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If it's the hero who does this, can lead (as in the [[Trope Namer]]) to [[What the Hell, Hero?]] and [[My God, What Have I Done?]]. If it's done to the hero, Heaven help you if they should somehow not only [[We Do the Impossible|survive but thrive]] on your [[Impossible Task]]s.
See also [[Unfriendly Fire]] for a more hands-on approach that can work in both directions. When you send someone out with an item that attracts danger, that's the [[Trouble Magnet Gambit]]. When you do this [[Driven to Suicide|to yourself]], it's [[Suicide by Cop]]. When you're sent on this sort of mission and manage to get out alive, that's [[Surprisingly Elite Cannon Fodder]]. Not to be confused with [[David Copperfield (novel)|Uriah Heep]] -- [[Uriah Heep|either of them]].
== Anime and Manga ==
* What do you do when your Data Interface gains emotions, but you can't kill her off lest the protective [[Badass Normal]] called Kyon convinces [[Suzumiya Haruhi|Kyon]] convinces Haruhi to recreate the world and wipe you out? You invoke the Uriah Gambit, sending the Interface to meet up with the Sky Canopy Dominion and hope she will [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation]].
* In ''[[Code Geass]] R2'', {{spoiler|Lelouch tries to get Rolo killed several times as punishment for trying to replace Nunnally (and the Shirley incident), but he keeps surviving. For further irony, when Rolo ''did'' die, it was through a heartwrenching ''[[Heroic Sacrifice]]'' to save Lelouch's life ''after Lelouch admitted he had been trying to kill Rolo''... and Lelouch ended up genuinely forgiving him.}}
* Askeladd from ''[[Vinland Saga]]'' uses this gambit to facilitate an even larger [[Xanatos Gambit]] to remove a rival from the game.
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* In ''[[Claymore]]'', the Organization reserves its most dangerous missions for its most troublesome members.
* In [[Irresponsible Captain Tylor]], the Soyokaze is sent to the front several times in an attempt to kill Captain Tylor. It doesn't work.
* Implied in ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' of all things when Giovanni tries to get rid of James and Jessie by assigning them to a really dangerous airplane flight using an old airship that is clearly not in good condition. His actual goal is to collect insurance when the duo's incompetence causes the airship to crash, and by now he is certain they will.
== Card Games ==
* In ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' you can force this with cards like Wanderlust, which does one damage to enchanted creature's controller per turn. Since this usually puts you on a clock (meaning you've got a constant source of damage or one at an opponent's whim, and no way to deal with it), it's common to send a Wanderlusted creature to a "chump block" if you can't form a block that will survive or defeat the enemy. And then there's Donate. And of course Swords to Plowshares lets you exile not only your opponent's creatures, but your own. ''Magic'' loves the whole Xanatos index.
* A common way of pulling this off in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh (Tabletop Game)|Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' is by taking a weak monster like Treeborn Frog, turning it up into Attack Position, and using Creature Swap to exchange it for one of your opponent's monsters. Not only do you gain a more powerful monster on your side, but you also have the perfect target to cause a lot of damage to your opponent's Life Points. Quite literally an example of making an enemy of one of your underlings ''and'' sending them to their death.
== Comic Books ==
* Those who encounter [[Groo the Wanderer|Groo]] keep sending the titular character against impossible odds with little support both to get rid of Groo and sometimes serve as a distraction (This includes his family and "friends"). But since he's a [[One-Man Army]] and has the element of surprise (since no one would be stupid enough to attack, except Groo) he succeeds with the unintended consequences on those who sent him.
* In the prologue chapter of ''Necrophim'', [[Satan|Lucifer]] sends Uriel to kill the king of the frost giants in order that he will die in the attempt.
* ''[[Dreadstar]]'' had an arc when Vanth "retired" on a backward planet with a bunch of farmers. Then one night he walked out to chat with a hermit, and returned to find the entire village massacred by Monarchy raiders and his wife naked, crucified and dead. Being a very vengeful man and devious strategist, Vanth immediately concocted a plan. So he enlisted into the army of Monarchy and quickly rose through the ranks, until he was in position to command an operation that ended in victory with modest total casualties… but the squadron that conducted this raid completely wiped out. Also, it earned him a promotion to the Staff, with quarters inside palace of the King he wanted to assassinate for ordering this raid.
* ''[[Vexxarr]]'' was once sent to conquer [[Puny Earthlings|a bunch of dirt-monkeys in a far away system]] as an alternative to [[Thrown Out the Airlock|flushing into space]] not offending his clan—it's a [http://www.vexxarr.com/archive.php?seldate=012805 win-win].
** [http://www.vexxarr.com/archive.php?seldate=012506 Later] Vexxarr can identify this situation at a glance:
{{quote|'''a Shlumpoid''': Suicide mission? What makes you think the Supreme Council wants me dead?
'''Vexxarr''': Oh, I don't know... There's just something about being sent against a technically superior enemy without possessing [[Invisible Anatomy|so much as an opposable thumb]] that sort of sets off my conspiratorial side... }}
== Film ==
* In the film version of ''[[The Man in the Iron Mask (1998 film)|The Man in the Iron Mask]]'', King Louis XIV, upon finding out that one of the women he desires is already engaged to a soldier, sends him to the front lines to die in battle. Though the plan succeeds, it also backfires since the soldier also happened to be the son of one of the legendary Three Musketeers.
* In the animated film ''[[Antz]]'', the evil general sent the part of the army loyal to the queen to be slaughtered in the war against the termites.
* Palpatine does this to Dooku and Grevious in ''[[Star Wars]]''.
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* ''[[Good Morning Vietnam]]'': "I recommend we issue a 24 hour pass..."
* In ''[[Road to Perdition]]'', the Rooneys try to kill Sullivan by sending him out to collect on a debt, then offering the debtor a deal - his debt will be forgiven if he kills Sullivan. In a particularly bold and ruthless twist, {{spoiler|Sullivan himself is given the note bearing the offer to deliver.}}
* In ''[[Iron Man]]'' Obadiah Stane arranges to have Tony Stark killed by terrorists in Afghanistan while he is presenting a new missile system to the americanAmerican troops stationed there. [[Super-Hero Origin|It doesn't quite work out as planned.]]
== Literature ==
* This is named for an incident in [[The Bible]] where, desiring Uriah's gorgeous wife Bathsheba, King David [[Murder the Hypotenuse|had him sent into battle as cannon fodder]] (or, I suppose, arrow fodder). More specifically, David had first slept with Bathsheba while her husband was off on the front lines. Then when David found out he'd gotten Bathsheba pregnant, he tried to cover it up. The first coverup attempt ("Hey, Uriah! Buddy! Doin' a great job as an officer, my man! As a reward, I'm gonna give you a little vacation. Here, have a drink... or two or three... now go home, relax, enjoy an evening with your wife. You've earned it!") failed because Uriah [[The Men First|refused to accept privileges that his men weren't being allowed]]. Being unable to explain away Bathsheba's pregnancy the normal way, David pulled [[The Uriah Gambit]] as a [[Indy Ploy|probably spur-of-the-moment]] backup plan. Joab, the general David gave the order to (who also knew what David had done), was forced to put all of his troops within arrow range, then pull all of them but Uriah back, to make sure Uriah was killed. In a passive -aggressive [[What the Hell, Hero?]], Joab returned to Jerusalem to say something along the lines of: "The deed is done. Oh, and by the way, here are the names of all of the other guys who had to die by your strategy for no reason."
** In ''[[Cartoon History of the Universe|The Cartoon History of the Universe]]'', Joab is shown crumpling up the order and muttering "The things the boss makes me do" before sending Uriah out.
* David might have learned the Uriah Gambit from his predecessor, Saul, who kept trying to kill him with it. Much to Saul's chagrin, David not only [[Nigh Invulnerable|survived]] the [[Springtime for Hitler|the crazy missions]] that Saul sent him on (like [[Twenty Bear Asses|collecting the foreskins of 100 Philistines]]—which — which meant ''killing'' 100 Philistines, or at least administer a circumcision with or without their consent—toconsent — to win Saul's daughter Michal's hand in marriage), but went [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|above and beyond the call of duty]] (like bringing back ''200'' foreskins). It's not too surprising that going from shepherd boy to war hero to general to prince to king went to his head, and he thought he could get away with anything. Then God got the last word, and gave David massive succession issues and a really short time with his family actively on the throne.<ref>If we're not counting God's promise to make David's successor rule forever - fulfilled by his descendant Joseph passing the legal inheritance on to Jesus, assuming you're [[Christianity|Christian]]. For [[Judaism|Jews]], it's rather more complex, but the prophecy still has a member of the House of David being the Messiah.</ref> It is still worth noting: the child whose conception caused the problem in the first place died in infancy, God's way of expressing His disapproval. The ''next'' child David and Bathesheba had, however... Well, his name was Solomon.
* In [[Agatha Christie]]'s ''[[And Then There Were None]]'', General MacArthur had used a similar method to dispose of his wife Leslie's lover (who also was his [[Number Two]]) during [[World War I]]. Afterward he avoided attending church whenever the David and Bathsheba story was scheduled to be read, and Leslie later succumbed to [[Death by Despair]]. Otherwise, it went so well that even Scotland Yard detectives, told afterwards that murder is involved, cannot be sure that it really is. {{spoiler|Too bad a certain [[Hanging Judge]] ''and' [[Magnificent Bastard]] got notice of it and decided to murder him, alongside other [[Karma Houdini]]s.}}
* In ''The Memoirs of [[Sherlock Holmes]]'' story "The Adventure of the Crooked Man", the victim was overheard arguing with his wife, and she was heard to say the name David. It turned out that she was alluding to the Biblical story described above; her husband had done something similar to a romantic rival thirty years earlier.
* In Honor Harrington, "Honor among Enemies" there is a complicated subversion. Klaus Hauptman a shipping magnate is tired of losing ships(not to mention [[Papa Wolf| personal]]) to pirates in the Silesian Confederation and pulls strings to get Honor who is an old political rival of his, assigned there. The subversion is that he is not trying to get Honor killed-exactly-and in principle would rather she succeeded. Hauptman is just thinking,"better her then my employees", that she is after all the officer with the qualifications he thinks necessary(in other words tactical wizardry combined with utter insanity), and there are in any case naval officers he would grieve over far more.
* In ''[[Vorkosigan Saga|Shards of Honour]]'' by [[Lois McMaster Bujold]], the (failed) invasion of Escobar is used by Emperor Ezar to [[Offing the Offspring|dispose]] of [[The Caligula|Crown Prince Serg]] and weaken the faction supporting him.
** Earlier in the book, somebody else tried to kill the hero this way, twice. It didn't work.
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* In ''[[The Wheel of Time]]'', Rand al'Thor only brings his enemies on a campaign to fight the {{spoiler|Seanchan}}. Why waste good men?
* In [[Dan Abnett]]'s ''[[Gaunt's Ghosts]]'' novels, this often happens to the ''entire regiment'', usually when someone wants to get rid of "Gaunt and his damn Ghosts". (In the worst cases, they resort to [[Unfriendly Fire]].)
* In [[Graham McNeill]]'s ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' [[Horus Heresy]] novel ''Fulgrim'', when Vespanian complains to Fulgrim that the captains who should have been supporting Captain Demeter didn't, and if it weren't for the intervention of other men, the captain and his men would have died, he realizes that this was exactly Fulgrim's intent. {{spoiler|Then Fulgrim kills Vespanian.}}
* In ''The Bone Doll's Twin'', {{spoiler|the king sends Lord Rhius on suicidally dangerous missions, to dispense with his influence over his son, second in line for the throne}}.
* ''Dark Force Rising'', the middle book of the Thrawn trilogy, had an interesting variation. [[Smug Snake|Borsk]] [[Divided We Fall|Fey'lya]], going out to the site of the Katana Fleet in a ship crewed solely by his most ardent supporters, following right after some political adversaries, ended up ambushed by a superior Imperial force. He got the ship and its escort to turn around and start to flee, leaving Luke, Han, and Rogue Squadron high and dry. However, he got tricked into an [[Engineered Public Confession]] in which he stated his belief that those who weren't with him were his enemies, no one cared if their enemies died, and he wouldn't lose his allies, who were of purely political significance, to anything as outmoded as loyalty. His ship and its escort promptly turned back for a [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment.
** This was also the reason that Palpatine supported the [[Outbound Flight]] project. Eighteen Jedi, six of them Masters, heading off on a dangerous mission into the Unknown Regions... why, ''anything'' could happen out there. The fifty thousand civilians with them? Too bad.
* In ''Strength and Honor'', the emperor of Rome packs his space fleet ([[Recycled in Space|yes, you read that right]]) with political enemies. [[Surprisingly Elite Cannon Fodder|If they win, good. If they lose, good.]]
* In ''[[Flashman]] and the Mountain of Light,'' the Sikh ruling class deliberately starts a war with the British empire so that their unruly and regicidal army will be slaughtered.
* Felix Cortez plans to do this in ''[[Clear and Present Danger]]'', sending Cartel fighters against the American soldiers while building his own loyal group of fighters to take over the Cartel. The plan get interrupted in the story by other events.
* In ''[[Curse of the Wolfgirl]]'' The Avenaris Guild of Werewolf hunters have an accountant who just cost them their cushy expenses account. Said accountant is transferred to frontline werewolf hunting activity forthwith. Subverted as it {{spoiler|turns out this was the accountant's plan all along as part of his [[Batman Gambit]]}}.
* In ''[[The Hunger Games]], Book II, Catching Fire'', President Snow has a problem; many districts are beginning to rebel, using Katniss as their inspiration. An obvious death would just incite them further. What can he do? {{spoiler|Just [[Blatant Lies|coincidentally discover that the Quarter Quell makes her fight in The Games again]].}}
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* The ''[[Robotech]]'' novelization says that War Correspondent Sue Graham was attached to the Jupiter Fleet trying to free the Earth from the Invid by Lisa Hayes-Hunter because she was trying to get too friendly with Rick. Lisa wasn't specifically trying to get Sue killed (though she did that on her own), she just wanted her several thousand light-years away from her husband.
** Ironically, this happened to the Hunters themselves in ''The Sentinels'', when T.R. Edwards managed to get them both (and their supporters like Max and Miyria) sent off with the Sentinels.
* Done in the [[Mirror Universe]] novel [[Star Trek: TNGThe Next Generation|Dark Mirror]] to mirror![[Doomed by Canon|Jack Crusher]] by Evil!Picard to take possession of Beverly. Original!Picard is horrified to learn this.
* In ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Half-Blood Prince (novel)|Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince]]'', both Narcissa Malfoy and Dumbledore think that Voldemort's main goal when he assigned his mission to Draco was to have Draco killed trying, as a punishment for Lucius' past failures.
* [[Andre Norton]]'s ''Star Rangers'' (alternate title ''The Last Planet'') begins with a would-be dictator getting rid of the local [[Space Police|Stellar Patrol]] by sending them on missions to map long-forgotten border systems, with a vague promise of turning these systems into bases from which the Patrol can be reborn. "Undermanned, poorly supplied, without real hope, but determined to carry out orders to the last," they go....
* The events of the ''[[Saga of the Forgotten Warrior]]'' series are set in motion when the Vadal family's [[Ancestral Weapon|ancestor blade]] accidentally winds up bonded to the mere [[Fantastic Caste System|casteless]] child Fall they can't kill for fear of destroying the blade. To get around this they have the child magically brainwashed into thinking he was a proper member of the Vadal family that literally has no fear (on the idea it will get him killed faster), then dedicate him to to the fading ''[[Judge Dread]]''-esque Protectors of the Law, who have a high fatality rate ''in training'' even before they have to face Lok's horrifying demons they're dedicated to destroying, on the condition they get the blade back to find a new owner when he falls. This doesn't work, and the child winds up an explicit [[One-Man Army]] instead. When the child finds out decades later, he slaughters the heads of the Vadal clan for breaking the law then turns himself in, which the continent's head [[The Inquisition|Inquisitor]] decides is the ''perfect'' chance to launch his schemes to get him made king in all but name.
== Live-Action TV ==
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* In the final episode of ''[[Torchwood: Miracle Day]]'', {{spoiler|Oswald Danes is the guy that ends up acting as a suicide bomber when the team needs one}}.
== Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends ==
== Machinima ==
* This starts becoming standard operating procedure for Sarge in ''[[Red vs. Blue]]''. Especially when Grif is the one involved, but not always limited to him. One sequence involved storming the enemy base in a single-file line, with Sarge at the back to 'evaluate' how well it goes. Grif is surprised he wasn't in the list ... until he was told his corpse was to be used to jam a deathtrap at the gates.
** The "deathtrap" moved at about five miles per hour, was easily avoidable, and the cut to what it would look like showed Grif's corpse having absolutely no effect on its movement.
== Mythology ==
* The myth of the Greek hero Perseus killing Medusa was because the King of Serifos ordered him to do it so he could marry Perseus' [[Hot Mom|mother]]. Backfires massively when Perseus learns that he has snagged Danae, thus he rushes back home to save his mom and shows him Medusa's head, turning him and his court into stone as punishment.
* Bellerophon, also of Greek mythology, was sent to King Iobates bearing a missive that asked the king to kill its bearer. Before reading it, the two had feasted well together and simply killing Bellerophon [[Sacred Hospitality|might bring divine wrath upon the kingdom]]. Instead, Iobates repeatedly sent Bellerophon on suicidal missions where he continuously succeeded until the hero ultimately earned the wrath of Zeus and was struck down.
* In [https://web.archive.org/web/20200328205353/https://www.storiestogrowby.org/story/baba-yaga-witch-russian-fairytale/ this story] an [[Evil Stepmother]] tells her step daughter Natasha to go to the Step Mother's sister, The [[Baba Yaga]], allegedly to "ask for a needle and thread to mend a shirt". Natasha already has a thread and needle when she is told to go to the Baba Yaga, and tells her step mom. Step mom tells Natasha to see the Baba Yaga anyways.
** A similar story involving Baba Yaga, a cruel stepmother purposely casts a curse of darkness upon her home so her accomplice daughters can tell [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasilisa_the_Beautiful Vasilisa the Beautiful] to go to the witch's hut to ask for a light, obviously hoping she won't come back. It backfires spectacularly upon Vasilisa's stepmother; not only does she manage to survive, the light Baba Yaga gives her is a fiery skull that [[Hoist By Her Own Petard|burns the cruel stepmother and her daughters to a crisp.]]
== Tabletop Games ==
=== Card Games ===
* In ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' you can force this with cards like Wanderlust, which does one damage to enchanted creature's controller per turn. Since this usually puts you on a clock (meaning you've got a constant source of damage or one at an opponent's whim, and no way to deal with it), it's common to send a Wanderlusted creature to a "chump block" if you can't form a block that will survive or defeat the enemy. And then there's Donate. And of course Swords to Plowshares lets you exile not only your opponent's creatures, but your own. ''Magic'' loves the whole Xanatos index.
* A common way of pulling this off in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh (Tabletop Game)|Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' is by taking a weak monster like Treeborn Frog, turning it up into Attack Position, and using Creature Swap to exchange it for one of your opponent's monsters. Not only do you gain a more powerful monster on your side, but you also have the perfect target to cause a lot of damage to your opponent's Life Points. Quite literally an example of making an enemy of one of your underlings ''and'' sending them to their death.
** [https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Worm_Ugly Worm Ugly] is a card deliberately designed for this strategy; the player is supposed to use it to Tribute Summon a high Level Worm like Worm King or Worm Queen, which triggers Worm Ugly's effect, summoning it to the opponent's side of the field. And given [https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Worm_Queen Worm Queen's card art] (where she is crushing a Worm Dimikles) [[Bad Boss|she doesn't seem all-too concerned about the fate of her minions as it is.]]
=== Tabletop GamesRPG ===
* ''[[Paranoia]]'' encourages PCs to throw their underlings under the bus this way, while pretending that you're doing them a favor ("Suck-R, go disarm that berserk scrubot, you'll probably get a commendation for it"). If the underling seems devious enough to actually pull it off, then you may need to pile on some complications ("oh, but leave your toolkit here, we wouldn't want it to get damaged").
== Theater ==
* There's an interesting version in ''[[Cyrano De Bergerac]]''. At the beginning of the play, the Comte de Guiche is a [[The Casanova|lecherous]] [[Aristocrats Are Evil|evil aristocrat]] who wants to make Roxane his mistress and is the enemy of Cyrano and his cadets. During a battle with Spain, he sends a spy to tell the Spanish how to attack the Cadets so they will be massacred. What makes this interesting, is that although this scheme results in the death of Roxane's husband, Christian (which is typical of a Uriah Gambit), this wasn't the intent and seems to have prompted de Guiche's [[Heel Realization]], as post-time skip, he admires Cyrano's virtue and is [[Just Friends|just a close friend]] to Roxane, who is now a nun.
== Video Games ==
== Videogames ==
* In ''[[Ultima V]]'', one can get a spy to join the party; his name is [[Sdrawkcab Name|Saduj.]] If you enter any combat with him in it, he will immediately become an enemy, but until then gameplay-wise is a member of the party. If you avoid combat and are captured by the usurper Blackthorne, Blackthorne ''always'' picks the second member of your party, and kills him off [[Final Death|permanently.]] That person's ashes are then shown at the Codex, the shrine of all that is Virtue, as someone who paid the ultimate sacrifice for Good. We'll remember ye, Saduj. Do this ''before'' getting the Sandlewood Box.
* In the first game of the ''[[Baldur's Gate]]'' series, certain NPCs come in pairs and will leave the party together, as the one kicked out will initiate dialogue and take the other one with them. Dead, booted-out NPCs, however, cannot initiate such dialogue and frees up a slot while leaving their partner in the party. [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|Jaheira used to have a nasty tendency of charging headfirst into marauding hobgoblin bands without armour and weapons on once Yeslick became available]]... As did Dynaheir right off the bat if the PC was a mage.
* In the [[Dungeons and& Dragons]] [[Video Game]] version of ''[[Temple of Elemental Evil]]'', a temporary party member named Prince Thrommel has a [[Cool Sword]] called Fragarach. He will ''only'' release the sword if you pry it from his cold dead hands. Evil players can just kill him (and it's required for a quest in the Lawful Evil path). Good characters who want the sword "accidentally" let him die. (You can resurrect him later, he doesn't ask what happened to his sword, oddly and will still give you its counterpart.) You can also marry a (rather annoying) NPC (with subpar stats) for a gift and throw her into the middle of combat naked, her father doesn't care.
** In ''Pool of Radiance'', the first of the Gold Box games, you could hire NPCs to go with you. Hire until you get two guys in plate armor, then 'accidentally' cast a sleep spell too close to them, which makes them die immediately when hit by the enemy. They have magic plate armor and swords. "Oops, I'm too low level to resurrect you, but I can use animate dead", and get two free fairly powerful zombies you don't have to pay, and once they finally get hacked to pieces, some nice armor and swords...
* The first mission given to you by Prince LaCroix in ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines]]'' is a variation of this trope; once he realizes killing you in public would become a PR nightmare, he gives you a mission that would simply get rid of you... And if you by some incredible good stroke of fortune happen to succeed, well, [[Xanatos Gambit|that suits his purposes just as well]]. {{spoiler|The last mission he gives you, which consists of making you find Nines and then setting fire to the forest next to your meeting place so the werewolves'll get you both, is an even better example.}}
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* The Pariah Dog in ''[[Fallout 2]]'' comes with the Jinxed perk, causing everyone in combat to fail spectacularly. (If you've ever played a Jinxed character, you'll be familiar with the lost ammo, destroyed own weapon, critically missed and crippled own arm shtick.) It doesn't aid in combat or even absorb blows for you, uses up a follower slot, and your Luck drops to 1. It doesn't help that doom doggy has 750&nbsp;hp, runs when you attack it but comes back once you stop, and you're missing half the time (and losing all your ammo). Suggestions for [http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/fallout2/show_msgs.php?topic_id=m-1-41373450&pid=63576 how to off it] get pretty interesting... But heaven help you if you critical kill it a zero damage attack, as its negative effects will never leave even though it's dead!
* There is no way to disband a unit in ''[[Dominions]]'', and your units cost you full upkeep even when injury or disease renders them useless. Players will often send the expensive, feeble-minded old wizard on a suicide charge into the nearest enemy territory to get them out of the roster. Just send the player you're "attacking" a note; they'll understand.
* In ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'', Mengsk sends Kerrigan to hold off the Protoss during a Zerg invasion, and when the Zerg begin to overwhelm the Terrans and Protoss alike he abandons her. It's implied the reason he did this was because she and Raynor were beginning to get a bit too defiant to his increasingly extreme methods.
** Oh no, the Zerg just put a parasite on one of my easy-to-replace marines! That means they'll be able to spy on me and track my army's movements as long as he's alive! On a related note, we need someone to head into the enemy base so we can scout their troop composition. Any volunteers?
** Also happens in Starcraft 2 multiplayer games. If you get to extreme late game you might end up with more workers than you really want to have and you want that population cap freed up for more combat units. So from starting off as a valuable part of your forces they become a nuisance. Solution? Charge unwanted workers at the enemy ahead of your main army. That way it ensures they die to free up your population whilst simultaneously soaking up some of the enemy fire which would otherwise be targetted at your army. Even more viable with Zerg given how fast their tech switches can happen. Its not uncommon for a Zerg player to simply attack-move suicide "useless" units or even his entire army into an opponent with the aim of deliberately getting them all killed whilst doing as much damage as possible in order to be able to completely rebuild an army from scratch to take advantage of weaknesses in the opponent's composition.
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{{quote|'''Sigurd''': "Telling your husband's little sister to go off to war... [[Lampshade Hanging|What is Mistress Iria thinking]]?!"}}
** Nevermind that the player [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|can do this to characters they don't like.]] Hell, in [[Fire Emblem Jugdral|Genealogy]], thanks to the automatic [[Relationship Values]], it's a viable tactic to use this to [[Murder the Hypotenuse|deal with unwanted pairings]].
* In ''[[The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion]]'', one of the Mage's Guild leaders has you go pull a ring out of the bottom of a well. A ring that happens to weigh as much as a full suit of armor. One of your predecessors is floating around in said well when you dive in. {{spoiler|Guess which Mage's Guild leader turns out to be working with the Necromancers?}}
* In ''[[Liberal Crime Squad]]'', Conservative enlightened too late are tagged "wanted for rehabilitation", and if they are arrested, they will spill the bean on their recruiters. So there are 2 ways to deal with them: Send them to a minor and crime free safehouse to do some tame stuff (like legal fundraising), or send them to their death (like ordering them to sell brownies until they run into the Police Gang Units, or better, the Death Squads, and make them fight to the death, or just showing up at a Conservative place naked and armed with molotovs.)
* Teryn Loghain Mac Tir of ''[[Dragon Age Origins]]'' is known for this, he doesn't like the way that King Cailan runs things, so what does he do? {{spoiler|He withdraws backup in the fight with the darkspawn, letting Cailan, and most of the Grey Wardens, along with a good chunk of Ferelden's army get slaughtered.}}
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* In ''[[God of War (series)|God of War]] III'', Hephaestus learns that Kratos intends to open Pandora's Box, which will require Pandora, who Hephaestus regards as his daughter, to be sacrificed. So he sends Kratos to retrieve an Omphalos Stone, on a promise that he will use it to create a new weapon for Kratos, not mentioning that the stone is inside the guts of the Titan Cronos. It doesn't work.
* Any soldier that you take a dislike to in [[X Com]] will most likely end up being the first one through the doors of a UFO.
* In ''[[Team Fortress 2]]'', apparently the reason Miss Pauling is sending you on contracts to get you killed. Which makes her a bad friend. [https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/7/7f/Plng_toughbreak_contractgiverare_beergarden.mp3?t=20151218030009]
* In the Omega Sector storyline in ''[[Maple Story]]'', Jenny - the Pink M-Forcer - seems to think Omega Command is priming the player to replace one of the M-Forcers, having eavesdropped on messages about "member adjustment", and that one of them will be a victim of this scheme. Halfway through the story, she becomes convinced the target is her, as the [[Transformation Trinket|offical badge]] she was given has the player's name on it! The fact that she is, herself, a recent replacement for a deceased member of the team doesn't help calm her nerves. {{spoiler|Eventually, [[Subverted Trope| it is revealed that Command wants to ''expand'']] the team and make the player the [[Sixth Ranger]]; the badge was given to Jenny due to a clerical error.}}
== Web Comics ==
* ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'':
== Webcomics ==
* In ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]'',* Roy's first adventuring party kept sending Durkon on suicidal missions, but Durkon kept surviving. Durkon was actually aware they were trying to get rid of him, but he was resigned to it until Roy stood up for him, at which point the two left to form their own group.
** Miko Miyazaki overlaps this trope and [[Snipe Hunt]]. She's so unbearable to be around that she's repeatedly sent on missions away from Azure City, usually for months at a time; she's so bad that they actually consider it worth the bad publicity of having her representing the city if it means getting her out of their hair. No one ever explicitly says they're trying to kill her, but the other paladins sort of give the idea that no one would be particularly ''sad'' if she did die, either.
** Inverted by Tarquin, who decides he wants to marry a woman from the Free City of Doom who is already married to a Pikeman on the city's south wall. When his soldiers invade, they take special care of her husband. [[Evil Gloating|Which he then told her about.]]
* It's speculated that Zala'ess pulled this on her daughter Vy'chriel in ''[[Drowtales]]'', considering that Vy'chriel's was sent into the middle of an enemy fortress with no visible backup against someone several times her age, resulting in a [[Curb Stomp Battle]] that left her dead. There's also the fact that she's not the original daughter, she was the daughter's protector and killed her, only to take her place, and Zala'ess would have killed her herself if her older sister hadn't interfered.
* ''[[Vexxarr]]'' was once sent to conquer [[Puny Earthlings|a bunch of dirt-monkeys in a far away system]] as an alternative to [[Thrown Out the Airlock|flushing into space]] notthat offendingwon't offend his clan—itclan — it's a [http://www.vexxarr.com/archive.php?seldate=012805 win-win]: success would make him the lord of [[Reassigned to Antarctica|an unimportant place on the very edge of their empire]], so he would still get lost and stay lost.
* ''[[Vexxarr]]'' has first the protagonist's attempt to conquer Earth and then a hapless [http://www.vexxarr.com/archive.php?seldate=012006 Schlumpoid "saboteur"]:
** Later Vexxarr meets the [http://www.vexxarr.com/archive.php?seldate=012506012006 LaterSchlumpoid "saboteur"] Vexxarrand can identify this situation at a glance:
{{quote|'''Sploorfixa Shlumpoid''': Suicide mission? What makes you think the Supreme couincilCouncil wants me dead?
'''Vexxarr''': Oh, I don't know... There is's just something about being sent against a technically superior enemy without possessing so much as an opposable thumb that sort of sets off my conspiratorial side... }}
== Web Original ==
* This starts becoming standard operating procedure for Sarge in ''[[Red vs. Blue]]''. Especially when Grif is the one involved, but not always limited to him. One sequence involved storming the enemy base in a single-file line, with Sarge at the back to 'evaluate' how well it goes. Grif is surprised he wasn't in the list ... until he was told his corpse was to be used to jam a deathtrap at the gates.
** The "deathtrap" moved at about five miles per hour, was easily avoidable, and the cut to what it would look like showed Grif's corpse having absolutely no effect on its movement.
== Western Animation ==
* ''[[Re BootReBoot]]'' has Megabyte do this to his own henchmen [[Minion with an F In Evil|Hack & Slash]] because he's sick of their incompetence.
* In ''[[Invader Zim]]'', the Tallest, the leaders of the Irkens, send Zim to "invade" an uncharted area they assume has no planets in it, inhabited or otherwise, because they don't want him [[Spanner in the Works|screwing up any invasions]]. [[Hilarity Ensues|It turns out to be Earth]].
** And in a later episode, they send him to a harsh alien boot camp in the hope that he'll be killed, while at the same time holding a betting pool on how long Zim will last. Not only is Zim the only member of his training unit to survive, but the Tallest end up losing an extremely large amount of money to the one guy who bet on Zim surviving.
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** It's implied (or at least suspected by some suspicious-minded fans) that this happened to Iroh's son, who died before the series started in battle.
** Also suspected by suspicious fans is that Ozai sent Zuko away on a [[Snipe Hunt]] ''hoping'' that he would get killed sooner rather than later, so that Ozai could have him out of his hair permanently without getting his hands dirty. Well, dirtier.
* ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants]]''; possibly the worst thing Mr. Crab has done was in an episode where he tried to bump off poor Squidward by sending him on ridiculously dangerous deliveries, after discovering that his artwork might be more valuable if her were dead. And when it didn't work, he almost resorted to actual ''murder''. Unsuccessfully, thank goodness.
== Real Life ==
* [[Truth in Television]].: The Soviets are suspected of taking advantage of the Warsaw Uprising that way (they claim they were just out of gas, but they also refused landing to supply planes from the Western Allies). They allowed the fighters in the city to bleed out, then they occupied the city destroyed by German soldiers. Between the early Soviet failure in Poland, splitting it with Reich (which "officially" started [[World War II]]) and "rail war" on Soviet territory, it's reasonable to assume Stalin would expect problems there and wanted the place to be as weakened as possible by the time Red Army's supply will move through it - and setting up one enemy to attack another is something he did all the time.
* According to one version North Vietnam actually intended that the Viet-cong be wiped out at Tet. In any case that was what actually happened. The VC never recovered and further fighting was mostly with NVAs.
* In the [[Second Sino-Japanese War|Sino-Japanese War of]] (1937-1945]]), the Chinese Nationalist government, in an effort to "use space to buy time" repeatedly held back their best-equipped and most -loyal forces and left the nominally nationalist-aligned warlords and bands of civilians to fight the Japanese alone and in guerrilla warfare. The Communists did their best to avoid combat and leave the hard fighting to the nationalists, building their strength whilst launching grassroots publicity campaigns emphasizing their comparative willingness to fight the Japanese directly.
** The Chinese have a long and proud history of playing "let[[Let's youYou and himHim fightFight]]" in war and politPolishicspolitics. Initially a very minor player in party politics, Mao originally came to power as the most powerful surviving leader of the Communists; he had left most of his rivals and their followers to face the purges of the Nationalists alone and be massacred, taking care of the remainder himself. During the Vietnam War, the PRC played both sides, sought to prolong the war as long as possible to ingratiate themselves with the North Vietnamese and weaken the US (who they wanted off of their borders).
* Very popular method as used by Ottoman rulers: Untrustworthy generals were sent to invade Europe, often resulting in [[Xanatos Gambit|win-win situations]]. For- for the Sultan, that is.
* Before World War II started, the Western Democracies, Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union all attempted to maneuver their two enemies into a devastating war, so they would be able to walk all over the rump forces that would remain after such a conflict. In the end, Stalin was the one who managed to pull it off - not that it helped him any later on.
** Another interpretation is that Nazi Regime simply wanted to fight the UK and USSR one after another without these two being allies; USSR wanted to delay the war as much as possible and maybe have an army able to shoot and having guns by then; and the UK would like to be somewhere across the channel from whatever fight would break out (no fight would also be acceptable). All three failed.
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