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** The best known example is probably sending two serpents to kill Zeus's half-human baby son, Heracles. [[Late Arrival Spoiler|The baby won]]. Hera continued to torment him, eventually driving him temporarily insane and making him slaughter his wife and children. His famous Twelve Labors were expiation for this blood-guilt.
** She forced Leto, a minor goddess pregnant with Zeus's twins, to wander the whole Earth while in labor, looking in vain for a land that would let her rest and give birth. Hera had made all lands refuse to shelter her. She eventually found one island, Delos (or Ortygia), that dared the goddess's wrath and let her rest. The Hera prevented Eileithyia, goddess of childbirth, from visiting Leto, so she went through yet more wretched labor pains until the other goddesses bribed Hera. Finally, Leto gave birth to the gods Apollo and Artemis.
== Real Life ==
* Polish author and artist Bruno Schultz, who was forced to live in the ghetto at Drohobycz during [[World War II]], was under the protection of German Gestapo officer Felix Landau, who admired his work, and was shot and killed by another officer in revenge for Landau killing the officer's "personal Jew."
* In the [[wikipedia:Code of Hammurabi|Code of Hammurabi]] of ancient Babylonia, the punisments for certain crimes are examples of this (as well as [[Values Dissonance]]).
* Since [[Casey Anthony]] was acquited of killing her child, [http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2011/08/10/2011-08-10_casey_anthony_lookalike.html there have been reports of innocent people nearly paying the ultimate price for her alleged crime]. Their only crime? [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|Looking even remotely like Anthony.]] And one victim's ''brother'' got ''two'' [[Eye Scream|black eyes]] as well!
* For some crimes ancient Egyptian law heavily punished both the criminal and their family.
* In ancient China, the [[wikipedia:Nine familial exterminations|Nine Exterminations]] provided for the execution of the criminal, and his entire family within two generations (very briefly: anyone who shares the same grandparent, plus their spouses, plus the families of their spouses).
* Specifically prohibited in [[The Bible]]. The Avenger of Blood is only permitted to kill the convict. Killing anyone other than the convict, or killing someone for something that was not a capital crime (like manslaughter if the homicide was abiding by the terms of the exile) made the Avenger of Blood a murderer, and he was to be put to death.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
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** Finally, he targets Batman by attacking what he values most: ''all of Gotham''.
* Wheeljack does this in [[Transformers Armada]]. He ends up taking Sideswipe hostage to get back at Hot Shot for supposedly abandoning him.
== Real Life ==
* Polish author and artist Bruno Schultz, who was forced to live in the ghetto at Drohobycz during [[World War II]], was under the protection of German Gestapo officer Felix Landau, who admired his work, and was shot and killed by another officer in revenge for Landau killing the officer's "personal Jew."
* In the [[wikipedia:Code of Hammurabi|Code of Hammurabi]] of ancient Babylonia, the punisments for certain crimes are examples of this (as well as [[Values Dissonance]]).
* Since [[Casey Anthony]] was acquited of killing her child, [http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2011/08/10/2011-08-10_casey_anthony_lookalike.html there have been reports of innocent people nearly paying the ultimate price for her alleged crime]. Their only crime? [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|Looking even remotely like Anthony.]] And one victim's ''brother'' got ''two'' [[Eye Scream|black eyes]] as well!
* For some crimes ancient Egyptian law heavily punished both the criminal and their family.
* In ancient China, the [[wikipedia:Nine familial exterminations|Nine Exterminations]] provided for the execution of the criminal, and his entire family within two generations (very briefly: anyone who shares the same grandparent, plus their spouses, plus the families of their spouses).
* Specifically prohibited in [[The Bible]]. The Avenger of Blood is only permitted to kill the convict. Killing anyone other than the convict, or killing someone for something that was not a capital crime (like manslaughter if the homicide was abiding by the terms of the exile) made the Avenger of Blood a murderer, and he was to be put to death.
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