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Compare [[Spock Speak]]. See also [[Pick Your Human Half]].
== Anime and Manga ==
== Anime ==
* Subverted and deconstructed in ''[[Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex]]'' where Section 9's main robot assistants are The Tachikomas who speak and act a lot like little girls outside their professionalism on duty. They eventually come to the conclusion that humans intentionally program robots to Robo Speak to avoid empathizing with them. At which point the Tachikomas start deliberately speaking and acting more robotic around Major Kusanagi so that she'll like them more.
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* In ''[[FLCL]],'' the robotic version of {{spoiler|Naota's father}} begins speaking normally, except that he puts pauses in odd places and sounds somewhat emotionless. As he continues talking, however, his voice becomes much more stuttery, the pitch varies wildly and the dialogue becomes almost nonsense.
* The [[Magic Wand|Devices]] in ''[[Lyrical Nanoha]]'' combines this with [[Surprisingly Good English]] and [[Gratuitous German|German]].
* ''[[ToA AruCertain Majutsu noMagical Index]]'': Index seems to enter verbose debug mode whenever accessing the tomes.
** This is also how the MISAKAMisaka Sisters talk, in addition to the whole [[Third Person Person]] thing. Last Order {{spoiler|1=aka MISAKAMisaka 20001}} is an exception.
*** Except when she's [[Motor Mouth]]ing machine code due to a viral infection. And when she's saying debug information after Accelerator messes up the virus' code enough for her to think it's corrupted and reset herself.
* [[Mahou Sensei Negima|Chachamaru]], the [[Robot Girl]] of ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima|Negima]]'', is voiced in anime by [[Caitlin Glass]], and sounds like [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Data's]] British sister, as described at the end of this page's notes above.
* [[Mahoromatic|Mahoro and Minawa]] don't do it, but whether they're straight [[FemBot|gynoids]] or cyborg humans isn't exactly clear.
* [[Mahou Sensei Negima|Chachamaru]], the [[Robot Girl]] of ''Negima'', is voiced in anime by [[Caitlin Glass]], and sounds like [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Data's]] British sister, as described at the end of this page's notes above.
** Her pactio scene hasn't been dubbed yet, but chances are that she'll sound as emotional as she looks in that part of the manga.
* Father Tres, an android in ''[[Trinity Blood]]'', speaks this way, including using "Positive" for "Yes" & "Negative" for "No", and having little to no inflection. Preferred method of attack: [[More Dakka|a fusillade of bullets]] from [[Guns Akimbo]].
* Both Averted &and usedinvoked in ''[[Cannon God Exaxxion]]''. The cheap, massproductionmass production [[Mecha-Mooks]] used by the Riofaldians talk in heavy robo speak. The Terminal Drone type robots even use a more "techno"-looking [[Useful Notes/Fonts|font]]. The main character's [[RoboRobot Girl]] partner &and other robots created by his grandfather don't, since they're designed to pass for human. It averts one of the major robospeak cliches, as well. We never see the Riofaldian robots talking out loud to each other, only to organics. There's one scene that depicts a robot sending a comunication requesting backup, wich is represented by a speach baloon filled with what looks like barcodes.
* An interesting example, [[Robot Girl]] Aiko in ''[[Magical Pokaan]]''. Her speech is perfectly normal, until episode 4, wherein a malfunction causes her to realistically stutter and repeat words, along with a very low buzz, similar to wet speakers. Seen [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQCTzDTxtXE#t=2m26s here].
{{quote|"If you're just going to siiiiiiit there, -it there, at least help me bring in laundry ple-please. ....Wha-a-at's wrong? You-ou guys?"}}
* Subverted in ''[[Vandread]]'': While the resident robot Pyoro begins speaking that way, due to an accident, he speaks in a ''very human'' way, sometimes even being ''hotblooded'' when he needs to be.
== Webcomics ==
* The '''''LASER COWS''''' in ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' speak like so;
{{quote|Auditory Response: '''Moo.'''
'''Grass Length Deviation Detected. Resizing In Progress.''' }}
** Though they're also capable of speaking normally ("Get your hands off me"), so apparently this speech pattern is a conscious choice on their part.
== Comic Books ==
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** When he goes to his "Rising" [[Super Mode]], the driver turns it into ''four syllables.'' RI-I-SING-GU! You know you've got a bad case if it takes a viewer a while to realize that the device is actually speaking English. And ''so many [[Kamen Rider]]'' computer voices speak in [[Gratuitous English]], but in [[Surprisingly Good English|an understandable enough manner]] that they few words they get are coherent ("[[Kamen Rider Ryuki|Final Vent!]]" "[[Kamen Rider 555|Standing by. ... Complete]]."
* ''[[The Late Late Show]]'''s Geoff Peterson. Overlaps with [[Stylistic Suck]] since he tends to keep repeating the ''same'' phrase or two throughout the monologue leading the viewer to assume "he" can only be programmed to store a few phrases at a time.
* Vicky from ''[[Small Wonder]]'' was a [[Robot Kid]] posing as a human who talked like this; it usually - but not always - went unnoticed by the supporting cast.
== Video Games ==
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* While not exactly monotone, E-102 Gamma from ''[[Sonic Adventure]]'' does sound calm at all times. He talks to himself a fair amount, and while this doesn't hinder him at all, it doesn't make much sense, outside of letting players and viewers in on his data processes. Oh yeah, and stock phrases: "Insufficient data." "Does not compute." "Accessing data."
** E-123 Omega from ''[[Sonic Heroes]]'', on the other hand, gets an angry monotone, but better lines ("WORTHLESS CONSUMER MODELS!").
*** In ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 (video game)||Sonic the Hedgehog 2006]]'', he sounds more robotic, to a fault.
* The security robots in ''[[Deus Ex]]'' use this trope. Their dialogue seems to consist of only a few phrases, two -- "Scanning area" and "Target acquired" the most commonly-heard. (In the case of the bigger bots, which shake the ground with each step, "scanning area" at least is not necessarily counterproductive, but it is redundant.)
** The [[A Is]]AIs in the same game, however, speak relatively naturally, unnatural voices notwithstanding. Deadalus, being the oldest model, has perhaps the oddest speech pattern, but it's still believable. There are some exceptions: in one instance, he experiences a malfunction and sends the player the following message: "Incorrect inform -- ps -al : attach. Streets clear. No danger." ...This in possibly one of the most dangerous areas in the whole game.
* The mechanoids in ''[[Thief]] II''. Particularly creepy in that, when idling or patrolling, they spout religious phrases.
* The turrets in ''[[Portal (series)|Portal]]'' use a version of robo speak in an adorable female voice. "Are. You. Still. There?" "Nap. Time." "Put. Me. Down." "I. Don't. Hate. You." GLaDOS also uses a very robotic sounding computerized voice up until the final battle, after you remove her [[Morality Chip|Morality Core]].
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* Robo of ''[[Chrono Trigger]]'' speaks more formally than the human characters, and his text boxes are accompanied by an electronic noise, implying Robo Speak. Doesn't stop him from being a lovable character, though.
* ''[[Disgaea]]'': BEEP BEEP Thursday fits this trope BEEP BEEP
* [[EarthboundEarthBound]], to an extent. The robotic Starmen speak for the most part in normal English—albeit peppered with onomatopoeic machine sounds such as * whirr* and * click* . This is an invention of the localization, however; the original Japanese release differentiated the Starmen's robospeak by writing their dialogue entirely in katagana (the equivalent of using ALLCAPS TO SIGNIFY MONOTONE SPEECH.)
** [[Mother 3]] used the same strategy as its predecessor, in the few instances where you got to talk to robots. However, the unofficial English translation has them speaking in straight ALLCAPS, with no onomatopoeia.
* Illusion's H-game ''Artificial Girl 3'' has a variety of personalities the player can assign to a girl he creates, one of them ([[Emotionless Girl|the N type]]), has some Robo Speak lines like "Preparing to rest... shutting down... complete." and "Probability of pregnancy: 10%", the game even has the option of giving her [[Unusual Ears|robotic ears]] to fill the role better.
* Nu-13, the final boss of ''[[Blaz BlueBlazBlue]]'' speaks almost entirely in [[Machine Monotone]] Robo Speak complete with [[Loads and Loads of Loading]], which is creepy as hell coming from what looks like a human girl.
* Fracktail in ''[[Super Paper Mario]]''. As well as a few references to bad translations in Nintendo's past, it pretty much speaks like a malfunctioning Windows operating system, using all manner of computer speak with semi puns. ''404 Computer Hamsters Not Found!'' and ''C:/ run query identification C:/ run insult generator C:/ results: go away yeti-lip!'' being some memorable examples.
** Similarly, the Robot Peach Castle speaks in incredibly stilted Robo Speak. ''ACTIVATE BLACK HOLE ENDGAME!'' and ''BOO SYSTEM ONLINE! INVISIBILITY FIELD NOW OPERATIONAL! ENEMY EVASIVE MANEUVERS NULL!'' being a few funny examples.
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* ''[[Dystopia (video game)|Dystopia]]'' plays this for laughs. The heavies are actually human cyborgs, but they use Robo Speak and make jokes related to their more robotic tendencies.
* Malco in ''[[Cave Story]]'' SPEAKS ENTIRELY IN UPPERCASE LETTERS. So do other NPC robots which aren't [[Ridiculously-Human Robots]].
* ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]] II'' has damaged Dominion Adjutant and Raven speaking like this.
* While not exactly a robot, Chaos Lord Ledgermayne of ''[[Adventure Quest Worlds]]'', who is a being made of living magic, speaks calmly and coolly in a computerized fashion. And that's not all, it also refers to itself as "we" or as "this form". It's kind of like a magi-borg!
{{quote|'''Ledgermayne''': This form complies with the master's wishes.}}
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* The classic NES game ''[[Bionic Commando]]'' featured a boss robot that would begin the battle with the statement: "PI PI PI... WE HAVE FOUND AN INTRUDER... WE ARE GOING TO ATTACK"
* The Soldier of ''[[Team Fortress 2]]'' takes part in this when you equip his full Halloween set, going "beep boop", or even half-assing it and just saying "Robot noises"
== WebcomicsWeb Comics ==
* The '''''LASER COWS''''' in ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' speak like so;
{{quote|Auditory Response: '''Moo.'''
'''Grass Length Deviation Detected. Resizing In Progress.''' }}
** Though they're also capable of speaking normally ("Get your hands off me"), so apparently this speech pattern is a conscious choice on their part.
== Western Animation ==
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** "Robo-Puppy preparing to lick cheek. Robo-Puppy commencing cheek-licking. Licking in progress. Licking complete."
** And the robot at the pizza place who speaks in a New York accent, but when Fry asks for anchovies on his pizza the robot responds in Robo Speak.
* In one episode ofAverted in''[[Atomic Betty]]'', where Betty's [[Robot Buddy]] X5 is offended at the idea humans would assume robots talk like this. He admonishes a trick-or-treater wearing a robot costume and speaking in jarring Robo Speak that "Robots do not talk like that".
* In ''[[Invader Zim]],'' GIR tends to use a rather brusque and aggressive variant of Robo Speak in "Serious Mode"—and talks like a [[Genki Girl|little girl on a sugar rush]] when his normal self. His former speech pattern may be from the fact that his better-constructed counterparts, SIRs, talk this way, being part of a warrior race and all.
* Thunderstick on ''[[Bravestarr]]'' stammers and repeats random words like he has a crossed wire. It could possibly be all the blows he takes to the head knocked a screw loose somewhere or it could be the robot version of an unhinged and psychotic personality, he ''is'' a [[Rogues Gallery|bad guy]] after all.
* Of all the robot characters on ''[[Transformers]]'', Megatron's toady Soundwave was the only Robo-Speaker, despite the fact that he transforms into a tape player, and would be expected to have an even firmer grasp of sound than the other characters—he even frequently says "By your command," a Cylon [[Catch Phrase]]. Even his subordinates, who transform into the tapes he deploys from his chest, are more articulate; at least, those who aren't animals. Primitive Cybertronians with little intelligence tend to sound more like cavemen than Cylons (see the Dinobots, or any combiner team). On the other end of the scale, Autobots Jazz and Blaster not only eschew Robo Speak, but were virtually [[Jive Turkey|jive]] characters, complete with large slang vocabularies.
** Omega Supreme talked in robo-speak, but this was [[Justified Trope|justified]] in that his mind was damaged in a failed attempt by Megatron to reprogram him as a Decepticon. This left him emotionally stunted, and this was reflected in his speech patterns. He ''could'' speak normally, with effort, but rarely chose to.
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"End. Transmission." }}
* The Berbils from ''[[Thundercats 2011|ThunderCats (2011)]]''.
== Real Life ==
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