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Yumeria: Difference between revisions

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* [[Humongous Mecha]]: The Faedun at least take the appearance of flying war machines of often quite abstract design.
* [[Hyperspace Mallet]]: Appears several times, usually in Neneko's hands, and is labelled "765 kg".
* [[I Have the High Ground]]: Silk, almost every time she appears;. parodiedParodied with Neneko, who can't figure out how she got on top of a telephone pole, and can't get back down. "It is a mystery that I cannot get down from!"
* [[Imagine Spot]]: Tomokazu has some particularly perverted ones.
* [[Invisible to Normals]]: All the battles take place in the world of dreams.
* [[Japanese Honorifics]]: For some reason, Tomokazu doesn't seem to notice that the MIB who takes him into custody addresses him as "Mikuri Tomokazu-'''sama'''."
* [[Joshikousei]]
* [[Kaleidoscope Eyes]]: Neneko's eyes, normally something like brown shading to violet, turn blue-green when {{spoiler|the "reincarnation from the future" is in control of her body}}.
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* [[Lethal Chef]]: Neneko and Mone.
* [[Limited Wardrobe]]: All the characters seem to have one only one set of "civilian" clothes -- except for the yukata they wear during the [[Festival Episode]].
* [[Lolicon]]: Ishikari-Sensei admits to being one. Admits it? He '''boasts''' of it (because it makes him immune to Nanase's [[Gainaxing]] power).
* [[Magical Girl]]: Sentai version.
* [[Marshmallow Hell]]: Tomokazu, Nanase.
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* [[Odango]]: Kuyou.
* [[Ordinary High School Student]]: Tomokazu.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Tomokazu's an orphan being raised by his cousin Nanase;. Nanase's entire family has been in America for years at the start of the series;. Mone apparently has no history whatsoever;. Neneko seems to be a street urchin with no fixed abode or family save her kitten Koneko, although she says, in her first appearance, that she'll tell her parents about the mysterious occurrence she's just seen.
* [[Pastel-Chalked Freeze-Frame]]: Several, with a few played for laughs.
* [[Pigeonholed Voice Actor]]: Played straight and averted, as Kikuko Inoue gets to play a [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] ''and'' a gruff tomboy-type -- {{spoiler|who are both the same person}}.
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* [[The Sweat Drop]]
* [[Team Shot]]: Invoked: The girls decide on a standard "victory pose" that they will assume after a battle.
* [[Thanks for the Mammary]]: During one battle with the FadeunFaedun, Tomokazu, Mone, and Mizuki (who all happened to be in swimsuits since it was a [[Beach Episode]]), barely dodge an attack, and he ends up on top of both girls, with each of his hands on one of the boobs of each of one of the girls, which eventually triggers their [[Wave Motion Gun]] and saves the day.
* [[Time Travel]]: Via reincarnation ''into the past''.
* [[Token Mini-Moe]]: Neneko and Mone.
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