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'''Aardman''': Yes you do. You just don't want to admit it. }}
** Admiral Tebbir would feel better [http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2006-04-04 trusting Petey on this one] (see the next 3 pages).
** A belated realization from a retired (and hired by another party) military intelligence analyst (amazingly, they discuss not an assassination, but something ostensibly innocent):
{{quote|'''Trevor''': ...the sergeant can make his merry way to any one of these locations and do his thing. Whatever "his thing" is.
'''Kathryn''': "His thing" is one of those "the less you know about it the happier you'll be" things.
'''Trevor''': I'm unhappy just knowing those things exist.}}
** [[Iron Woobie|Captain Haley Sorlie]] is a [http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2015-03-18 fast-learner]:
{{quote|'''Breya''': There are going to be many interesting things for you to see.
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* ''[[Vexxarr]]'', on [http://www.vexxarr.com/archive.php?seldate=051013 subject] of the protagonist personally starting a war:
{{quote|'''Scavenger Captainbot''': There is now literally no question I could imagine asking you that I am not in mortal terror of finding the answer to.}}
== Western Animation ==
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