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== Anime and Manga ==
* Muruta Azrael from ''[[Gundam Seed]]'' serves this role on the ''Dominion''. While officially just an "observer" from some committee, he's in fact head of the Blue Cosomos terrorist group. He's really there to make sure his plans go right, even undermining the ship's Captain.
** In ''[[Gundam Seed Destiny]]'' Rey Za Burrel plays a similar, though more subdued role on the ''Minerva'', keeping the crew—and particularly Shinn—on the track that Chairman Durandal wants them on.
== Comic Books ==
* In a manner of speaking, the Sith Lords in ''[[Star Wars Legacy]]'' fill a similar role. Though not part of the Imperial Military hierarchy, they oversee military units to ensure they serve the will of the [[Big Bad]] and [[Evil Overlord]] Darth Krayt. Complete with an [[Warhammer 4000040,000|"Oops, sorry sir"]] fragging of Darth Maleval by disgruntled stormtroopers.
* In a manner of speaking, the Sith Lords in ''[[Star Wars Legacy]]'' fill a similar role. Though not part of the Imperial Military hierarchy, they oversee military units to ensure they serve the will of the [[Big Bad]] and [[Evil Overlord]] Darth Krayt. Complete with an [[Warhammer 40000|"Oops, sorry sir"]] fragging of Darth Maleval by disgruntled stormtroopers.
== Film ==
* ''[[The Hunt for Red October]]'' has a [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|political officer]] accompanying Captain Ramius (who is actually trying to defect). To keep him from making more problems, Ramius 'has him fall into the corner of a desk'.
* Several political officers are seen [[We Have Reserves|shooting anyone attempting to retreat]] in the movie ''[[Enemy at the Gates]]''.
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== Literature ==
* [[Star Wars]]: the [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Political_Reliability_Observer Political Reliability Observer]
* Putin (no, [[Name's the Same|not]] ''[[Name's the Same|that]]'' [[Name's the Same|Putin]]) in the book and film of ''[[The Hunt for Red October]]'', who is murdered by Ramius at the beginning.
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** Actually, it might be quicker to say that almost ''all'' Citizen Commissioners that we meet for more than a chapter or two subvert the trope by turning on their government and collaborating with the fundamentally decent officers they are supposed to be reigning in.
** In the short story "Fanatic" a political officer state that the many Citizen Commissioners become allied with their naval counterparts. Also, several members of the Committee of Public Safety know this; but it is ignored since the Commissioners use this connection to motivate the navy. Also, only the surface relationship is seen, the Committee never bothers asking if the Commissioner also loathes the government. [http://honorverse.wikia.com/wiki/Fanatic], [http://honorverse.wikia.com/wiki/People%27s_Commissioner]
**In the short story ''From the Highlands'' it is explained that StateSec's personal department actually is careful to filter people into the job they are suited for. Thus StateSec agents doing fleet duty or foreign intelligence often have many of the same traits as any Star Nation's naval officers or spies whereas prisons and torture chambers are crewed by those who [[Psycho for Hire|gravitate toward that duty]].
* [[Charles Stross]]'s story ''Missile Gap'' has Misha Gorodin as the zampolit assigned to [[Yuri Gagarin]]'s ship on the [[Star Trek|"five-year mission"]] to explore [[Flat World|the disk-shaped world]] where human civilization [[Alien Space Bats|has been transplanted]].
* [[The Neidermeyer|Strappi]] from ''[[Discworld/Monstrous Regiment|Monstrous Regiment]]'', a particularly loathsome example. He takes cruel delight in bullying his soldiers (to the point that one of them throws up whenever he starts yelling), talks big about patriotism, and when it looks like he's actually going to get sent to the front, wets himself and deserts.
** Oddly, the identities of Borogravian political officers seems to be a secret - Strappi's status is just rumoured at first, until [[The Reveal]]. As such they're probably more of a cross between this trope and [[State Sec|Stasi-esque]] informants, presumably to avert the inherent risk of [[Unfriendly Fire|fragging]] that comes with the role.
* Barrayar has political officers in the early parts of the [[Vorkosigan Saga]]. Admiral Aral Vorkosigan notoriously murdered his own particularly scheming one with his bare hands on his flag bridge during the invasion of Komarr, and only dodged serious consequences (other than a demotion to Captain) due to his bloodline. Later, another political officer tries to murder him in return.
** It is implied that while the outcry was intentionally high, he was demoted only to keep the official face on the thing, political officers being a rather new institution and just another tool in the [[Magnificent Bastard|Ezar's]] box.
* ''Broken Angels'' by [[Richard Morgan]]. The [[Private Military Contractors|Wedge]] are kept under the surveillance of a political officer, so to avoid any problems with him they forcefully addict him to "the wire", threatening to withhold it if he causes trouble. The political officer gets his revenge {{spoiler|when his surveillance reveals the protagonist is planning to kill his former colleagues -- he 'forgets' to inform the Wedge commander of this.}}
* Commissar [[Ciaphas Cain]], '''[[Warhammer 4000040,000|HERO OF THE IMPERIUM]]''', is actually an aversion. While a great many commissars are the shoot-the-men-if-they-get-rowdy type who happily pull rank (they technically outrank anyone who's not a senior commissar, Inquisitor, or [[Space Marine]]) to ensure regulations are followed, he carefully cultivates bonds of camaraderie with the troops under him so he's less likely to suffer an "unfortunate accident" (see Catachans below).
* In ''[[CoDominium|Falkenberg's Legions]]'', the Soviet-backed International Brigades sent to the Santiago Civil War are controlled by Political Officers. Very much in the Soviet zampolit style, the one featured takes on the Western stereotype.
* In [[Childe Cycle|Dorsai!]], the Friendlies have "Conscience Guardians" who seek out heresy among their troops. Interestingly enough, the Guardians authority is only over their Chruch members and not foreign mercenaries. In addition, they keep their forces from bickering with each other over issues of religious doctrine, preventing tensions within their army.
* ''[[Grunts!]]'': Having spent a lot of time reading over the political philosophy texts in Dagurashibanipal's hoard, Marine Razitshakra turns into Marine Commissar Razitshakra, complete with [[Commissar Cap]] and Russian Army greatcoat, monitoring her fellow orcs for "idealogical instability".
== Live -Action TV ==
* One major sign of EarthGov's slide into dictatorship was the assignment of a political officer to ''[[Babylon 5]]''. A very [[Good-Looking Privates|hot female political officer]]. Who can go from fully clothed to stark naked in the time it takes someone to turn around (neat trick).
* In the ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' episode "Face of the Enemy", Troi is disguised as a Tal'Shiar officer who fills this role on a Romulan warship. [[Alternate Character Interpretation|It could also be said that this is also her role on the Enterprise]].
== Tabletop Games ==
* Commissars in ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' are [[Badass Longcoat|longcoat-wearing]] political officers attached to [[Badass Normal|Imperial]] [[Redshirt Army|Guard]] armies and [[Space Navy|Imperial Navy]] ships. Interestingly, they feature elements of both the "eastern" and "western" stereotypes in that they are inspirational badasses who are calm under fire and lead by example, but can and will mercilessly shoot soldiers who fail to meet their stringent standards. Commissars are hand-picked from Schola Progenium like other elites, have some training and field practice shared with the Storm Troopers, thus by the time they get to work have at least some military experience, as well as confidence they'll need to have more guts under fire than the recruits. ''Usually'' the Guards respect them at least as much as fear, because part of this job is to accompany soldiers into battle and show an example of bravery.
** CommissarsIn in ''[[Warhammer 40000]]''40,000 are [[Badass LongcoatRoleplay|longcoat-wearingRPG]] political officers attached to [[Badass Normal|Imperial]] [[Redshirt Army|Guard]] armies and [[Space Navy|Imperial Navy]] ships. Interestingly, they feature elements of both the "eastern" and "western" stereotypes in that they are inspirational badasses who are calm under fire and lead by example, but can and will mercilessly shoot soldiers who fail to meet their stringent standards. Commissars are hand-picked from Schola Progenium like other elites, have some training and field practice shared with the Storm Troopers, thus by the time they get to work have at least some military experience, as well as confidence they'll need to have more guts under fire than the recruits. ''Usually'' the Guards respect them at least as much as fear, because part of this job is to accompany soldiers into battle and show an example of bravery. In RPG, there's "[[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Feared And Loathed]]" trait for the peculiar relationship between some [[State Sec|Internal Security Commissariats]] and PDF - but "real" Commissars ''don't'' have this (nor bother to hide their opinion of the spooks who won't show up when the going gets tough). The best Commissars don't need to shoot soldiers, because they are proactive about morale issues. The worst Commissars and/or obstinate ones stuck with more maverick units tend to have "[[Unfriendly Fire|unfortunate accidents]]", however.
** The presence of the Commissars in Astra Militarum is an integral part of command structure. Even when Duke Severus seceded from the Imperium, he found it easier to secretly prepare his own corps of Ducal Legates to replace the Commissars ([https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2013/6/14/the-path-of-the-traitor/ see here]) than to remove Political Officer positions altogether and overhaul the army to work without them.
** One or the other angle can be emphasised [[Depending on the Writer]] - minor character commissars are more likely to be [[Bad Boss]]es, while [[Gaunt's Ghosts|Ibram Gaunt]] fits the "benevolent commissar" mold, and [[Ciaphas Cain]] is a pure pragmatist who has caught on to the fact that overzealous commissars tend to die in combat suspiciously far from the front line.
** Catachans, being fiercely independent badass jungle fighter Ramboes, even have a special rule ("Oops, sorry sir!") in which if a commissar is attached to them, you must roll before the game starts to find out whether or not he suffered an "unfortunate accident".
*** ''[[Only War]]'' generalized it to bad relations with assigned authority figures for [[Death World]] regiments, though it can be waived on personal basis.
** Most [[Badass]] of them all is Commissar Sebastian J. Yarrick. He lost an arm in battle with an Ork Warboss and retorted by ''decapitating the Warboss'', only "allowing himself the luxury of passing out" after the battle was won. He then had the Warboss's Power Klaw converted into a prosthetic for his own missing arm, powered (presumably) by the sheer badass he radiates. The Orks have immortalized him in fearful legends, believing that he cannot be killed and that a single glance from him brings death. On hearing the latter part of this legend, Yarrick decided that if the Orks believed he had an evil eye, the by the Emperor he would HAVE an evil eye. He then proceeded to PLUCK OUT HIS OWN EYE AND HAVE IT REPLACED WITH A LASER-SHOOTING BIONIC EYE. The short version? This man makes ''Orks'' wet themselves.
** ''[[Dawn of War]]'' plays the trope straight: the ''Winter Assault'' tutorial specifically mentions that the Guardsmen are [[Red Shirt|simple humans fighting against the worst monstrosities of the universe]], hence why they break so easily. Attaching a commissar to a squad however makes that squad near-immune to morale: not even a flamethrower will make them run. If they do break anyway, the commissar has the ability of executing a random soldier to instantly restore squad morale. And they happen to be [[Badass Normal|awesome melee fighters]] to boot... but only three can be deployed at a time.
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* Commissar Dottski from ''Up Front''. He adds +1 morale to everyone in his group ("in the Red Army, advance is less dangerous than retreat") but if any man in the group becomes pinned, draw a card to see who the commissar is watching. If he's watching the pinned soldier, BAM! Dottski takes out his pistol and executes the man. Germans score victory points for KIA.
** The name Dottski was a reference to the Dotts, the owners of the game publisher. (Many of the other soldier names in the game were also references to the game designers and playtesters.)
* ''Advanced Squad Leader'' allows the Russians (and a few other countries by scenario special rule) to have commissars until late in 1942. Said leaders raise the morale and improve rallying for any troops they are stacked with. But any squad that does NOT rally is lowered in quality.
* The Loyalty Officer inIn ''[[Paranoia (game)|Paranoia]]'' the Loyalty Officer. Their loyalty is directly to Friend Computer, not the Team Leader.
== Video Games ==
* Major Lebedjev from ''[[World in Conflict]]: [[Expansion Pack|Soviet Assault]]''.
* Commissar Letlev at the beginning of the Soviet campaign in ''[[Call of Duty|Call of Duty 2]]''. However, he was portrayed more as a gently chiding and often hilarious but still tough training officer and the only threats of being shot for cowardice came not from him but from regular officers. Except if you mess around instead of shoot a teddy bear for target practice like he ordered.
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== Real Life ==
* The [[Red October|Civil War-era]] Red Army is the Trope Codifier for these guys. They also played a large role early during WWII, only to be deactivated in 1942 when a reliable structure of regular commanding officers was established: commissars were left responsible for propaganda and otherwise looking after attitude of commanders and troops, but prohibited from getting underfoot otherwise (to mess with operation planning, first of all), which "coincidentally" was when Red Army stopped suffering major defeats. Later the guys were renamed "zampolits" (political assistants) or "politruks" (political guides) and became little more than advisors to commanding officers and lectors on Communism among soldiers. After [[The Great Politics Mess-Up]], they were further nerfed and now are known as "educator officers", completely depoliticized and acting more like army psychologists than anything else.
* Dmitri Furmanov, the commissar attached to Chapaev's troops, wrote the book that gave Chapaev lasting fame. Later he became the epitome of the benevolent commissar after the release of [[The Movie]] about Chapaev. Later, he experienced [[Memetic Mutation]] (along with Chapaev and [[The Lancer|Petka]]) and became a recurring character in [[Russian Humour]].
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* When Rome was a republic, the senior officers of the roman army were apointed by the senate, or directly elected by the people's assembly. Many politicians were also generals, like Ceasar. There are a few other historical periods when the officers were elected: At the beginning of the french revolution, in some republican units during the spanish civil war...
* The British Army on the Northwest Frontier(Afghan border) in Victorian times had an officer with a similar title. In a subversion he was not their as a watchdog over the general but got the title because he was part of the Indian Political Service. His function was to keep the general up to snuff on the sociology and politics of local tribes, and his duties are better described as intelligence advisor then as what is normally implied by the title.
* Political Officers of the stereotypical manner tend to arise in revolutionary regimes that haven't satisfied a claim to legitimacy. Of course the real claim to legitimacy in any long running state is, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" but most states want something that sounds better and of course a revolution is obvious evidence that something is "broke" but not yet evidence that it is "fixed". And the fabled problem of "guarding the guardians" is more strained when said guardians might not take the regime for granted.
[[Running Gag|*BLAM!*]]
[[Category:Dirty Communists]]
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