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Take your typical setting involving teenagers—say, a [[High School]]—wait an establishing scene or two or three, and there she is. See that [[Evil Is Sexy|attractive]] [[Blondes Are Evil|blonde]] [[The Cheerleader|cheerleader]] looking down her nose and sneering at the [[Hollywood Homely|frumpy girl]] [[Meganekko|in glasses]]? That's her.
The [[Distaff Counterpart]] to the [[Jerk Jock]] and probablysometimes his girlfriend; what he does with his fists, she does with a sharp tongue and sharper [[Manipulative Bitch|manipulation]]. Despite being a [[Popular Is Dumb|not-too-bright]], [[Jerkass|unpleasant, bullying, and mean-spirited excuse-for-a-human]] determined to put down everyone except an elite few deemed worthy of her goodwill -- [[Bad Boss|and she's usually kind of a bitch even to them]]—she will still be the most popular girl in school, surrounded by a fawning [[Girl Posse]] who suck up to her and act as her faithful minions. Rare male Alpha Bitches do exist, but they're just that - rare. They're distinct from the [[Jerk Jock]] in that they're mainly catty and manipulative, rather than physically threatening.
She's also usually the scion of a [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|wealthy]] and [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections|influential]] family, the star of the school and / or head sister of the influential college sorority house, thus providing her a network of local celebrity, influence and wealth to exploit. She's also [[Evil Is Sexy|quite the seductress]], and consequently, all the [[All Guys Want Cheerleaders|boys]] fight amongst themselves—sometimes literally—to be her [[Henpecked Husband|oppressed boyfriend]]. All this leaves her with the belief that she can do whatever she likes without consequences. Unfortunately, she's often right; the [[Powers That Be]] are not immune to her [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|wealth]], [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections|connections]] and [[Screw the Rules, I Make Them|influence]], and she or her family can and will corrupt or coerce them into overlooking her bad behavior. Very likely to be a [[Narcissist]].
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* Tamaki Reika from ''[[Ojamajo Doremi]]'', though she has a bit of a [[Freudian Excuse]]. ({{spoiler|After she got serious burns as a baby thanks to her [[Bumbling Dad]] leaving a cup of hot coffee within her reach, he swore to never again make Reika cry...[[Spoiled Brat|but ended up]] [[Daddy's Girl|spoiling her rotten.]]}})
* Aki Honda from ''[[Narutaru]]'', despite not being rich, is the [[Complete Monster|cruelest and most horrible one]] ''ever'' created, graduating from criminal harassment to {{spoiler|full-on ''rape''}}. She meets a very nasty end when her favorite victim, {{spoiler|local [[Lonely Rich Kid]] Hiroko Kaizuka}}, gets her [[Mon|Shadow Dragon]] and ''brutally'' murders Aki and her [[Girl Posse]] in what proves to be her [[Start of Darkness]].
* There's also Eliza Reagan from ''[[Candy Candy]]'', probablyis a rivalgood to Aki above as the candidate of [[Complete Monster|cruelest and most horrible Alpha Bitches ever created]]example. She is perpetually giving Candy and her friends a lot of troubles [[For the Evulz|for her own amusement on seeing people suffer]] and [[Rich Bitch|her wealth and family prestige]] [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|usually gives her more excuses to get away from her troubles]]. Unlike Aki, her comeuppance might be [[Karma Houdini|nonexistent]] unless you see some subtle message about one of Candy's surviving friends is higher rank in class and would more than likely to screw her up... which never happens on-screen.
* Sae from ''[[Peach Girl]]''. She's Momo's main love rival, and is especially good at doing nasty things to Momo while [[Wounded Gazelle Gambit|making herself look innocent]].
* ''[[Mai-Otome]]''
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