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So Bad It's Good/Film: Difference between revisions

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* The first ''[[The Omega Code]]'' (1999) also qualifies, with Casper Van Dien and Micheal Ironside in addition to Micheal York. Their performances are so fun to watch. Its also rather subtle for being a End Times film (until the end). It's a bad flim, but an enjoyable one.
== 2000s ==
* The DVD compilation ''Sleazy Slashers'' (2000-2001, DVD released in 2004) has four movies, each of which fall into this trope. Maybe not ''Backwoods'', though.
* Noboru Iguchi's films are Japanese exploitation action shlock, with young girls and lots of gore.
** ''[[The Machine Girl]]'' (2008). Gatling Gun Arm attached to a schoolgirl, Ninjas that look like Football players, and 1970s violence despite being a 2008 movie, and a Drill Bra. What makes this so hilarious, is its genre is listed Action/Adventure. A lot of schlocky movies are hard to watch because of [[padding]]. This film replaces padding with [[High-Pressure Blood]].
** ''[[Robo Geisha]]'' (2009) is just so ridiculous, it's hilarious. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo-gGes6qig (Trailer)]
* ''[[The Blair Witch Project|Book Of Shadows: Blair Witch 2]]'' (2000) makes no sense, has nothing to do with the original, has unlikable characters and a ton of unanswered questions. However, there's something oddly... charming about it.
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* The film ''Killjoy'' (2000) is a prime example of this. A killer clown offers drugs to "gangstas" in an effort to entice them into the back of his magical ice cream truck so he can kill them when they are transported to an abandoned warehouse. The special effects are laughable, the acting is terrible, the plot is ludicrous, and the whole film is so bad it is awesome.
* ''Max Knight: Ultra Spy'' (2000). From unintelligible [[Techno Babble|hacker speak]] to a climax filmed using a ''[[Half Life]] mod'', the movie is completely terrible and completely awesome at the same time.
* ''Ready to Rumble'' (2000), a movie made to capitalize on the [[Professional Wrestling]] phenomenon of the late '90s thanks to the [[WWE|WWF]]'s [[Attitude Era]], was produced '''with their competition!''' [[WCW]] used this to try to regain their popularity after [[Memetic Mutation|Mick Foley put their fans' asses in the WWF's seats]], and boy did it bomb! The only redeeming qualities about this movie is the unintentional humor and future WCW Champion David Arquette attempting the Spear.
* The Japanese film ''[[Versus]]'' (2000) is like this as far as its acting, plot, and setting go. The action scenes, however, are spectacular. Another hallmark of it being [[So Bad It's Good]] is that the commentary features the director, the producer, and three of the actors, and they were probably all drunk when they recorded it. Japanese B movies seem to have an incredible ability to take a really silly premise, fill it with gore then play everything without a hint of irony.
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* ''[[Pootie Tang]]'' (2001). Perhaps the single greatest concentration of stupid in any one film since the introduction of sound. It's also hilarious.
** Stupid doesn't begin to describe it. There is one scene where the main character's father is killed in the steel mill where he works... by a gorilla. Or should we say, a man in a gorilla costume. No explanation, just a Gorilla runs in and starts killing him. It is described as "the third Gorilla-related death at that Steel mill". Him screaming "Gorilla!" while he's being killed has to be heard to be believed.
* ''Star Ballz'' (2001), a parody of [[Star Wars]] is probably the worst animated porn film ever made, but it is incredibly hilarious. The dubbing is bad, the animation is bad, the dialogue is... astounding but it is absolutely hilarious. Especially since you can make a brain-killing drinking game by naming all the references to popular movies and anime of the time.
* ''[[The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra]]'' (2001) is one of those rare ''intentional'' examples of this trope, an [[Affectionate Parody]] of the worst of the worst B-movies of the '50s and '60s, with nonsensical dialogue, wooden acting, and plenty of [[Special Effect Failure]].
** ''AND IT IS'' '''GLORIOUS!'''
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* The [[Gag Dub]] movie ''[[Kung Pow]]: Enter The Fist'' (2002) is so profoundly, mind-bogglingly idiotic it's hilarious with the right mindset. [[Love It or Hate It|Others will just hate it.]]
* You want a real Christian preaching [[MST|MST3Kable]] film? Look no further than ''Megiddo: [[The Omega Code]] 2'' (2002). This movie truly has it all: acting and dialogue so awkward and bad you wonder if the writers, actors and the director were somehow [[Wild Child|deprived of human contact]] and think people actually act like that; Udo Kier playing a character that does nothing but follow the [[Big Bad]] around wearing a [[Black Cloak]] and sounding like he had just left the ''[[Command & Conquer]]: Yuri's Revenge'' soundstage; [[R. Lee Ermey]] playing the ''President of the United States'' (sadly {{spoiler|only doing so for 5 minutes before getting offed by the [[Big Bad]]}}); and best of all, Michael "[[Austin Powers|Basil Exposition]]" York playing ''the Antichrist'' as a [[Large Ham]] of truly planetary proportions.
* ''[[The Scorpion King]]'' (2002). Probably the most [[Cliché Storm|cliché-laden movie in history]], but still watchable.
* ''[[Shark Attack 3: Megalodon]]'' (2002) is most notable for featuring [[Special Effects Failure|some of the most stupidly hilarious special effects]] and an infamously cheesy line from a pre-''[[Doctor Who]]'' [[John Barrowman]], among other silly things.
* The [[Syfy]] original film ''Vampires: Los Muertos'' (2002) starring Bon Jovi as a surfer/vampire slayer. He tries to stop a vampire takeover with the help of a naive teenage boy, a half-turned woman, a priest {{spoiler|Or is he?}} and a big black guy with a machine gun. What more do you want?!
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* ''Netforce'' (2003) features the most horrible technical jargon and computer [[Techno Babble|mumbo-jumbo]] a script writer can come up with while maintaining a high degree of [[Critical Research Failure]] of how computers, the internet and hacking works. And just like a big rig collision on the information superway, it's impossible to look away!
** Not to be confused with the 1999 [[TV Movie]] based on a book series by [[Tom Clancy]].
* ''[[The Room]]'' (2003), which is supposedly "the best worst movie ever made", dubbed by one ''Entertainment Weekly'' reviewer "the Citizen Kane of bad movies." [[The Onion]] explains it [http://www.avclub.com/articles/the-room,25723/ here]. ''[[The Room]]'' supposedly has more than just a bad plot and bad acting - its full of failed drama and has terrible focus and transitions. It not clear if the director did so on purpose.
{{quote|"You're tearing me APART, Lisa!"}}
** [[Tommy Wiseau]], the films creator (director-writer-producer-star ''and'' main advertiser) [[Parody Retcon|claims it was intentional]]; an actor from the film says instead that Wiseau was very sincere. Many find it easier to believe the actor, especially as it was originally advertised as a serious melodrama.
* The first ''[[Alien vs. Predator (film)|Alien vs. Predator]]'' movie (2004). Alien and Predator going [[WWE|World Wrestling Federation]] on one another? ''Priceless''. (It's worth mentioning that the commentary for ''Alien vs. Predator'' is genuinely entertaining, which is more than can be said for the movie.) Even worse (thus better) was the sequel (2007).
* [[Resident Evil: Apocalypse]] (2004) is several orders of magnitude worse than the original film, and all the more enjoyable for it (at least until [[Uncle Tomfoolery|L.J. opens his mouth]]). Sienna Guillory helped.
* ''Torque'' (2004) - a movie for those who thought ''[[The Fast and the Furious]]'' was too highbrow and grounded in reality. Hypnotically stupid. That [[Ice Cube]] is the best actor in the entire movie (by far) is just gravy.
** Crystal meth, bike fights, and motorcycles that move so fast, they can ignite gasoline from '''DRIVING OVER IT'''. To put it in a word: [[Ansem Retort|"retardalicious"]].
* The ''[[Van Helsing]]'' movie (2004). [[Big Bad]] [[Dracula]] is over-acted; the only guy who gets any action is the sidekick; and there's a Frankensteinsicle. Plus, an [[Impossibly Cool Weapon|automatic crossbow]]. Stephen Sommers' other writing tends towards this trope.
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* Wes Craven's ''[[Cursed (2005 film)|Cursed]]''. Kinda tragic, considering it was supposed to be to werewolf movies what ''[[Scream (film)|Scream]]'' was to slasher movies...
* ''DeVour'' (2005), starring [[Jensen Ackles]], is known as a hot, yet entertaining, mess.
* ''Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave'' (2005): It's [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]. Spectacularly cheesy plot? Beautifully bad acting and effects? '''ZOMBIE RAVES?'''
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{{quote|'''Giant Mook''' (blows up a police car with a bazooka and is met with disbelieving stares from his comrades): What? Too much?}}
** Special mention goes out to the scene where the [[Big Bad]] threatens at gunpoint the hostage who's currently piloting the helicopter they're both sitting in hundreds of feet above the street. (note that the reason she's flying it, is because ''he doesn't know how'')
* Troma is responsible for ''Poultrygeist: Night of the Living Chicken'' (2006), a movie that combines [[So Bad It's Good]], [[Crosses the Line Twice]] and possible brain damage for the viewer.
* ''[[Shadow Man]]'' (2006), produced, written by and starring [[Steven Seagal]]. The movie is a hilarious patchwork of badly shot exposition, cheaply done action scenes, over-the-top terrible acting and the ineffable Seagal himself, playing himself. Himself as an ultra-sexy, uber-badass, martial artist, special agent, MacGyver-esque business genius. Naturally. Not one to share the limelight, he decided against hiring decent actors. It's awesome!
* ''[[Snakes on a Plane]]'' (2006). The premise itself attracted a massive internet following based on its [[So Bad It's Good]]-ness, leading the makers to reshoot certain scenes to make them [[Refuge in Audacity|even more outlandish]]. Notable additions include a snake slithering out of the toilet bowl to latch onto the expected area of a man using the facilities, and [[Samuel L. Jackson]]'s (in)famous line "I have ''had it'' with these ''motherfuckin' snakes'' on this ''motherfuckin' plane''!".
** Did we mention how {{spoiler|''Kenan Thompson'' lands the plane safely because [[I Know Mortal Kombat|he's been playing a flight simulator on his PlayStation Portable for the entire flight?]] And that upon said safe landing, Samuel L. Jackson shouts in his unparalleled badassedness, "ALL PRAISES TO THE PLAYSTATION!"?}}
* The remake of ''[[The Wicker Man]]'' (2006), starring [[Nicolas Cage]]. As far as some viewers are concerned, it was the best [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6i2WRreARo comedy] of the year.
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* ''Flight Of The Living Dead'' (2007). ''[[Snakes on a Plane]]'' with zombies instead of snakes, and without high production values and any shred of self-awareness.
* The ''[[Grindhouse]]'' movies (2007), ''Planet Terror'' and ''Death Proof'', were generally regarded as [[So Bad It's Good]] by critics. ''Death Proof'' was actually criticized a bit for not being stupid enough. The director [[Quentin Tarantino]] has a different opinion: [http://www.cinemastrikesback.com/?cat=126 he doesn't believe in so bad it's good].
* ''[[Stan Lee]]'s Harpies'' (2007): Bad acting, ridiculous plot, and the cheesiest special effects in town. It screams "TV movie".
** The Romanians of several centuries ago in the film somehow speak American-accented English.
* ''[[Ben 10]] Race Against Time'' (2007): The TV show was cliche enough but as a live action flick, it fall flat on its [[Fridge Logic]] face. At least it had some decent SFX. And then there's Lee Majors as Grandpa Max.
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* If you watch ''[[The Happening]]'' (2008) as a comedy rather than a horror film, then it's one of the best movies ever made. As one person put it: "Never before has a movie made people dying so hilarious."
** ''"What?! No!"''
* ''100 Million B.C.'' (2008), a [[Sci-Fi]] original movie, is so bad that it's funny. Complete with cheesy acting and special effects. The sound of time travel was the same sound effect of a [[Pokémon|Pokeball]] opening!
* [[Prom Night 2008|The 2008 remake]] of the 1980 slasher flick ''[[Prom Night]]'' is hilariously bad. First off, it's a ''slasher flick'' rated PG-13. As if that wasn't bad enough, the movie plays out almost every possible applicable cliché, but in a tremendously boring way. The plot is lousy, the acting is bad, even for this genre, the suspense is as exciting as watching grass grow, and the teenage melodrama bullshit is pathetic.
** Also, it tried really, really hard to jump-scare the audience with bedroom decor. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc7ZaZz4CoU Lamp DUN!]
* [[Frank Miller]]'s directorial debut ''[[The Spirit (film)|The Spirit]]'' (2008) is by all rights, a terrible film. However, Miller dials the cheesiness up to such ludicrous levels that one can't help but be at least slightly entertained by it.
{{quote|"[[And This Is For|This is for Sand! This is for me! And this...is for MUFFIN!]]"}}
** [[Samuel L. Jackson]] plays The Octopus as [[Large Ham|over-the top as possible]]. It's a significant surprise when he appears for the first time, you expect a menacing character...and then he whacks The Spirit over the head with a toilet while explaining that [[Toilet Humor|toilet humor]] is always funny.
* ''[[Tokyo Gore Police]]'' (2008), a movie about a virus that has people getting limbs cut off and growing back weaponised, includes gun barrels coming out of someone's eye sockets, a stripper with her legs replaced by the top and bottom of a crocodile mouth with vagina in between, a cannon penis, an amputee gimp that walks on four swords placed on each of her stumps. There is lots of blood-colored water. Everywhere.
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''"Everything has a heart."''
''"I don't."''}}
* ''[[Thankskilling]]'' (2009) is intentionally terrible. It was clearly made by someone that loves the classic slashers, but was wondering the same thing everyone else was: "Why isn't there a Thanksgiving slasher?" The acting sucks, the plot sucks, the special effects suck, but that turkey killer is a riot to watch.
* ''[[Ultraviolet (film)|Ultraviolet]]'' (2006). A worldwide vampire epidemic where they ''[[Not Using the Z Word|never mention the word "vampire"]]''. Plus they walk around in the daylight. And when she meets up with the bad guy, he gives her a very swishy, "Oh, it is ''on''" before the big final battle. And there's a giant Nestle Wonderball full of vampire ninjas. And the [[Mama Bear]] turned up to 11. The coolness of the gravity belt and Violet's arsenal [and her fiber optic hairdos] offset it enough, maybe.
== 2010s ==
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