violent when in ''Fumoffu'' and the ''Overload'' manga, where he has traces of [[Ax Crazy]] as well. In the ''Overload'' manga, he's even shown getting ''withdrawal symptoms'' when forced not to use his gun or shoot anyone.
* [[Troubled but Cute]]: [[Bishonen|Good looking]], 16-year-old male that has extreme Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, plants land mines around his school, bombs public and private property, and points gun at people? Yes, he qualifies. This is furthered even more when one realizes that, in his school, it's implied that a ''bunch'' of girls ([[Even the Guys Want Him|and guys]]) have precocious crushes on him, but are just too scared to directly approach him.
* [[The Unfettered]]
* [[What Beautiful Eyes!]]: Although his eyes don't have a particularly special color, they ''are'' big and very pretty. Gauron [[Love At First Sight|initially became infatuated with him]] because of seeing his [[media:SousukeGaussianGirlFile:Sousuke eyes.jpg|emotionless, cold eyes]]. To put it in Gauron's words: "''Anyone'' would say they're beautiful."
* [[What Is This Thing You Call Love?]]: For the majority of the series. He ''literally'' doesn't understand the meaning of "love," even when Kaname tries to explain it to him.
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Or [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|shoot]] her, [[Person of Mass Destruction|bomb]] her, whatever. He definitely isn't sexist when he deems the person a threat, that's for sure.
* [[X Marks the Hero]]
=== Chidori Kaname ===
[[File:chidori kaname.jpg|thumb|300px]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Satsuki Yukino]] (JP), [[Luci Christian]] (EN)}}
Kaname is the main female protagonist[[deuteragonist]] of the story, and appears to be a "normal" 16 year-old high school student at first glance. The character was taken from a friend of the authors, whose name was also Kaname Chidori, living in Japan. However, the discovery of her Whispered abilities attracts the attention of terrorist organizations. As a result, Sousuke has been assigned by Mithril to protect her. While Sosuke Sagara's battle intuition generally saves her from dangerous situations, she often considers Sosuke's instincts an irritant in daily high school events, leading to countless comical situations. Nonetheless, she and Sosuke continue to grow closer, to the point where they have expressed their feelings for each other.
=== '''{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Kaname include:''' ===}}
* [[Action Survivor]] -> [[Badass Normal]] (after ''The Second Raid'')
** Note that she's a an ordinary girl with no military training or anything aside from powers that are useless in a direct offensive purpose but she's managed to outwit and beat up assassins and is one of the few people Sousuke is afraid of.
*** As of the last{{when}} published novel, it seems that might ''not'' be the case. Lampshaded by Leonard Testarossa, who claims that she survived all that (especially the assassination attempt) because she is NOT normal (long story), and Sousuke himself is forced to agree, at least partially.
* [[Almost Kiss]]: An ''agonizing'' amount with Sousuke. Normally he doesn't even notice or realize that they almost did, much to Kaname's embarrassment and [[Moment Killer|annoyance]].
* [[Anger Born of Worry]]
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* [[Aside Glance]]: What she does when she tricks Sousuke (who was the [[New Transfer Student]]) into doing garbage duty.
* [[Boobs of Steel]]
* [[Cannot Stand Them Cannot Live Without Them|Can't StandLive with Them, Can't Live Without Them]]: She constantly claims that she can't stand Sousuke and all the troubles he brings. And then she realizes just how much she needs and wants him when he gets redeployed.
* [[Class Representative]]
* [[Cute Sports Club Manager]]: In the Rugby episode of ''Fumoffu''.
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* [[Love Hotels]]
* [[Luminescent Blush]]: She tends to do this when she misunderstands Sousuke's actions as being "bold" and "romantic." Cue Sousuke doing something to [[Moment Killer|completely kill the mood]].
* [[Modesty Shorts]]: She wears these in an early chapter to prevent [[Panty Shot|Panty Shots]]s
* [[Moment Killer]]: What tends to happen any time it looks like things are getting too mushy between her and Sousuke. Most of the time, it's Sousuke who does this to her.
* [[Nails on a Blackboard]]
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== Teletha "Tessa" Testarossa ==
=== Teletha "Tessa" Testarossa ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Yukana]] (JP), [[Hillary Haag]] (EN)}}
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Yukana]] (JP), [[Hilary Haag]] (EN)}}
Teletha "Tessa" Testarossa is the clumsy but charming Captain of the revered TDD-1 'Tuatha de Danaan' submarine of the anti-terrorist organization 'Mithril'. She is American by birth but has lived on submarines and military bases for the majority of her life time. She is a child prodigy who rose to such a high rank at the age of only 16, has silver hair (described as platinum/ash blonde) and grey eyes.
=== '''{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Tessa include:''' ===}}
* [[Alliterative Name]]
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== Sousuke's World: (Protagonists)Allies ==
=== Kurz Weber ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Shinichiro Miki]] (JP), [[Vic Mignogna]] (EN)}}
Kurz is a member of Mithril and has the rank of Sergeant in the SRT (Special Response Team) of the Tuatha de Danaan (TDD-1) Pacific Battle Group. He has the call sign Uruz-6 and his ID number is B-3127. He is an SRT Arm Slave pilot and designated marksman, equally proficient with sniper rifles and Arm Slave long range precision cannons. It is said he can visualize the exact trajectory of a bullet, resulting in an almost inhuman accuracy. He most often forms a three-man cell with squadmate Sousuke Sagara and squad leader Melissa Mao. He is regarded as a finicky genius, burdening the Mithril mechanics with extremely difficult to understand complaints and requests.
=== '''{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Kurz include:''' ===}}
* [[Badass]]
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* [[Friendly Sniper]]
* [[Funny Foreigner]]: Not an actual example, but he plays the role shamelessly as a means of approaching Kaname and Kyoko while he's on bodyguard detail. "Hello, Japanese pretty girls!"
* [[Good-Looking Privates|Good -Looking Sergeant]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Handsome Lech]]
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* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]
* [[Phenotype Stereotype]]: Blond-haired, blue-eyed, born and raised in Germany.
** Not sure about the born part, but he was actually raised in Japan, where his father worked as a reporter. Cue jokes about him being more Japanese than Sousuke -- atSousuke—at least from a cultural perspective.
* [[Wouldn't Hit a Girl]]: Not even just hitting - just simply ''making a girl cry''. To the point where he hits Sousuke and chews him out for making Kaname sad. "People like you grow to be those violent, abusive husbands!" indeed.
=== Melissa Mao ===
[[File:melissa mao.jpg|thumb|300px]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Michiko Neya]] (JP), Allison Keith (EN)}}
Serving as the SRT's second-in-command next to Gail [[Mc Allen]]McAllen, she serves in Mithril under the call sign "Uruz-2". Her expertise in electronic warfare is valued by the Pacific Battle Group Tuatha de Danaan. Her rank was Sergeant Major, but by the novel Dancing Very Merry Christmas she has been promoted to Second Lieutenant, making her a commissioned officer. She is 25 years old.
=== '''{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Mao include:''' ===}}
* [[Badass]]
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* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]: Very energetic and trigger happy.
* [[Boobs of Steel]]
* [[Bottle Fairy]]
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: She even refers to this trope by ''name''. Kurz also calls her "Big Sis."
* [[Chainsaw Good]]: Her Arm Slave has a goddamn [[Warhammer 4000040,000|chainsword]].
** Which is only used for one mission, to remove a bomb from the cargo compartment of a 747, and is never seen again.
*** Actually used again in {{spoiler|''Come Make My Day'' during the Uruz Team reunion with Sousuke & Kurz in which they PWN two enemy Codarls by using their own variation of [[Shout-Out|''The]] [[Mobile Suit Gundam|Jet Stream Attack'']]. AND it's [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|AWESOME]]!}}
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Sousuke's stint as one in ''Fumoffu'' comes courtesy of a manual given to him by Mao, who got it from Gunnery Sergeant Hartmann.
* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[Hard-Drinking Party Girl]]
* [[Jack of All Stats]]: As opposed to [[Green Lantern Ring|Lambda Driver]] using Sosuke and [[Friendly Sniper]] Kurz, she doesn't really have a specialty, though she does like melee.
** Actually, she specializes in squad logistics and electronic warfare.
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=== Andrei Sergeivich Kalinin ===
[[File:andrei kalinin.jpg|thumb|300px]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Akio Ohtsuka]] (JP), [[Mike Kleinhenz]] (EN)}}
Sagara's commanding officer and one of Tessa's military strategists with the rank of Lieutenant Commander, fulfilling the role of Operations Director. He is also the foster father of Sagara.
=== '''{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Kalinin include:''' ===}}
* [[The Atoner]]: He always felt guilty that he couldn't save Sousuke's beautiful mother. And he also feels responsible for letting Sousuke get taken in by the KGB (who raised him to be a [[Nietzsche Wannabe]]-ish assassin). As a result, he desperately wants to humanize Sousuke.
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=== Richard Mardukas ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Tomomichi Nishimura]] (JP), Andy McAvin (EN)}}
Holding the rank of Commander, Mardukas serves as the second of Tessa's strategists and Executive Officer, responsible for keeping the ship running smoothly. Has a professional working relationship with Kalinin and defers to his judgment on ground combat. Very stuffy and very British.
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Mardukas include:}}
* [[Brits With Battleships]]: Mardukas was a submariner in the Royal Navy, his last command being the attack submarine HMS Trident.
* [[The Captain]]: Mentioned to have been one in his backstory, which explains his assignment as Tessa's XO, as he's the best person to advise her... not that she needs it.
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** His backstory reveals that Mardukas was a [[Reasonable Authority Figure|reasonable]] Commander Contrarian, but it also got him into trouble; late in his career with the Royal Navy, he submitted a brutally honest report that ran contrary to and embarrassed his superiors, causing him to be demoted and relieved of his command; this ultimately accumulates to his eventually joining of Mithril.
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: Has an epic moment in ''Dancing Very Merry Christmas.'' A team of Amalgan underwater fighters/AS/submarines attack the TDD-1 while Tessa is on an adjacent ship. Mardukas steps up to bat and owns them ''hard''. See below.
* [[Red BaronSobriquet]]: Known to the submarine communities of the US and UK as The Duke of Undersea Warfare.
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: Mardukas is both a graduate ''and'' instructor of [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Perisher]], the Royal Navy's submarine equivalent to TOPGUN... but ''harder''.
** If you flunk TOPGUN, you're still a Naval Aviator, and you can still come back and try again. If you flunk Perisher... you will ''never'' serve on a submarine for the rest of your life.
* [[Xanatos Speed Chess]]: How he takes down the Amalgam naval taskforcetask force. Also something of a military maverick, in that none of his tactics are conventialconventional tactics, but he points out that their foe isn't conventional.
== Sousuke's World (Antagonists) ==
== Sousuke's World: Antagonists ==
== Gauron ==
=== Gauron ===
[[File:gauron profile.jpg|thumb|300px]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Masahiko Tanaka (JP), Mike MacRae (EN) }}
While little is known about Gauron at the present, he is Sousuke's strongest and most formidable enemy throughout the TV series. He's a terrorist of the highest caliber sponsored by a mysterious organization, but little is known about Gauron's benefactors other than the fact that they appear to be more formidable and possess greater resources than even the notorious Soviet KGB. Believed to be Japanese, or at least of Asian ethnicity, Gauron and Sousuke have a long and bloodstained history together. Sousuke left a big scar on Gauron's forehead when he and then Soviet Spetsnaz commander Major Kalinin ambushed Gauron in a sniper attack back in Sousuke's Afghan guerrilla days. This is but one of many battle scars Sousuke inflicts upon this vicious man slayer over the course of the series.
=== '''{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Gauron include:''' ===}}
* [[A Love to Dismember]]: His infamous (and thankfully unfulfilled) desire to {{spoiler|rape Sousuke's corpse after killing him}}.
* [[Abusive Parents]]: What he is to the twins Yu Fang and Yu Lan.
* [[Almighty Janitor]]: Mentioned in the novels, where Harris, another member of Amalgam, explains that with Gauron's capabilities, he could have ''easily'' become commander. However, due to Gauron's [[Jerkass|Jerkassery]]ery, most of the other members had a hard time getting along with him, and adding to that, he had incurable cancer. As a result, they decided instead to give the position to Gates, who was very much inferior.
* [[Anguished Declaration of Love]]: "I LOVE YOU {{spoiler|KASHIM}}!!!"
* [[Animal Motifs]]: His is a lion, according to Kalinin. Languid and bored at first sight, he shows his ferocity the next second. Contrasts with Sousuke's tiger motif.
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* [[Knife Nut]]: It's revealed that Gauron's [[Weapon of Choice]] and specialty is with knives.
* [[Lack of Empathy]]
* [[Large Ham]]: The guy manages to make ''everything'' he does hammy. Especially by including [[Evil Laugh|Evil Laughter]]ter after saying anything. In the novels, he even ''literally'' eats ham while dramatically giving orders to the AI on the Tuatha de Dannan.
* [[Love At First Sight]]: Apparently what he felt when he first saw [[Shotacon|12-year-old Sousuke]]. He was immediately so smitten with Sousuke that he literally took a double look, immediately parked his jeep, and attempted to [[Wife Husbandry|get Sousuke to come with him]]. Four years after being rebuffed and never seeing Sousuke again, he actually manages to recognize Sousuke as soon as he gets a clear view of his face. Scary.
* [[Love Hurts]]: Gauron angrily tells Sousuke that, ever since the boy fell in love, he's become weaker, more messed up, and has a bunch of conflicting feelings.
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* [[No Social Skills]]
* [[One-Man Army]]
* [[Orgasmic Combat]]: The final showdown between him and Sousuke at the end of Season 1 is this in spades. It ends with him <s> raping</s> grappling and holding down Sousuke's [[Humongous Mecha]], with Sousuke panting and trying to get away, and Gauron grunting and breathing heavily (not to mention the suspicious thick white liquid that was dripping down his grinning face). The manga even has him yelling out happily, "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Ah, what a rush!" And as impossible as this sounds, Gauron's moaning and loud orgasms are actually ''more'' pronounced in the novels, where he literally yells out happily, "[[Freud Was Right|RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT! FASTER! MORE! MORE!!]]" It makes Sousuke ''very'' unnerved and disgusted, and is pretty much what pushed Sousuke to conclude that this makes Gauron [[You're Insane!|completely insane]] (as opposed to before, where he simply thought Gauron was excessively cruel).
* [[Perma-Stubble]]
* [[Pick on Someone Your Own Size]]: He takes this to illogical extremes with Sousuke. ''What'' exactly did the boy do to deserve his [[Stalker with a Crush|obsessive stalking]] and persistent attempts to make his life miserable?
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=== Mr. Gates ===
[[File:gates fmp.jpg|thumb|300px]]
{{quote|Voiced by: Hochu Otsuka (JP), [[John Swasey]] (EN)}}
An Amalgam agent and the head of Amalgam's Execution Squads, Gates seems to have two personalities. He is known to be killing his subordinates whenever Gates messes up an operation, hears that an Amalgam-sponsored mission is a failure or doesn't display any regard for life, for the most part when he is angry such as pushing one of a chopper, dragging another down on the swimming pool, shooting an Amalgam terrorist in the head and even played around with Xia Yu Lan's corpse. But on the other hand, Gates showed his intelligence that he was able to note the Arbalest and the M9s that were in Balic.
=== '''{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Gates include:''' ===}}
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Even more so than Gauron, and that's saying something.
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=== Leonard Testarossa ===
[[File:leonard testarossa.jpg|thumb|300px]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Daisuke Namikawa]] (JP), Blake Shepard (EN)}}
A child prodigy and Whispered like his younger sister, he is known as "Mr. Silver" in the executive circle of the Amalgam organization. Is extremely infatuated with Kaname.
=== '''{{tropelist|Tropes associated with LeonardoLeonard Testarossainclude:''' ===}}
* {{spoiler|[[Abusive Parents]]: Well, his mother at least.}}
Line 500 ⟶ 498:
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]
* [[Wicked Cultured]]: Let's face it - he's definitely one of the more "refined," "cultured" characters in the series. And he's a hell of a lot more cultured than [[No Social Skills|Sousuke]]. The thing is that, in this series, being more cultured does ''not'' necessarily make you [[Chick Magnet|more attractive]] to the [[All Girls Want Bad Boys|opposite (or same) sex]].
* [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]
=== Xia Yu Fan and Xia Yu Lan ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Emi Shinohara]] (Xia Yu Fan, JP), [[Christine Auten]] (Xia Yu Fan, EN), [[Miyuki Sawashiro]] (Xia Yu Lan, JP), [[Kira Vincent-Davis]] (Xia Yu Lan, EN)}}
=== '''{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Yu Fan and Yu Lan:''' ===include:}}
* [[Action Girl]] [[Badass|Badasses]]es
* [[Ascended Extra]]: In the novels, they had less scenes and smaller roles. Not to mention that they were actually ''male''.
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Adorable]]
* [[Beauty Mark|Beauty Marks]]s
* [[Chinese Girl|Chinese Girls]]s: Complete with all the stereotypes. Yu Lan, at one point, wears her hair in the [[Odango]] hairstyle and a Qipao. Both are shown to be ''very'' adept at martial arts and using knives, and they even have the accent when attempting to pronounce "Chidori" (instead calling her "Chinniu").
* [[Creepy Twins]]
* [[Decoy Damsel]]: Yu Lan, who pretended to be one of the kidnapped hostages. She played the part pretty well, giving the Mithril agent who untied her an appreciative, admiring look. And the guy definitely looks very self satisfied that he had rescued a pretty [[Damsel in Distress]]... until she [[Slashed Throat|slits his throat]] immediately afterward.
Line 535 ⟶ 533:
=== John Danigan ===
{{quote|Voiced by: Yoshiyuki Kaneko (JP), David Born (EN)}}
Sergeant John Danigan of the SRT, Uruz 12 is a traitor to Mithril, and serves as a valuable asset to Gauron. He was told he would be given a large sum of money so he made the ship's controls accessible by Gauron. His past military history included the airborne division of the American Army. His distinguishable feature is a large vertical scar over his right eye. A rough sort of guy, he detests when people address him solely by his first name without his permission, claiming "I only let a few people call me by that name."
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Danigan include:}}
=== '''Tropes associated with John:''' ===
* [[Dumb Muscle]]
Line 554 ⟶ 551:
=== Zaied ===
[[File:zaied full metal panic 8059.jpg|thumb|300px]]
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Takehito Koyasu]] (JP), [[Illich Guardiola]] (EN)}}
A former friend of Sousuke's from their time as guerillas, Zaied served as something of a mentor to the younger [[Child Soldier]], and the two of them grew closer than brothers. While Sousuke and several others were away from camp, Zaied and the other guerillas were apparently killed in a raid by Gauron's mercenaries. Sousuke does encounter Zaied again though, during the "Wind Blows At Home" arc. Zaied is revealed to have survived, and is now on Gauron's payroll. {{spoiler|Zaied eventually reveals that he is the one who lead Gauron to the guerilla camp in the first place, and is killed by Sousuke shortly afterwards}}.
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Zaied include:}}
=== '''Tropes associated with Zaied:''' ===
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: His memories of and attachment to Sousuke have an almost romantic cast to them.
Line 596 ⟶ 592:
=== Takuma Kugayama ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Susumu Chiba]] (JP), [[Spike Spencer]] (EN) }}
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Takuma include:}}
=== '''Tropes associated with Takuma:''' ===
* [[Ax Crazy]]
Line 613 ⟶ 608:
=== Seina ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Mayumi Asano]] (JP), Kelli Cousins (EN)}}
As a young girl without any family, Seina found sanctuary in the A21 juvenile assistance group. The leader was the only father she ever knew and her dedication to the group was unmatched by any other for this simple fact. When the A21 fell into the hands of the mass media, the outlook of this oufitoutfit was turned into one of public disapproval ?- affecting Seina greatly. Once the great leader Takechi fell to suicide, Seina took it on her own shoulders to continue the name of the group.
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Seina include:}}
=== '''Tropes associated with Seina:''' ===
* [[Adaptation Expansion]]: See below.
* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]: [[Super Robot Wars W]] rewrites Seina's fate completely, {{spoiler|making her a [[Tagalong Kid|"travelling companion"]] to [[Gundam Wing|Chang Wufei]] (their exact relationship is never fully explained, but it is hinted as not being a romantic one) during the ''Endless Waltz'' storyline and an [[Anti-Hero]] ally to Neue Warter in the game's second half. She tags along with Wufei while he and Heero are working for [[Gundam SEED Astray|the Sahaku family]] up until the [[Gundam Seed|EFA invasion of Orb]]. During said invasion, she is given a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] (presumably to help Wufei escape from Orb's self-destruction) that has some impact on Wufei for the rest of the game.}}
Line 629 ⟶ 623:
* [[Parental Substitute]]: And an unpleasant one at that.
=== Sophia ===
A 'Whisperer' - the one who the Whispered hear and receive their knowledge of Black Technology from.
Line 636 ⟶ 630:
{{spoiler|When Leonard brings Kaname to the Omni-Sphere, a remnant of Sophia takes over her mind. Sophia then assists Leonard in creating TARTAROS in order to change the world.}}
=== '''{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Sophia include:''' ===}}
* [[Meaningful Name]]: ''Sophia'' is Greek for "wisdom" or "knowledge."
Line 643 ⟶ 637:
== Kaname's World ==
=== Kyoko Tokiwa ===
{{quote|Voiced by: Ikue Kimura (JP), [[Monica Rial]] (EN)}}
Kaname's humble best friend who is usually seen carrying around her trusty camera. She is constantly trying to bring Chidori and Sagara together, however impossible it may seem given Sagara's tendency to blow things up at whim. However, in the novel 'Continuing On My Own', she was held hostage by Amalgam's agents as bait to lure Sousuke so they could kill him and find Kaname. Kyoko was seriously injured during the rescue attempt and is currently still recovering in the hospital after being rescued by Wraith.
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Kyoko include:}}
=== '''Tropes associated with Kyoko:''' ===
* [[Beautiful All Along]]: Just look at her in the onsen chapter of the ''Sigma'' manga.
Line 664 ⟶ 658:
=== Shinji Kazama ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Mamiko Noto]] (JP), [[Greg Ayres]] (EN)}}
Sosuke's Arm -Slave -loving classmate. He shares the same amount of passion to AS as Sousuke and could be considered Sousuke's best school friend besides Kaname. His father is Shintaro Kazama and a secretary of Narashino's Assault Machine Troop. Shinji's love for AS began when his dad failed to become an AS pilot. As a result of his father's failure, Shinji strives to discover the result of the failure and to fulfill his father's dream of becoming a pilot. There is no indication as to what happened to his mother, but it's assumed that Shintaro is a widower before the series started.
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Kazama include:}}
=== '''Tropes associated with Shinji:''' ===
* [[Cross-Dressing Voices]]: He is voiced by [[Mamiko Noto]] in the anime.
Line 680 ⟶ 673:
=== Issei Tsubaki ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Jun Fukuyama]] (JP), Nomed Kaerf (EN)}}
The leader of Jindai High School's karate club, he is very skilled at karate. However, he is extremely nearsighted and can see clearly only when wearing his glasses, which leads to several comical incidents. His sense of pride cannot accept the fact that he was defeated by Sousuke, and he is constantly challenging him to rematches - which Sousuke usually avoids - (intentionally or not). He also has a huge crush on Kaname.
=== '''{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Tsubaki include:''' ===}}
* [[Anguished Declaration of Love]]: He accidentally gives one to Sousuke (instead of Kaname) during a novel side story. Extra [[irony]] points in that, for every single one of the other love confessions Sousuke had received, he had either [[Completely Missing the Point|misunderstood them]] or [[Love Is Oblivious|blown them off]]. But for ''this one'', Sousuke happened to vaguely understand the implications of it, and ended up getting weirded out by it, acting shocked that Tsubaki would be that kind of person.
* [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy|Arrogant Karate Guy]]: He's a more comical (and less evil) example; his extreme nearsightedness prevents him from being taken seriously. Think of [[Ranma ½|Mousse]] and you'll have an approximate dimension.
* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]]: An episode of ''Fumoffu'' shows how theyhe and Sousuke manage to do this when they're forced to team up. Unfortunately, it still doesn't work considering [[Almighty Janitor|who they're up against]].
* [[Battle Aura]]: Putting on his glasses improves his combat effectiveness so much that he manifests one of these.
* [[Big Ol' Eyebrows]]: Has the biggest eyebrows out of all the characters in the series, after Gauron anyway.
Line 705 ⟶ 698:
=== Hayashimizu Atsunobu ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Toshiyuki Morikawa]] (JP), [[Chris Ayres]] (EN)}}
The mysterious president of the Jindai High's Student Council and a third year student. He is highly intelligent and seems to be able to deal with any situation - no matter how difficult. His behavior is always calm and he is never seen angry. He often considers Sousuke's behavior a reasonable response to the kind of situations he finds himself in, much to the frustration of Kaname. He assigns Sousuke to be the head of security in the Student Council. He and Sousuke share a mutual respect.
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Atsunobu include:}}
=== '''Tropes associated with Atsunobu:''' ===
* [[Bishonen]]
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: He really does consider blowing up lockers that shows sign of temperingtampering....appropriate.
** Sort've of. He understands the logic behind it and, using that interpretation, finds it appropriate.
* [[The Comically Serious]]: On par with Sousuke
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Really acts like one.
Line 733 ⟶ 725:
== Ren Mikihara ==
=== Ren Mikihara ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Rie Tanaka]] (JP), Nancy Novotny (EN)}}
Line 739 ⟶ 732:
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Ren include:}}
=== '''Tropes associated with Ren:''' ===
* [[Big Fancy House]]: With a requisite [[The Thing That Goes Doink]].
Line 765 ⟶ 757:
=== Mari Akutsu ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Mayumi Asano]] (JP), [[Christine Auten]] (EN)}}
She is a leader of a large gang and older sister to Yoshiki. When three members of her gang were assaulted by Sousuke Sagara after threatening Kaname, Mari vowed revenge. To fulfill this Mari planned to take Kaname hostage to ensure Sousuke would not back down from her directives.
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Mari Akutsu include:}}
=== '''Tropes associated with Mari:''' ===
<br clear="all" />
=== Yoshiki Akutsu ===
{{quote|Voiced by: Masumi Hamada (JP), [[Tiffany Grant]] (EN)}}
A middle school attendee and younger brother of gang leader Mari. While his older sister maintains an aura of fear layered over her kindness, Yoshiki exudes the softer qualities of their childhood. As such, Mari is quite protective of him despite her disregard for the lives of other people.
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Yoshiki Akutsu include:}}
=== '''Tropes associated with Yoshiki:''' ===
<br clear="all" />
=== Masatami Hyuuga ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Junko Noda]] (JP), Kevin Corn (EN)}}
A young boy enamored with Kaname. Surprising for his young age, he lives in mansion atop the coastal highland overlooking the numerous ocean activities. He preferrs to be called "Master Masatami" by his 3 servants Washio, Samejima and Gyoudou. He's suffering from a nervous disorder that prevents him from going outside by his psychiatrist's orders. The pathology of his disease state arose from a traumatic incident at age six, long ago when he had dreamed of marrying his cousin one year his senior.
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Masatami include:}}
=== '''Tropes associated with Masatami''' ===
* [[Clingy Jealous Girl|Clingy Jealous Boy]]
Line 802 ⟶ 791:
=== Fuwa-senpai ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Yuji Ueda]] (JP), Blake Shepard (EN)}}
A former senior classmate of Kaname's when they attended the same junior school together. He and Kaname happened to meet again on the train several years down the road and since it has been almost 3 years since they've seen one another he doesn't hesitate in asking her to go out with him. She agrees to go with him to Fumo Fumo Land upon his persistent text messaging requests.
{{tropelist|Tropes associated with Fuwa include:}}
=== '''Tropes associated with Fuwa:''' ===
* [[Bishonen]]
* [[Romantic False Lead]]
Go read more about the series and its tropes [[Full Metal Panic!|here]].
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