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Gamergate/Memes: Difference between revisions

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* ''Anything'' to do with the UN Cyberviolence Report.
** ''Explanation:'' The ''Cyber Violence Against Women and Girls'' report released in 2015 by the United Nations is notorious for being [[Epic Fail|unprofessionally inept]] at best and [[Documentary of Lies|disingenuously false]] at worst, which soon became a source for memes. Among the most infamous examples being how the paper (the original version, at least) cited the researchers' ''hard drives'' and quoting without any shred of irony a polemic about how video games are turning kids into "killer zombies."
* Soggy knees and freeze peaches.
** ''Explanation:'' Detractors have a tendency to frame GG as a [[Straw Misogynist]] movement and mock free speech arguments, especially those favorable to GG. In response, pro-GG mock the accusations by calling it "muh soggy knees" (for misogyny) and "freeze peaches" (for free specch), though the latter tends to be a [[Forced Meme]] in discussions.
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