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**** Fridge Brilliance: One of the problems deep cover agents have is emotionally identifying with the people they're infiltrating, in a Becoming The Mask sense. Perhaps the constant internal 'why I hate these people' rants are the character's coping mechanism for trying to avoid this.
* Also in the genre, the protagonist in the W.E.B. Griffen book, "The Hostage", Charley Castillo, thinks to himself that he likes Mel Gibson movies, and goes into detail about why, which has no relevance to the plot. It would come off strongly as product placement if Gibson was a product.
** Mel Gibson movies ''are'' a product. People pay for copies of them and the production company makes money on them. I wonder if the author was paid, or if he was just a fan?
* [[Michael Crichton]]'s ''[[State of Fear]]'' left approximately half the key plot points unresolved in favor of the heroes making every rant possible on the subject of global warming. This was most strongly evidenced in the [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment]] where one character has to babysit some guy who begins espousing social and media theories that have nothing whatsoever to do with global warming or anything else in the rest of the book (yet end up being what the book is [[Title Drop|named after]]).
* ''[[Jurassic Park]]'', Ian Malcolm spends better than half of his scenes in the book making pages-long speeches about the evils of modern science, despite the fact that he is supposedly dying at the time. There is occasionally a [[Hand Wave]], like when Malcolm is cranked out of his mind on morphine, and is just babbling whatever thoughts come into his head. ''Lost World'' contains long philosophical digressions.
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