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** The original [[Light Novel]] and Manga version versions of the Arm Slaves are even smaller at 10 feet for most AS only the Behemoth is still humongous in-verse at 20. the heights were doubled for the anime versions.
* The walkers and snake-mechs from [[Now and Then Here and There]] are exactly this. However, their hatch seems to close only to protect the pilot as both models rely on direct sight (ie, no cameras; if the hatch is closed, the pilots will be blind)
* ''[[Bubblegum Crisis]]'' has both powered armor ''and'' a sort-of Mini-Mecha, the DD Battlemover. Plus that [[MADOX-01|MADOX]] thing that Mackie drives.
* Most of the [[Code Geass|Knightmare Frames]] used in the first season of ''[[Code Geass]]'' count more as Mini-Mecha than [[Humongous Mecha]]. After all, the cockpits take up a considerable amount of space, and jut out of the back of the devices quite noticeably. Some of the later Knightmare Frames (especially in season two) are large enough to be truly "humungous," however, such as the Middle Eastern League's [http://codegeass.wikia.com/wiki/Bamides Bamides], which are shown to be all but immune to ''tank rounds''.
* ''[[Innocent Venus]]'' has the Gladiators, which are about 15–20 feet tall.
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