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* Dr. Hell from ''[[Mazinger Z]]'' killed a dog when he was a little child because he thought the mutt was glaring at him. You could tell his sanity was already very strained back then. Also, he was abused by everybody when he was young, and he thinks to [[Take Over the World]] and enslave the humanity is a proper punishment for wrongs were made several decades ago.
* Lina Inverse, main character of ''[[Slayers]]'', does this a lot—sometimes she seems to have only two levels of punishment: shouting, and blowing things up. It's primarily this willingness to fly off her head over little things and react by throwing around [[Sphere of Destruction]] type spells that gives her such a bad reputation.
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh (anime)|Yu-Gi-Oh]]'' is notorious for this. Yugi was the target of several ill-conceived vengeance plots throughout the various seasons. One particular example hadwas Rebecca, the daughter of one of Yugi's grandfather's friends, challengewho challenged him because his grandpa "stole" her grandpa's rare card. Of course, two seasons later she showed up ''with a crush on him.''
** [[Jerkass|Jerkass Seto Kaiba]] does this to an extreme in the manga version, where he traps Yugi and his friends (and a toddler one of them happens to be babysitting) in "Death-T", a gauntlet of murderous trials and challenges where failing could lead to death. Seriously, hiring professional assassins for a REAL laser tag, electric chairs powered by screams, hiring a SERIAL SLASHER... and the reason for all this? Because Yugi beat him in a card game (which Kaiba himself tried to cheat in.) The fact that he is [[Easily Forgiven]] is just insulting to the readers' intelligence.
*** Kaiba's revenge wasn't ''just'' for his defeat, it was because of the Penalty Game that the Pharaoh put him through after he lost. For the crime of stealing his card and threatening him for it, the Pharaoh trapped Seto in an illusion where he experienced his own death. This was actually perhaps the most ''merciful'' that the Pharaoh's Penalty Games have been. In this case, he ''meant'' for the experience to help change Kaiba's ways. What actually happened is that Kaiba was traumatized enough to have recurring nightmares about the experience. In fact, in order to make his revenge more complete, he built a technological version of the penalty game, using holograms, to subject Yugi to. Eventually, the Pharaoh got sick of all the revenge schemes, and just blew up the evil part of Seto's mind. He came out of it a sort of changed man. Granted, it put him into a ''coma'' for nearly a year, but still.
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* In ''[[Fist of the North Star]]'', the villain [[Ax Crazy|Amiba]] decides to imprison Toki, get plastic surgery to look just like him, impersonate him, and perform horrible experiments to ruin his good name... because Toki slapped him in the face once.
** Hokuto Shinken, due to its horrific effects when it is used to kill, can often be seen as disproportionate for many of the bad guys that Kenshiro uses it on. Though to be fair, quite a few of these bad guys are not above doing horrible things to innocent people, which is Kenshiro's general [[Berserk Button]].
* A flashback in ''[[Elfen Lied]]'' reveals that Lucy {{spoiler|killed Kouta's sister and father}} just because Kouta {{spoiler|lied about his cousin's gender}}. To be fair, Lucy is rather screwed up in the head due to just about everyone she's dealt with, from [[Kids Are Cruel|the kids at her orphanage]] to [[Playing with Syringes|the researchers at that lab]], being [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|worse than bastards to her]].
** {{spoiler|Actually, it was less the lie than the thought of Kouta expressing romantic feelings towards someone else. After hearing Kouta say the cousin he was going with was a boy, Lucy thinks to herself that she would have killed Yuka in a fit of jealously if she'd known she was a girl. So regardless if whether Kouta had spoken the truth or not, someone was still bound to get killed.}}
* In ''[[Bleach]]'', {{spoiler|Aizen}} pays more attention to his captive Orihime than to his biggest fangirls, Arrancar twins Lolly and Menoly. Their response? To get Orihime alone, and beat the shit out of her. When that fails (only on the fortunate timing of Grimmjow), their plan is to kill her while Ichigo is fighting Ulquiorra.
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* Many [[Shoujo]] manga have this, where the protagonist attracts the attention of the [[Bishonen|"School Prince"]], causing all of the female students in the school to [[Yoko Oh No|kidnap her and attempt to beat and cut her up]].
* More of a villainous example, but in ''[[Deadman Wonderland]]'', after Shiro breaks Genkaku's beloved electric guitar, the next time he meets her, he captures her and orders his men to cut her up and rape her. (Part of it was also because he seemed [[Stalker with a Crush|angry and jealous that she was Nagi's friend]], but mostly because of his guitar.)
* ''[[One Piece]]'':
** In ''[[One Piece]]'', theThe island of Ohara was subjected to the Buster Call, which is basically an assload of warships pelting the place with giant cannons until there's nothing left. Their crime? Researching the history of the world.
** It is disproportionate in that everybody but {{spoiler|Robin}} was blown to smithereens, including non-researchers, but the subject matter did contain some information which the World Government didn't want out. It's implied that the government didn't put much effort into hiding their displeasure of Ohara's research.
** Near the beginning of the series, Morgan decreed that anyone who tried to feed a prisoner tied to the cross in the courtyard would be punished for the prisoner's crime. A little girl, not eight years old, would have been executed for trying to feed Zoro if Luffy hadn't defeated Morgan.
** {{spoiler|In the flashback to Luffy's childhood, Saint Jalmack sinks Sabo's boat and possibly kills him for cutting in front of the ship the World Noble was on. He could have justified it with Sabo's pirate flag, but he gave the crossing paths excuse higher priority. Hence this trope.}}
** When Luffy punches a World Noble named Charlos for shooting Hachi, Charlos's father calls in the Marines, including Admiral Kizaru, to the island, and then declares his intention to starve the men of the crew to death while working them as slaves and have the women stuffed, overlapping this with [[Knight Templar Parent]] and [[Moral Myopia]].
** Katakuri, [[The Dragon]] to Big Mom during the Whole Cake Island arc, is very sensitive about his mouth, which is overly large and full of sharp teeth. He always covers it with a scarf except when he eats, and he does ''that'' in private. When Luffy witnessed him eating, Katakuri flew into such a rage that, in addition to attacking Luffy, he murdered his own chefs for no reason at all.
* In ''[[Naruto]]'', {{spoiler|[[Big Bad|Madara Uchiha]] wanted to continue the war with the Senju when the two clans had gotten tired of fighting and banded together to create Konoha. The Uchiha family rejected him as a warmonger, and Madara elects to get even with this "betrayal" by assisting Itachi in killing the entire clan.}}
** And it seems that {{spoiler|Uchiha Sasuke}} is following after his ancestor in the 'disproportionate retribution' department. How? Well, after {{spoiler|Finding out that Itachi was under orders by Danzou, Sarutobi, Koharu, and Homura to execute the Uchiha clan for treason and an attempted coup that would result in a costly civil war}}, he apparently decides to {{spoiler|'''MURDER EVERYONE!''' Danzou, Homura, Koharu, the villagers of Konoha (who had no idea about the attempted coup, much less that Itachi's genocidal actions were sanctioned), innocent samurai who are only doing their job, etc.}} Apparently the only way to make everything better is to go on a {{spoiler|genocidal rampage that would make Pain green with envy.}}
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** A few episodes of Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori (Hell Girl 2nd season) portray this trope. Also happened in an episode of Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae (Hell Girl 3rd season).
** One target in the third season literally gets sent to hell so the client can avoid potential minor embarrassment.
* ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'' has a number of things like this, but the most ridiculous is probably the time that Asuna managed to nick Evangeline's cheek. Eva's response? [https://web.archive.org/web/20090131072823/http://www.onemanga.com/Mahou_Sensei_Negima!/182/12/ Lick the blood off and encase Asuna in a block of ice.] [[Fridge Horror]] sets in when you realize that Eva is a vampire who can regenerate any damage anyway, that this took place during a ''[[Training Fromfrom Hell|training exercise]]'', and that if it weren't for Asuna's [[Anti-Magic]], she would have been ''encased in ice '''[https://web.archive.org/web/20100730071301/http://www.onemanga.com/Mahou_Sensei_Negima!/182/15/ for ten years]'''.''
* ''[[Excel Saga (anime)|Excel Saga]]'' played this for laughs when Department of City Security head Dr. Kabapu forced his team to patrol the city in [[Sentai]] suits. Cue [[Stuff Blowing Up]] for minor offenses, like littering and flirting.
* An older boy in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (anime)|Yu-Gi-Oh GX]]'' that Judai looked up to used a trap card to stop him from summoning Yubel in a duel when he was a kid. He was fairly upset... so Yubel put him in the hospital. When Judai visited the boy later, Yubel did ''something'' that made him scream. Small wonder nobody wanted to play with him, because she ''kept'' doing these kinds of things.
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* ''[[Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple|Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple]]'' has Odin, the leader of Ragnarok, who got started on the path of evil as a child when {{spoiler|he didn't get the pin he wanted out of a vending machine, but Kenichi did. He fought Kenichi over it, lost, and has been bitter about it ever since in part because Kenichi wanted him to have the pin anyway.}}
* [[Monster (manga)|Johan]] much? If you've seen him, you die. If you've associated with him, you die. If he [[For the Evulz|thinks it would be funny]], you die. If you ''sheltered him and his sister'', [[Self-Made Orphan|you die]]. Though if you're [[The Messiah|Dr. Tenma]] and made the mistake of [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished|saving a little kid with a potentially fatal bullet wound]], he [[Mind Rape]]s you and dedicates himself to [[Break the Cutie|trying to break your faith in humanity]] instead. Just go take a look at his picture over on the [[Complete Monster]] page.
* In ''[[Twentieth20th Century Boys]]'' by the same author, {{spoiler|second}} Friend is ready to annihilate mankind as "unworthy to live" because {{spoiler|one of his childhood friend once committed a petty theft and let him take the blame}}. Keep in mind they were about nine years old at the time.
** It should be noted that the consequences of the above were that {{spoiler|Friend was symbolically executed and everyone pretended he was dead. This was done so thoroughly that, as adults, everyone from that clique thought he was really dead.}} Which should be considered [[Disproportionate Retribution]] as well.
* Both the grievance and the response are delivered accidentally in ''[[Kyou no Go no Ni]]'''s first episode. When Yuki and Megumi get hit on the head (accidentally) by two high-bouncing "Superballs", and then hit again on the upbounce of another round, cue an argument ending with Yuki accidentally slipping on said superballs in such a way as to deliver a perfect [[Groin Attack]] to Ryouta. Needless to say the matter is considered settled after that.
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** No mention of Paul, who feels the best way to prove himself a better trainer than his brother (who lost to Pyramid King Brandon in a [[Curb Stomp Battle]]) is to crush the morale of everything he can possibly reach?
** James has shades of this. He ''really'' likes his bottle cap collection. When it had been (accidentally) stolen by a trash-collecting robot, he tried to ''steal the Sunnyshore Tower''. In other words, he tried to '''steal a bloody skyscraper'''. What truly seals the craziness is that that ''was'' Team Rocket's evil-plan-of-the-week...and Jessie and Meowth were ''still'' freaked out at James' sudden gung-ho attitude!
*** One that doubles as [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: One episode saw a pack of baby Pokemon (including James' own Mime Jr.) in danger. James [[Pet the Dog|agreed to help out almost immediately]]—and he reacted...violently when Jessie and Meowth refused to help. Both of the above instances happened ''before'' Team Rocket [[Took a Level Inin Badass]].
* In ''[[Pokémon Special]]'', the Sinnoh Trio make a lot of noise in Mt. Coronet's caves. Cyrus feels that burying the three twelve-year old children in a rock slide is the appropriate response.
* Lucia of ''[[Rave Master]]'' succeeds at exacting this. While what happened to him really sucked, I mean ''really'' sucked, [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|his reaction was a bit extreme]].
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* ''[[Sailor Moon]] S'': Mimet stole Telulu's job from her. Telulu's response? To send Mimet [[And I Must Scream|falling into a void of nothingness]]. Which either kills her or ''traps her in darkness for all eternity''.
** Consider this: Sailor Moon looked ''utterly horrified'' at Mimet's fate, and it's implied Mimet could have easily killed all the heores in one shot.
* In ''[[xxxHolic×××HOLiC]]'' Watanuki and Doumeki accidentally broke a spider web while doing some garden cleaning. The spider took her revenge by [[Eye Scream|stealing Doumeki's eye]]. Considering that it takes about one hour for a spider to construct a web we could say that [[Minor Injury Overreaction|she overreacted]] a bit.
* {{spoiler|Nakago}} from ''[[Fushigi Yuugi]]''. The reason behind almost everything he does is because of this. {{spoiler|He blames Kutoh for the death of his mother, only friend Tarlia (Seiran Den) and the sexual abuse he suffered as a child}}. He claims he 'wanted revenge on the Heavens that had given [him] hell.'
** Also Suboshi. After {{spoiler|Amiboshi}} dies, he blames the Suzaku warriors and to 'get his revenge' he {{spoiler|kills Tamahome's family}}.
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* ''[[Captive Hearts]]'': Because a thief tried to rob the Kougamis centuries ago, his descendants were forced to serve the Kougamis for the next hundred generations.
* In ''[[Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni]],'' when {{spoiler|Nonomiya}} is blamed for breaking school equipment, he retaliates by taking pictures of {{spoiler|Yoko}} which ultimately turns the school against her and they make her into their plaything. She {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide|kills herself]] and her soul is then eaten by The Principal}}.
*In ''[[The Garden of Words]]'', Aizawa ruins {{spoiler| Yukari's}} reputation with vicious rumours just because of speaking to her boyfriend.
[[Category:Disproportionate Retribution]]
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