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* #NotYourShield
** ''Explanation:'' A hashtag that was taken up in 2014 by female and minority gamers as well as others to express their discontent and anger at journalists, activists, SJWs and their peers who feign to speak on their behalf. It's also used, despite accusations from anti-GG, to highlight how pro-GG isn't solely comprised of "straight, white men." Although the hashtag itself has since petered out, its impact can still be felt in GG.
* ''Anything'' to do with the UN Cyberviolence Report.
** ''Explanation:'' The ''Cyber Violence Against Women and Girls'' report released in 2015 by the United Nations is notorious for being [[Epic Fail|unprofessionally inept]] at best and [[Documentary of Lies|disingenuously false]] at worst, which soon became a source for memes. Among the most infamous examples being how the paper (the original version, at least) cited the researchers' ''hard drives'' and quoting without any shred of irony a polemic about how video games are turning kids into "killer zombies."
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